function DisplayHeader($res) { $width = $res[0]; if (IsNull(gBigHeaderFont)) { gSmallHeaderFont = RegisterThemeFont("smallHeader"); gBigHeaderFont = RegisterThemeFont("bigHeader"); gEmailImage = LoadImage("images\email.png"); } if ($width <= 160) { UseThemeFont(gSmallHeaderFont); ClearRect(0,0,159,6); DisplayTextRight(FormatTime("DDD M.DD.YY"),160,0); DisplayTextRight(FormatTime("hh:NN:SS TT"), 57); // Pretty blatant copy of SirReal's if (GetEmailCount()) { if (IsNull(emailImage)) emailImage = LoadImage("images\email.png"); DrawImage(gEmailImage, 76, 0); } DrawRect(0, 7, 159, 7); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void drawIconListCell(ListHandle theList, const Rect *cellRect, IconListCellDataRec *theCellData, Boolean selected) { GrafPtr savedPort; CGrafPtr listPort; ThemeDrawingState savedState; Boolean active; Rect iconRect, textRect; short savedFont, savedSize; Style savedFace; CFStringRef cellName; GetPort(&savedPort); listPort = GetListPort(theList); SetPort((GrafPtr)listPort); GetThemeDrawingState(&savedState); if (selected) // we don't need to change the background { // color if this Cell isn't highlighted Pattern whitePattern; RGBColor highlightColor; GetQDGlobalsWhite(&whitePattern); // set the background pattern so that BackPat(&whitePattern); // the color is properly set as a solid color LMGetHiliteRGB(&highlightColor); RGBBackColor(&highlightColor); // set the background to the highlight color } EraseRect(cellRect); calculateDrawingBounds(cellRect, &iconRect, &textRect); // get the drawing Rects active = GetListActive(theList); // draw the IconRef using Icon Services PlotIconRef(&iconRect, kAlignNone, active ? kTransformNone : kTransformDisabled, kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag, theCellData->icon); #if TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 // draw TextEdit text in Classic #pragma unused (cellName) savedFont = GetPortTextFont(listPort); // Get/SetThemeDrawingState doesn't save or savedFace = GetPortTextFace(listPort); // restore these savedSize = GetPortTextSize(listPort); UseThemeFont(kThemeViewsFont, smCurrentScript); TETextBox(&theCellData->name[1], theCellData->name[0], &textRect, teCenter); TextFont(savedFont); TextFace(savedFace); TextSize(savedSize); #else // draw Appearance text in Carbon #pragma unused (savedFont, savedSize, savedFace) cellName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, theCellData->name, GetApplicationTextEncoding()); DrawThemeTextBox(cellName, kThemeViewsFont, active ? kThemeStateActive : kThemeStateInactive, true, &textRect, teCenter, NULL); CFRelease(cellName); #endif SetThemeDrawingState(savedState, true); SetPort(savedPort); } // drawIconListCell