Beispiel #1
static int
ProcXvGetStill(ClientPtr client)
  DrawablePtr pDraw;
  XvPortPtr pPort;
  GCPtr pGC;
  int status;


  VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, DixReadAccess);

  if(!(pPort = LOOKUP_PORT(stuff->port, client) ))
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return (_XvBadPort);

  if ((status = _AllocatePort(stuff->port, pPort)) != Success)
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return (status);

  if (!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvOutputMask) ||
	!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvStillMask))
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return (BadMatch);

  status = XVCALL(diMatchPort)(pPort, pDraw);
  if (status != Success)
      return status;

  return XVCALL(diGetStill)(client, pDraw, pPort, pGC,
			    stuff->vid_x, stuff->vid_y,
			    stuff->vid_w, stuff->vid_h,
			    stuff->drw_x, stuff->drw_y,
			    stuff->drw_w, stuff->drw_h);
Beispiel #2
static int
ProcXvGetVideo(ClientPtr client)
  DrawablePtr pDraw;
  XvPortPtr pPort;
  GCPtr pGC;
  int status;


  VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, DixReadAccess);
  VALIDATE_XV_PORT(stuff->port, pPort, DixReadAccess);

  if ((status = _AllocatePort(stuff->port, pPort)) != Success)
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return status;

  if (!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvOutputMask) ||
	!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvVideoMask))
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return BadMatch;

  status = XvdiMatchPort(pPort, pDraw);
  if (status != Success)
      return status;

  return XvdiGetVideo(client, pDraw, pPort, pGC, stuff->vid_x, stuff->vid_y,
		      stuff->vid_w, stuff->vid_h, stuff->drw_x, stuff->drw_y,
		      stuff->drw_w, stuff->drw_h);
Beispiel #3
static int
ProcShmPutImage(ClientPtr client)
    GCPtr pGC;
    DrawablePtr pDraw;
    long length;
    ShmDescPtr shmdesc;

    VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, DixWriteAccess);
    VERIFY_SHMPTR(stuff->shmseg, stuff->offset, FALSE, shmdesc, client);
    if ((stuff->sendEvent != xTrue) && (stuff->sendEvent != xFalse))
	return BadValue;
    if (stuff->format == XYBitmap)
        if (stuff->depth != 1)
            return BadMatch;
        length = PixmapBytePad(stuff->totalWidth, 1);
    else if (stuff->format == XYPixmap)
        if (pDraw->depth != stuff->depth)
            return BadMatch;
        length = PixmapBytePad(stuff->totalWidth, 1);
	length *= stuff->depth;
    else if (stuff->format == ZPixmap)
        if (pDraw->depth != stuff->depth)
            return BadMatch;
        length = PixmapBytePad(stuff->totalWidth, stuff->depth);
	client->errorValue = stuff->format;
        return BadValue;

     * There's a potential integer overflow in this check:
     * VERIFY_SHMSIZE(shmdesc, stuff->offset, length * stuff->totalHeight,
     *                client);
     * the version below ought to avoid it
    if (stuff->totalHeight != 0 &&
	length > (shmdesc->size - stuff->offset)/stuff->totalHeight) {
	client->errorValue = stuff->totalWidth;
	return BadValue;
    if (stuff->srcX > stuff->totalWidth)
	client->errorValue = stuff->srcX;
	return BadValue;
    if (stuff->srcY > stuff->totalHeight)
	client->errorValue = stuff->srcY;
	return BadValue;
    if ((stuff->srcX + stuff->srcWidth) > stuff->totalWidth)
	client->errorValue = stuff->srcWidth;
	return BadValue;
    if ((stuff->srcY + stuff->srcHeight) > stuff->totalHeight)
	client->errorValue = stuff->srcHeight;
	return BadValue;

    if ((((stuff->format == ZPixmap) && (stuff->srcX == 0)) ||
	 ((stuff->format != ZPixmap) &&
	  (stuff->srcX < screenInfo.bitmapScanlinePad) &&
	  ((stuff->format == XYBitmap) ||
	   ((stuff->srcY == 0) &&
	    (stuff->srcHeight == stuff->totalHeight))))) &&
	((stuff->srcX + stuff->srcWidth) == stuff->totalWidth))
	(*pGC->ops->PutImage) (pDraw, pGC, stuff->depth,
			       stuff->dstX, stuff->dstY,
			       stuff->totalWidth, stuff->srcHeight,
			       stuff->srcX, stuff->format,
			       shmdesc->addr + stuff->offset +
			       (stuff->srcY * length));
	doShmPutImage(pDraw, pGC, stuff->depth, stuff->format,
		      stuff->totalWidth, stuff->totalHeight,
		      stuff->srcX, stuff->srcY,
		      stuff->srcWidth, stuff->srcHeight,
		      stuff->dstX, stuff->dstY,
                      shmdesc->addr + stuff->offset);

    if (stuff->sendEvent)
	xShmCompletionEvent ev;

	ev.type = ShmCompletionCode;
	ev.drawable = stuff->drawable;
	ev.minorEvent = X_ShmPutImage;
	ev.majorEvent = ShmReqCode;
	ev.shmseg = stuff->shmseg;
	ev.offset = stuff->offset;
	WriteEventsToClient(client, 1, (xEvent *) &ev);

    return Success;
Beispiel #4
static int 
ProcXvPutImage(ClientPtr client)
  DrawablePtr pDraw;
  XvPortPtr pPort;
  XvImagePtr pImage = NULL;
  GCPtr pGC;
  int status, i, size;
  CARD16 width, height;


  VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, DixWriteAccess);
  VALIDATE_XV_PORT(stuff->port, pPort, DixReadAccess);

  if ((status = _AllocatePort(stuff->port, pPort)) != Success)
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return status;

  if (!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvImageMask) ||
	!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvInputMask))
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return BadMatch;

  status = XvdiMatchPort(pPort, pDraw);
  if (status != Success)
      return status;

  for(i = 0; i < pPort->pAdaptor->nImages; i++) {
      if(pPort->pAdaptor->pImages[i].id == stuff->id) {
	  pImage = &(pPort->pAdaptor->pImages[i]);

     return BadMatch;

  width = stuff->width;
  height = stuff->height;
  size = (*pPort->pAdaptor->ddQueryImageAttributes)(client, 
			pPort, pImage, &width, &height, NULL, NULL);
  size += sizeof(xvPutImageReq);
  size = bytes_to_int32(size);
  if((width < stuff->width) || (height < stuff->height))
     return BadValue;

  if(client->req_len < size)
     return BadLength;

  return XvdiPutImage(client, pDraw, pPort, pGC, stuff->src_x, stuff->src_y,
		      stuff->src_w, stuff->src_h, stuff->drw_x, stuff->drw_y,
		      stuff->drw_w, stuff->drw_h, pImage,
		      (unsigned char*)(&stuff[1]), FALSE,
		      stuff->width, stuff->height);
Beispiel #5
static int 
ProcXvShmPutImage(ClientPtr client)
  ShmDescPtr shmdesc;
  DrawablePtr pDraw;
  XvPortPtr pPort;
  XvImagePtr pImage = NULL;
  GCPtr pGC;
  int status, size_needed, i;
  CARD16 width, height;


  VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, DixWriteAccess);
  VALIDATE_XV_PORT(stuff->port, pPort, DixReadAccess);

  if ((status = _AllocatePort(stuff->port, pPort)) != Success)
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return status;

  if (!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvImageMask) ||
	!(pPort->pAdaptor->type & XvInputMask))
      client->errorValue = stuff->port;
      return BadMatch;

  status = XvdiMatchPort(pPort, pDraw);
  if (status != Success)
      return status;

  for(i = 0; i < pPort->pAdaptor->nImages; i++) {
      if(pPort->pAdaptor->pImages[i].id == stuff->id) {
	  pImage = &(pPort->pAdaptor->pImages[i]);

     return BadMatch;

  status = dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&shmdesc, stuff->shmseg,
				   ShmSegType, serverClient, DixReadAccess);
  if (status != Success)
      return status;
  width = stuff->width;
  height = stuff->height;
  size_needed = (*pPort->pAdaptor->ddQueryImageAttributes)(client, 
			pPort, pImage, &width, &height, NULL, NULL);
  if((size_needed + stuff->offset) > shmdesc->size)
      return BadAccess;

  if((width < stuff->width) || (height < stuff->height))
     return BadValue;
  status = XvdiPutImage(client, pDraw, pPort, pGC, stuff->src_x, stuff->src_y,
			stuff->src_w, stuff->src_h, stuff->drw_x, stuff->drw_y,
			stuff->drw_w, stuff->drw_h, pImage,
			(unsigned char *)shmdesc->addr + stuff->offset, 
			stuff->send_event, stuff->width, stuff->height);

  if((status == Success) && stuff->send_event) {
        xShmCompletionEvent ev;

        ev.type = ShmCompletionCode;
        ev.drawable = stuff->drawable;
        ev.minorEvent = xv_ShmPutImage;
        ev.majorEvent = XvReqCode;
        ev.shmseg = stuff->shmseg;
        ev.offset = stuff->offset;
        WriteEventsToClient(client, 1, (xEvent *) &ev);

  return status;