bool Object_writer::PutValue(Environment &env, const Value &value) { Signal &sig = env.GetSignal(); String str; if (value.IsInvalid()) { return true; } else if (value.Is_number()) { str = Formatter::FormatValueList(sig, _format.c_str(), ValueList(value)); } else if (value.Is_complex()) { str = Formatter::FormatValueList(sig, _format.c_str(), ValueList(value)); } else if (value.Is_string()) { str += '"'; for (const char *p = value.GetString(); *p != '\0'; p++) { char ch = *p; str += ch; if (ch == '"') str += ch; } str += '"'; } else { sig.SetError(ERR_TypeError, "can't output in CSV format"); return false; } _pStreamDst->Print(sig, str.c_str()); return true; }
void UIBinding::Log(Logger::Level level, std::string& message) { if (level > Logger::LWARN) return; std::string methodName("warn"); if (level < Logger::LWARN) methodName = "error"; std::string origMethodName(methodName); origMethodName.append("_orig"); std::vector<AutoUserWindow>& openWindows = UIBinding::GetInstance()->GetOpenWindows(); for (size_t i = 0; i < openWindows.size(); i++) { KObjectRef domWindow = openWindows[i]->GetDOMWindow(); if (domWindow.isNull()) continue; KObjectRef console = domWindow->GetObject("console", 0); if (console.isNull()) continue; KMethodRef method = console->GetMethod(origMethodName.c_str(), 0); if (method.isNull()) method = console->GetMethod(methodName.c_str(), 0); RunOnMainThread(method, ValueList(Value::NewString(message)), false); } }
void TCPSocketBinding::ConnectThread() { static std::string error("Connection failed: "); try { // Give the connetion process and the reactor the same timeout. this->socket.connect(Poco::Net::SocketAddress( this->host, this->port), this->timeout); // Enable Keepalive mode on this socket. See: // this->socket.setKeepAlive(true); this->reactor.setTimeout(this->timeout); this->thread.start(this->reactor); this->opened = true; return; } catch (Poco::IOException &e) { error.append(e.displayText()); } catch (std::exception &e) { error.append(e.what()); } catch (...) { error.append("Unknown exception"); } if (!this->onError.isNull()) RunOnMainThread(this->onError, ValueList(Value::NewString(error)), false); }
bool NetworkStatus::GetStatus() { if (!bus) return true; return RunOnMainThread(statusCheckWork, ValueList())->ToBool(); }
StringCondition::StringCondition( RCP<const ParameterEntry> parameter, std::string value): ParameterCondition(parameter), values_(ValueList(1,value)) { checkParameterType(); }
void TCPSocketBinding::OnTimeout( const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::TimeoutNotification>& n) { if (this->onTimeout.isNull()) { return; } RunOnMainThread(this->onTimeout, ValueList(), false); }
void Process::ExitMonitorSync() { this->exitCode = Value::NewInt(this->Wait()); this->GetNativeStdin()->StopMonitors(); this->GetNativeStdout()->StopMonitors(); this->GetNativeStderr()->StopMonitors(); if (!exitCallback.isNull()) RunOnMainThread(exitCallback, ValueList()); }
StringCondition::StringCondition(std::string parameterName, Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> parentList, std::string value, bool whenParamEqualsValue): ParameterCondition(parameterName, parentList, whenParamEqualsValue), values(ValueList(1,value)) { if(!parameter->isType<std::string>()){ throw InvalidConditionException("The parameter of a String Condition " "must be of type string. \n" "Expected type: std::string\n" "Actual type: " + parameter->getAny().typeName() + "\n"); } }
void MenuItem::HandleClickEvent(KObjectRef source) { if (this->FireEvent(Event::CLICKED) && this->IsCheck() && this->autoCheck) { // Execute this later on the main thread RunOnMainThread(this->Get("setState")->ToMethod(), ValueList(Value::NewBool(!this->GetState())), false); } }
void Iterator::PrintfEach(Environment &env, Stream *pStream, const char *format) { Signal &sig = env.GetSignal(); Value value; while (Next(env, value)) { if (value.Is_list()) { pStream->PrintFmt(sig, format, value.GetList()); } else { pStream->PrintFmt(sig, format, ValueList(value)); } if (sig.IsSignalled()) break; } }
SharedValue AccessorBoundList::Get(const char *name) { std::string getter_name = "get" + Capitalize(name); SharedValue v = this->RawGet(getter_name.c_str()); if (v->IsMethod()) { SharedKMethod m = v->ToMethod(); return m->Call(ValueList()); } else { return this->RawGet(name); } }
void WorkerContext::DeliverMessage(KValueRef message) { AutoPtr<Event> event(this->CreateEvent("worker.message")); event->Set("message", message); KValueRef callback = this->Get("onmessage"); if (callback->IsMethod()) { Host::GetInstance()->RunOnMainThread( callback->ToMethod(), ValueList(Value::NewObject(event)), false); } }
void APIBinding::RunInstaller() { START_KROLL_THREAD; SharedApplication app = host->GetApplication(); BootUtils::RunInstaller( this->installerDependencies, app, "", app->GetSDKPath(), true); if (!this->installerCallback.isNull()) { RunOnMainThread(this->installerCallback, ValueList(), false); } this->installerMutex.unlock(); END_KROLL_THREAD; }
float BChannelSlider::ThumbDeltaFor(int32 channel) { float delta = 0.0; if (channel >= 0 && channel < MaxChannelCount()) { float range = ThumbRangeFor(channel); int32 limitRange = MaxLimitList()[channel] - MinLimitList()[channel]; delta = (ValueList()[channel] - MinLimitList()[channel]) * range / limitRange; if (fIsVertical) delta = range - delta; } return delta; }
static void FireEventCallback(KMethodRef callback, AutoPtr<Event> event, bool synchronous, KObjectRef thisObject) { try { RunOnMainThread(callback, thisObject, ValueList(Value::NewObject(event)), synchronous); } catch (ValueException& e) { Logger* logger = Logger::Get("KEventObject"); SharedString ss = e.DisplayString(); logger->Error("Exception caught during event callback (target=[%s]): %s", event->target->GetType().c_str(), ss->c_str()); } }
void HTTPClientBinding::ReceiveResponseBody(std::istream& in, int responseLength) { int dataReceived = 0; int readSize = 0; while (dataReceived < responseLength) { if (this->abort.tryWait(0)) { this->FireEvent(Event::HTTP_ABORT); return; }, buffer.size()); readSize = in.gcount(); if (readSize <= 0) break; if (this->outstream) { this->outstream->write(buffer.begin(), readSize); } else { // Pass data to handler on main thread std::string data(buffer.begin(), readSize); this->host->InvokeMethodOnMainThread( this->outputHandler, ValueList(Value::NewString(data)) ); } dataReceived += readSize; this->SetInt("dataReceived", dataReceived); this->FireEvent(Event::HTTP_DATA_RECEIVED); } // Set response text if no handler is set if (this->outstream) { std::string data = this->outstream->str(); if (!data.empty()) { this->SetString("responseText", data); } } }
void Process::ExitMonitorAsync() { this->exitCode = Value::NewInt(this->Wait()); // We want the onRead callbacks to fire before the exit // event, so we do a little hack here and stop the event // threads on the native pipes. It shouldn't matter anyhow // because these pipes are now dead and will be replaced on // next launch. Don't do this for synchronous process // launch becauase we are already on the main thread and that // will cause a deadlock. this->GetNativeStdin()->StopMonitors(); this->GetNativeStdout()->StopMonitors(); this->GetNativeStderr()->StopMonitors(); if (!exitCallback.isNull()) RunOnMainThread(exitCallback, ValueList()); }
/*static*/ bool SnarlWin32::MessageHandler(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (message != SnarlWin32::snarlWindowMessage) return false; long id = (long) lParam; std::map<long, KMethodRef>::iterator i = snarlCallbacks.find(id); if (i != snarlCallbacks.end()) { if (wParam == SnarlInterface::SNARL_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED) { Host::GetInstance()->InvokeMethodOnMainThread( i->second, ValueList(), false); } else if (wParam == SnarlInterface::SNARL_NOTIFICATION_TIMED_OUT) { snarlCallbacks.erase(i); } } return true; }
void NetworkBinding::NetworkStatusChange(bool online) { PRINTD("ti.Network: Online status changed ==> " << online); this->Set("online", Value::NewBool(online)); ValueList args = ValueList(); args.push_back(Value::NewBool(online)); std::vector<Listener>::iterator it = this->listeners.begin(); while (it != this->listeners.end()) { SharedBoundMethod callback = (*it++).callback; try { host->InvokeMethodOnMainThread(callback, args, false); } catch(ValueException& e) { SharedString ss = e.GetValue()->DisplayString(); std::cerr << "ti.Network.NetworkStatusChange callback failed: " << *ss << std::endl; } } }
void Network::NetworkStatusChange(bool online) { static Logger* log = Logger::Get("NetworkStatus"); log->Debug("ti.Network: Online status changed ==> %i", online); this->Set("online", Value::NewBool(online)); ValueList args = ValueList(); args.push_back(Value::NewBool(online)); std::vector<Listener>::iterator it = this->listeners.begin(); while (it != this->listeners.end()) { KMethodRef callback = (*it++).callback; try { RunOnMainThread(callback, args, false); } catch(ValueException& e) { SharedString ss = e.GetValue()->DisplayString(); log->Error("Network.NetworkStatus callback failed: %s", ss->c_str()); } } }
void KEventObject::FireEvent(const char* event) { FireEvent(event, ValueList()); }
void KEventObject::FireErrorEvent(std::exception& e) { FireEvent("error", ValueList(Value::NewString(e.what()))); }
void TCPSocket::ReadThread() { try { this->socket.connect(this->address); { Poco::FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(this->mutex); this->state = DUPLEX; } FireEvent("connect"); } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { HandleError(e); return; } BytesRef buffer = new Bytes(READ_BUFFER_SIZE); size_t usedSpace = 0; while (true) { // Re-allocate a new read buffer if the current // one has become too small. int freeSpace = READ_BUFFER_SIZE - usedSpace; if (freeSpace < READ_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE) { buffer = new Bytes(READ_BUFFER_SIZE); usedSpace = 0; freeSpace = READ_BUFFER_SIZE; } // Attempt to read data from socket into buffer. try { char* bufferPtr = buffer->Pointer() + usedSpace; int bytesRecv = this->socket.receiveBytes(bufferPtr, freeSpace); if (bytesRecv > 0) { BytesRef data = new Bytes(buffer, usedSpace, bytesRecv); usedSpace += bytesRecv; this->FireEvent("data", ValueList(Value::NewObject(data))); } else { // Remote host sent FIN, we are now write only. { Poco::FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(this->mutex); this->state = WRITEONLY; } FireEvent("end"); return; } } catch (Poco::TimeoutException& e) { this->FireEvent("timeout"); } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { HandleError(e); return; } } }
KValueRef KMethod::Call() { return this->Call(ValueList()); }