Beispiel #1
void polymodel(void)
  gsl_interp_accel *pmsplacc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  bodyptr p;
  real rad, phi, vel, psi, vr, vp, a, E, J;
  vector rhat, vtmp, vper;

  for (p = btab; p < NthBody(btab, nbody); p = NextBody(p)) {
    rad = rad_m(xrandom(0.0, mtot));
    phi = gsl_spline_eval(pmspline, (double) rad, pmsplacc);
    vel = pick_v(phi);
    psi = pick_psi();
    vr = vel * rcos(psi);
    vp = vel * rsin(psi);
    Mass(p) = mtot / nbody;
    pickshell(rhat, NDIM, 1.0);
    MULVS(Pos(p), rhat, rad);
    pickshell(vtmp, NDIM, 1.0);
    a = dotvp(vtmp, rhat);
    MULVS(vper, rhat, - a);
    ADDV(vper, vper, vtmp);
    a = absv(vper);
    MULVS(vper, vper, vp / a);
    MULVS(Vel(p), rhat, vr);
    ADDV(Vel(p), Vel(p), vper);
    Phi(p) = phi;
    E = phi + 0.5 * rsqr(vel);
    J = rad * ABS(vp);
    Aux(p) = Kprime * rpow(phi1 - E, npol - 1.5) * rpow(J, 2 * mpol);
Beispiel #2
void setauxvar(bodyptr btab, int nbody)
    bodyptr bp;
    vector jvec;
    real jtot, etot, r0, r1, r;

    if (streq(getparam("auxvar"), "mass"))
	for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp))
	    Aux(bp) = mass_gsp(ggsp, absv(Pos(bp)));
    else if (streq(getparam("auxvar"), "rperi"))
	for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	    CROSSVP(jvec, Pos(bp), Vel(bp));
	    jtot = absv(jvec);
	    etot = 0.5 * dotvp(Vel(bp), Vel(bp)) + Phi(bp);
	    r0 = 0.0;
	    r1 = absv(Pos(bp));
	    r = 0.5 * (r0 + r1);
	    while ((r1 - r0) > TOL * r) {
		if (rsqrt(2 * (etot - phi_gsp(ggsp, r))) > jtot/r)
		    r1 = r;
		    r0 = r;
		r = 0.5 * (r0 + r1);
	    Aux(bp) = r;
	error("%s: unknown auxvar option %s\n",
	      getargv0(), getparam("auxvar"));
Beispiel #3
void snapstack(bodyptr btab, bodyptr bt1, int nb1, bodyptr bt2, int nb2,
	       string *tags)
  vector deltar, deltav;
  bodyptr bp;
  int i;
  setvect(deltar, burststring(getparam("deltar"), ", "));
  setvect(deltav, burststring(getparam("deltav"), ", "));
  for (i = 0; i < nb1; i++) {
    bp = NthBody(btab, i);
    memcpy(bp, NthBody(bt1, i), SizeofBody);
    if (set_member(tags, PosTag)) {
      ADDMULVS(Pos(bp), deltar, 0.5);
    if (set_member(tags, VelTag)) {
      ADDMULVS(Vel(bp), deltav, 0.5);
  for (i = 0; i < nb2; i++) {
    bp = NthBody(btab, i + nb1);
    memcpy(bp, NthBody(bt2, i), SizeofBody);
    if (set_member(tags, PosTag)) {
      ADDMULVS(Pos(bp), deltar, -0.5);
    if (set_member(tags, VelTag)) {
      ADDMULVS(Vel(bp), deltav, -0.5);
int equalBody(const Body* a, const Body* b)
    if (Mass(a) != Mass(b))
        mw_printf("mass differ\n");
        return FALSE;
    if (Type(a) != Type(b))
        mw_printf("type ndiffer\n");
        return FALSE;
    if (!equalVector(&Pos(a), &Pos(b)))
        mw_printf("pos differ\n");
        return FALSE;
    if (!equalVector(&Vel(a), &Vel(b)))
        mw_printf("VElocity differ\n");
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #5
void makedisk(bool randspin)
  int i;
  bodyptr bp;
  double m, r, v, phi;
  matrix xmat, zmat;
  vector tmpv;

  for (i = 0; i < ndisk; i++) {			// loop initializing bodies
    bp = NthBody(disk, i);			// set ptr to body number i
    m = mdtab[NTAB-1] * ((double) i + 0.5) / ndisk;
    r = gsl_interp_eval(rm_spline, mdtab, rdtab, m, NULL);
    v = gsl_interp_eval(vr_spline, rdtab, vctab, r, NULL);
    phi = xrandom(0.0, 2 * M_PI);
    Pos(bp)[0] = r * sin(phi);
    Pos(bp)[1] = r * cos(phi);
    Pos(bp)[2] = 0.0;
    Vel(bp)[0] = v * cos(phi);
    Vel(bp)[1] = - v * sin(phi);
    Vel(bp)[2] = 0.0;
    pickshell(AuxVec(bp), NDIM, 1.0);
    if (randspin) {
      xmatrix(xmat, acos(AuxVec(bp)[2]));
      zmatrix(zmat, atan2(AuxVec(bp)[0], AuxVec(bp)[1]));
      MULMV(tmpv, xmat, Pos(bp));
      MULMV(Pos(bp), zmat, tmpv);
      MULMV(tmpv, xmat, Vel(bp));
      MULMV(Vel(bp), zmat, tmpv);
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string prog, coords, itags[MaxBodyFields], otags[MaxBodyFields];
  stream xstr, ostr;
  bodyptr btab = NULL, bp;
  int nbody;
  real tnow;
  vector cmpos, cmvel, cmacc;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  exprs[0] = getparam("weight");
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, types, NULL, Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  xstr = execmap(prog);
  if (get_tag_ok(xstr, "History"))
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  coords = getparam("coords");
  new_field(&WeightField, RealType, "Weight");
  new_field(&WeightField + 1, NULL, NULL);
  while (get_snap(xstr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, itags, TRUE, NULL)) {
    if (scanopt(coords, PosTag) && set_member(itags, PosTag)) {
      snapcmpos(cmpos, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Pos(bp), Pos(bp), cmpos);
      eprintf("[%s: centroid position: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmpos[0], cmpos[1], cmpos[2]);
    if (scanopt(coords, VelTag) && set_member(itags, VelTag)) {
      snapcmvel(cmvel, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Vel(bp), Vel(bp), cmvel);
      eprintf("[%s: centroid velocity: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmvel[0], cmvel[1], cmvel[2]);
    if (scanopt(coords, AccTag) && set_member(itags, AccTag)) {
      snapcmacc(cmacc, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Acc(bp), Acc(bp), cmacc);
      eprintf("[%s: cen. acceleration: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmacc[0], cmacc[1], cmacc[2]);
    del_tag(otags, itags, "Weight");
    put_snap(ostr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, otags);
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getprog(), prog);
  return (0);
Beispiel #7
void printCell(cellptr cell)
	printf("[X: %lf %lf %lf][M: %lf][V: %lf %lf %lf]",
Beispiel #8
void snapcenter(bodyptr btab, int nbody, int woff)
  vector cmpos, cmvel;
  bodyptr bp;

  snapcmpos(cmpos, btab, nbody, woff);
  snapcmvel(cmvel, btab, nbody, woff);
  for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
    SUBV(Pos(bp), Pos(bp), cmpos);
    SUBV(Vel(bp), Vel(bp), cmvel);
Beispiel #9
void printBody(bodyptr body)
	printf("[X: %lf %lf %lf][M: %lf][V: %lf %lf %lf]",
Beispiel #10
void snaprect(bodyptr btab, int nbody)
  matrix qmat, tmpm;
  bodyptr bp;
  vector frame[3], tmpv;
  static vector oldframe[3] =
    { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, }, };
  int i;

  snapcenter(btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
  for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
    OUTVP(tmpm, Pos(bp), Pos(bp));
    MULMS(tmpm, tmpm, Weight(bp));
    ADDM(qmat, qmat, tmpm);
  eigenvect(frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], qmat);
  if (dotvp(oldframe[0], frame[0]) < 0.0)
    MULVS(frame[0], frame[0], -1.0);
  if (dotvp(oldframe[2], frame[2]) < 0.0)
    MULVS(frame[2], frame[2], -1.0);
  CROSSVP(frame[1], frame[2], frame[0]);
  printvect("e_x:", frame[0]);
  printvect("e_y:", frame[1]);
  printvect("e_z:", frame[2]);
  for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
    if (PosField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(Pos(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(Pos(bp), tmpv);
    if (VelField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(Vel(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(Vel(bp), tmpv);
    if (AccField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(Acc(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(Acc(bp), tmpv);
    if (AuxVecField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(AuxVec(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(AuxVec(bp), tmpv);
  for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
    SETV(oldframe[i], frame[i]);
Beispiel #11
local void stepsystem(void) {
  bodyptr p1, p2, p;

  p1 = bodytab + MAX(nstatic, 0);		// set dynamic body range
  p2 = bodytab + nbody + MIN(nstatic, 0);
  for (p = p1; p < p2; p++) {			// loop over body range	
    ADDMULVS(Vel(p), Acc(p), 0.5 * dtime);	// advance v by 1/2 step
    ADDMULVS(Pos(p), Vel(p), dtime);		// advance r by 1 step
  for (p = p1; p < p2; p++) {			// loop over body range	
    ADDMULVS(Vel(p), Acc(p), 0.5 * dtime);	// advance v by 1/2 step
  nstep++;					// count another time step
  tnow = tnow + dtime;				// finally, advance time
char* showBody(const Body* p)
    char* buf;
    char* vel;
    char* pos;

    if (!p)
        return NULL;

    vel = showVector(Vel(p));
    pos = showVector(Pos(p));

    if (0 > asprintf(&buf,
                     "body { \n"
                     "      mass     = %g\n"
                     "      position = %s\n"
                     "      velocity = %s\n"
                     "      ignore   = %s\n"
                     "    };\n",

        mw_fail("asprintf() failed\n");


    return buf;
mwvector nbCenterOfMom(const NBodyState* st)
    int i;
    const Body* b;
    int nbody = st->nbody;
    mwvector cm = ZERO_VECTOR;
    mwvector tmp;
    Kahan mass;
    Kahan pos[3];

    memset(pos, 0, sizeof(pos));

    for (i = 0; i < nbody; ++i)
        b = &st->bodytab[i];
        tmp = mw_mulvs(Vel(b), Mass(b));

        KAHAN_ADD(pos[0], tmp.x);
        KAHAN_ADD(pos[1], tmp.y);
        KAHAN_ADD(pos[2], tmp.z);
        KAHAN_ADD(mass, Mass(b));

    X(cm) = pos[0].sum / mass.sum;
    Y(cm) = pos[1].sum / mass.sum;
    Z(cm) = pos[2].sum / mass.sum;
    W(cm) = mass.sum;

    return cm;
Beispiel #14
void rotate(snapshot *snap, string *tags, string *vecs, char axis,
	    real thetax, real thetay, real thetaz)
  matrix rmat;
  bodyptr bp;

  switch (tolower(axis)) {
    case 'x':
      xmatrix(rmat, thetax);
    case 'y':
      ymatrix(rmat, thetay);
    case 'z':
      zmatrix(rmat, thetaz);
      error("%s: unknown axis %c\n", getargv0(), axis);
  if (set_member(tags, PosTag) && set_member(vecs, PosTag))
    for_all_bodies(bp, *snap)
      rotatevec(Pos(bp), rmat);
  if (set_member(tags, VelTag) && set_member(vecs, VelTag))
    for_all_bodies(bp, *snap)
      rotatevec(Vel(bp), rmat);
  if (set_member(tags, AccTag) && set_member(vecs, AccTag))
    for_all_bodies(bp, *snap)
      rotatevec(Acc(bp), rmat);
  if (set_member(tags, AuxVecTag) && set_member(vecs, AuxVecTag))
    for_all_bodies(bp, *snap)
      rotatevec(AuxVec(bp), rmat);
Beispiel #15
local void testdata(void) {
  real rsc, vsc, r, v, x, y;
  bodyptr p;

  float scale = 1.0f;
  float vscale = 1.0f;
  float mscale = 1.0f;

  if (nbody < 1)				// check for silly values
    error("%s: absurd value for nbody\n", getargv0());
  bodytab = (bodyptr) allocate(nbody * sizeof(body));
						// alloc space for bodies
  rsc = (3 * PI) / 16;				// set length scale factor
  vsc = rsqrt(1.0 / rsc);			// find speed scale factor
  for (p = bodytab; p < bodytab+nbody; p++) {	// loop over particles
    Type(p) = BODY;				// tag as a body
    //Mass(p) = 1.0 / nbody;			// set masses equal
    // Set mass randomly, like in brute
    Mass(p) = (rand() / (float) RAND_MAX) * mscale;
    x = xrandom(0.0, MFRAC);			// pick enclosed mass
    r = 1.0 / rsqrt(rpow(x, -2.0/3.0) - 1);	// find enclosing radius
    pickshell(Pos(p), NDIM, rsc * r);		// pick position vector
    do {					// select from fn g(x)
      x = xrandom(0.0, 1.0);			// for x in range 0:1
      y = xrandom(0.0, 0.1);			// max of g(x) is 0.092
    } while (y > x*x * rpow(1 - x*x, 3.5));	// using von Neumann tech
    v = x * rsqrt(2.0 / rsqrt(1 + r*r));	// find resulting speed
    pickshell(Vel(p), NDIM, vsc * v);		// pick velocity vector
  tnow = 0.0;					// set elapsed model time
/* Advance velocity by half a timestep */
static inline void bodyAdvanceVel(Body* p, const mwvector a, const real dtHalf)
    mwvector dv;

    dv = mw_mulvs(a, dtHalf);   /* get velocity increment */
    mw_incaddv(Vel(p), dv);     /* advance v by 1/2 step */
	void MidiInputDeviceMidiShare::KeyOffTask(long date, short ref, long a1, long a2, long a3)
		MidiInputDeviceMidiShare* driver = (MidiInputDeviceMidiShare*)MidiGetInfo(ref);
		MidiEvPtr ev =(MidiEvPtr)a1;
Beispiel #18
void gspsphere(void)
    real gamma0, mcut, r, sig2, eint = 0.0;
    static real *sig2tab = NULL;
    bodyptr bp;

    nbody = getiparam("nbody");
    assert(nbody > 0);
    gamma0 = getdparam("gamma");
    mcut = getdparam("mcut");
    assert(0.0 < mcut && mcut <= 1.0);
    if (sig2tab == NULL)
        sig2tab = calc_sig2_gsp(gsp, ggsp, 0.0);
    if (btab == NULL)
        btab = (bodyptr) allocate(nbody * SizeofBody);
    for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
        Mass(bp) = gsp->mtot / nbody;
        r = r_mass_gsp(gsp, xrandom(0.0, mcut * gsp->mtot));
	pickshell(Pos(bp), NDIM, r);
	Rho(bp) = rho_gsp(gsp, r);
	sig2 = sig2_gsp(gsp, ggsp, 0.0, sig2tab, r);
        EntFunc(bp) = sig2 / rpow(Rho(bp), gamma0 - 1);
	Uintern(bp) = sig2 / (gamma0 - 1);
	eint += Mass(bp) * Uintern(bp);
    eprintf("[%s: thermal energy = %f]\n", getargv0(), eint);
/* Advance body position by 1 timestep */
static inline void bodyAdvancePos(Body* p, const real dt)
    mwvector dr;

    dr = mw_mulvs(Vel(p), dt);  /* get position increment */
    mw_incaddv(Pos(p), dr);     /* advance r by 1 step */
Beispiel #20
int read_snapshot(
		   bodyptr *btab_ptr,	     /* gets particle array */
		   int *nobj_ptr,	     /* gets number of bodies */
		   stream instr              /* stream to read from */
  int nobj, cs, i;
  real *mbuf, *mp, *pbuf, *pp;
  bodyptr bp;

  for(;;) {                        /* loop until done or proper snapshot */
    if (!get_tag_ok(instr,SnapShotTag))
        return 0;
    get_set(instr, SnapShotTag);
    if (!get_tag_ok(instr,ParametersTag)) {
    get_set(instr, ParametersTag);
    get_data(instr, NobjTag, IntType, &nobj, 0);
    if (nobj < 1)
	error("read_snapshot: %s = %d  is absurd", NobjTag, nobj);
    if (get_tag_ok(instr,TimeTag))
        get_data(instr,TimeTag, RealType, &tsnap, 0);
    else {
        dprintf(0,"No time tag: time=0.0 assumed\n");
        tsnap = 0.0;
    get_tes(instr, ParametersTag);
    if (!get_tag_ok(instr,ParticlesTag)) {
    get_set(instr, ParticlesTag);
    get_data(instr, CoordSystemTag, IntType, &cs, 0);
    if (cs != CSCode(Cartesian, NDIM, 2))
	error("read_snapshot: cannot handle %s = %d", CoordSystemTag, cs);
    mbuf = mp = (real *) allocate(nobj * sizeof(real));
    pbuf = pp = (real *) allocate(nobj * 2 * NDIM * sizeof(real));
    get_data(instr, MassTag, RealType, mbuf, nobj, 0);
    get_data(instr, PhaseSpaceTag, RealType, pbuf, nobj, 2, NDIM, 0);
    get_tes(instr, ParticlesTag);
    get_tes(instr, SnapShotTag);
    *btab_ptr = bp = (bodyptr) allocate(nobj * sizeof(body));
    for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) {
	Type(bp) = BODY;
	Mass(bp) = *mp++;
	SETV(Pos(bp), pp);
	pp += NDIM;
	SETV(Vel(bp), pp);
	pp += NDIM;
    *nobj_ptr = nobj;
    return 1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------
Real time echo management task
-------------------------------------------------------- */
void MSALARMAPI EchoTask( long d,short ref,long el,long a2, long a3)
    MidiEvPtr e;
    short v,p;

    e= (MidiEvPtr)el;
    v = Vel(e)+MSParam[kVel];
    p = Pitch(e)+MSParam[kPitch];
    if ( ((v>0)&&(v<128)) && ((p>=0)&&(p<128)) ) {
        Vel(e) = v;
        Pitch(e) = p;
        MidiSendAt(ref, MidiCopyEv(e), d);
        if( !MidiTask(EchoTask, d+MSParam[kDelay], ref, el, 0, 0))
    else MidiFreeEv(e);
static void SongPosLinearizeMth (MidiEvPtr e, Ev2StreamPtr f)
	f->count = 3;
	f->data[3] = SongPos;
	f->data[2] = Pitch(e);
	f->data[1] = Vel(e);
	f->runStat = 0;
	MidiFreeCell (e);	
Beispiel #23
bodyptr convertStruct(particle* particles, int count)
	bodyptr bodies = (bodyptr) malloc(count * sizeof(body));
	bodyptr body = bodies;
	particle * p;
	for (p = particles; p < particles + count; p++) {
		Pos(body)[0] = p->x;
		Pos(body)[1] = p->y;
		Pos(body)[2] = p->z;
		Mass(body) = p->m;
		Vel(body)[0] = p->vx;
		Vel(body)[1] = p->vy;
		Vel(body)[2] = p->vz;
		Type((nodeptr) body) = BODY;
	return bodies;
Beispiel #24
void nemo_main()
    stream instr, outstr;
    string times, ctypei, ctypeo;
    real   tsnap;
    int i, nbody, bits, mode;
    Body *btab = NULL, *bp;
    proc transform, trans2;

    times = getparam("times");
    ctypei = getparam("ctypei");
    ctypeo = getparam("ctypeo");
    if (streq(ctypei,"cart") && streq(ctypeo,"sph"))
        transform = cartesian_spherical;
    else if (streq(ctypei,"sph") && streq(ctypeo,"cart"))
        transform = spherical_cartesian;
    else if (streq(ctypei,"cart") && streq(ctypeo,"cyl"))
        transform = cartesian_cylindrical;
    else if (streq(ctypei,"cyl") && streq(ctypeo,"cart"))
        transform = cylindrical_cartesian;
        error("Unimplemented ctype i/o : %s -> %s",ctypei,ctypeo);
    dprintf(0,"converting from %s to %s\n",ctypei,ctypeo);
    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");   
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
    for (;;) {
    	get_history(instr);		/* skip over stuff we can forget */
        if (!get_tag_ok(instr, SnapShotTag))
		break;			/* done with work in loop */
        get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);
        if ((bits & MassBit) == 0 && (bits & PhaseSpaceBit) == 0) {
	    continue;       /* just skip it's probably a diagnostics */

        if ((bits & TimeBit) == 0)
	    tsnap = 0.0;
        else if (!streq(times,"all") && !within(tsnap, times, TIMEFUZZ))
        dprintf (1,"Transforming snapshot at time= %f bits=0x%x\n",tsnap,bits);
#if 0
        Qmass  = MassBit & bits;       
        Qphase = PhaseSpaceBit & bits;
        Qacc   = AccelerationBit & bits;
        Qaux   = AuxBit & bits;
        Qkey   = KeyBit & bits;

        for (bp = btab; bp < btab+nbody; bp++) {
        put_snap(outstr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);
Beispiel #25
void makedisk(void)
  real m, r, phi, vcir, omega, Adisk, kappa, sigma1, sigma2,
       mu_eff, sig_r, sig_p, sig_z, vrad, vorb2, vorb, vphi;
  double Trr = 0.0, Tpp = 0.0, Tzz = 0.0;
  int i;
  bodyptr dp;

  for (i = 0; i < ndisk; i++) {			/* loop initializing bodies */
    m = mdtab[NTAB-1] * ((real) i + 0.5) / ndisk;
    r = seval(m, &mdtab[0], &rdtab[0], &rdtab[NTAB], NTAB);
    vcir = seval(r, &rdtab[0], &vctab[0], &vctab[NTAB], NTAB);
    omega = vcir / r;
    Adisk = (omega - spldif(r, &rdtab[0], &vctab[0], &vctab[NTAB], NTAB)) / 2;
    if (omega - Adisk < 0.0)
      error("%s: kappa undefined (omega - Adisk < 0)\n"
	    "  r, omega, Adisk = %f %f %f\n", getargv0(), r, omega, Adisk);
    kappa = 2 * rsqrt(rsqr(omega) - Adisk * omega);
    sigma1 = rsqr(alpha1) * mdisk1 * rexp(- alpha1 * r) / TWO_PI;
    sigma2 = rsqr(alpha2) * mdisk2 * rexp(- alpha2 * r) / TWO_PI;
    mu_eff = (r_mu>0 ? 1 + (mu - 1) * (r / (r + r_mu)) : mu);
    sig_z = rsqrt(PI * (sigma1 + sigma2) * zdisk);
    sig_r = mu_eff * sig_z;
    sig_p = (0.5 * kappa / omega) * sig_r;
    vorb2 = rsqr(vcir) + rsqr(sig_r) * (1 - 2 * alpha1 * r) - rsqr(sig_p) +
      (r_mu>0 ? rsqr(sig_z) * r * mu_eff*(2*mu-2)*r_mu/rsqr(r+r_mu) : 0);
    vorb = rsqrt(MAX(vorb2, 0.0));
    dp = NthBody(disk, i);			/* set up ptr to disk body  */
    Mass(dp) = mdisk1 / ndisk;
    phi = xrandom(0.0, TWO_PI);
    Pos(dp)[0] = r * rsin(phi);
    Pos(dp)[1] = r * rcos(phi);
    Pos(dp)[2] = zdisk * ratanh(xrandom(-1.0, 1.0));
    vrad = (eta > 0 ? pickdist(eta, sig_r) : grandom(0.0, sig_r));
    vphi = (eta > 0 ? pickdist(eta, sig_p) : grandom(0.0, sig_p)) + vorb;
    Vel(dp)[0] = vrad * rsin(phi) + vphi * rcos(phi);
    Vel(dp)[1] = vrad * rcos(phi) - vphi * rsin(phi);
    Vel(dp)[2] = grandom(0.0, sig_z);
    Trr += Mass(dp) * rsqr(sig_r) / 2;
    Tpp += Mass(dp) * (rsqr(vorb) + rsqr(sig_p)) / 2;
    Tzz += Mass(dp) * rsqr(sig_z) / 2;
  eprintf("[%s: Trr = %f  Tpp = %f  Tzz = %f]\n", getargv0(), Trr, Tpp, Tzz);
	void MidiInputDeviceMidiShare::ReceiveEvents(short ref)
		MidiInputDeviceMidiShare* driver = (MidiInputDeviceMidiShare*)MidiGetInfo(ref);
		MidiEvPtr ev;
		while ((ev = MidiGetEv(ref)))
			switch(EvType(ev)) { 
				case typeCtrlChange:
					if (MidiGetField(ev,0) == 0)
					else if (MidiGetField(ev,0) == 32)
				case typePitchWheel:
					driver->DispatchPitchbend(((MidiGetField(ev,0)+(MidiGetField(ev,1) << 7)) - 8192),Chan(ev));
				case typeNote:

				case typeKeyOn:
					if (Vel(ev) > 0)
				case typeKeyOff:
Beispiel #27
  stream instr;
  real   tsnap, x, y, v, d;
  int    i, nbody, bits, iy, ny, nout;
  Body *btab = NULL, *bp;
  Grid g;
  real yrange[MAXY], sumd[MAXY], sumvd[MAXY], sumxd[MAXY];
  bool Qmass = getbparam("mass");
  instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");           /* open input file */
  ny = nemoinpr(getparam("y"),yrange,MAXY);
  if (ny<2) error("yrange syntax error or not enuf slices");
#if 0  
  inia_grid(&g, ny, yrange);
  inil_grid(&g, ny-1, yrange[0], yrange[ny-1]);

  get_history(instr);			    /* accumulate data history */
  for(;;) {				 	 /* loop for all times */
    get_history(instr);                         /* for paranoidici */
    if (!get_tag_ok(instr, SnapShotTag))          /* check if done */
    get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);      /* get one */
    if ((bits & PhaseSpaceBit) == 0)
      continue;     /* if no positions -  skip */
    for (i=0; i<ny; i++)
      sumd[i] = sumxd[i] = sumvd[i] = 0.0;

    for (bp = btab; bp < btab+nbody; bp++) {    /* loop all bodies */
      y = Pos(bp)[1];
      iy = index_grid(&g, y);
      if (iy < 0) continue;
      d = Qmass ? Mass(bp) : Dens(bp);
      x = Pos(bp)[0];
      v = Vel(bp)[1];
      sumd[iy]  += d;
      sumvd[iy] += v*d;
      sumxd[iy] += x*d;
    break; /* for now just first snapshot */
  nout = 0;
  for (i=0; i<ny-1; i++) {
    if (sumd[i] > 0.0) {
      printf("%g %g %g %g\n",value_grid(&g, (real)i+0.5), 
	     sumxd[i]/sumd[i], sumvd[i]/sumd[i], sumd[i]);
  if (nout==0)
    warning("No densities found in slices %s",getparam("y"));
} /* nemo_main() */
Beispiel #28
void testdisk(void)
    int ndisk, i;
    real rmin2, rmax2, eps2, sigma, r_i, theta_i, m_i, v_i;
    bodyptr gp, sp;

    ndisk = getiparam("ndisk");
    ngalaxy = ndisk + (getbparam("nosphr") ? 0 : nspheroid);
    galaxy = (bodyptr) allocate(ngalaxy * SizeofBody);
    rmin2 = rsqr(getdparam("rmin"));
    rmax2 = rsqr(getdparam("rmax"));
    eps2 = rsqr(getdparam("eps"));
    sigma = getdparam("sigma");
    for (i = 0; i < ndisk; i++) {			/* build disk       */
        gp = NthBody(galaxy, i);
        Mass(gp) = 0.0;                                 /* set mass to zero */
        r_i = rsqrt(rmin2 + i * (rmax2 - rmin2) / (ndisk - 1.0));
        theta_i = xrandom(0.0, TWO_PI);
        Pos(gp)[0] = r_i * rsin(theta_i);               /* set positions    */
        Pos(gp)[1] = r_i * rcos(theta_i);
        Pos(gp)[2] = 0.0;
        if (r_i < rsph[NTAB-1])
            m_i = seval(r_i, &rsph[0], &msph[0], &msph[NTAB], NTAB);
            m_i = msph[NTAB-1];
	v_i = rsqrt(MAX(m_i, 0.0) * r_i*r_i / rpow(r_i*r_i + eps2, 1.5));
							/* set velocities   */
        Vel(gp)[0] = grandom(  v_i * rcos(theta_i), sigma);
        Vel(gp)[1] = grandom(- v_i * rsin(theta_i), sigma);
        Vel(gp)[2] = grandom(                  0.0, sigma);
    if (! getbparam("nosphr"))
	for (i = 0; i < nspheroid; i++) {		/* append spheroid  */
	    sp = NthBody(spheroid, i);
	    gp = NthBody(galaxy, ndisk + i);
	    memcpy(gp, sp, SizeofBody);
    if (getbparam("zerocm"))
        snapcenter(galaxy, ngalaxy, MassField.offset);
static void NoteLinearizeMth (MidiEvPtr e, Ev2StreamPtr f)
	Byte status = NoteOn + Chan(e);
	if( f->runStat== status)
		f->count= 2;
	else {
		f->runStat= f->data[3] = status;
		f->count = 3;
	f->data[2] = Pitch(e);
	f->data[1] = Vel(e);
Beispiel #30
void render(void)
    int step, oldc, newc;
    bodyptr bp;
    float cval;

    gluPerspective((GLdouble) fview, (GLdouble) ((double) wscreen) / hscreen,
		   (GLdouble) 0.01 * dview, (GLdouble) 100.0 * dview);
    glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, &projmat[0][0]);
    glTranslatef(xoff, yoff, -dview);
    glRotatef(-thetaz, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);		/* same map as snaprotate   */
    glRotatef(-thetay, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    glRotatef(-thetax, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &viewmat[0][0]);
    glBegin(vectoroff == -1 ? GL_POINTS : GL_LINES);
    step = (actval == -1 ? 1 : rceil((float) nbody / (float) maxfast));
    oldc = -1;
    for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NthBody(bp, step)) {
        if (scalaroff == -1 && ! dopcolor)
            newc = Key(bp);
        else {
	    if (! dopcolor)
	        cval = (SelectReal(bp, scalaroff) - cmidpt) / crange;
	        cval = (dotvp(Vel(bp), znorm) - cmidpt) / crange;
	    newc = (cval >  1.0 ? 0x0000ff : cval >  0.6 ? 0x006fdf :
		    cval >  0.2 ? 0x00cf7f : cval > -0.2 ? 0x00ff00 :
		    cval > -0.6 ? 0x7fcf00 : cval > -1.0 ? 0xbf8f00 :
        if (oldc != newc)
	    glColor3f(RVAL(newc), GVAL(newc), BVAL(newc));
	oldc = newc;
        glVertex3f(Pos(bp)[0], Pos(bp)[1], Pos(bp)[2]);
	if (vectoroff != -1)
	    glVertex3f(Pos(bp)[0] + vscale * SelectVect(bp, vectoroff)[0],
		       Pos(bp)[1] + vscale * SelectVect(bp, vectoroff)[1],
		       Pos(bp)[2] + vscale * SelectVect(bp, vectoroff)[2]);
    if (actval != -1) {
        glColor3f(RVAL(bcolor), GVAL(bcolor), BVAL(bcolor));