//******************************************** // Alloc //******************************************** int CTexture::Alloc(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth) { Free(); unsigned int BytePerPixel = (unsigned int)(depth / 8); unsigned int Width32 = WidthByte32(width,depth); // Only rgb and rgba modes ASSERT(BytePerPixel == 3 || BytePerPixel == 4); m_pData = new unsigned char [Width32 * height]; if(m_pData == NULL) { TRACE("CTexture::Alloc : Insuffisant memory\n"); AfxMessageBox("CTexture::Alloc : Insufisant memory"); return 0; } // Set members variables m_Width = width; m_WidthByte32 = Width32; m_Height = height; m_Depth = depth; UpdateHeader(); return 1; }
OP_STATUS OpScopeHttpLogger::ResponseReceived(void* ptr, const char* ctx) { if (IsEnabled()) { double time = g_op_time_info->GetTimeUTC(); OpScopeHttpInfo *info = reinterpret_cast<OpScopeHttpInfo *>(requests.First()); for (; info; info = reinterpret_cast<OpScopeHttpInfo *>(info->Suc())) { if (info->ptr == ptr) break; } if (info) { info->time_response_sent = time; OP_STATUS status = OpStatus::OK; if (AcceptWindow(info->window)) { Header msg; RETURN_IF_ERROR(UpdateHeader(msg, ptr, info->id, ctx, info->response_header.CStr(), info->response_header.Length(), info->window, info->time_response_sent)); status = SendOnResponse(msg); } info->Out(); OP_DELETE(info); return status; } else return OpStatus::ERR; } else return OpStatus::OK; }
// Call this function after you create the window or after an prefs update void CHeaderView::UpdateSettings( void ) { COLORREF *IRCColors = PrefsColorsToIRCEditCtrlColors(g_pPrefs->m_ColorPrefs); if (IRCColors) { m_EditCtrl.SetColors(IRCColors); free (IRCColors); } m_EditCtrl.SetFont(GetAppFont(PREF_fHeaderFont)); // TODO: new font pref needed m_EditCtrl.SetBackgroundColor(m_BackColor); if (m_CurrentHeader) UpdateHeader(m_CurrentHeader); else { m_EditCtrl.SetSel(0,-1); CHARFORMAT2 fmt; m_EditCtrl.GetDefaultCharFormat(fmt); fmt.dwEffects = 0; fmt.dwMask = CFM_COLOR | CFM_BACKCOLOR; fmt.crTextColor = m_TextColor; fmt.crBackColor = m_BackColor; fmt.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2); m_EditCtrl.SetSelectionCharFormat(fmt); } }
OP_STATUS OpScopeHttpLogger::RequestSent(void* ptr, const char* ctx, const char* buf, size_t buf_len) { if (IsEnabled()) { double time = g_op_time_info->GetTimeUTC(); OpScopeHttpInfo *info = reinterpret_cast<OpScopeHttpInfo *>(requests.First()); for (; info; info = reinterpret_cast<OpScopeHttpInfo *>(info->Suc())) { if (info->ptr == ptr) break; } if (!info || !AcceptWindow(info->window)) return OpStatus::OK; info->time_request_sent = time; Header msg; RETURN_IF_ERROR(UpdateHeader(msg, ptr, info->id, ctx, buf, buf_len, info->window, time)); return SendOnRequest(msg); } else return OpStatus::OK; }
LRESULT CUIHandlerOnekey::OnCleanState(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { CleanRecord* pCleanRecord = (CleanRecord*)(PVOID)wParam; //CurrentCleanEntry* pCleanEntry = NULL; CleanEntry entry; if (!pCleanRecord) goto clean0; if (0 == lParam) { pCleanRecord->m_fBegined = TRUE; pCleanRecord->m_dwBeginTime = GetTickCount(); pCleanRecord->m_dwEndTime = GetTickCount(); goto clean0; } if (1 == lParam && !m_bCancel) { pCleanRecord->m_fFinished = TRUE; pCleanRecord->m_dwEndTime = GetTickCount(); // 开始下一项扫描 if (pCleanRecord == &m_ctrlClean.m_recordTrashClean) { m_cleanStates[0].PushData(); _CleanTrack(); } else if (pCleanRecord == &m_ctrlClean.m_recordTrackClean) { m_cleanStates[1].PushData(); _CleanReg(); } else if (pCleanRecord == &m_ctrlClean.m_recordRegClean) { m_cleanStates[2].PushData(); _StopClean(FALSE); } goto clean0; } if (2 == lParam) { if (!pCleanRecord->m_fFinished) { pCleanRecord->m_fFinished = TRUE; pCleanRecord->m_fCanceled = TRUE; } m_bCancel = TRUE; } clean0: UpdateHeader(); UpdateMiddle(); UpdateButtom(); return 0L; }
void CUIHandlerOnekey::InitDelay() { LoadSetting(); UpdateHeader(); UpdateMiddle(); m_ctrlClean.UpdateUI(); _LoadProvider(); }
//******************************************** // Extract //******************************************** int Texture::Extract(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // Saturate if(right == -1) right = m_Width-1; if(bottom == -1) bottom = m_Height-1; // Check if(left >= right || top >= bottom) return 0; if(left < 0 || left >= (int)m_Width || right < 0 || right >= (int)m_Width) return 0; if(top < 0 || top >= (int)m_Height || bottom < 0 || bottom >= (int)m_Height) return 0; int NewWidth = right-left+1; int NewWidthByte32 = WidthByte32(NewWidth,m_Depth); int NewHeight = bottom-top+1; int BytePerPixel = m_Depth / 8; int i,j,k; //TRACE("Start extracting...\n"); //TRACE("New width : %d\n",NewWidth); //TRACE("New height : %d\n",NewHeight); // Alloc unsigned char *pData = new unsigned char[NewWidthByte32*NewHeight]; if(pData == NULL) { //TRACE("Insufficiant memory"); return 0; } for(j=0;j<NewHeight;j++) for(i=0;i<NewWidth;i++) for(k=0;k<BytePerPixel;k++) pData[NewWidthByte32*j+i*BytePerPixel+k] = m_pData[m_WidthByte32*(m_Height-1-(j+top))+(i+left)*BytePerPixel+k]; // Replace datas delete [] m_pData; m_pData = pData; m_Width = NewWidth; m_WidthByte32 = NewWidthByte32; m_Height = NewHeight; UpdateHeader(); return 1; }
//******************************************** // DuplicateRepeatWidth //******************************************** int Texture::DuplicateRepeatWidth(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { if(!Extract(left,top,right,bottom)) return 0; left = 0; right = m_Width-1; top = 0; bottom = m_Height-1; int NewWidth = 2*m_Width; int NewWidthByte32 = WidthByte32(NewWidth,m_Depth); int NewHeight = m_Height; int BytePerPixel = m_Depth / 8; int i,j,k; ////TRACE("Start duplicate repeat width...\n"); ////TRACE("New width : %d\n",NewWidth); ////TRACE("New widthbyte32 : %d\n",NewWidthByte32); ////TRACE("New height : %d\n",NewHeight); // Alloc unsigned char *pData = new unsigned char[NewWidthByte32*NewHeight]; if(pData == NULL) { ////TRACE("Insufficiant memory"); return 0; } // x o for(j=0;j<NewHeight;j++) for(i=0;i<NewWidth/2;i++) for(k=0;k<BytePerPixel;k++) pData[NewWidthByte32*j+i*BytePerPixel+k] = m_pData[m_WidthByte32*(bottom-(j+top))+(i+left)*BytePerPixel+k]; // o x for(j=0;j<NewHeight;j++) for(i=NewWidth/2;i<NewWidth;i++) for(k=0;k<BytePerPixel;k++) pData[NewWidthByte32*j+i*BytePerPixel+k] = m_pData[m_WidthByte32*(bottom-(j+top))+(i-NewWidth/2+left)*BytePerPixel+k]; // Replace datas delete [] m_pData; m_pData = pData; m_Width = NewWidth; m_WidthByte32 = NewWidthByte32; m_Height = NewHeight; UpdateHeader(); return 1; }
BOOL L4DnDHndlr_PostMon(UINT8* buffer, UINT16 type, UINT16 length) { int res; //Assert correct params if (FALSE == isInitialized) { TRACE(TR_MOD_DND_AGENT, TR_SEV_WARNING, "[L4DnDHndlr_PostMon]: L4 DnD Monitor Handler is not initialized yet"); return FALSE; } if (length == 0) { TRACE(TR_MOD_DND_AGENT, TR_SEV_ERR, "[L4DnDHndlr_PostMon]: Length is 0 - illegal. "); return FALSE; } if (NULL == buffer) { TRACE(TR_MOD_DND_AGENT, TR_SEV_ERR, "[L4DnDHndlr_PostMon]: Buffer is NULL - illegal. "); return FALSE; } //Check if this type is requested if (FALSE == L4DnDHndlr_IsMonFiltered(type)) { TRACE(TR_MOD_DND_AGENT, TR_SEV_INFO, "[L4DnDHndlr_PostMon]: Type = %d isn't filtered on. Not reporting"); return TRUE; } //Lock this part. OSAL_enter_critical_section(&csWriteProt); //Update the header with correct params UpdateHeader(monHeader, type, length); //Add message to queue res = AddMessageAndHeaderToQueue(monHeader, BM_L4DnDMonitorHeader_BYTES_SIZE, buffer, length); //Unlock OSAL_exit_critical_section(&csWriteProt); if (res != 0) { TRACE(TR_MOD_DND_AGENT, TR_SEV_INFO, "[L4DnDHndlr_PostMon]: Failed to add message to queue"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
bool EDetailManager::Initialize() { if (m_SnapObjects.empty()){ ELog.DlgMsg(mtError,"Snap list empty!"); return false; } if (!m_Base.Valid()){ ELog.DlgMsg(mtError,"Base texture empty!"); return false; } if (!UpdateHeader()) return false; m_Base.CreateRMFromObjects (m_BBox,m_SnapObjects); if (!UpdateSlots()) return false; if (!objects.empty()&&!UpdateObjects(false,false)) return false; return true; }
CPLErr GSAGDataset::SetGeoTransform( double *padfGeoTransform ) { if( eAccess == GA_ReadOnly ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NoWriteAccess, "Unable to set GeoTransform, dataset opened read only.\n" ); return CE_Failure; } GSAGRasterBand *poGRB = (GSAGRasterBand *)GetRasterBand( 1 ); if( poGRB == NULL || padfGeoTransform == NULL) return CE_Failure; /* non-zero transform 2 or 4 or negative 1 or 5 not supported natively */ CPLErr eErr = CE_None; /*if( padfGeoTransform[2] != 0.0 || padfGeoTransform[4] != 0.0 || padfGeoTransform[1] < 0.0 || padfGeoTransform[5] < 0.0 ) eErr = GDALPamDataset::SetGeoTransform( padfGeoTransform );*/ if( eErr != CE_None ) return eErr; double dfOldMinX = poGRB->dfMinX; double dfOldMaxX = poGRB->dfMaxX; double dfOldMinY = poGRB->dfMinY; double dfOldMaxY = poGRB->dfMaxY; poGRB->dfMinX = padfGeoTransform[0] + padfGeoTransform[1] / 2; poGRB->dfMaxX = padfGeoTransform[1] * (nRasterXSize - 0.5) + padfGeoTransform[0]; poGRB->dfMinY = padfGeoTransform[5] * (nRasterYSize - 0.5) + padfGeoTransform[3]; poGRB->dfMaxY = padfGeoTransform[3] + padfGeoTransform[5] / 2; eErr = UpdateHeader(); if( eErr != CE_None ) { poGRB->dfMinX = dfOldMinX; poGRB->dfMaxX = dfOldMaxX; poGRB->dfMinY = dfOldMinY; poGRB->dfMaxY = dfOldMaxY; } return eErr; }
nsresult LookupCache::WriteFile() { nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> storeFile; nsresult rv = mStoreDirectory->Clone(getter_AddRefs(storeFile)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = storeFile->AppendNative(mTableName + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(CACHE_SUFFIX)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> out; rv = NS_NewSafeLocalFileOutputStream(getter_AddRefs(out), storeFile, PR_WRONLY | PR_TRUNCATE | PR_CREATE_FILE); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); UpdateHeader(); LOG(("Writing %d completions", mHeader.numCompletions)); uint32_t written; rv = out->Write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&mHeader), sizeof(mHeader), &written); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = WriteTArray(out, mCompletions); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsISafeOutputStream> safeOut = do_QueryInterface(out); rv = safeOut->Finish(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = EnsureSizeConsistent(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> psFile; rv = mStoreDirectory->Clone(getter_AddRefs(psFile)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = psFile->AppendNative(mTableName + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(PREFIXSET_SUFFIX)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = mPrefixSet->StoreToFile(psFile); NS_WARN_IF_FALSE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "failed to store the prefixset"); return NS_OK; }
//******************************************** // Alloc //******************************************** int Texture::Alloc(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth) { Free(); unsigned int Width32 = WidthByte32(width,depth); m_pData = new unsigned char [Width32 * height]; if(m_pData == NULL) { return 0; } // Set members variables m_Width = width; m_WidthByte32 = Width32; m_Height = height; m_Depth = depth; UpdateHeader(); return 1; }
void PictureTestWindow::BuildGUI() { BView* backdrop = new BView(Bounds(), "backdrop", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); backdrop->SetViewColor(::ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(backdrop); BMenuBar* mb = new BMenuBar(Bounds(), "menubar"); BMenu* m = new BMenu("File"); m->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Quit", new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q')); m->SetTargetForItems(be_app_messenger); mb->AddItem(m); m = new BMenu("Tests"); m->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Run", new BMessage(kMsgRunTests), 'R')); m->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Run Color Space B_RGB32", new BMessage(kMsgRunTests1), 'S')); mb->AddItem(m); backdrop->AddChild(mb); BRect b = Bounds(); b.top = mb->Bounds().bottom + 1; fHeader = new BStringView(b, "header", "X", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP); float width, height; fHeader->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); fHeader->ResizeTo(b.Width(), height); backdrop->AddChild(fHeader); b.top = fHeader->Frame().bottom + 1; b.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; b.bottom -= B_H_SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT; fListView = new BListView(b, "Results", B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE); backdrop->AddChild(new BScrollView("scroll_results", fListView, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, 0, true, true)); UpdateHeader(); }
void PictureTestWindow::RunTests(color_space *colorSpaces, int32 n) { for (int testIndex = 0; testIndex < 2; testIndex ++) { BString text; switch (testIndex) { case 0: text = "Flatten Picture Test"; break; case 1: text = "Archive Picture Test"; break; default: text = "Unknown test method!"; } fListView->AddItem(new BStringItem(text.String())); RunTests(testIndex, colorSpaces, n); } UpdateHeader(); }
void LookupCache::ClearCompleteCache() { mCompletions.Clear(); UpdateHeader(); }