Beispiel #1
/* define a variable. Ident must be registered. If it's a redefinition from the same declaration don't throw an error */
struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser, char *Ident, struct ValueType *Typ, int IsStatic, int *FirstVisit)
    struct Value *ExistingValue;
    const char *DeclFileName;
    int DeclLine;
    int DeclColumn;
    if (IsStatic)
        char MangledName[LINEBUFFER_MAX];
        char *MNPos = &MangledName[0];
        char *MNEnd = &MangledName[LINEBUFFER_MAX-1];
        const char *RegisteredMangledName;
        /* make the mangled static name (avoiding using sprintf() to minimise library impact) */
        memset((void *)&MangledName, '\0', sizeof(MangledName));
        *MNPos++ = '/';
        strncpy(MNPos, (char *)Parser->FileName, MNEnd - MNPos);
        MNPos += strlen(MNPos);
        if (TopStackFrame != NULL)
            /* we're inside a function */
            if (MNEnd - MNPos > 0) *MNPos++ = '/';
            strncpy(MNPos, (char *)TopStackFrame->FuncName, MNEnd - MNPos);
            MNPos += strlen(MNPos);
        if (MNEnd - MNPos > 0) *MNPos++ = '/';
        strncpy(MNPos, Ident, MNEnd - MNPos);
        RegisteredMangledName = TableStrRegister(MangledName);
        /* is this static already defined? */
        if (!TableGet(&GlobalTable, RegisteredMangledName, &ExistingValue, &DeclFileName, &DeclLine, &DeclColumn))
            /* define the mangled-named static variable store in the global scope */
            ExistingValue = VariableAllocValueFromType(Parser, Typ, TRUE, NULL, TRUE);
            TableSet(&GlobalTable, (char *)RegisteredMangledName, ExistingValue, (char *)Parser->FileName, Parser->Line, Parser->CharacterPos);
            *FirstVisit = TRUE;

        /* static variable exists in the global scope - now make a mirroring variable in our own scope with the short name */
        VariableDefinePlatformVar(Parser, Ident, ExistingValue->Typ, ExistingValue->Val, TRUE);
        return ExistingValue;
        if (Parser->Line != 0 && TableGet((TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &GlobalTable : &TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, &ExistingValue, &DeclFileName, &DeclLine, &DeclColumn)
                && DeclFileName == Parser->FileName && DeclLine == Parser->Line && DeclColumn == Parser->CharacterPos)
            return ExistingValue;
            return VariableDefine(Parser, Ident, NULL, Typ, TRUE);
Beispiel #2
/* define a variable. Ident must be registered */
struct Value *VariableDefine(struct ParseState *Parser, char *Ident, struct Value *InitValue, struct ValueType *Typ, int MakeWritable)
    struct Value *AssignValue;
    if (InitValue != NULL)
        AssignValue = VariableAllocValueAndCopy(Parser, InitValue, TopStackFrame == NULL);
        AssignValue = VariableAllocValueFromType(Parser, Typ, MakeWritable, NULL, TopStackFrame == NULL);
    AssignValue->IsLValue = MakeWritable;
    if (!TableSet((TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &GlobalTable : &TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, AssignValue, Parser ? ((char *)Parser->FileName) : NULL, Parser ? Parser->Line : 0, Parser ? Parser->CharacterPos : 0))
        ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is already defined", Ident);
    return AssignValue;
Beispiel #3
/* define a variable. Ident must be registered */
struct Value *VariableDefine(struct ParseState *Parser, char *Ident, struct Value *InitValue, struct ValueType *Typ, int MakeWritable)
    struct Value *AssignValue;

    short int ScopeLevel = Parser ? Parser->ScopeLevel : -1;
    //~ fprintf(stderr, "def %s %d\n", Ident, ScopeLevel);

    if (InitValue != NULL)
        AssignValue = VariableAllocValueAndCopy(Parser, InitValue, TopStackFrame == NULL);
        AssignValue = VariableAllocValueFromType(Parser, Typ, MakeWritable, NULL, TopStackFrame == NULL);
    AssignValue->IsLValue = MakeWritable;

    AssignValue->ScopeLevel = ScopeLevel;
    AssignValue->OutOfScope = 0;

    struct Table * currentTable = (TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &GlobalTable : &TopStackFrame->LocalTable;
    struct Value * ExistingValue;
    if (TableGet(currentTable, Ident, &ExistingValue, NULL, NULL, NULL))
        if (ExistingValue->OutOfScope)
            //~ fprintf(stderr, "reusing %s\n", Ident);
            // not sure how to delete properly, so... 
            // throw the old copy away and hope it's cleaned up at VariableStackFramePop
            TableDeleteStack(currentTable, Ident);

    if (!TableSet(currentTable, Ident, AssignValue, Parser ? ((char *)Parser->FileName) : NULL, Parser ? Parser->Line : 0, Parser ? Parser->CharacterPos : 0))
        ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is already defined", Ident);
    return AssignValue;