Beispiel #1
void AInventory::BecomeItem ()
	if (!(flags & (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOSECTOR)))
		UnlinkFromWorld (nullptr);
		LinkToWorld (nullptr);
	RemoveFromHash ();
	flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
	// stop all sounds this item is playing.
	for(int i = 1;i<=7;i++) S_StopSound(this, i);
	SetState (FindState("Held"));
Beispiel #2
void AInventory::BecomePickup ()
	if (Owner != NULL)
		Owner->RemoveInventory (this);
		UnlinkFromWorld ();
		LinkToWorld ();
		P_FindFloorCeiling (this);
	flags = (GetDefault()->flags | MF_DROPPED) & ~MF_COUNTITEM;
	renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
	SetState (SpawnState);
Beispiel #3
void AInventory::BecomeItem ()
	if (!(flags & (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOSECTOR)))
		UnlinkFromWorld ();
		if (sector_list)
			P_DelSeclist (sector_list);
			sector_list = NULL;
		LinkToWorld ();
	RemoveFromHash ();
	flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
	SetState (FindState("Held"));
Beispiel #4
// P_RemoveMobj
void AActor::Destroy ()

    // Add special to item respawn queue if it is destined to be respawned
	if ((flags & MF_SPECIAL) && !(flags & MF_DROPPED))
		if (type != MT_INV && type != MT_INS && 
            (type < MT_BSOK || type > MT_RDWN))
			itemrespawnque[iquehead] = spawnpoint;
			itemrespawntime[iquehead] = level.time;
			iquehead = (iquehead+1)&(ITEMQUESIZE-1);

			// lose one off the end?
			if (iquehead == iquetail)
				iquetail = (iquetail+1)&(ITEMQUESIZE-1);
	// [RH] Unlink from tid chain
	RemoveFromHash ();

	// unlink from sector and block lists
	UnlinkFromWorld ();

	// Delete all nodes on the current sector_list			phares 3/16/98
	if (sector_list)
		P_DelSeclist (sector_list);
		sector_list = NULL;

	// stop any playing sound
    if (clientside)
		S_RelinkSound (this, NULL);

	Super::Destroy ();
Beispiel #5
bool APathFollower::Interpolate ()
	fixed_t dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = 0;

	if ((args[2] & 8) && Time > 0.f)
		dx = x;
		dy = y;
		dz = z;

	if (CurrNode->Next==NULL) return false;

	UnlinkFromWorld ();
	if (args[2] & 1)
	{	// linear
		x = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->x), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->x)));
		y = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->y), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->y)));
		z = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->z), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->z)));
	{	// spline
		if (CurrNode->Next->Next==NULL) return false;

		x = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->x), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->x),
								FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->x), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->x)));
		y = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->y), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->y),
								FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->y), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->y)));
		z = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->z), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->z),
								FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->z), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->z)));
	LinkToWorld ();

	if (args[2] & 6)
		if (args[2] & 8)
			if (args[2] & 1)
			{ // linear
				dx = CurrNode->Next->x - CurrNode->x;
				dy = CurrNode->Next->y - CurrNode->y;
				dz = CurrNode->Next->z - CurrNode->z;
			else if (Time > 0.f)
			{ // spline
				dx = x - dx;
				dy = y - dy;
				dz = z - dz;
				int realarg = args[2];
				args[2] &= ~(2|4|8);
				Time += 0.1f;
				dx = x;
				dy = y;
				dz = z;
				Interpolate ();
				Time -= 0.1f;
				args[2] = realarg;
				dx = x - dx;
				dy = y - dy;
				dz = z - dz;
				x -= dx;
				y -= dy;
				z -= dz;
			if (args[2] & 2)
			{ // adjust yaw
				angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, dx, dy);
			if (args[2] & 4)
			{ // adjust pitch; use floats for precision
				float fdx = FIXED2FLOAT(dx);
				float fdy = FIXED2FLOAT(dy);
				float fdz = FIXED2FLOAT(-dz);
				float dist = (float)sqrt (fdx*fdx + fdy*fdy);
				float ang = dist != 0.f ? (float)atan2 (fdz, dist) : 0;
				pitch = (angle_t)(ang * 2147483648.f / PI);
			if (args[2] & 2)
			{ // interpolate angle
				float angle1 = (float)CurrNode->angle;
				float angle2 = (float)CurrNode->Next->angle;
				if (angle2 - angle1 <= -2147483648.f)
					float lerped = Lerp (angle1, angle2 + 4294967296.f);
					if (lerped >= 4294967296.f)
						angle = (angle_t)(lerped - 4294967296.f);
						angle = (angle_t)lerped;
				else if (angle2 - angle1 >= 2147483648.f)
					float lerped = Lerp (angle1, angle2 - 4294967296.f);
					if (lerped < 0.f)
						angle = (angle_t)(lerped + 4294967296.f);
						angle = (angle_t)lerped;
					angle = (angle_t)Lerp (angle1, angle2);
			if (args[2] & 1)
			{ // linear
				if (args[2] & 4)
				{ // interpolate pitch
					pitch = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->pitch), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->pitch)));
			{ // spline
				if (args[2] & 4)
				{ // interpolate pitch
					pitch = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->pitch), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->pitch),
						FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->pitch), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->pitch)));

	return true;
Beispiel #6
bool APathFollower::Interpolate ()
	fixed_t dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = 0;

	if ((args[2] & 8) && Time > 0.f)
		dx = X();
		dy = Y();
		dz = Z();

	if (CurrNode->Next==NULL) return false;

	UnlinkFromWorld ();
	fixed_t x, y, z;
	if (args[2] & 1)
	{	// linear
		x = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->X()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->X())));
		y = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Y()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Y())));
		z = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Z()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Z())));
	{	// spline
		if (CurrNode->Next->Next==NULL) return false;

		x = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->X()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->X()),
								FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->X()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->X())));
		y = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->Y()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Y()),
								FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Y()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->Y())));
		z = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->Z()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Z()),
								FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Z()), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->Z())));
	SetXYZ(x, y, z);
	LinkToWorld ();

	if (args[2] & 6)
		if (args[2] & 8)
			if (args[2] & 1)
			{ // linear
				dx = CurrNode->Next->X() - CurrNode->X();
				dy = CurrNode->Next->Y() - CurrNode->Y();
				dz = CurrNode->Next->Z() - CurrNode->Z();
			else if (Time > 0.f)
			{ // spline
				dx = x - dx;
				dy = y - dy;
				dz = z - dz;
				int realarg = args[2];
				args[2] &= ~(2|4|8);
				Time += 0.1f;
				dx = x;
				dy = y;
				dz = z;
				Interpolate ();
				Time -= 0.1f;
				args[2] = realarg;
				dx = x - dx;
				dy = y - dy;
				dz = z - dz;
				x -= dx;
				y -= dy;
				z -= dz;
				SetXYZ(x, y, z);
			if (args[2] & 2)
			{ // adjust yaw
				angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, dx, dy);
			if (args[2] & 4)
			{ // adjust pitch; use floats for precision
				double fdx = FIXED2DBL(dx);
				double fdy = FIXED2DBL(dy);
				double fdz = FIXED2DBL(-dz);
				double dist = sqrt (fdx*fdx + fdy*fdy);
				double ang = dist != 0.f ? atan2 (fdz, dist) : 0;
				pitch = (fixed_t)RAD2ANGLE(ang);
			if (args[2] & 2)
			{ // interpolate angle
				float angle1 = (float)CurrNode->angle;
				float angle2 = (float)CurrNode->Next->angle;
				if (angle2 - angle1 <= -2147483648.f)
					float lerped = Lerp (angle1, angle2 + 4294967296.f);
					if (lerped >= 4294967296.f)
						angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped - 4294967296.f);
						angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped);
				else if (angle2 - angle1 >= 2147483648.f)
					float lerped = Lerp (angle1, angle2 - 4294967296.f);
					if (lerped < 0.f)
						angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped + 4294967296.f);
						angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped);
					angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(Lerp (angle1, angle2));
			if (args[2] & 1)
			{ // linear
				if (args[2] & 4)
				{ // interpolate pitch
					pitch = FLOAT2FIXED(Lerp (FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->pitch), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->pitch)));
			{ // spline
				if (args[2] & 4)
				{ // interpolate pitch
					pitch = FLOAT2FIXED(Splerp (FIXED2FLOAT(PrevNode->pitch), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->pitch),
						FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->pitch), FIXED2FLOAT(CurrNode->Next->Next->pitch)));

	return true;
Beispiel #7
bool APathFollower::Interpolate ()
	DVector3 dpos(0, 0, 0);
	FLinkContext ctx;

	if ((args[2] & 8) && Time > 0.f)
		dpos = Pos();

	if (CurrNode->Next==NULL) return false;

	UnlinkFromWorld (&ctx);
	DVector3 newpos;
	if (args[2] & 1)
	{	// linear
		newpos.X = Lerp(CurrNode->X(), CurrNode->Next->X());
		newpos.Y = Lerp(CurrNode->Y(), CurrNode->Next->Y());
		newpos.Z = Lerp(CurrNode->Z(), CurrNode->Next->Z());
	{	// spline
		if (CurrNode->Next->Next==NULL) return false;

		newpos.X = Splerp(PrevNode->X(), CurrNode->X(), CurrNode->Next->X(), CurrNode->Next->Next->X());
		newpos.Y = Splerp(PrevNode->Y(), CurrNode->Y(), CurrNode->Next->Y(), CurrNode->Next->Next->Y());
		newpos.Z = Splerp(PrevNode->Z(), CurrNode->Z(), CurrNode->Next->Z(), CurrNode->Next->Next->Z());
	LinkToWorld (&ctx);

	if (args[2] & 6)
		if (args[2] & 8)
			if (args[2] & 1)
			{ // linear
				dpos.X = CurrNode->Next->X() - CurrNode->X();
				dpos.Y = CurrNode->Next->Y() - CurrNode->Y();
				dpos.Z = CurrNode->Next->Z() - CurrNode->Z();
			else if (Time > 0.f)
			{ // spline
				dpos = newpos - dpos;
				int realarg = args[2];
				args[2] &= ~(2|4|8);
				Time += 0.1f;
				dpos = newpos;
				Interpolate ();
				Time -= 0.1f;
				args[2] = realarg;
				dpos = newpos - dpos;
				newpos -= dpos;
			if (args[2] & 2)
			{ // adjust yaw
				Angles.Yaw = dpos.Angle();
			if (args[2] & 4)
			{ // adjust pitch; use floats for precision
				double dist = dpos.XY().Length();
				Angles.Pitch = dist != 0.f ? VecToAngle(dist, -dpos.Z) : 0.;
			if (args[2] & 2)
			{ // interpolate angle
				DAngle angle1 = CurrNode->Angles.Yaw.Normalized180();
				DAngle angle2 = angle1 + deltaangle(angle1, CurrNode->Next->Angles.Yaw);
				Angles.Yaw = Lerp(angle1.Degrees, angle2.Degrees);
			if (args[2] & 1)
			{ // linear
				if (args[2] & 4)
				{ // interpolate pitch
					Angles.Pitch = Lerp(CurrNode->Angles.Pitch.Degrees, CurrNode->Next->Angles.Pitch.Degrees);
			{ // spline
				if (args[2] & 4)
				{ // interpolate pitch
					Angles.Pitch = Splerp(PrevNode->Angles.Pitch.Degrees, CurrNode->Angles.Pitch.Degrees,
						CurrNode->Next->Angles.Pitch.Degrees, CurrNode->Next->Next->Angles.Pitch.Degrees);

	return true;