Beispiel #1
 * Move the Unit to the target, and keep repeating this function till we
 *  arrived there. When closing in on the target it will slow down the Unit.
 * It is wise to only use this function on Carry-Alls.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return 1 if arrived, 0 if still busy.
uint16 Script_Unit_MoveToTarget(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	uint16 delay;
	tile32 tile;
	uint16 distance;
	int8 orientation;
	int16 diff;

	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;

	if (u->targetMove == 0) return 0;

	tile = Tools_Index_GetTile(u->targetMove);

	distance = Tile_GetDistance(u->o.position, tile);

	if ((int16)distance < 128) {
		Unit_SetSpeed(u, 0);

		u->o.position.s.x += clamp((int16)(tile.s.x - u->o.position.s.x), -16, 16);
		u->o.position.s.y += clamp((int16)(tile.s.y - u->o.position.s.y), -16, 16);

		Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

		if ((int16)distance < 32) return 1;

		script->delay = 2;

		return 0;

	orientation = Tile_GetDirection(u->o.position, tile);

	Unit_SetOrientation(u, orientation, false, 0);

	diff = abs(orientation - u->orientation[0].current);
	if (diff > 128) diff = 256 - diff;

	Unit_SetSpeed(u, (Tools_AdjustToGameSpeed(min(distance / 8, 255), 25, 255, true) * (255 - diff) + 128) / 256);

	delay = max((int16)distance / 1024, 1);

	Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

	if (delay != 0) {
		script->delay = delay;


	return 0;
Beispiel #2
 * Stop the Unit.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The value 0. Always.
uint16 Script_Unit_Stop(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;


	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;

	Unit_SetSpeed(u, 0);

	Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

	return 0;
Beispiel #3
 * Set the speed of a Unit.
 * Stack: 1 - The new speed of the Unit.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The new speed; it might differ from the value given.
uint16 Script_Unit_SetSpeed(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	uint16 speed;

	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;
	speed = clamp(STACK_PEEK(1), 0, 255);

	if (!u->o.flags.s.byScenario) speed = speed * 192 / 256;

	Unit_SetSpeed(u, speed);

	return u->speed;
Beispiel #4
 * Set the speed of a Unit.
 * Stack: 1 - The new speed of the Unit.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The new speed; it might differ from the value given.
uint16 Script_Unit_SetSpeed(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	uint16 speed;

	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;
	speed = STACK_PEEK(1);

	/* Scenario-based units move on a different speed */
	if (!u->o.flags.s.byScenario) speed = speed * 192 / 256;

	Unit_SetSpeed(u, speed);

	return u->speed;
Beispiel #5
 * Set the speed of a Unit.
 * Stack: 1 - The new speed of the Unit.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The new speed; it might differ from the value given.
uint16 Script_Unit_SetSpeed(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	uint16 speed;

	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;
	speed = clamp(STACK_PEEK(1), 0, 255);

	if (!u->o.flags.s.byScenario) speed = speed * 192 / 256;

	if (g_table_unitInfo[u->o.type].movementType == MOVEMENT_WINGER) speed = Tools_AdjustToGameSpeed(speed, 0, 255, true);

	Unit_SetSpeed(u, speed);

	return u->speed;
Beispiel #6
static void Scenario_Load_Unit(const char *key, char *settings)
	uint8 houseType, unitType, actionType;
	int8 orientation;
	uint16 hitpoints;
	tile32 position;
	Unit *u;
	char *split;


	/* The value should have 6 values separated by a ',' */
	split = strchr(settings, ',');
	if (split == NULL) return;
	*split = '\0';

	/* First value is the House type */
	houseType = House_StringToType(settings);
	if (houseType == HOUSE_INVALID) return;

	/* Find the next value in the ',' separated list */
	settings = split + 1;
	split = strchr(settings, ',');
	if (split == NULL) return;
	*split = '\0';

	/* Second value is the Unit type */
	unitType = Unit_StringToType(settings);
	if (unitType == UNIT_INVALID) return;

	/* Find the next value in the ',' separated list */
	settings = split + 1;
	split = strchr(settings, ',');
	if (split == NULL) return;
	*split = '\0';

	/* Third value is the Hitpoints in percent (in base 256) */
	hitpoints = atoi(settings);

	/* Find the next value in the ',' separated list */
	settings = split + 1;
	split = strchr(settings, ',');
	if (split == NULL) return;
	*split = '\0';

	/* Fourth value is the position on the map */
	position = Tile_UnpackTile(atoi(settings));

	/* Find the next value in the ',' separated list */
	settings = split + 1;
	split = strchr(settings, ',');
	if (split == NULL) return;
	*split = '\0';

	/* Fifth value is orientation */
	orientation = (int8)((uint8)atoi(settings));

	/* Sixth value is the current state of the unit */
	settings = split + 1;
	actionType = Unit_ActionStringToType(settings);
	if (actionType == ACTION_INVALID) return;

	u = Unit_Allocate(UNIT_INDEX_INVALID, unitType, houseType);
	if (u == NULL) return;
	u->o.flags.s.byScenario = true;

	u->o.hitpoints   = hitpoints * g_table_unitInfo[unitType].o.hitpoints / 256;
	u->o.position    = position;
	u->orientation[0].current = orientation;
	u->actionID     = actionType;
	u->nextActionID = ACTION_INVALID;

	/* In case the above function failed and we are passed campaign 2, don't add the unit */
	if (!Map_IsValidPosition(Tile_PackTile(u->o.position)) && g_campaignID > 2) {

	/* XXX -- There is no way this is ever possible, as the beingBuilt flag is unset by Unit_Allocate() */
	if (!u->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) Unit_SetAction(u, u->actionID);

	u->o.seenByHouses = 0x00;

	Unit_HouseUnitCount_Add(u, u->o.houseID);

	Unit_SetOrientation(u, u->orientation[0].current, true, 0);
	Unit_SetOrientation(u, u->orientation[0].current, true, 1);
	Unit_SetSpeed(u, 0);
Beispiel #7
 * Delivery of transport, either to structure or to a tile.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return One if delivered, zero otherwise..
uint16 Script_Unit_TransportDeliver(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	Unit *u2;


	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;

	if (u->o.linkedID == 0xFF) return 0;
	if (Tools_Index_GetType(u->targetMove) == IT_UNIT) return 0;

	if (Tools_Index_GetType(u->targetMove) == IT_STRUCTURE) {
		const StructureInfo *si;
		Structure *s;

		s = Tools_Index_GetStructure(u->targetMove);
		si = &g_table_structureInfo[s->o.type];

		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_STARPORT) {
			uint16 ret = 0;

			if (s->state == STRUCTURE_STATE_BUSY) {
				s->o.linkedID = u->o.linkedID;
				u->o.linkedID = 0xFF;
				u->o.flags.s.inTransport = false;
				u->amount = 0;

				Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

				Voice_PlayAtTile(24, u->o.position);

				Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_READY);

				ret = 1;

			u->targetMove = 0;

			return ret;

		if ((s->state == STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE || (si->o.flags.busyStateIsIncoming && s->state == STRUCTURE_STATE_BUSY)) && s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) {
			Voice_PlayAtTile(24, u->o.position);

			Unit_EnterStructure(Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID), s);

			u->targetMove = 0;

			u->o.linkedID = 0xFF;
			u->o.flags.s.inTransport = false;
			u->amount = 0;

			Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

			return 1;

		u->targetMove = 0;

		return 0;

	if (!Map_IsValidPosition(Tile_PackTile(Tile_Center(u->o.position)))) return 0;

	u2 = Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID);

	if (!Unit_SetPosition(u2, Tile_Center(u->o.position))) return 0;

	if (u2->o.houseID == g_playerHouseID) {
		Voice_PlayAtTile(24, u->o.position);

	Unit_SetOrientation(u2, u->orientation[0].current, true, 0);
	Unit_SetOrientation(u2, u->orientation[0].current, true, 1);
	Unit_SetSpeed(u2, 0);

	u->o.linkedID = u2->o.linkedID;
	u2->o.linkedID = 0xFF;

	if (u->o.linkedID != 0xFF) return 1;

	u->o.flags.s.inTransport = false;

	u->targetMove = 0;

	return 1;