Beispiel #1
 * Create a bounding RPP for an hyp
rt_hyp_bbox(struct rt_db_internal *ip, point_t *min, point_t *max, const struct bn_tol *UNUSED(tol)) {
    struct rt_hyp_internal *xip;
    vect_t hyp_Au, hyp_B, hyp_An, hyp_Bn, hyp_H;
    vect_t pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8;
    xip = (struct rt_hyp_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    VMOVE(hyp_H, xip->hyp_Hi);
    VMOVE(hyp_Au, xip->hyp_A);
    VCROSS(hyp_B, hyp_Au, hyp_H);

    VSETALL((*min), INFINITY);
    VSETALL((*max), -INFINITY);

    VSCALE(hyp_B, hyp_B, xip->hyp_b);
    VREVERSE(hyp_An, xip->hyp_A);
    VREVERSE(hyp_Bn, hyp_B);

    VADD3(pt1, xip->hyp_Vi, xip->hyp_A, hyp_B);
    VADD3(pt2, xip->hyp_Vi, xip->hyp_A, hyp_Bn);
    VADD3(pt3, xip->hyp_Vi, hyp_An, hyp_B);
    VADD3(pt4, xip->hyp_Vi, hyp_An, hyp_Bn);
    VADD4(pt5, xip->hyp_Vi, xip->hyp_A, hyp_B, xip->hyp_Hi);
    VADD4(pt6, xip->hyp_Vi, xip->hyp_A, hyp_Bn, xip->hyp_Hi);
    VADD4(pt7, xip->hyp_Vi, hyp_An, hyp_B, xip->hyp_Hi);
    VADD4(pt8, xip->hyp_Vi, hyp_An, hyp_Bn, xip->hyp_Hi);

    /* Find the RPP of the rotated axis-aligned hyp bbox - that is,
     * the bounding box the given hyp would have if its height
     * vector were in the positive Z direction. This does not give
     * us an optimal bbox except in the case where the hyp is
     * actually axis aligned to start with, but it's usually
     * at least a bit better than the bounding sphere RPP. */
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt1);
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt2);
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt3);
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt4);
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt5);
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt6);
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt7);
    VMINMAX((*min), (*max), pt8);

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
rt_hyp_plot(struct bu_list *vhead, struct rt_db_internal *incoming, const struct rt_tess_tol *UNUSED(ttol), const struct bn_tol *UNUSED(tol), const struct rt_view_info *UNUSED(info))
    int i, j;		/* loop indices */
    struct rt_hyp_internal *hyp_in;
    struct hyp_specific *hyp;
    vect_t majorAxis[8],	/* vector offsets along major axis */
	minorAxis[8],		/* vector offsets along minor axis */
	heightAxis[7],		/* vector offsets for layers */
	Bunit;			/* unit vector along semi-minor axis */
    vect_t ell[16];		/* stores 16 points to draw ellipses */
    vect_t ribs[16][7];		/* assume 7 layers for now */
    fastf_t scale;		/* used to calculate semi-major/minor axes for top/bottom */
    fastf_t cos22_5 = 0.9238795325112867385;
    fastf_t cos67_5 = 0.3826834323650898373;

    hyp_in = (struct rt_hyp_internal *)incoming->idb_ptr;

    hyp = hyp_internal_to_specific(hyp_in);

    VCROSS(Bunit, hyp->hyp_H, hyp->hyp_Au);

    VMOVE(heightAxis[0], hyp->hyp_H);
    VSCALE(heightAxis[1], heightAxis[0], 0.5);
    VSCALE(heightAxis[2], heightAxis[0], 0.25);
    VSETALL(heightAxis[3], 0);
    VREVERSE(heightAxis[4], heightAxis[2]);
    VREVERSE(heightAxis[5], heightAxis[1]);
    VREVERSE(heightAxis[6], heightAxis[0]);

    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
	/* determine Z height depending on i */
	scale = sqrt(MAGSQ(heightAxis[i])*(hyp->hyp_c * hyp->hyp_c)/(hyp->hyp_r1 * hyp->hyp_r1) + 1);

	/* calculate vectors for offset */
	VSCALE(majorAxis[0], hyp->hyp_Au, hyp->hyp_r1 * scale);
	VSCALE(majorAxis[1], majorAxis[0], cos22_5);
	VSCALE(majorAxis[2], majorAxis[0], M_SQRT1_2);
	VSCALE(majorAxis[3], majorAxis[0], cos67_5);
	VREVERSE(majorAxis[4], majorAxis[3]);
	VREVERSE(majorAxis[5], majorAxis[2]);
	VREVERSE(majorAxis[6], majorAxis[1]);
	VREVERSE(majorAxis[7], majorAxis[0]);

	VSCALE(minorAxis[0], Bunit, hyp->hyp_r2 * scale);
	VSCALE(minorAxis[1], minorAxis[0], cos22_5);
	VSCALE(minorAxis[2], minorAxis[0], M_SQRT1_2);
	VSCALE(minorAxis[3], minorAxis[0], cos67_5);
	VREVERSE(minorAxis[4], minorAxis[3]);
	VREVERSE(minorAxis[5], minorAxis[2]);
	VREVERSE(minorAxis[6], minorAxis[1]);
	VREVERSE(minorAxis[7], minorAxis[0]);

	/* calculate ellipse */
	VADD3(ell[ 0], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[0]);
	VADD4(ell[ 1], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[1], minorAxis[3]);
	VADD4(ell[ 2], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[2], minorAxis[2]);
	VADD4(ell[ 3], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[3], minorAxis[1]);
	VADD3(ell[ 4], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], minorAxis[0]);
	VADD4(ell[ 5], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[4], minorAxis[1]);
	VADD4(ell[ 6], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[5], minorAxis[2]);
	VADD4(ell[ 7], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[6], minorAxis[3]);
	VADD3(ell[ 8], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[7]);
	VADD4(ell[ 9], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[6], minorAxis[4]);
	VADD4(ell[10], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[5], minorAxis[5]);
	VADD4(ell[11], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[4], minorAxis[6]);
	VADD3(ell[12], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], minorAxis[7]);
	VADD4(ell[13], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[3], minorAxis[6]);
	VADD4(ell[14], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[2], minorAxis[5]);
	VADD4(ell[15], hyp->hyp_V, heightAxis[i], majorAxis[1], minorAxis[4]);

	/* draw ellipse */
	RT_ADD_VLIST(vhead, ell[15], BN_VLIST_LINE_MOVE);
	for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
	    RT_ADD_VLIST(vhead, ell[j], BN_VLIST_LINE_DRAW);

	/* add ellipse's points to ribs */
	for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
	    VMOVE(ribs[j][i], ell[j]);

    /* draw ribs */
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
	RT_ADD_VLIST(vhead, ribs[i][0], BN_VLIST_LINE_MOVE);
	for (j = 1; j < 7; j++) {
	    RT_ADD_VLIST(vhead, ribs[i][j], BN_VLIST_LINE_DRAW);


    BU_PUT(hyp, struct hyp_specific);

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
 *			G E T S O L I D
 *  Returns -
 *	-1	error
 *	 0	conversion OK
 *	 1	EOF
    char	given_solid_num[16];
    char	solid_type[16];
    int	i;
    double	r1, r2;
    vect_t	work;
    double	m1, m2;		/* Magnitude temporaries */
    char	*name=NULL;
    double	dd[4*6];	/* 4 cards of 6 nums each */
    point_t	tmp[8];		/* 8 vectors of 3 nums each */
    int	ret;
#define D(_i)	(&(dd[_i*3]))
#define T(_i)	(&(tmp[_i][0]))

    if ( (i = get_line( scard, sizeof(scard), "solid card" )) == EOF )  {
        printf("getsolid: unexpected EOF\n");
        return( 1 );

    switch ( version )  {
    case 5:
        bu_strlcpy( given_solid_num, scard+0, sizeof(given_solid_num) );
        given_solid_num[5] = '\0';
        bu_strlcpy( solid_type, scard+5, sizeof(solid_type) );
        solid_type[5] = '\0';
    case 4:
        bu_strlcpy( given_solid_num, scard+0, sizeof(given_solid_num) );
        given_solid_num[3] = '\0';
        bu_strlcpy( solid_type, scard+3, sizeof(solid_type) );
        solid_type[7] = '\0';
    case 1:
        /* DoE/MORSE version, believed to be original MAGIC format */
        bu_strlcpy( given_solid_num, scard+5, sizeof(given_solid_num) );
        given_solid_num[4] = '\0';
        bu_strlcpy( solid_type, scard+2, sizeof(solid_type) );
        fprintf(stderr, "getsolid() version %d unimplemented\n", version);
        bu_exit(1, NULL);
    /* Trim trailing spaces */
    trim_trail_spaces( given_solid_num );
    trim_trail_spaces( solid_type );

    /* another solid - increment solid counter
     * rather than using number from the card, which may go into
     * pseudo-hex format in version 4 models (due to 3 column limit).
    if ( version == 5 )  {
        if ( (i = getint( scard, 0, 5 )) != sol_work )  {
            printf("expected solid card %d, got %d, abort\n",
                   sol_work, i );

    /* Reduce solid type to lower case */
        register char	*cp;
        register char	c;

        cp = solid_type;
        while ( (c = *cp) != '\0' )  {
            if ( !isascii(c) )  {
                *cp++ = '?';
            } else if ( isupper(c) )  {
                *cp++ = tolower(c);
            } else {

    namecvt( sol_work, &name, 's' );
    if (verbose) col_pr( name );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "end" ) == 0 )  {
        /* DoE/MORSE version 1 format */
        bu_free( name, "name" );
        return(1);		/* END */

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "ars" ) == 0 )  {
        int		ncurves;
        int		pts_per_curve;
        double		**curve;

        ncurves = getint( scard, 10, 10 );
        pts_per_curve = getint( scard, 20, 10 );

        /* Allocate curves pointer array */
        curve = (double **)bu_malloc((ncurves+1)*sizeof(double *), "curve");

        /* Allocate space for a curve, and read it in */
        for ( i=0; i<ncurves; i++ )  {
            curve[i] = (double *)bu_malloc((pts_per_curve+1)*3*sizeof(double), "curve[i]" );

            /* Get data for this curve */
            if ( getxsoldata( curve[i], pts_per_curve*3, sol_work ) < 0 )  {
                printf("ARS %d: getxsoldata failed, curve %d\n",
                       sol_work, i);
        if ( (ret = mk_ars( outfp, name, ncurves, pts_per_curve, curve )) < 0 )  {
            printf("mk_ars(%s) failed\n", name );
            /* Need to free memory; 'ret' is returned below */

        for ( i=0; i<ncurves; i++ )  {
            bu_free( (char *)curve[i], "curve[i]" );
        bu_free( (char *)curve, "curve" );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "rpp" ) == 0 )  {
        double	min[3], max[3];

        if ( getsoldata( dd, 2*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        VSET( min, dd[0], dd[2], dd[4] );
        VSET( max, dd[1], dd[3], dd[5] );
        ret = mk_rpp( outfp, name, min, max );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "box" ) == 0 )  {
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        VMOVE( T(0), D(0) );
        VADD2( T(1), D(0), D(2) );
        VADD3( T(2), D(0), D(2), D(1) );
        VADD2( T(3), D(0), D(1) );

        VADD2( T(4), D(0), D(3) );
        VADD3( T(5), D(0), D(3), D(2) );
        VADD4( T(6), D(0), D(3), D(2), D(1) );
        VADD3( T(7), D(0), D(3), D(1) );
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, &tmp[0][X] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "raw" ) == 0 ||
            strcmp( solid_type, "wed" ) == 0		/* DoE name */
       )  {
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        VMOVE( T(0), D(0) );
        VADD2( T(1), D(0), D(2) );
        VMOVE( T(2), T(1) );
        VADD2( T(3), D(0), D(1) );

        VADD2( T(4), D(0), D(3) );
        VADD3( T(5), D(0), D(3), D(2) );
        VMOVE( T(6), T(5) );
        VADD3( T(7), D(0), D(3), D(1) );
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, &tmp[0][X] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "rvw" ) == 0 )  {
        /* Right Vertical Wedge (Origin: DoE/MORSE) */
        double	a2, theta, phi, h2;
        double	a2theta;
        double	angle1, angle2;
        vect_t	a, b, c;

        if ( getsoldata( dd, 1*3+4, sol_work ) < 0 )
        a2 = dd[3];		/* XY side length */
        theta = dd[4];
        phi = dd[5];
        h2 = dd[6];		/* height in +Z */

        angle1 = (phi+theta-90) * bn_degtorad;
        angle2 = (phi+theta) * bn_degtorad;
        a2theta = a2 * tan(theta * bn_degtorad);

        VSET( a, a2theta*cos(angle1), a2theta*sin(angle1), 0 );
        VSET( b, -a2*cos(angle2), -a2*sin(angle2), 0 );
        VSET( c, 0, 0, h2 );

        VSUB2( T(0), D(0), b );
        VMOVE( T(1), D(0) );
        VMOVE( T(2), D(0) );
        VADD2( T(3), T(0), a );

        VADD2( T(4), T(0), c );
        VADD2( T(5), T(1), c );
        VMOVE( T(6), T(5) );
        VADD2( T(7), T(3), c );
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, &tmp[0][X] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "arw" ) == 0) {
        /* ARbitrary Wedge --- ERIM */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3, sol_work ) < 0)
        VMOVE( T(0), D(0) );
        VADD2( T(1), D(0), D(2) );
        VADD3( T(2), D(0), D(2), D(3) );
        VADD2( T(3), D(0), D(3) );

        VADD2( T(4), D(0), D(1) );
        VMOVE( T(5), T(4) );

        VADD3( T(6), D(0), D(1), D(3) );
        VMOVE( T(7), T(6) );
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, &tmp[0][X]);
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "arb8" ) == 0 )  {
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 8*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, dd );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "arb7" ) == 0 )  {
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 7*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        VMOVE( D(7), D(4) );
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, dd );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "arb6" ) == 0 )  {
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 6*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        /* Note that the ordering is important, as data is in D(4), D(5) */
        VMOVE( D(7), D(5) );
        VMOVE( D(6), D(5) );
        VMOVE( D(5), D(4) );
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, dd );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "arb5" ) == 0 )  {
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 5*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        VMOVE( D(5), D(4) );
        VMOVE( D(6), D(4) );
        VMOVE( D(7), D(4) );
        ret = mk_arb8( outfp, name, dd );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "arb4" ) == 0 )  {
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_arb4( outfp, name, dd );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "rcc" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, r */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 2*3+1, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_rcc( outfp, name, D(0), D(1), dd[6] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "rec" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, A, B */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_tgc( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), D(3), D(2), D(3) );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "trc" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, r1, r2 */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 2*3+2, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_trc_h( outfp, name, D(0), D(1), dd[6], dd[7] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "tec" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, A, B, p */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3+1, sol_work ) < 0 )
        r1 = 1.0/dd[12];	/* P */
        VSCALE( D(4), D(2), r1 );
        VSCALE( D(5), D(3), r1 );
        ret = mk_tgc( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), D(3), D(4), D(5) );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "tgc" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, A, B, r1, r2 */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3+2, sol_work ) < 0 )
        r1 = dd[12] / MAGNITUDE( D(2) );	/* A/|A| * C */
        r2 = dd[13] / MAGNITUDE( D(3) );	/* B/|B| * D */
        VSCALE( D(4), D(2), r1 );
        VSCALE( D(5), D(3), r2 );
        ret = mk_tgc( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), D(3), D(4), D(5) );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "sph" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, radius */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 1*3+1, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_sph( outfp, name, D(0), dd[3] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strncmp( solid_type, "wir", 3 ) == 0 )  {
        int			numpts;		/* points per wire */
        int			num;
        int			i;
        double			dia;
        double			*pts;		/* 3 entries per pt */
        struct	wdb_pipept	*ps;
        struct	bu_list		head;		/* allow a whole struct for head */

        /* This might be getint( solid_type, 3, 2 ); for non-V5 */
        numpts = getint( scard, 8, 2 );
        num = numpts * 3 + 1;			/* 3 entries per pt */

        /* allocate space for the points array */
        pts = ( double *)bu_malloc(num * sizeof( double), "pts" );

        if ( getsoldata( pts, num, sol_work ) < 0 )  {
        dia = pts[num-1] * 2.0;	/* radius X 2.0 == diameter */

        /* allocate nodes on a list and store all information in
         * the appropriate location.
        BU_LIST_INIT( &head );
        for ( i = 0; i < numpts; i++ )  {
            /* malloc a new structure */
            ps = (struct wdb_pipept *)bu_malloc(sizeof( struct wdb_pipept), "ps");

            ps->l.magic = WDB_PIPESEG_MAGIC;
            VMOVE( ps->pp_coord, &pts[i*3]);	/* 3 pts at a time */
            ps->pp_id = 0;				/* solid */
            ps->pp_od = dia;
            ps->pp_bendradius = dia;
            BU_LIST_INSERT( &head, &ps->l );

        if ( mk_pipe( outfp, name, &head ) < 0 )
        mk_pipe_free( &head );
        bu_free( name, "name" );
        return(0);		/* OK */

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "rpc" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, B, r */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 3*3+1, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_rpc( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), dd[9] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "rhc" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, B, r, c */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 3*3+2, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_rhc( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), dd[9], dd[10] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "epa" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, Au, r1, r2 */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 3*3+2, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_epa( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), dd[9], dd[10] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "ehy" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, H, Au, r1, r2, c */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 3*3+3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_ehy( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), dd[9], dd[10], dd[11] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "eto" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, N, C, r, rd */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 3*3+2, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_eto( outfp, name, D(0), D(1),
                      D(2), dd[9], dd[10] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( version <= 4 && strcmp( solid_type, "ell" ) == 0 )  {
        /* Foci F1, F2, major axis length L */
        vect_t	v;

         * For simplicity, we convert ELL to ELL1, then
         * fall through to ELL1 code.
         * Format of ELL is F1, F2, len
         * ELL1 format is V, A, r
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 2*3+1, sol_work ) < 0 )
        VADD2SCALE( v, D(0), D(1), 0.5 ); /* V is midpoint */

        VSUB2( work, D(1), D(0) );	/* work holds F2 -  F1 */
        m1 = MAGNITUDE( work );
        r2 = 0.5 * dd[6] / m1;
        VSCALE( D(1), work, r2 );	/* A */

        dd[6] = sqrt( MAGSQ( D(1) ) -
                      (m1 * 0.5)*(m1 * 0.5) );	/* r */
        VMOVE( D(0), v );
        goto ell1;

    if ( (version == 5 && strcmp( solid_type, "ell" ) == 0)  ||
            strcmp( solid_type, "ell1" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, A, r */
        /* GIFT4 name is "ell1", GIFT5 name is "ell" */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 2*3+1, sol_work ) < 0 )

        r1 = dd[6];		/* R */
        VMOVE( work, D(0) );
        work[0] += bn_pi;
        work[1] += bn_pi;
        work[2] += bn_pi;
        VCROSS( D(2), work, D(1) );
        m1 = r1/MAGNITUDE( D(2) );
        VSCALE( D(2), D(2), m1 );

        VCROSS( D(3), D(1), D(2) );
        m2 = r1/MAGNITUDE( D(3) );
        VSCALE( D(3), D(3), m2 );

        /* Now we have V, A, B, C */
        ret = mk_ell( outfp, name, D(0), D(1), D(2), D(3) );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "ellg" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, A, B, C */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 4*3, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_ell( outfp, name, D(0), D(1), D(2), D(3) );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "tor" ) == 0 )  {
        /* V, N, r1, r2 */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 2*3+2, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_tor( outfp, name, D(0), D(1), dd[6], dd[7] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "haf" ) == 0 )  {
        /* N, d */
        if ( getsoldata( dd, 1*3+1, sol_work ) < 0 )
        ret = mk_half( outfp, name, D(0), -dd[3] );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

    if ( strcmp( solid_type, "arbn" ) == 0 )  {
        ret = read_arbn( name );
        bu_free( name, "name" );

     *  The solid type string is defective,
     *  or that solid is not currently supported.
    printf("getsolid:  no support for solid type '%s'\n", solid_type );