void SandboxPlugin::ShapeScalePanelWidget::OnInit( ) { m_Processor->GetParametersHolder()->AddObserver( this, &ShapeScalePanelWidget::UpdateWidget); UpdateWidget(); }
void Core::Widgets::WorkingAreaManagerWidget::OnRename( wxCommandEvent &event ) { if ( !GetActiveWorkingArea() ) { return; } std::string name = AskName( GetActiveWorkingArea()->GetName().c_str() ); if ( name.empty() ) { return; } BaseWorkingAreaStorage::Pointer workingAreaStorage; workingAreaStorage = Core::Runtime::Kernel::GetGraphicalInterface()->GetWorkingAreaStorage( ); workingAreaStorage->Delete( dynamic_cast<BaseWindow*> ( GetActiveWorkingArea() ) ); GetActiveWorkingArea()->SetName( name ); workingAreaStorage->Save( dynamic_cast<BaseWindow*> ( GetActiveWorkingArea() ) ); UpdateWidget(); GetPluginTab()->GetWindowsMapHolder()->NotifyObservers(); }
void UpdateData(const int id, const char *value) { char *text; text = cngplpSetData(g_cngplp_data, id, (char*)value); UpdateWidget(id, text); }
void UpdateDataCheck(const int id, const int active) { char *text; char *str; str = (active != 0) ? "true" : "false"; text = cngplpSetData(g_cngplp_data, id, str); UpdateWidget(id, text); }
void UpdateDataInt(const int id, const int value) { char *text; char str[NUMDATA]; memset(str, 0, NUMDATA - 1); snprintf(str, NUMDATA - 1, "%d", value); text = cngplpSetData(g_cngplp_data, id, str); UpdateWidget(id, text); }
void tGauge::SetOverlay( bool enabled ) { m_IsOverlay = enabled; if( m_IsOverlay && !m_Registered ) { QString name = objectName() + m_Indicators.at(0).dataId.ToVariant().toStringList().join( QString("") ); tOverlayManagerQueue::Instance()->RegisterOverlayWidget( this, tOverlayManagerQueue::OMPDigData, name ); Connect( this, SIGNAL( UpdateWidgetFromResize() ), this, SLOT( UpdateWidget() ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); m_Registered = true; } else if( !m_IsOverlay && m_Registered ) { tOverlayManagerQueue::Instance()->UnRegisterOverlayWidget( this ); disconnect( this, SIGNAL( UpdateWidgetFromResize() ), this, SLOT( UpdateWidget() ) ); m_Registered = false; } }
void tGauge::InvalidateBackground() { if( m_BackIsCached ) { m_BackIsCached = false; update(); UpdateWidget(); } }
bool UIManager::Update ( unsigned int timestep, Input::Mouse* pMouse ) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { // Send the update to the widgets WidgetList* pList = _pCurrentScreen->GetWidgetList ( ); UpdateWidget ( pList, timestep, pMouse ); HostIntegration::Renderer->Update ( _pCurrentScreen, pMouse ); return true; }
bool SandboxPlugin::ShapeScalePanelWidget::Enable( bool enable /*= true */ ) { bool bReturn = SandboxPluginShapeScalePanelWidgetUI::Enable( enable ); // If this panel widget is selected -> Update the widget if ( enable ) { UpdateWidget(); } return bReturn; }
void HideDialog(const char *dlg_name, const gboolean flag) { GtkWidget *widget; GtkWidget *top; char *text; SpecialInfo* special = NULL; if(g_config_file_data != NULL){ special = g_config_file_data->special_list; } while(special != NULL){ if(0 == strcasecmp(special->name, dlg_name)){ break; } special = special->next; } widget = glade_xml_get_widget(g_cngplp_xml, dlg_name); if(NULL == widget){ return; } InitUpdateOption(g_cngplp_data); if(FALSE == flag){ special->print = 0; RestoreTopWidgetData(dlg_name); }else{ if(special->print == 1){ if(0 == strcasecmp(dlg_name, "IdPassWdDlg")){ const char *ps = NULL; const char *usr = NULL; ps = GetTextEntry("PassWd_entry"); usr = GetTextEntry("ID_entry"); if((0 == (strlen(ps))) || (0 == (strlen(usr)))){ return; } } if(0 == strcasecmp(dlg_name, "JobAccountDlg")){ const char *jobusr = NULL; jobusr = GetTextEntry("JobAccountID_entry"); if(0 == strlen(jobusr)){ return; } } } } FreeTopWidgetSaveData(dlg_name); text = ExitUpdateOption(g_cngplp_data); UpdateWidget(ID_CNSKIPBLANK, text); top = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(widget); gtk_widget_hide(top); gtk_main_quit(); }
void UIManager::UpdateWidget ( WidgetList* pWidgetList, int timestep, Input::Mouse* pMouse ) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { for ( WidgetList::iterator i = pWidgetList->begin(); i != pWidgetList->end(); i++ ) { (*i)->Update ( timestep ); WidgetChildren::iterator j; WidgetChildren *pWidgetChildren = (*i)->GetWidgetChildren(); for ( j = pWidgetChildren->begin(); j != pWidgetChildren->end(); j++ ) UpdateWidget ( &(*j).children, timestep, pMouse ); } }
extern void UpdateWindow(char *windowName) { WindowData *wdata; WidgetData *data; wdata = GetWindowData(windowName); g_return_if_fail(wdata != NULL); while( (data = (WidgetData *)DeQueueNoWait(wdata->UpdateWidgetQueue)) != NULL ) { UpdateWidget(data); } }
void tGauge::InvalidateForeground() { if( m_ForeIsCached ) { m_ForeIsCached = false; QRect r( CalculateRegionToUpdate() ); #if defined SHOW_UPDATE_REGIONS && defined Q_OS_WIN m_AreaToUpdate = r; update(); #else update( r ); UpdateWidget(); #endif } }
void UpdateDataCombo(const int id, const char *combo_entry_name) { char *text; char *str; char *tmp; GtkWidget *entry = NULL; entry = glade_xml_get_widget(g_cngplp_xml, combo_entry_name); if(entry != NULL){ tmp =(gchar*)gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); str = TextToName(id, tmp); if(str == NULL){ str = tmp; } text = cngplpSetData(g_cngplp_data, id, str); UpdateWidget(id, text); } }
/** * replace connected field */ void MutexKnobData::SetMutexKnobDataConnected(int index, int connected) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); if( KnobData[index].index == -1) return; KnobData[index].edata.connected = connected; #ifdef epics4 connectInfoShort *tmp = (connectInfoShort *) KnobData[index].edata.info; if (tmp != (connectInfoShort *) 0) tmp->connected = connected; #endif if(!connected) { UpdateWidget(index, (QWidget*)KnobData[index].dispW, (char*) " ", (char*) " ", (char*) " ", KnobData[index]); } }
void GPhotoCCD::UpdateExtendedOptions (bool force) { map<string, cam_opt *>::iterator it; if(! expTID) { for ( it = CamOptions.begin() ; it != CamOptions.end(); it++ ) { cam_opt *opt = (*it).second; if(force || gphoto_widget_changed(opt->widget)) { gphoto_read_widget(opt->widget); UpdateWidget(opt); } } } optTID = IEAddTimer (1000, GPhotoCCD::UpdateExtendedOptions, this); }
MyWidget::MyWidget (QWidget * parent):QWidget (parent) { Print_Version_Information(); // //Print_Information_Processor (); bool cpuNehalem, cpuSandybridge, cpuIvybridge, cpuHaswell; Print_Information_Processor (&cpuNehalem, &cpuSandybridge, &cpuIvybridge, &cpuHaswell); Test_Or_Make_MSR_DEVICE_FILES (); Construct_Socket_Information_in_GUI(&numCPUs); char processor_str[100]; // printf("MyWidget: Num Processors %d\n",numCPUs); int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)numCPUs; i++) { C0_l[i] = new QProgressBar; C0_l[i]->setMaximum (99); C0_l[i]->setMinimum (0); C1_l[i] = new QProgressBar; C1_l[i]->setMaximum (99); C1_l[i]->setMinimum (0); C3_l[i] = new QProgressBar; C3_l[i]->setMaximum (99); C3_l[i]->setMinimum (0); C6_l[i] = new QProgressBar; C6_l[i]->setMaximum (99); C6_l[i]->setMinimum (0); Freq_[i] = new QLabel (tr ("")); } QGridLayout * layout1 = new QGridLayout; curr_numCPUs = numCPUs; for (i = 0; i < (int)numCPUs; i++) { layout1->addWidget (C0_l[i], i + 1, 1); layout1->addWidget (C1_l[i], i + 1, 2); layout1->addWidget (C3_l[i], i + 1, 3); layout1->addWidget (C6_l[i], i + 1, 4); } C0 = new QLabel (tr ("C0")); C0->setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter); C1 = new QLabel (tr ("C1")); C1->setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter); C3 = new QLabel (tr ("C3")); C3->setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter); C6 = new QLabel (tr ("C6")); C6->setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-1 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[0],socket_list[0]); ProcNames[0] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-2 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[1],socket_list[1]); ProcNames[1] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-3 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[2],socket_list[2]); ProcNames[2] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-4 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[3],socket_list[3]); ProcNames[3] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-5 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[4],socket_list[4]); ProcNames[4] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-6 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[5],socket_list[5]); ProcNames[5] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-7 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[6],socket_list[6]); ProcNames[6] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-8 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[7],socket_list[7]); ProcNames[7] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-9 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[8],socket_list[8]); ProcNames[8] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-10 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[9],socket_list[9]); ProcNames[9] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-11 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[10],socket_list[10]); ProcNames[10] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); snprintf(processor_str, 100, "Core-12 [id:%d,socket:%d]",core_list[11],socket_list[11]); ProcNames[11] = new QLabel (tr (processor_str)); StatusMessage0 = new QLabel (tr ("Wait")); Curr_Freq0 = new QLabel (tr ("Wait")); if ( (socket_0.num_physical_cores > 0) && (socket_1.num_physical_cores > 0)) { StatusMessage1 = new QLabel (tr ("Wait")); Curr_Freq1 = new QLabel (tr ("Wait")); } for (i = 0; i < (int)numCPUs; i++) { layout1->addWidget (ProcNames[i], i + 1, 0); } layout1->addWidget (C0, 0, 1); layout1->addWidget (C1, 0, 2); layout1->addWidget (C3, 0, 3); layout1->addWidget (C6, 0, 4); for (i = 0; i < (int)numCPUs; i++) layout1->addWidget (Freq_[i], i + 1, 5); layout1->addWidget (StatusMessage0, numCPUs + 1, 4); layout1->addWidget (Curr_Freq0, numCPUs + 1, 5); if ( (socket_0.num_physical_cores > 0) && (socket_1.num_physical_cores > 0)) { layout1->addWidget (StatusMessage1, numCPUs + 2, 4); layout1->addWidget (Curr_Freq1, numCPUs + 2, 5); } QTimer *timer = new QTimer (this); connect (timer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (UpdateWidget ())); timer->start (1000); mythread = new MyThread (); mythread->start (); setLayout (layout1); }
/** * update array with the received data */ void MutexKnobData::SetMutexKnobDataReceived(knobData *kData) { char units[40]; char fec[40]; char dataString[1024]; double diff; struct timeb now; QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); int index = kData->index; memcpy(&KnobData[index].edata, &kData->edata, sizeof(epicsData)); /*****************************************************************************************/ // Statistics /*****************************************************************************************/ nbMonitors++; // find monitor with highest count since last time if((kData->edata.monitorCount-kData->edata.monitorCountPrev) > highestCount) { highestCount = kData->edata.monitorCount -kData->edata.monitorCountPrev ; highestIndex = index; } // calculate after 5 seconds our statistics ftime(&now); diff = ((double) now.time + (double) now.millitm / (double)1000) - ((double) monitorTiming.time + (double) monitorTiming.millitm / (double)1000); if(diff >= 5.0) { ftime(&monitorTiming); nbMonitorsPerSecond = (int) (nbMonitors/diff); nbMonitors = 0; // remember monitor count for all monitors for(int i=0; i < GetMutexKnobDataSize(); i++) { knobData *kPtr = (knobData*) &KnobData[i]; if(kPtr->index != -1) kPtr->edata.monitorCountPrev = kPtr->edata.monitorCount; } highestCountPerSecond = highestCount / diff; highestIndexPV = highestIndex; highestCount = 0; nbDisplayCountPerSecond = (int) (displayCount/diff); displayCount = 0; } /*****************************************************************************************/ // direct update without timing if(myUpdateType == UpdateDirect) { QWidget *dispW = (QWidget*) kData->dispW; dataString[0] = '\0'; strcpy(units, kData->edata.units); strcpy(fec, kData->edata.fec); int caFieldType= kData->edata.fieldtype; if((caFieldType == DBF_STRING || caFieldType == DBF_ENUM || caFieldType == DBF_CHAR) && kData->edata.dataB != (void*) 0) { if(kData->edata.dataSize < 1024) { memcpy(dataString, (char*) kData->edata.dataB, kData->edata.dataSize); dataString[kData->edata.dataSize] = '\0'; } } kData->edata.displayCount = kData->edata.monitorCount; locker.unlock(); UpdateWidget(index, dispW, units, fec, dataString, KnobData[index]); kData->edata.lastTime = now; kData->edata.initialize = false; displayCount++; } }
WidgetNormal* DialogNewEdit::Response() { UpdateWidget(); return widgetNormal; }
/** * timer is running with 50 ms speed */ void MutexKnobData::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) { double diff, repRate; char units[40]; char fec[40]; char dataString[1024]; struct timeb now; if(blockProcess) return; ftime(&now); //qDebug() << "============================================"; for(int i=0; i < GetMutexKnobDataSize(); i++) { knobData *kPtr = (knobData*) &KnobData[i]; if(kPtr->index != -1) { diff = ((double) now.time + (double) now.millitm / (double)1000) - ((double) kPtr->edata.lastTime.time + (double) kPtr->edata.lastTime.millitm / (double)1000); if(kPtr->edata.repRate < 1) repRate = 1; else repRate = kPtr->edata.repRate; } // update all graphical items for this soft pv when a value changes if(kPtr->index != -1 && kPtr->soft && (diff >= (1.0/(double)repRate))) { int indx; //qDebug() << "I am a soft channel" << kPtr->pv << kPtr->dispName << kPtr->edata.rvalue << kPtr->index; // get for this soft pv the index of the corresponding caCalc into the knobData array where the data were updated if(getSoftPV(kPtr->pv, &indx, (QWidget*) kPtr->thisW)) { // get value from (updated) QMap variable list knobData *ptr = (knobData*) &KnobData[indx]; kPtr->edata.rvalue = ptr->edata.rvalue; kPtr->edata.fieldtype = caDOUBLE; kPtr->edata.connected = true; kPtr->edata.accessW = true; kPtr->edata.accessR = true; //increase monitor count when value has changed if(kPtr->edata.oldsoftvalue != ptr->edata.rvalue) { //qDebug() << kPtr->pv << kPtr->dispName << "will be updated with value=" << ptr->edata.rvalue << "from" << ptr->pv << "index=" << ptr->index << "oldvalue=" << kPtr->edata.oldsoftvalue; kPtr->edata.monitorCount++; } // when any monitors for calculation increase monitorcount QWidget *w1 = (QWidget*) kPtr->dispW; QVariant var = w1->property("MonitorList"); QVariantList list = var.toList(); if(list.size() > 0) { int nbMonitors = list.at(0).toInt(); if(nbMonitors > 0) { kPtr->edata.monitorCount++; } } kPtr->edata.oldsoftvalue = ptr->edata.rvalue; QWidget *ww = (QWidget *)kPtr->dispW; if (caTextEntry *widget = qobject_cast<caTextEntry *>(ww)) { widget->setAccessW(kPtr->edata.accessW); } } } // use specified repetition rate (normally 5Hz) if( ((kPtr->index != -1) && (kPtr->edata.monitorCount > kPtr->edata.displayCount) && (diff >= (1.0/(double)repRate)))){ /* printf("<%s> index=%d mcount=%d dcount=%d value=%f datasize=%d valuecount=%d\n", kPtr->pv, kPtr->index, kPtr->edata.monitorCount, kPtr->edata.displayCount, kPtr->edata.rvalue, kPtr->edata.dataSize, kPtr->edata.valueCount); */ if((myUpdateType == UpdateTimed) || kPtr->soft) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); int index = kPtr->index; QWidget *dispW = (QWidget*) kPtr->dispW; dataString[0] = '\0'; strcpy(units, kPtr->edata.units); strcpy(fec, kPtr->edata.fec); int caFieldType= kPtr->edata.fieldtype; if((caFieldType == DBF_STRING || caFieldType == DBF_ENUM || caFieldType == DBF_CHAR) && kPtr->edata.dataB != (void*) 0) { if(kPtr->edata.dataSize < 1024) { memcpy(dataString, (char*) kPtr->edata.dataB, kPtr->edata.dataSize); dataString[kPtr->edata.dataSize] = '\0'; } else { memcpy(dataString, (char*) kPtr->edata.dataB, 1024); dataString[1023] = '\0'; } } kPtr->edata.displayCount = kPtr->edata.monitorCount; locker.unlock(); UpdateWidget(index, dispW, units, fec, dataString, KnobData[index]); kPtr->edata.lastTime = now; kPtr->edata.initialize = false; displayCount++; } } else if ((kPtr->index != -1) && (diff >= (1.0/(double)repRate))) { if( (!kPtr->edata.connected)) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); bool displayIt = false; units[0] = '\0'; fec[0] = '\0'; dataString[0] = '\0'; int index = kPtr->index; // brake unconnected displays if(kPtr->edata.unconnectCount == 0) { kPtr->edata.displayCount = kPtr->edata.monitorCount; kPtr->edata.lastTime = now; displayIt = true; } kPtr->edata.unconnectCount++; if(kPtr->edata.unconnectCount == 10) kPtr->edata.unconnectCount=0; locker.unlock(); if(displayIt) UpdateWidget(index, (QWidget*) kPtr->dispW, units, fec, dataString, KnobData[index]); } } } }