Beispiel #1
   \brief Select features by bbox
   \param[in] Map vector map
   \param[in] type feature type
   \param[in] bbox_opt bounding boxes
   \param[in,out] List list of selected features

   \return number of selected lines
int sel_by_bbox(struct Map_info *Map,
		int type, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
		struct ilist *List)
    struct bound_box bbox;

    struct boxlist *List_tmp;
    List_tmp = Vect_new_boxlist(0);
    /* bounding box */
    bbox.N = y1 < y2 ? y2 : y1;
    bbox.S = y1 < y2 ? y1 : y2;
    bbox.W = x1 < x2 ? x1 : x2;
    bbox.E = x1 < x2 ? x2 : x1;
    bbox.T = PORT_DOUBLE_MAX;
    bbox.B = -PORT_DOUBLE_MAX;
    Vect_select_lines_by_box(Map, &bbox, type, List_tmp);

    G_debug(1, "  %d lines selected (by bbox)", List_tmp->n_values);

    /* merge lists (only duplicate items) */
    merge_lists2(List, List_tmp);
    return List->n_values;
void copy_boxlist_and_destroy( struct boxlist *blist, struct ilist * list )
  Vect_reset_list( list );
  for ( int i = 0; i < blist->n_values; i++ )
    Vect_list_append( list, blist->id[i] );
  Vect_destroy_boxlist( blist );
Beispiel #3
int display_label(struct Map_info *Map, int type,
		  struct cat_list *Clist, LATTR *lattr, int chcat)
    int ltype;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    int ogr_centroids;

    const struct Format_info *finfo;
    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();


    ogr_centroids = FALSE;
    finfo = Vect_get_finfo(Map);
    if (Vect_maptype(Map) == GV_FORMAT_OGR ||
	(Vect_maptype(Map) == GV_FORMAT_POSTGIS &&
         finfo->pg.toposchema_name == NULL)) {
	if (Vect_level(Map) < 2)
	    G_warning(_("Topology level required for drawing centroids "
			"for OGR layers"));
	else if (Vect_get_num_primitives(Map, GV_CENTROID) > 0 &&
		 type & GV_CENTROID)
	    /* label centroids from topo, don't label boundaries */
	    ogr_centroids = TRUE;
    while (TRUE) {
	ltype = Vect_read_next_line(Map, Points, Cats);
	if (ltype == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read vector map"));
	else if (ltype == -2) /* EOF */
        if (!(type & ltype) && !((type & GV_AREA) && (ltype & GV_CENTROID)))
	    continue;		/* used for both lines and labels */
	if (ogr_centroids && ltype == GV_BOUNDARY)
	    /* do not label boundaries */

	process_line(ltype, Points, Cats, lattr, chcat, Clist);

    if (ogr_centroids) {
	/* show label for centroids stored in topo (for OGR layers
	   only) */
	int line, nlines;
	struct bound_box box;
	struct boxlist *list;
	list = Vect_new_boxlist(FALSE); /* bboxes not needed */
	Vect_get_constraint_box(Map, &box);
	nlines = Vect_select_lines_by_box(Map, &box, GV_CENTROID, list);
	G_debug(3, "ncentroids (ogr) = %d", nlines);
	for (line = 0; line < nlines; line++) {
	    ltype = Vect_read_line(Map, Points, Cats, list->id[line]);
	    process_line(ltype, Points, Cats, lattr, chcat, Clist);


    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int area_area(struct Map_info *In, int *field, struct Map_info *Tmp,
	      struct Map_info *Out, struct field_info *Fi,
	      dbDriver * driver, int operator, int *ofield,
	      ATTRIBUTES * attr, struct ilist *BList, double snap)
    int ret, input, line, nlines, area, nareas;
    int in_area, in_centr, out_cat;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    CENTR *Centr;
    char buf[1000];
    dbString stmt;
    int nmodif;
    int verbose;

    verbose = G_verbose();

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    /* optional snap */
    if (snap > 0) {
	int i, j, snapped_lines = 0;
	struct bound_box box;
	struct boxlist *boxlist = Vect_new_boxlist(0);
	struct ilist *reflist = Vect_new_list();
	G_message(_("Snapping boundaries with %g ..."), snap);

	/* snap boundaries in B to boundaries in A,
	 * not modifying boundaries in A */

	if (BList->n_values > 1)
	    qsort(BList->value, BList->n_values, sizeof(int), cmp_int);

	snapped_lines = 0;
	nlines = BList->n_values;
	for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
	    line = BList->value[i];
	    Vect_read_line(Tmp, Points, Cats, line);
	    /* select lines by box */
	    Vect_get_line_box(Tmp, line, &box);
	    box.E += snap;
	    box.W -= snap;
	    box.N += snap;
	    box.S -= snap;
	    box.T = 0.0;
	    box.B = 0.0;
	    Vect_select_lines_by_box(Tmp, &box, GV_BOUNDARY, boxlist);
	    if (boxlist->n_values > 0) {
		for (j = 0; j < boxlist->n_values; j++) {
		    int aline = boxlist->id[j];

		    if (!bsearch(&aline, BList->value, BList->n_values,
			sizeof(int), cmp_int)) {
			G_ilist_add(reflist, aline);
		/* snap bline to alines */
		if (Vect_snap_line(Tmp, reflist, Points, snap, 0, NULL, NULL)) {
		    /* rewrite bline*/
		    Vect_delete_line(Tmp, line);
		    ret = Vect_write_line(Tmp, GV_BOUNDARY, Points, Cats);
		    G_ilist_add(BList, ret);
		    G_debug(3, "line %d snapped", line);

	G_verbose_message(n_("%d boundary snapped",
                             "%d boundaries snapped",
                             snapped_lines), snapped_lines);

    /* same procedure like for
     * Vect_clean_small_angles_at_nodes() can change the geometry so that new intersections
     * are created. We must call Vect_break_lines(), Vect_remove_duplicates()
     * and Vect_clean_small_angles_at_nodes() until no more small dangles are found */
    do {
	G_message(_("Breaking lines..."));
	Vect_break_lines_list(Tmp, NULL, BList, GV_BOUNDARY, NULL);

	/* Probably not necessary for LINE x AREA */
	G_message(_("Removing duplicates..."));
	Vect_remove_duplicates(Tmp, GV_BOUNDARY, NULL);

	G_message(_("Cleaning boundaries at nodes..."));
	nmodif =
	    Vect_clean_small_angles_at_nodes(Tmp, GV_BOUNDARY, NULL);
    } while (nmodif > 0);

    /* ?: May be result of Vect_break_lines() + Vect_remove_duplicates() any dangle or bridge?
     * In that case, calls to Vect_remove_dangles() and Vect_remove_bridges() would be also necessary */

    /* should be fast, be silent */
    Vect_build_partial(Tmp, GV_BUILD_AREAS);
    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(Tmp);
    ret = 0;
    for (line = 1; line <= nlines; line++) {
	if (!Vect_line_alive(Tmp, line))
	if (Vect_get_line_type(Tmp, line) == GV_BOUNDARY) {
	    int left, rite;
	    Vect_get_line_areas(Tmp, line, &left, &rite);
	    if (left == 0 || rite == 0) {
		/* invalid boundary */
		ret = 1;
    if (ret) {
	Vect_remove_dangles(Tmp, GV_BOUNDARY, -1, NULL);
	Vect_remove_bridges(Tmp, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    Vect_build_partial(Tmp, GV_BUILD_NONE);
    Vect_build_partial(Tmp, GV_BUILD_BASE);
    G_message(_("Merging lines..."));
    Vect_merge_lines(Tmp, GV_BOUNDARY, NULL, NULL);

    /* Attach islands */
    G_message(_("Attaching islands..."));
    /* can take some time, show messages */
    Vect_build_partial(Tmp, GV_BUILD_ATTACH_ISLES);

    /* Calculate new centroids for all areas */
    nareas = Vect_get_num_areas(Tmp);

    Centr = (CENTR *) G_malloc((nareas + 1) * sizeof(CENTR));	/* index from 1 ! */
    for (area = 1; area <= nareas; area++) {
	ret =
	    Vect_get_point_in_area(Tmp, area, &(Centr[area].x),
	if (ret < 0) {
	    G_warning(_("Cannot calculate area centroid"));
	    Centr[area].valid = 0;
	else {
	    Centr[area].valid = 1;

    /* Query input maps */
    for (input = 0; input < 2; input++) {
	G_message(_("Querying vector map <%s>..."),

	for (area = 1; area <= nareas; area++) {
	    Centr[area].cat[input] = Vect_new_cats_struct();

	    G_percent(area, nareas, 1);

	    in_area =
		Vect_find_area(&(In[input]), Centr[area].x, Centr[area].y);
	    if (in_area > 0) {
		in_centr = Vect_get_area_centroid(&(In[input]), in_area);
		if (in_centr > 0) {
		    int i;

		    Vect_read_line(&(In[input]), NULL, Cats, in_centr);
		    /* Add all cats with original field number */
		    for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
			if (Cats->field[i] == field[input]) {
			    ATTR *at;

			    Vect_cat_set(Centr[area].cat[input], ofield[input + 1],

			    /* Mark as used */
			    at = find_attr(&(attr[input]), Cats->cat[i]);
			    if (!at)
				G_fatal_error(_("Attribute not found"));

			    at->used = 1;

    G_message(_("Writing centroids..."));

    out_cat = 1;
    for (area = 1; area <= nareas; area++) {
	int i;

	G_percent(area, nareas, 1);

	/* check the condition */
	switch (operator) {
	case OP_AND:
	    if (!
		(Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats > 0 &&
		 Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats > 0))
	case OP_OR:
	    if (!
		(Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats > 0 ||
		 Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats > 0))
	case OP_NOT:
	    if (!
		(Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats > 0 &&
		 !(Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats > 0)))
	case OP_XOR:
	    if ((Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats > 0 &&
		 Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats > 0) ||
		(!(Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats > 0) &&
		 !(Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats > 0)))


	Vect_append_point(Points, Centr[area].x, Centr[area].y, 0.0);

	if (ofield[0] > 0) {
	    /* Add new cats for all combinations of input cats (-1 in cycle for null) */
	    for (i = -1; i < Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats; i++) {
		int j;

		if (i == -1 && Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats > 0)
		    continue;	/* no need to make null */

		for (j = -1; j < Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats; j++) {
		    if (j == -1 && Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats > 0)
			continue;	/* no need to make null */

		    if (ofield[0] > 0)
			Vect_cat_set(Cats, ofield[0], out_cat);

		    /* attributes */
		    if (driver) {
			ATTR *at;

			sprintf(buf, "insert into %s values ( %d", Fi->table,
			db_set_string(&stmt, buf);

			/* cata */
			if (i >= 0) {
			    if (attr[0].columns) {
				at = find_attr(&(attr[0]),
				if (!at)
				    G_fatal_error(_("Attribute not found"));

				if (at->values)
				    db_append_string(&stmt, at->values);
				    db_append_string(&stmt, attr[0].null_values);
			    else {
				sprintf(buf, ", %d", Centr[area].cat[0]->cat[i]);
				db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
			else {
			    if (attr[0].columns) {
				db_append_string(&stmt, attr[0].null_values);
			    else {
				sprintf(buf, ", null");
				db_append_string(&stmt, buf);

			/* catb */
			if (j >= 0) {
			    if (attr[1].columns) {
				at = find_attr(&(attr[1]),
				if (!at)
				    G_fatal_error(_("Attribute not found"));

				if (at->values)
				    db_append_string(&stmt, at->values);
				    db_append_string(&stmt, attr[1].null_values);
			    else {
				sprintf(buf, ", %d", Centr[area].cat[1]->cat[j]);
				db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
			else {
			    if (attr[1].columns) {
				db_append_string(&stmt, attr[1].null_values);
			    else {
				sprintf(buf, ", null");
				db_append_string(&stmt, buf);

			db_append_string(&stmt, " )");

			G_debug(3, "%s", db_get_string(&stmt));

			if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &stmt) != DB_OK)
			    G_warning(_("Unable to insert new record: '%s'"),

	/* Add all cats from input vectors */
	if (ofield[1] > 0 && field[0] > 0) {
	    for (i = 0; i < Centr[area].cat[0]->n_cats; i++) {
		if (Centr[area].cat[0]->field[i] == field[0])
		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, ofield[1], Centr[area].cat[0]->cat[i]);

	if (ofield[2] > 0 && field[1] > 0 && ofield[1] != ofield[2]) {
	    for (i = 0; i < Centr[area].cat[1]->n_cats; i++) {
		if (Centr[area].cat[1]->field[i] == field[1])
		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, ofield[2], Centr[area].cat[1]->cat[i]);

	Vect_write_line(Tmp, GV_CENTROID, Points, Cats);
	Vect_write_line(Out, GV_CENTROID, Points, Cats);

    /* should be fast, be silent */
    Vect_build_partial(Tmp, GV_BUILD_CENTROIDS);
    /* Copy valid boundaries to final output */
    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(Tmp);

    for (line = 1; line <= nlines; line++) {
	int i, ltype, side[2], centr[2];

	G_percent(line, nlines, 1);	/* must be before any continue */

	if (!Vect_line_alive(Tmp, line))

	ltype = Vect_read_line(Tmp, Points, Cats, line);
	if (!(ltype & GV_BOUNDARY))

	Vect_get_line_areas(Tmp, line, &side[0], &side[1]);

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	    if (side[i] == 0) {	/* This should not happen ! */
		centr[i] = 0;

	    if (side[i] > 0) {
		area = side[i];
	    else {		/* island */
		area = Vect_get_isle_area(Tmp, abs(side[i]));

	    if (area > 0)
		centr[i] = Vect_get_area_centroid(Tmp, area);
		centr[i] = 0;

	if (centr[0] || centr[1])
	    Vect_write_line(Out, GV_BOUNDARY, Points, Cats);

    return 0;
Beispiel #5
Vect_break_lines_list(struct Map_info *Map, struct ilist *List_break,
		      struct ilist *List_ref, int type, struct Map_info *Err)
    struct line_pnts *APoints, *BPoints, *Points;
    struct line_pnts **AXLines, **BXLines;
    struct line_cats *ACats, *BCats, *Cats;
    int j, k, l, ret, atype, btype, aline, bline, found, iline, nlines;
    int naxlines, nbxlines, nx;
    double *xx = NULL, *yx = NULL, *zx = NULL;
    struct bound_box ABox, BBox;
    struct boxlist *List;
    int nbreaks;
    int touch1_n = 0, touch1_s = 0, touch1_e = 0, touch1_w = 0;	/* other vertices except node1 touching box */
    int touch2_n = 0, touch2_s = 0, touch2_e = 0, touch2_w = 0;	/* other vertices except node2 touching box */
    int is3d;
    int node, anode1, anode2, bnode1, bnode2;
    double nodex, nodey;

    APoints = Vect_new_line_struct();
    BPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    ACats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    BCats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    List = Vect_new_boxlist(1);

    is3d = Vect_is_3d(Map);

    if (List_break) {
	nlines = List_break->n_values;
    else {
	nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(Map);
    G_debug(3, "nlines =  %d", nlines);

    /* TODO: It seems that lines/boundaries are not broken at intersections
     * with points/centroids. Check if true, if yes, skip GV_POINTS

    /* To find intersection of two lines (Vect_line_intersection) is quite slow.
     * Fortunately usual lines/boundaries in GIS often forms a network where lines
     * are connected by end points, and touch by MBR. This function checks and occasionaly
     * skips such cases. This is currently done for 2D only

    /* Go through all lines in vector, for each select lines which overlap MBR of
     * this line exclude those connected by one endpoint (see above)
     * and try to intersect, if lines intersect write new lines at the end of 
     * the file, and process next line (remaining lines overlapping box are skipped)
    nbreaks = 0;

    for (iline = 0; iline < nlines; iline++) {
	G_percent(iline, nlines, 1);
	if (List_break) {
	    aline = List_break->value[iline];
	else {
	    aline = iline + 1;

	if (List_ref && !Vect_val_in_list(List_ref, aline))

	G_debug(3, "aline =  %d", aline);
	if (!Vect_line_alive(Map, aline))

	atype = Vect_read_line(Map, APoints, ACats, aline);
	if (!(atype & type))

	Vect_line_box(APoints, &ABox);

	/* Find which sides of the box are touched by intermediate (non-end) points of line */
	if (!is3d) {
	    touch1_n = touch1_s = touch1_e = touch1_w = 0;
	    for (j = 1; j < APoints->n_points; j++) {
		if (APoints->y[j] == ABox.N)
		    touch1_n = 1;
		if (APoints->y[j] == ABox.S)
		    touch1_s = 1;
		if (APoints->x[j] == ABox.E)
		    touch1_e = 1;
		if (APoints->x[j] == ABox.W)
		    touch1_w = 1;
	    G_debug(3, "touch1: n = %d s = %d e = %d w = %d", touch1_n,
		    touch1_s, touch1_e, touch1_w);
	    touch2_n = touch2_s = touch2_e = touch2_w = 0;
	    for (j = 0; j < APoints->n_points - 1; j++) {
		if (APoints->y[j] == ABox.N)
		    touch2_n = 1;
		if (APoints->y[j] == ABox.S)
		    touch2_s = 1;
		if (APoints->x[j] == ABox.E)
		    touch2_e = 1;
		if (APoints->x[j] == ABox.W)
		    touch2_w = 1;
	    G_debug(3, "touch2: n = %d s = %d e = %d w = %d", touch2_n,
		    touch2_s, touch2_e, touch2_w);

	Vect_select_lines_by_box(Map, &ABox, type, List);
	G_debug(3, "  %d lines selected by box", List->n_values);

	for (j = 0; j < List->n_values; j++) {
	    bline = List->id[j];
	    if (List_break && !Vect_val_in_list(List_break, bline)) {
	    G_debug(3, "  j = %d bline = %d", j, bline);

	    btype = Vect_read_line(Map, BPoints, BCats, bline);

	    /* Check if thouch by end node only */
	    if (!is3d) {
		Vect_get_line_nodes(Map, aline, &anode1, &anode2);
		Vect_get_line_nodes(Map, bline, &bnode1, &bnode2);
		BBox = List->box[j];

		if (anode1 == bnode1 || anode1 == bnode2)
		    node = anode1;
		else if (anode2 == bnode1 || anode2 == bnode2)
		    node = anode2;
		    node = 0;

		if (node) {
		    Vect_get_node_coor(Map, node, &nodex, &nodey, NULL);
		    if ((node == anode1 && nodey == ABox.N &&
		         !touch1_n && nodey == BBox.S) ||
		        (node == anode2 && nodey == ABox.N &&
			 !touch2_n && nodey == BBox.S) ||
			(node == anode1 && nodey == ABox.S &&
			 !touch1_s && nodey == BBox.N) ||
			(node == anode2 && nodey == ABox.S &&
			 !touch2_s && nodey == BBox.N) ||
			(node == anode1 && nodex == ABox.E &&
			 !touch1_e && nodex == BBox.W) ||
			(node == anode2 && nodex == ABox.E &&
			 !touch2_e && nodex == BBox.W) ||
			(node == anode1 && nodex == ABox.W &&
			 !touch1_w && nodex == BBox.E) ||
			(node == anode2 && nodex == ABox.W &&
			 !touch2_w && nodex == BBox.E)) {

				"lines %d and %d touching by end nodes only -> no intersection",
				aline, bline);

	    AXLines = NULL;
	    BXLines = NULL;
	    Vect_line_intersection(APoints, BPoints, &AXLines, &BXLines,
				   &naxlines, &nbxlines, 0);
	    G_debug(3, "  naxlines = %d nbxlines = %d", naxlines, nbxlines);

	    /* This part handles a special case when aline == bline, no other intersection was found
	     * and the line is forming collapsed loop, for example  0,0;1,0;0,0 should be broken at 1,0.
	     * ---> */
	    if (aline == bline && naxlines == 0 && nbxlines == 0 &&
		APoints->n_points >= 3) {
		int centre;
		int i;

		G_debug(3, "  Check collapsed loop");
		if (APoints->n_points % 2) {	/* odd number of vertices */
		    centre = APoints->n_points / 2;	/* index of centre */
		    if (APoints->x[centre - 1] == APoints->x[centre + 1] && APoints->y[centre - 1] == APoints->y[centre + 1] && APoints->z[centre - 1] == APoints->z[centre + 1]) {	/* -> break */
			AXLines =
			    (struct line_pnts **)G_malloc(2 *
			AXLines[0] = Vect_new_line_struct();
			AXLines[1] = Vect_new_line_struct();

			for (i = 0; i <= centre; i++)
			    Vect_append_point(AXLines[0], APoints->x[i],
					      APoints->y[i], APoints->z[i]);

			for (i = centre; i < APoints->n_points; i++)
			    Vect_append_point(AXLines[1], APoints->x[i],
					      APoints->y[i], APoints->z[i]);

			naxlines = 2;
	    /* <--- */

	    if (Err) {		/* array for intersections (more than needed */
		xx = (double *)G_malloc((naxlines + nbxlines) *
		yx = (double *)G_malloc((naxlines + nbxlines) *
		zx = (double *)G_malloc((naxlines + nbxlines) *
	    nx = 0;		/* number of intersections to be written to Err */
	    if (naxlines > 0) {	/* intersection -> write out */
		Vect_delete_line(Map, aline);
		for (k = 0; k < naxlines; k++) {
		    /* Write new line segments */
		    /* line may collapse, don't write zero length lines */
		    if ((atype & GV_POINTS) || AXLines[k]->n_points > 1) {
			ret = Vect_write_line(Map, atype, AXLines[k], ACats);
			if (List_ref) {
			    Vect_list_append(List_ref, ret);
			G_debug(3, "Line %d written, npoints = %d", ret,
			if (List_break) {
			    Vect_list_append(List_break, ret);

		    /* Write intersection points */
		    if (Err) {
			if (k > 0) {
			    xx[nx] = AXLines[k]->x[0];
			    yx[nx] = AXLines[k]->y[0];
			    zx[nx] = AXLines[k]->z[0];
		nbreaks += naxlines - 1;
	    if (AXLines)

	    if (nbxlines > 0) {
		if (aline != bline) {	/* Self intersection, do not write twice, TODO: is it OK? */
		    Vect_delete_line(Map, bline);
		    for (k = 0; k < nbxlines; k++) {
			/* Write new line segments */
			/* line may collapse, don't write zero length lines */
			if ((btype & GV_POINTS) || BXLines[k]->n_points > 1) {
			    ret =
				Vect_write_line(Map, btype, BXLines[k],
			    G_debug(5, "Line %d written", ret);
			    if (List_break) {
				Vect_list_append(List_break, ret);

			/* Write intersection points */
			if (Err) {
			    if (k > 0) {
				found = 0;
				for (l = 0; l < nx; l++) {
				    if (xx[l] == BXLines[k]->x[0] &&
					yx[l] == BXLines[k]->y[0] &&
					zx[l] == BXLines[k]->z[0]) {
					found = 1;
				if (!found) {
				    xx[nx] = BXLines[k]->x[0];
				    yx[nx] = BXLines[k]->y[0];
				    zx[nx] = BXLines[k]->z[0];
		    nbreaks += nbxlines - 1;
		else {
		    for (k = 0; k < nbxlines; k++)
	    if (BXLines)
	    if (Err) {
		for (l = 0; l < nx; l++) {	/* Write out errors */
		    Vect_append_point(Points, xx[l], yx[l], zx[l]);
		    ret = Vect_write_line(Err, GV_POINT, Points, Cats);

	    if (naxlines > 0)
		break;		/* first line was broken and deleted -> take the next one */

	if (List_break) {
	    nlines = List_break->n_values;
	else {
	    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(Map);
	G_debug(3, "nlines =  %d", nlines);
    }				/* for each line */
    G_percent(nlines, nlines, 1); /* finish it */

    G_verbose_message(_("Intersections: %d"), nbreaks);


    return nbreaks;
Beispiel #6
int nodes(struct Map_info *In, struct Map_info *Out, int add_cats, int nfield)
    int i, node, nnodes, line, nlines, count, type, add_point;
    double x, y, z;

    struct line_pnts *Points, *Pout;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    struct boxlist *List;
    struct bound_box box;

    int cat;

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Pout = Vect_new_line_struct();

    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    List = Vect_new_boxlist(0);

    /* Rewrite all primitives to output file */
    cat = 0;
    while ((type = Vect_read_next_line(In, Points, Cats)) >= 0) {
	if (type == GV_POINT) {
	    /* Get max cat in input */
	    int j;

	    for (j = 0; j < Cats->n_cats; j++) {
		if (Cats->field[j] == nfield && Cats->cat[j] > cat) {
		    cat = Cats->cat[j];
	Vect_write_line(Out, type, Points, Cats);

    /* Go through all nodes in old map and write a new point if missing */
    nnodes = Vect_get_num_nodes(In);
    count = 0;
    for (node = 1; node <= nnodes; node++) {

	nlines = Vect_get_node_n_lines(In, node);
	add_point = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
	    line = abs(Vect_get_node_line(In, node, i));
	    type = Vect_read_line(In, NULL, NULL, line);
	    if (type & GV_LINES) {
		add_point = 1;

	if (add_point) {
	    Vect_get_node_coor(In, node, &x, &y, &z);
	    box.E = box.W = x;
	    box.N = box.S = y;
	    box.T = box.B = z;
	    Vect_select_lines_by_box(In, &box, GV_POINT, List);
	    add_point = List->n_values == 0;

	if (add_point) {	/* Write new point */
	    Vect_append_point(Pout, x, y, z);
	    if (add_cats) {
		Vect_cat_set(Cats, nfield, cat++);
	    Vect_write_line(Out, GV_POINT, Pout, Cats);


    return count;