Beispiel #1
void ImageFile::loadPalette(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
	// Check for palette
	uint16 width        = stream.readUint16LE() + 1;
	uint16 height       = stream.readUint16LE() + 1;
	byte   paletteBase  = stream.readByte();
	byte   rleEncoded   = stream.readByte();
	byte   offsetX      = stream.readByte();
	byte   offsetY      = stream.readByte();
	uint32 palSignature = 0;

	if ((width == 390) && (height == 2) && (!paletteBase) && (!rleEncoded) && (!offsetX) && (!offsetY)) {
		// We check for these specific values
		// We can't do "width * height", because at least the first German+Spanish menu bar is 60 x 13
		// which is 780, which is the size of the palette. We obviously don't want to detect it as palette.

		// As another security measure, we also check for the signature text
		palSignature = stream.readUint32BE();
		if (palSignature != MKTAG('V', 'G', 'A', ' ')) {
			// signature mismatch, rewind, SEEK_CUR);
		// Found palette, so read it in, SEEK_CUR); // Skip over the rest of the signature text "VGA palette"
		for (int idx = 0; idx < PALETTE_SIZE; ++idx)
			_palette[idx] = VGA_COLOR_TRANS(stream.readByte());
	} else {
		// Not a palette, so rewind to start of frame data for normal frame processing, SEEK_CUR);
Beispiel #2
void Screen::setIconPalette() {
	if (_vm->getGameID() == GType_MartianMemorandum) {
		for (int i = 0; i < 0x1B; i++) {
			_rawPalette[741 + i] = VGA_COLOR_TRANS(Martian::ICON_PALETTE[i]);
Beispiel #3
void ImageFile::loadPalette(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
	// Check for palette
	int v1 = stream.readUint16LE() + 1;
	int v2 = stream.readUint16LE() + 1;
	stream.skip(1);		// Skip paletteBase byte
	bool rleEncoded = stream.readByte() == 1;
	int palSize = v1 * v2;

	if ((palSize - 12) == PALETTE_SIZE && !rleEncoded) {
		// Found palette, so read it in + 12, SEEK_CUR);
		for (int idx = 0; idx < PALETTE_SIZE; ++idx)
			_palette[idx] = VGA_COLOR_TRANS(stream.readByte());
	} else {
		// Not a palette, so rewind to start of frame data for normal frame processing, SEEK_CUR);
Beispiel #4
void Screen::translatePalette(byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]) {
	for (int idx = 0; idx < PALETTE_SIZE; ++idx)
		palette[idx] = VGA_COLOR_TRANS(palette[idx]);
Beispiel #5
void Screen::loadRawPalette(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
	stream->read(&_rawPalette[0], PALETTE_SIZE);
	for (byte *p = &_rawPalette[0]; p < &_rawPalette[PALETTE_SIZE]; ++p)
		*p = VGA_COLOR_TRANS(*p);
Beispiel #6
void Screen::setManPalette() {
	for (int i = 0; i < 0x42; i++) {
		_rawPalette[672 + i] = VGA_COLOR_TRANS(_manPal[i]);