Beispiel #1
/* copy the tokens from StartParser to EndParser into new memory, removing TokenEOFs and terminate with a TokenEndOfFunction */
void *LexCopyTokens(struct ParseState *StartParser, struct ParseState *EndParser)
    int MemSize = 0;
    int CopySize;
    unsigned char *Pos = (unsigned char *)StartParser->Pos;
    unsigned char *NewTokens;
    unsigned char *NewTokenPos;
    struct TokenLine *ILine;
    Picoc *pc = StartParser->pc;
    if (pc->InteractiveHead == NULL)
        /* non-interactive mode - copy the tokens */
        MemSize = EndParser->Pos - StartParser->Pos;
        NewTokens = VariableAlloc(pc, StartParser, MemSize + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET, TRUE);
        memcpy(NewTokens, (void *)StartParser->Pos, MemSize);
        /* we're in interactive mode - add up line by line */
        for (pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveHead; pc->InteractiveCurrentLine != NULL && (Pos < &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[0] || Pos >= &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes]); pc->InteractiveCurrentLine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next)
        {} /* find the line we just counted */
        if (EndParser->Pos >= StartParser->Pos && EndParser->Pos < &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes])
            /* all on a single line */
            MemSize = EndParser->Pos - StartParser->Pos;
            NewTokens = VariableAlloc(pc, StartParser, MemSize + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET, TRUE);
            memcpy(NewTokens, (void *)StartParser->Pos, MemSize);
            /* it's spread across multiple lines */
            MemSize = &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET] - Pos;

            for (ILine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next; ILine != NULL && (EndParser->Pos < &ILine->Tokens[0] || EndParser->Pos >= &ILine->Tokens[ILine->NumBytes]); ILine = ILine->Next)
                MemSize += ILine->NumBytes - TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET;
            assert(ILine != NULL);
            MemSize += EndParser->Pos - &ILine->Tokens[0];
            NewTokens = VariableAlloc(pc, StartParser, MemSize + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET, TRUE);
            CopySize = &pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET] - Pos;
            memcpy(NewTokens, Pos, CopySize);
            NewTokenPos = NewTokens + CopySize;
            for (ILine = pc->InteractiveCurrentLine->Next; ILine != NULL && (EndParser->Pos < &ILine->Tokens[0] || EndParser->Pos >= &ILine->Tokens[ILine->NumBytes]); ILine = ILine->Next)
                memcpy(NewTokenPos, &ILine->Tokens[0], ILine->NumBytes - TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET);
                NewTokenPos += ILine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET;
            assert(ILine != NULL);
            memcpy(NewTokenPos, &ILine->Tokens[0], EndParser->Pos - &ILine->Tokens[0]);
    NewTokens[MemSize] = (unsigned char)TokenEndOfFunction;
    return NewTokens;
Beispiel #2
/* allocate a value either on the heap or the stack using space dependent on what type we want */
struct Value *VariableAllocValueAndData(struct ParseState *Parser, int DataSize, int IsLValue, struct Value *LValueFrom, int OnHeap)
    struct Value *NewValue = VariableAlloc(Parser, MEM_ALIGN(sizeof(struct Value)) + DataSize, OnHeap);
    NewValue->Val = (union AnyValue *)((char *)NewValue + MEM_ALIGN(sizeof(struct Value)));
    NewValue->ValOnHeap = OnHeap;
    NewValue->ValOnStack = !OnHeap;
    NewValue->IsLValue = IsLValue;
    NewValue->LValueFrom = LValueFrom;
    return NewValue;
Beispiel #3
/* create a system struct which has no user-visible members */
struct ValueType *TypeCreateOpaqueStruct(struct ParseState *Parser, const char *StructName, int Size)
    struct ValueType *Typ = TypeGetMatching(Parser, &UberType, TypeStruct, 0, StructName, FALSE);
    /* create the (empty) table */
    Typ->Members = VariableAlloc(Parser, sizeof(struct Table) + STRUCT_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(struct TableEntry), TRUE);
    Typ->Members->HashTable = (struct TableEntry **)((char *)Typ->Members + sizeof(struct Table));
    TableInitTable(Typ->Members, (struct TableEntry **)((char *)Typ->Members + sizeof(struct Table)), STRUCT_TABLE_SIZE, TRUE);
    Typ->Sizeof = Size;
    return Typ;
Beispiel #4
/* allocate a value either on the heap or the stack from an existing AnyValue and type */
struct Value *VariableAllocValueFromExistingData(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *Typ, union AnyValue *FromValue, int IsLValue, struct Value *LValueFrom)
    struct Value *NewValue = VariableAlloc(Parser, sizeof(struct Value), FALSE);
    NewValue->Typ = Typ;
    NewValue->Val = FromValue;
    NewValue->ValOnHeap = FALSE;
    NewValue->ValOnStack = FALSE;
    NewValue->IsLValue = IsLValue;
    NewValue->LValueFrom = LValueFrom;
    return NewValue;
Beispiel #5
/* add a new type to the set of types we know about */
struct ValueType *TypeAdd(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *ParentType, enum BaseType Base, int ArraySize, const char *Identifier, int Sizeof, int AlignBytes)
    struct ValueType *NewType = VariableAlloc(Parser, sizeof(struct ValueType), TRUE);
    NewType->Base = Base;
    NewType->ArraySize = ArraySize;
    NewType->Sizeof = Sizeof;
    NewType->AlignBytes = AlignBytes;
    NewType->Identifier = Identifier;
    NewType->Members = NULL;
    NewType->FromType = ParentType;
    NewType->DerivedTypeList = NULL;
    NewType->OnHeap = TRUE;
    NewType->Next = ParentType->DerivedTypeList;
    ParentType->DerivedTypeList = NewType;
    return NewType;
Beispiel #6
/* set an identifier to a value. returns FALSE if it already exists. 
 * Key must be a shared string from TableStrRegister() */
int TableSet(Picoc *pc, struct Table *Tbl, char *Key, struct Value *Val, const char *DeclFileName, int DeclLine, int DeclColumn){
    int AddAt;
    struct TableEntry *FoundEntry = TableSearch(Tbl, Key, &AddAt);
    if (FoundEntry == NULL)
    {   /* add it to the table */
        struct TableEntry *NewEntry = VariableAlloc(pc, NULL, sizeof(struct TableEntry), Tbl->OnHeap);
        NewEntry->DeclFileName = DeclFileName;
        NewEntry->DeclLine = DeclLine;
        NewEntry->DeclColumn = DeclColumn;
        NewEntry->p.v.Key = Key;
        NewEntry->p.v.Val = Val;
        NewEntry->Next = Tbl->HashTable[AddAt];
        Tbl->HashTable[AddAt] = NewEntry;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Beispiel #7
/* parse a struct or union declaration */
void TypeParseStruct(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int IsStruct)
    struct Value *LexValue;
    struct ValueType *MemberType;
    char *MemberIdentifier;
    char *StructIdentifier;
    struct Value *MemberValue;
    enum LexToken Token;
    int AlignBoundary;
    Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, FALSE);
    if (Token == TokenIdentifier)
        LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE);
        StructIdentifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
        Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
        static char TempNameBuf[7] = "^s0000";
        StructIdentifier = PlatformMakeTempName(TempNameBuf);

    *Typ = TypeGetMatching(Parser, &UberType, IsStruct ? TypeStruct : TypeUnion, 0, StructIdentifier, Token != TokenLeftBrace);

    Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
    if (Token != TokenLeftBrace)
        /* use the already defined structure */
        if ((*Typ)->Members == NULL)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "la estructura '%s' no esta definida en este ambito", LexValue->Val->Identifier);
    if (TopStackFrame != NULL)
        ProgramFail(Parser, "las estructuras/uniones solo pueden definirse en un ambito global");
    LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);    
    (*Typ)->Members = VariableAlloc(Parser, sizeof(struct Table) + STRUCT_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(struct TableEntry), TRUE);
    (*Typ)->Members->HashTable = (struct TableEntry **)((char *)(*Typ)->Members + sizeof(struct Table));
    TableInitTable((*Typ)->Members, (struct TableEntry **)((char *)(*Typ)->Members + sizeof(struct Table)), STRUCT_TABLE_SIZE, TRUE);
    do {
        TypeParse(Parser, &MemberType, &MemberIdentifier, NULL);
        if (MemberType == NULL || MemberIdentifier == NULL)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "tipo invalido en estructura");
        MemberValue = VariableAllocValueAndData(Parser, sizeof(int), FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
        MemberValue->Typ = MemberType;
        if (IsStruct)
            /* allocate this member's location in the struct */
            AlignBoundary = MemberValue->Typ->AlignBytes;
            if (((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1)) != 0)
                (*Typ)->Sizeof += AlignBoundary - ((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1));
            MemberValue->Val->Integer = (*Typ)->Sizeof;
            (*Typ)->Sizeof += TypeSizeValue(MemberValue, TRUE);
            /* union members always start at 0, make sure it's big enough to hold the largest member */
            MemberValue->Val->Integer = 0;
            if (MemberValue->Typ->Sizeof > (*Typ)->Sizeof)
                (*Typ)->Sizeof = TypeSizeValue(MemberValue, TRUE);

        /* make sure to align to the size of the largest member's alignment */
        if ((*Typ)->AlignBytes < MemberValue->Typ->AlignBytes)
            (*Typ)->AlignBytes = MemberValue->Typ->AlignBytes;
        /* define it */
        if (!TableSet((*Typ)->Members, MemberIdentifier, MemberValue, Parser->FileName, Parser->Line, Parser->CharacterPos))
            ProgramFail(Parser, "el miembro '%s' ya esta definido", &MemberIdentifier);
        if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenSemicolon)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "se esperaba un punto y coma");
    } while (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenRightBrace);
    /* now align the structure to the size of its largest member's alignment */
    AlignBoundary = (*Typ)->AlignBytes;
    if (((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1)) != 0)
        (*Typ)->Sizeof += AlignBoundary - ((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1));
    LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
/* get the next token, without pre-processing */
enum LexToken LexGetRawToken(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value **Value, int IncPos)
    enum LexToken Token = TokenNone;
    int ValueSize;
    char *Prompt = NULL;
        /* get the next token */
        if (Parser->Pos == NULL && InteractiveHead != NULL)
            Parser->Pos = InteractiveHead->Tokens;
        if (Parser->FileName != StrEmpty || InteractiveHead != NULL)
            /* skip leading newlines */
            while ((Token = (enum LexToken)*(unsigned char *)Parser->Pos) == TokenEndOfLine)
                Parser->Pos += TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET;
        if (Parser->FileName == StrEmpty && (InteractiveHead == NULL || Token == TokenEOF))
            /* we're at the end of an interactive input token list */
            char LineBuffer[LINEBUFFER_MAX];
            void *LineTokens;
            int LineBytes;
            struct TokenLine *LineNode;
            if (InteractiveHead == NULL || (unsigned char *)Parser->Pos == &InteractiveTail->Tokens[InteractiveTail->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET])
                /* get interactive input */
                if (LexUseStatementPrompt)
                    Prompt = INTERACTIVE_PROMPT_STATEMENT;
                    LexUseStatementPrompt = FALSE;
                    Prompt = INTERACTIVE_PROMPT_LINE;
                if (PlatformGetLine(&LineBuffer[0], LINEBUFFER_MAX, Prompt) == NULL)
                    return TokenEOF;

                /* put the new line at the end of the linked list of interactive lines */        
                LineTokens = LexAnalyse(StrEmpty, &LineBuffer[0], strlen(LineBuffer), &LineBytes);
                LineNode = VariableAlloc(Parser, sizeof(struct TokenLine), TRUE);
                LineNode->Tokens = LineTokens;
                LineNode->NumBytes = LineBytes;
                if (InteractiveHead == NULL)
                    /* start a new list */
                    InteractiveHead = LineNode;
                    Parser->Line = 1;
                    Parser->CharacterPos = 0;
                    InteractiveTail->Next = LineNode;

                InteractiveTail = LineNode;
                InteractiveCurrentLine = LineNode;
                Parser->Pos = LineTokens;
                /* go to the next token line */
                if (Parser->Pos != &InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET])
                    /* scan for the line */
                    for (InteractiveCurrentLine = InteractiveHead; Parser->Pos != &InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens[InteractiveCurrentLine->NumBytes-TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET]; InteractiveCurrentLine = InteractiveCurrentLine->Next)
                    { assert(InteractiveCurrentLine->Next != NULL); }

                assert(InteractiveCurrentLine != NULL);
                InteractiveCurrentLine = InteractiveCurrentLine->Next;
                assert(InteractiveCurrentLine != NULL);
                Parser->Pos = InteractiveCurrentLine->Tokens;

            Token = (enum LexToken)*(unsigned char *)Parser->Pos;
    } while ((Parser->FileName == StrEmpty && Token == TokenEOF) || Token == TokenEndOfLine);

    Parser->CharacterPos = *((unsigned char *)Parser->Pos + 1);
    ValueSize = LexTokenSize(Token);
    if (ValueSize > 0)
        /* this token requires a value - unpack it */
        if (Value != NULL)
            switch (Token)
                case TokenStringConstant:       LexValue.Typ = CharPtrType; break;
                case TokenIdentifier:           LexValue.Typ = NULL; break;
                case TokenIntegerConstant:      LexValue.Typ = &IntType; break;
                case TokenCharacterConstant:    LexValue.Typ = &CharType; break;
#ifndef NO_FP
                case TokenFPConstant:           LexValue.Typ = &FPType; break;
                default: break;
            memcpy((void *)LexValue.Val, (void *)((char *)Parser->Pos + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET), ValueSize);
            LexValue.ValOnHeap = FALSE;
            LexValue.ValOnStack = FALSE;
            LexValue.IsLValue = FALSE;
            LexValue.LValueFrom = NULL;
            *Value = &LexValue;
        if (IncPos)
            Parser->Pos += ValueSize + TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET;
        if (IncPos && Token != TokenEOF)
            Parser->Pos += TOKEN_DATA_OFFSET;
    printf("Got token=%02x inc=%d pos=%d\n", Token, IncPos, Parser->CharacterPos);
    assert(Token >= TokenNone && Token <= TokenEndOfFunction);
    return Token;
Beispiel #9
/* parse a struct or union declaration */
void TypeParseStruct(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ, int IsStruct){
    struct Value *LexValue;
    struct ValueType *MemberType;
    char *MemberIdentifier;
    char *StructIdentifier;
    struct Value *MemberValue;
    enum LexToken Token;
    int AlignBoundary;
    Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
    Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, FALSE);
    if (Token == TokenIdentifier){
        LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE);
        StructIdentifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
        Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
        static char TempNameBuf[7] = "^s0000";
        StructIdentifier = PlatformMakeTempName(pc, TempNameBuf);
    *Typ = TypeGetMatching(pc, Parser, &Parser->pc->UberType, IsStruct ? TypeStruct : TypeUnion, 0, StructIdentifier, TRUE);
    if (Token == TokenLeftBrace && (*Typ)->Members)
        ProgramFail(Parser, "data type '%t' is already defined", *Typ);
    Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
    if (Token != TokenLeftBrace){ 
        /* use the already defined structure */
#if 0
        if ((*Typ)->Members == NULL)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "structure '%s' isn't defined", LexValue->Val->Identifier);
    if (pc->TopStackFrame != NULL) ProgramFail(Parser, "struct/union definitions can only be globals");
    LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);    
    (*Typ)->Members = VariableAlloc(pc, Parser, sizeof(struct Table) + STRUCT_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(struct TableEntry), TRUE);
    (*Typ)->Members->HashTable = (struct TableEntry **)((char *)(*Typ)->Members + sizeof(struct Table));
    TableInitTable((*Typ)->Members, (struct TableEntry **)((char *)(*Typ)->Members + sizeof(struct Table)), STRUCT_TABLE_SIZE, TRUE);
    do {
        TypeParse(Parser, &MemberType, &MemberIdentifier, NULL);
        if (!MemberType || !MemberIdentifier) 
          ProgramFail(Parser, "invalid type in struct");
        MemberValue = VariableAllocValueAndData(pc, Parser, sizeof(int), FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
        MemberValue->Typ = MemberType;
        if (IsStruct){ 
            /* allocate this member's location in the struct */
            AlignBoundary = MemberValue->Typ->AlignBytes;
            if (((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1)) != 0)
                 (*Typ)->Sizeof += AlignBoundary - ((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1));
            MemberValue->Val->Integer = (*Typ)->Sizeof;
            (*Typ)->Sizeof += TypeSizeValue(MemberValue, TRUE);
            /* union members always start at 0, make sure it's big enough to hold the largest member */
            MemberValue->Val->Integer = 0;
            if ((*Typ)->Sizeof < MemberValue->Typ->Sizeof       )
                (*Typ)->Sizeof = TypeSizeValue(MemberValue, TRUE);
        /* make sure to align to the size of the largest member's alignment */
        if ((*Typ)->AlignBytes < MemberValue->Typ->AlignBytes)
            (*Typ)->AlignBytes = MemberValue->Typ->AlignBytes;
        /* define it */
        if (!TableSet(pc, (*Typ)->Members, MemberIdentifier, MemberValue, Parser->FileName, Parser->Line, Parser->CharacterPos))
            ProgramFail(Parser, "member '%s' already defined", &MemberIdentifier);
        if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenSemicolon)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "semicolon expected");
    } while (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenRightBrace);
    /* now align the structure to the size of its largest member's alignment */
    AlignBoundary = (*Typ)->AlignBytes;
    if (((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1)) != 0)
         (*Typ)->Sizeof += AlignBoundary-((*Typ)->Sizeof & (AlignBoundary-1));
    LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);