Beispiel #1
static VAttrList VGraphEncodeAttrMethod (VPointer value, size_t *lengthp)
  VGraph graph = value;
  VAttrList list;
  size_t len, nadj;
  int i, slong, sfloat, spriv, nnodes;
  VNode n;
  VAdjacency adj;

  /* Compute the file space needed for the Graph's binary data: */
  len = 0;
  slong = VRepnPrecision (VLongRepn) / 8;
  sfloat = VRepnPrecision (VFloatRepn) / 8;
  spriv = graph->nfields * VRepnPrecision (graph->node_repn) / 8;

  nnodes = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->size; i++) {
    n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i); if (n == 0) continue;
    /* Count the number of adjacencies : */
    for (adj = n->base.head, nadj = 0; adj; adj = adj->next) nadj++;

    /* each node contains:
     * an index and the number of adjacencies
     * the private data area
     * the list of adjacencies
     * optionally reserve space for weights
    len += 2 * slong + nadj * slong + spriv;
    if (graph->useWeights) len += (nadj+1) * sfloat;
  *lengthp = len;
  assert(nnodes == graph->nnodes);	 /* for debugging */
  graph->nnodes = nnodes;		 /* just to be safe for now... */

  /* Temporarily prepend several attributes to the graph's list: */
  if ((list = VGraphAttrList (graph)) == NULL)
    list = VGraphAttrList (graph) = VCreateAttrList ();
  VPrependAttr (list, VRepnAttr, VNumericRepnDict,
		VLongRepn, (VLong) graph->node_repn);
  VPrependAttr (list, VNNodeFieldsAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
		(VLong) graph->nfields);
  VPrependAttr (list, VNGraphSizeAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
		(VLong) graph->size);
  VPrependAttr (list, VNNodeWeightsAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
		(VLong) graph->useWeights);

  return list;
Beispiel #2
VBoolean VWriteObjects (FILE *file, VRepnKind repn, VAttrList attributes,
			int nobjects, VPointer objects[])
    VAttrList list;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    int i;
    VBoolean result;

    /* Create an attribute list if none was supplied: */
    list = attributes ? attributes : VCreateAttrList ();

    /* Prepend to the attribute list an attribute for each object: */
    for (i = nobjects - 1; i >= 0; i--)
	VPrependAttr (list, VRepnName (repn), NULL, repn, objects[i]);

    /* Write the attribute list: */
    result = VWriteFile (file, list);

    /* Remove the attributes just prepended: */
    VFirstAttr (list, & posn);
    for (i = 0; i < nobjects; i++)
	VDeleteAttr (& posn);
    if (list != attributes)
	VDestroyAttrList (list);

    return result;
Beispiel #3
static VAttrList VImageEncodeAttrMethod (VPointer value, size_t *lengthp)
  VImage image = value;
  VAttrList list;
  size_t length;

#define OptionallyPrepend(value, name)				\
	if (value != 1)							\
	    VPrependAttr (list, name, NULL, VLongRepn, (VLong) value)

  /* Temporarily prepend several attributes to the image's attribute list: */
  if ((list = VImageAttrList (image)) == NULL)
    list = VImageAttrList (image) = VCreateAttrList ();
  VPrependAttr (list, VRepnAttr, VNumericRepnDict,
		VLongRepn, (VLong) VPixelRepn (image));
  VPrependAttr (list, VNColumnsAttr, NULL,
		VLongRepn, (VLong) VImageNColumns (image));
  VPrependAttr (list, VNRowsAttr, NULL,
		VLongRepn, (VLong) VImageNRows (image));
  OptionallyPrepend (VImageNComponents (image), VNComponentsAttr);
  OptionallyPrepend (VImageNColors (image), VNColorsAttr);
  OptionallyPrepend (VImageNViewpoints (image), VNViewpointsAttr);
  OptionallyPrepend (VImageNFrames (image), VNFramesAttr);
  OptionallyPrepend (VImageNBands (image), VNBandsAttr);

  /* Compute the file space needed for the image's binary data: */
  length = VImageNPixels (image);
  if (VPixelRepn (image) == VBitRepn)
    length = (length + 7) / 8;
  else length *= VPixelPrecision (image) / 8;
  *lengthp = length;

  return list;

#undef OptionallyPrepend
Beispiel #4
VBoolean WriteImages (VString Name, VAttrList Images, VAttrList& history_list)
   FILE*         file;      /* output file      */
   VAttrList     list;      /* attribute list   */
   VAttrListPosn pos;       /* position in list */
   VImage        image;     /* image in list    */
   VBoolean      success;   /* success flag     */
   char history[]="history";

   /* open file */
   file = fopen (Name, "w");
   if (!file)
      VError ("Failed to open output file '%s'", Name);
      return FALSE;

   /* create list */
   list = VCreateAttrList();
   /* insert images */
   for (VFirstAttr (Images, &pos); VAttrExists (&pos); VNextAttr (&pos))
      VGetAttrValue (&pos, NULL, VImageRepn, &image);
      VAppendAttr (list, VGetAttrName (&pos), NULL, VImageRepn, image);

   /* Prepend history */
   VPrependAttr(list, history ,NULL,VAttrListRepn,history_list);
   /* write file */
   success = VWriteFile (file, list);
   if (!success) VError ("Failed to write output file '%s'", Name);

   /* remove images */
   for (VFirstAttr (list, &pos); VAttrExists (&pos); VNextAttr (&pos))
      if (VGetAttrRepn (&pos) == VImageRepn)
         VSetAttrValue (&pos, NULL, VImageRepn, NULL);

   /* clean-up*/
   VDestroyAttrList (list);
   fclose (file);

   return success;

} /* WriteImages */
Beispiel #5
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    static VArgVector in_files;
    static VString out_filename;
    static VString filename;
    static VShort minval = 0;
    static VFloat fwhm = 4.0;
    static VOptionDescRec  options[] = {
        {"in", VStringRepn, 0, & in_files, VRequiredOpt, NULL, "Input files" },
        {"out", VStringRepn, 1, & out_filename, VRequiredOpt, NULL, "Output file" },
        {"design", VStringRepn, 1, (VPointer) &filename, VRequiredOpt, NULL, "Design file"},
            "fwhm", VFloatRepn, 1, (VPointer) &fwhm, VOptionalOpt, NULL,
            "FWHM of temporal Gaussian filter in seconds"
        {"minval", VShortRepn, 1, (VPointer) &minval, VOptionalOpt, NULL, "Signal threshold"}
    FILE *fp = NULL, *f = NULL;
    VStringConst in_filename;
    VString ifilename;
    VAttrList list = NULL, list1 = NULL;
    VAttrList out_list = NULL, history_list = NULL;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    VImage design = NULL;
    ListInfo *linfo;
    VLong itr = 0;
    VFloat sigma = 0, tr = 0;
    int  i, n, nimages;
   char prg_name[100];
	char ver[100];
	getLipsiaVersion(ver, sizeof(ver));
	sprintf(prg_name, "vcolorglm V%s", ver);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", prg_name);
    ** parse command line
    if(! VParseCommand(VNumber(options), options, & argc, argv)) {
        VReportUsage(argv[0], VNumber(options), options, NULL);
    if(argc > 1) {
        VReportBadArgs(argc, argv);
    ** read design matrix
    fp = VOpenInputFile(filename, TRUE);
    list1 = VReadFile(fp, NULL);
    if(! list1)
        VError("Error reading design file");
    n = 0;
    for(VFirstAttr(list1, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
        if(VGetAttrRepn(& posn) != VImageRepn)
        VGetAttrValue(& posn, NULL, VImageRepn, & design);
        if(VPixelRepn(design) != VFloatRepn /* && VPixelRepn(design) != VDoubleRepn */)
    if(n == 0)
        VError(" design matrix not found ");
    ** get pre-coloring info
    if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(design), "repetition_time", NULL, VLongRepn, &itr) != VAttrFound)
        VError(" TR info missing in header");
    tr = (float) itr / 1000.0;
    sigma = 0;
    if(tr > 0.001 && fwhm > 0.001) {
        fprintf(stderr, " TR: %.3f seconds\n", tr);
        sigma = fwhm / 2.35482;
        sigma /= tr;
        if(sigma < 0.1) {
            VWarning(" 'fwhm/sigma' too small (%.3f / %.3f), will be set to zero", fwhm, sigma);
            sigma = 0;
    ** Read each input file
    nimages = in_files.number;
    linfo = (ListInfo *) VMalloc(sizeof(ListInfo) * nimages);
    for(i = 0; i < nimages; i++) {
        in_filename = ((VStringConst *) in_files.vector)[i];
        ifilename = VNewString(in_filename);
        fprintf(stderr, " file:  %s\n", ifilename);
        list = GetListInfo(ifilename, &linfo[i]);
        /* Create history */
        if(i == 0) {
            history_list = VReadHistory(&list);
            if(history_list == NULL)
                history_list = VCreateAttrList();
            VPrependHistory(VNumber(options), options, prg_name, &history_list);

    ** GLM
    out_list = VRegression(linfo, nimages, minval, design, sigma, itr);

    **  Output:
    VPrependAttr(out_list, "history", NULL, VAttrListRepn, history_list);
    f = VOpenOutputFile(out_filename, TRUE);
        VError(" error opening outout file %s", out_filename);
    if(! VWriteFile(f, out_list))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: done.\n", argv[0]);
    return 0;
Beispiel #6
static VBoolean WriteAttr (FILE *f, VAttrListPosn *posn, int indent, VList *data_list, long *offset)
    int i;
    char *str;
    VRepnKind repn;
    VAttrList sublist;
    VBundle b;
    DataBlock *db;
    VTypeMethods *methods;
    size_t length;
    VPointer value;
    VBoolean result;
    VAttrListPosn subposn;

    /* Indent by the specified amount: */
    for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
	FailTest (fputc ('\t', f));

    /* Output the attribute's name: */
    FailTest (fprintf (f, "%s: ", VGetAttrName (posn)));

    /* Ouput its value: */
    switch (repn = VGetAttrRepn (posn)) {

    case VAttrListRepn:
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, VAttrListRepn, (VPointer) & sublist);
	result = WriteAttrList (f, sublist, indent, data_list, offset);

    case VBundleRepn:
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, VBundleRepn, (VBundle) & b);
	if (! WriteString (f, b->type_name))
	    return FALSE;
	FailTest (fputc (' ', f));

	/* If it's a typed value with binary data... */
	if (b->length > 0) {

	    /* Include "data" and "length" attributes in its attribute list: */
	    VPrependAttr (b->list, VLengthAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) b->length);
	    VPrependAttr (b->list, VDataAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) *offset);

	    /* Add it to the queue of binary data blocks to be written: */
	    *offset += b->length;
	    db = VNew (DataBlock);
	    db->posn = *posn;
	    db->list = b->list;
	    db->length = b->length;
	    VListAppend (*data_list, db);

	/* Write the typed value's attribute list: */
	result = WriteAttrList (f, b->list, indent, data_list, offset);

	/* Remove the "data" and "length" attributes added earlier: */
	if (b->length > 0) {
	    VFirstAttr (b->list, & subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);

    case VStringRepn:
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str);
	result = WriteString (f, str);

	if (! (methods = VRepnMethods (repn)) ||
	    ! methods->encode_attr || ! methods->encode_data) {
	    VWarning ("VWriteFile: "
		      "%s attribute has unwriteable representation: %s",
		      VGetAttrName (posn), VRepnName (repn));
	    return FALSE;

	/* Write the type name: */
	if (! WriteString (f, VRepnName (repn)))
	    return FALSE;
	FailTest (fputc (' ', f));

	/* Invoke the object type's encode_attr method to obtain an
	   attribute list: */
	VGetAttrValue (posn, NULL, repn, & value);
	sublist = (methods->encode_attr) (value, & length);

	/* If binary data is indicated... */
	if (length > 0) {

	    /* Include "data" and "length" attributes in the attr list: */
	    VPrependAttr (sublist, VLengthAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) length);
	    VPrependAttr (sublist, VDataAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
			  (VLong) *offset);

	    *offset += length;

	/* Add the object to the queue of binary data blocks to be written: */
	db = VNew (DataBlock);
	db->posn = *posn;
	db->list = sublist;
	db->length = length;
	VListAppend (*data_list, db);

	/* Write the typed value's attribute list: */
	result = WriteAttrList (f, sublist, indent, data_list, offset);

	/* Remove the "data" and "length" attributes added earlier: */
	if (length > 0) {
	    VFirstAttr (sublist, & subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);
	    VDeleteAttr (& subposn);

    /* Output a trailing newline: */
    if (result)
	FailTest (fputc ('\n', f));
    return result;

    VWarning ("VWriteFile: Write to stream failed");
    return FALSE;