Beispiel #1
// compute the vector VEC between a 3D point P0 and a line (
// passing through two 3D points P and S)
double vec_pt_to_line3D(double *P,double *S,double *P0,double *VEC)
	double diff10[3];
	double diff21[3];
	double dot_prod_diff10_diff21;
	double t,norm_diff21;
	double VT[3];
	double diffVT0[3];
	double norm_diffVT0;
	t=-dot_prod_diff10_diff21 / ( norm_diff21*norm_diff21 );
	for(int t=0;t<3;t++)
		VEC[t] = P0[t];
		VEC[t+3] = VT[t];
	return norm_diffVT0;
Beispiel #2
// distance between a 3D point P and a line (defined by its
// normalized direction vector V and passing through a 3D point S) 
double dist_line_point3D(double *V,double *S,double *P)
	double cross_prod[3];
	double sm[3];
	double norm;
	sm[0] = P[0] - S[0];
	sm[1] = P[1] - S[1];
	sm[2] = P[2] - S[2];

	return norm;
Beispiel #3
// Solve a NLP problem
// Function input:
// double (*fhg) (Vector x, Vector h, Vector g):
//      input: x: n-Vector  (unknown variables)
//      output: h: m-Vector (equality constraints)
//      output: g: p-Vector (inequality constraints)
// void (*Dfhg)(Vector x, Vector df, Matrix dh, Matrix dg): (optional, can be set to NULL):
//      input: x: n-Vector  (unknown variables)
//      output: Df: n-Vector (function gradient)
//      output: Dh: m-by-n Matrix (Jacobian equality constraints)
//      output: Dg: p-by-n Matrix (Jacobian inequality constraints)
// x: n-Vector
//      input: solution estimate, output: solution to the NLP
// lambda: m-Vector: Lagrange multipliers associated with the equality constraints
// mu: p-Vector: Lagrange multipliers associated with the inequality constraints
// options:
//      option.method = L1SQPmethod | LinfSQPmethod | Hybridmethod
//      option.tolerance = 1.0e-6;
//      option.maximumIterations = 1000;
//      option.displayData = NO;
// Function output:
//  stats: NLPStatistics data structure
//      stats.f: function value
//      stats.normc: norm of the active constraints
//      stats.normT: norm of the KKT conditions
//      stats.numberOfIterations;
//      stats.numberOfFunctionCalls;
//      stats.numberOfGradientCalls;
//      stats.numberOfQPSolves;
//      stats.numberOfRefinements;
//      stats.numberOfSOC;
//      stats.exitCode;
NLPsolve(double (*fhg) (Vector x, Vector h, Vector g),
         void (*Dfhg) (Vector x, Vector df, Matrix dh, Matrix dg),
         Vector x, Vector lambda, Vector mu,
         NLPOptions options) {

    NLPStatistics stats;
    int n = 0, m = 0, p = 0;
    stats.exitCode              = 0;
    stats.f                     = 0;
    stats.normc                 = 0;
    stats.normT                 = 0;
    stats.numberOfIterations    = 0;
    stats.numberOfFunctionCalls = 0;
    stats.numberOfGradientCalls = 0;
    stats.numberOfQPSolves      = 0;
    stats.numberOfRefinements   = 0;
    stats.numberOfSOC           = 0;
    if (x == NULL) {
        RuntimeWarning("NLPsolve: no initial solution estimate given");
        return stats;
    } else {
        n = VEC_LENGTH(x);
    if (lambda != NULL) {
        m = VEC_LENGTH(lambda);
    if (mu != NULL) {
        p = VEC_LENGTH(mu);

    NLP nlp = NLPNew();
    nlp->n = n;
    nlp->m = m;
    nlp->p = p;
    nlp->fhg = fhg;
    nlp->Dfhg = Dfhg;

    stats.n = n;
    stats.m = m;
    stats.p = p;
    if (options.method == L1SQPmethod) {
        L1SQP sqp0 = L1SQPNew(nlp);
        sqp0->tolerance = options.tolerance;
        sqp0->maximumIterations = options.maximumIterations;
        sqp0->displayData = options.displayData;
        stats.exitCode = L1SQPSolve(sqp0, x, lambda, mu);
        stats.f                     = sqp0->f;
        stats.normc                 = sqp0->normc;
        stats.normT                 = sqp0->normT;
        stats.numberOfIterations    = sqp0->numberOfIterations;
        stats.numberOfFunctionCalls = sqp0->numberOfFunctionCalls;
        stats.numberOfGradientCalls = sqp0->numberOfGradientCalls;
        stats.numberOfQPSolves      = sqp0->numberOfQPSolves;
        stats.numberOfRefinements   = sqp0->numberOfRefinements;
        stats.numberOfSOC           = sqp0->numberOfSOC;
        sprintf(stats.methodName, "%s", "L1SQPmethod");
    } else if (options.method == LinfSQPmethod) {
        LinfSQP sqp1 = LinfSQPNew(nlp);
        sqp1->tolerance = options.tolerance;
        sqp1->maximumIterations = options.maximumIterations;
        sqp1->displayData = options.displayData;
        stats.exitCode = LinfSQPSolve(sqp1, x, lambda, mu);
        stats.f                     = sqp1->f;
        stats.normc                 = sqp1->normc;
        stats.normT                 = sqp1->normT;
        stats.numberOfIterations    = sqp1->numberOfIterations;
        stats.numberOfFunctionCalls = sqp1->numberOfFunctionCalls;
        stats.numberOfGradientCalls = sqp1->numberOfGradientCalls;
        stats.numberOfQPSolves      = sqp1->numberOfQPSolves;
        stats.numberOfRefinements   = sqp1->numberOfRefinements;
        stats.numberOfSOC           = sqp1->numberOfSOC;
        sprintf(stats.methodName, "%s", "LinfSQPmethod");
    } /* else if (options.method == HybridSQPmethod) {
        L1SQP sqp2 = L1SQPNew(nlp);
        sqp2->tolerance = options.tolerance;
        sqp2->maximumIterations = options.maximumIterations;
        sqp2->displayData = options.displayData;
        stats.exitCode = L1SQPSolveX(sqp2, x, lambda, mu);
        stats.f                     = sqp2->f;
        stats.normc                 = sqp2->normc;
        stats.normT                 = sqp2->normT;
        stats.numberOfIterations    = sqp2->numberOfIterations;
        stats.numberOfFunctionCalls = sqp2->numberOfFunctionCalls;
        stats.numberOfGradientCalls = sqp2->numberOfGradientCalls;
        stats.numberOfQPSolves      = sqp2->numberOfQPSolves;
        stats.numberOfRefinements   = sqp2->numberOfRefinements;
        stats.numberOfSOC           = sqp2->numberOfSOC; 
    } else if (options.method == LagNewtmethod) {
        LagNewt sqp3 = LagNewtNew(nlp);
        sqp3->tolerance = options.tolerance;
        sqp3->maximumIterations = options.maximumIterations;
        sqp3->displayData = options.displayData;
        stats.exitCode = LagNewtSolve(sqp3, x, lambda, mu);
        stats.f                     = sqp3->f;
        stats.normc                 = sqp3->normc;
        stats.normT                 = sqp3->normT;
        stats.numberOfIterations    = sqp3->numberOfIterations;
        stats.numberOfFunctionCalls = sqp3->numberOfFunctionCalls;
        stats.numberOfGradientCalls = sqp3->numberOfGradientCalls;
        stats.numberOfQPSolves      = sqp3->numberOfQPSolves;
        stats.numberOfRefinements   = sqp3->numberOfRefinements;
        //stats.numberOfSOC           = sqp3->numberOfSOC; 
    }*/ else {
        RuntimeWarning("NLPsolve: invalid solution method specified");
    return stats;
Beispiel #4
	\pre tv_plane and tu_plane must be set
	distances[2] is set with the distance
	closest_point_u, closest_point_v, edge_edge_dir are set too
	- 0: faces are paralele
	- 1: face U casts face V
	- 2: face V casts face U
	- 3: nearest edges
	SIMD_FORCE_INLINE GUINT cross_line_intersection_test()
		// Compute direction of intersection line
		edge_edge_dir = tu_plane.cross(tv_plane);
		GREAL Dlen;

			return 0; //faces near paralele

		edge_edge_dir*= 1/Dlen;//normalize

		// Compute interval for triangle 1
		GUINT tu_e0,tu_e1;//edge indices
		GREAL tu_scale_e0,tu_scale_e1;//edge scale
			du0du1,du0du2,tu_scale_e0,tu_scale_e1,tu_e0,tu_e1)) return 0;

		// Compute interval for triangle 2
		GUINT tv_e0,tv_e1;//edge indices
		GREAL tv_scale_e0,tv_scale_e1;//edge scale

			dv0dv1,dv0dv2,tv_scale_e0,tv_scale_e1,tv_e0,tv_e1)) return 0;

		//proyected vertices
		btVector3 up_e0 = tu_vertices[tu_e0].lerp(tu_vertices[(tu_e0+1)%3],tu_scale_e0);
		btVector3 up_e1 = tu_vertices[tu_e1].lerp(tu_vertices[(tu_e1+1)%3],tu_scale_e1);

		btVector3 vp_e0 = tv_vertices[tv_e0].lerp(tv_vertices[(tv_e0+1)%3],tv_scale_e0);
		btVector3 vp_e1 = tv_vertices[tv_e1].lerp(tv_vertices[(tv_e1+1)%3],tv_scale_e1);

		//proyected intervals
		GREAL isect_u[] = {,};
		GREAL isect_v[] = {,};


		const GREAL midpoint_u = 0.5f*(isect_u[0]+isect_u[1]); // midpoint
		const GREAL midpoint_v = 0.5f*(isect_v[0]+isect_v[1]); // midpoint

			if(isect_u[1]>=isect_v[1]) // face U casts face V
				return 1;
			else if(isect_v[0]<=isect_u[0]) // face V casts face U
				return 2;
			// closest points
			closest_point_u = up_e1;
			closest_point_v = vp_e0;
			// calc edges and separation

			if(isect_u[1]+ MIN_EDGE_EDGE_DIS<isect_v[0]) //calc distance between two lines instead

				edge_edge_dir = closest_point_u-closest_point_v;
				edge_edge_dir *= 1.0f/distances[2];// normalize
				distances[2] = isect_v[0]-isect_u[1];//distance negative
				//edge_edge_dir *= -1.0f; //normal pointing from V to U

			if(isect_v[1]>=isect_u[1]) // face V casts face U
				return 2;
			else if(isect_u[0]<=isect_v[0]) // face U casts face V
				return 1;
			// closest points
			closest_point_u = up_e0;
			closest_point_v = vp_e1;
			// calc edges and separation

			if(isect_v[1]+MIN_EDGE_EDGE_DIS<isect_u[0]) //calc distance between two lines instead

				edge_edge_dir = closest_point_u-closest_point_v;
				edge_edge_dir *= 1.0f/distances[2];// normalize
				distances[2] = isect_u[0]-isect_v[1];//distance negative
				//edge_edge_dir *= -1.0f; //normal pointing from V to U
		return 3;
Beispiel #5
 * The uviewdirection subroutine computes and returns a 4x4 rotation
 * matrix that puts the negative z axis along the direction v21 and 
 * puts the y axis along the up vector.
 * Note that this code is fairly tolerant of "weird" paramters.
 * It normalizes when necessary, it does nothing when vectors are of
 * zero length, or are co-linear.  This code shouldn't croak, no matter
 * what the user sends in as arguments.
void uview_direction (gleDouble m[4][4],	/* returned */
                      gleDouble v21[3],		/* input */
                      gleDouble up[3])		/* input */
   gleDouble amat[4][4];
   gleDouble bmat[4][4];
   gleDouble cmat[4][4];
   gleDouble v_hat_21[3];
   gleDouble v_xy[3];
   gleDouble sine, cosine;
   gleDouble len;
   gleDouble up_proj[3];
   gleDouble tmp[3];

   /* find the unit vector that points in the v21 direction */
   VEC_COPY (v_hat_21, v21);    
   VEC_LENGTH (len, v_hat_21);
   if (len != 0.0) {
      len = 1.0 / len;
      VEC_SCALE (v_hat_21, len, v_hat_21);

      /* rotate z in the xz-plane until same latitude */
      sine = sqrt ( 1.0 - v_hat_21[2] * v_hat_21[2]);
      ROTY_CS (amat, (-v_hat_21[2]), (-sine));

   } else {

      /* error condition: zero length vecotr passed in -- do nothing */
      IDENTIFY_MATRIX_4X4 (amat);

   /* project v21 onto the xy plane */
   v_xy[0] = v21[0];
   v_xy[1] = v21[1];
   v_xy[2] = 0.0;
   VEC_LENGTH (len, v_xy);

   /* rotate in the x-y plane until v21 lies on z axis ---
    * but of course, if its already there, do nothing */
   if (len != 0.0) { 

      /* want xy projection to be unit vector, so that sines/cosines pop out */
      len = 1.0 / len;
      VEC_SCALE (v_xy, len, v_xy);

      /* rotate the projection of v21 in the xy-plane over to the x axis */
      ROTZ_CS (bmat, v_xy[0], v_xy[1]);

      /* concatenate these together */
      MATRIX_PRODUCT_4X4 (cmat, amat, bmat);

   } else {

      /* no-op -- vector is already in correct position */
      COPY_MATRIX_4X4 (cmat, amat);

   /* up vector really should be perpendicular to the x-form direction --
    * Use up a couple of cycles, and make sure it is, 
    * just in case the user blew it.
   VEC_PERP (up_proj, up, v_hat_21); 
   VEC_LENGTH (len, up_proj);
   if (len != 0.0) {

      /* normalize the vector */
      len = 1.0/len;
      VEC_SCALE (up_proj, len, up_proj);
      /* compare the up-vector to the  y-axis to get the cosine of the angle */
      tmp [0] = cmat [1][0];
      tmp [1] = cmat [1][1];
      tmp [2] = cmat [1][2];
      VEC_DOT_PRODUCT (cosine, tmp, up_proj);
      /* compare the up-vector to the x-axis to get the sine of the angle */
      tmp [0] = cmat [0][0];
      tmp [1] = cmat [0][1];
      tmp [2] = cmat [0][2];
      VEC_DOT_PRODUCT (sine, tmp, up_proj);
      /* rotate to align the up vector with the y-axis */
      ROTZ_CS (amat, cosine, -sine);
      /* This xform, although computed last, acts first */
      MATRIX_PRODUCT_4X4 (m, amat, cmat);

   } else {

      /* error condition: up vector is indeterminate (zero length) 
       * -- do nothing */
      COPY_MATRIX_4X4 (m, cmat);
int gim_triangle_sphere_collision(
							GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri,
							vec3f center, GREAL radius,
							GIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATA * contact_data)
    contact_data->m_point_count = 0;

    //Find Face plane distance
    GREAL  dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[0],center);
    if(dis>radius) return 0; //out
    if(dis<-radius) return 0;//Out of triangle
    contact_data->m_penetration_depth = dis;

    //Find the most edge
    GUINT32 most_edge = 4;//no edge
    GREAL max_dis = 0.0f;
    dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[1],center);
    if(dis>radius) return 0;//Out of triangle
        max_dis = dis;
        most_edge = 0;

    dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[2],center);
    if(dis>radius) return 0;//Out of triangle
    if(dis>max_dis)// && dis>0.0f)
        max_dis = dis;
        most_edge = 1;

    dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[3],center);
    if(dis>radius) return 0;//Out of triangle
    if(dis>max_dis)// && dis>0.0f)
        max_dis = dis;
        most_edge = 2;

    if(most_edge == 4) //Box is into triangle
        //contact_data->m_penetration_depth = dis is set above
        //Find Face plane point
        //Find point projection on plane
        contact_data->m_penetration_depth = radius - contact_data->m_penetration_depth;

        //Scale normal for pointing to triangle
        contact_data->m_point_count = 1;
        return 1;
    //find the edge
    vec3f e1,e2;

    //find distance
    if(dis>radius) return 0;

    contact_data->m_penetration_depth = radius - dis;


    //Scale normal for pointing to triangle

    contact_data->m_point_count = 1;
    return 1;

Beispiel #7
void gleLathe (int ncp,               /* number of contour points */
             gleDouble contour[][2],    /* 2D contour */
             gleDouble cont_normal[][2], /* 2D contour normals */
             gleDouble up[3],           /* up vector for contour */
             gleDouble startRadius,
             gleDouble drdTheta,        /* change in radius per revolution */
             gleDouble startZ,
             gleDouble dzdTheta,        /* change in Z per revolution */
             gleDouble startXform[2][3],
             gleDouble dXformdTheta[2][3], /* tangent change xform per revln */
             gleDouble startTheta,	      /* start angle, in degrees */
             gleDouble sweepTheta)        /* sweep angle, in degrees */
   gleDouble localup[3];
   gleDouble len;
   gleDouble trans[2];
   gleDouble start[2][3], delt[2][3];

   /* Because the spiral always starts on the axis, and proceeds in the
    * positive y direction, we can see that valid up-vectors must lie 
    * in the x-z plane. Therefore, we make sure we have a valid up
    * vector by projecting it onto the x-z plane, and normalizing. */
   if (up[1] != 0.0) {
      localup[0] = up[0];
      localup[1] = 0.0;
      localup[2] = up[2];
      VEC_LENGTH (len, localup);
      if (len != 0.0) {
         len = 1.0/len;
         localup[0] *= len;
         localup[2] *= len;
         VEC_SCALE (localup, len, localup);
      } else {
         /* invalid up vector was passed in */
         localup[0] = 0.0;
         localup[2] = 1.0;
   } else {
      VEC_COPY (localup, up);

   /* the dzdtheta derivative and the drdtheta derivative form a vector
    * in the x-z plane.  dzdtheta is the z component, and drdtheta is 
    * the x component.  We need to convert this vector into the local 
    * coordinate system defined by the up vector.  We do this by 
    * applying a 2D rotation matrix. 
   trans[0] = localup[2] * drdTheta - localup[0] * dzdTheta;
   trans[1] = localup[0] * drdTheta + localup[2] * dzdTheta;

   /* now, add this translation vector into the affine xform */
   if (startXform != NULL) {
      if (dXformdTheta != NULL) {
         COPY_MATRIX_2X3 (delt, dXformdTheta);
         delt[0][2] += trans[0];
         delt[1][2] += trans[1];
      } else {
         /*Hmm- the transforms don't exist */

         delt[0][0] = 0.0;
         delt[0][1] = 0.0;
         delt[0][2] = trans[0];
         delt[1][0] = 0.0;
         delt[1][1] = 0.0;
         delt[1][2] = trans[1];
      gleSpiral (ncp, contour, cont_normal, up, 
              startRadius, 0.0, startZ, 0.0,
              startXform, delt,
              startTheta, sweepTheta);

   } else {
      /* Hmm- the transforms don't exist */
      start[0][0] = 1.0;
      start[0][1] = 0.0;
      start[0][2] = 0.0;
      start[1][0] = 0.0;
      start[1][1] = 1.0;
      start[1][2] = 0.0;

      delt[0][0] = 0.0;
      delt[0][1] = 0.0;
      delt[0][2] = trans[0];
      delt[1][0] = 0.0;
      delt[1][1] = 0.0;
      delt[1][2] = trans[1];
      gleSpiral (ncp, contour, cont_normal, up, 
              startRadius, 0.0, startZ, 0.0,
              start, delt,
              startTheta, sweepTheta);