void test() {
  (void)new int[ValueInt(10)]; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from array size expression of type 'ValueInt' to integral type 'int' is a C++11 extension}}
  (void)new int[ValueEnum()]; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from array size expression of type 'ValueEnum' to enumeration type 'E' is a C++11 extension}}
  (void)new int[ValueBoth()]; // expected-error{{ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type 'ValueBoth' to an integral or enumeration type}}

  (void)new int[TwoValueInts()]; // expected-error{{ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type 'TwoValueInts' to an integral or enumeration type}}
void test() {
  (void)new int[ValueInt(10)];
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L // C++03 or earlier modes
  // expected-warning@-2{{implicit conversion from array size expression of type 'ValueInt' to integral type 'int' is a C++11 extension}}

  (void)new int[ValueEnum()];
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// expected-warning@-2{{implicit conversion from array size expression of type 'ValueEnum' to enumeration type 'E' is a C++11 extension}}
  (void)new int[ValueBoth()]; // expected-error{{ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type 'ValueBoth' to an integral or enumeration type}}

  (void)new int[TwoValueInts()]; // expected-error{{ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type 'TwoValueInts' to an integral or enumeration type}}