Beispiel #1
IOQRollChkDiff_r10b::IOQRollChkDiff(uint32_t numEntriesIOSQ,
    uint32_t numEntriesIOCQ)
    uint16_t uniqueId;

    // Lookup objs which were created in a prior test within group
    SharedASQPtr asq = CAST_TO_ASQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ASQ_GROUP_ID))
    SharedACQPtr acq = CAST_TO_ACQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ACQ_GROUP_ID))

    SharedIOCQPtr iocq = Queues::CreateIOCQContigToHdw(mGrpName,
        mTestName, DEFAULT_CMD_WAIT_ms, asq, acq, IOQ_ID, numEntriesIOCQ,
        false, IOCQ_CONTIG_GROUP_ID, false, 1);

    SharedIOSQPtr iosq = Queues::CreateIOSQContigToHdw(mGrpName,
        mTestName, DEFAULT_CMD_WAIT_ms, asq, acq, IOQ_ID, numEntriesIOSQ,
        false, IOSQ_CONTIG_GROUP_ID, IOQ_ID, 0);

    LOG_NRM("(IOCQ Size, IOSQ Size)=(%d,%d)", iocq->GetNumEntries(),

    SharedWritePtr writeCmd = SetWriteCmd();

    LOG_NRM("Send #%d cmds to hdw via the contiguous IOSQ #%d",
        MAX(iosq->GetNumEntries(), iocq->GetNumEntries()) + 2,
    for (uint32_t numEntries = 0; numEntries < (uint32_t)(MAX
        (iosq->GetNumEntries(), iocq->GetNumEntries()) + 2);
        numEntries++) {
        LOG_NRM("Processing #%d entries", numEntries);
        iosq->Send(writeCmd, uniqueId);
        ReapAndVerifyCE(iocq, (numEntries + 1) % iosq->GetNumEntries());
    VerifyQPointers(iosq, iocq);

    LOG_NRM("Delete IOSQ before the IOCQ to comply with spec.");
    Queues::DeleteIOSQToHdw(mGrpName, mTestName, DEFAULT_CMD_WAIT_ms,
        iosq, asq, acq);
    Queues::DeleteIOCQToHdw(mGrpName, mTestName, DEFAULT_CMD_WAIT_ms,
        iocq, asq, acq);
    /** \verbatim
     * Assumptions:
     * 1) none.
     *  \endverbatim
    uint16_t mACQSize = MIN_ADMIN_Q_SIZE; // Start ACQ with min size.
    uint16_t mASQSize = MAX_ADMIN_Q_SIZE;
    uint16_t loopCnt = 0;

    if (gCtrlrConfig->SetState(ST_DISABLE_COMPLETELY) == false)
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE);

    while (1) {
        LOG_NRM("(ASQSize, ACQSize, Loop Cnt) = (%d, %d, %d)",
            mASQSize, mACQSize, loopCnt++);
        // Issue cntl'r disable completely for every iteration.
        if (gCtrlrConfig->SetState(ST_DISABLE_COMPLETELY) == false)
            throw FrmwkEx(HERE);

        // Create ACQ and ASQ objects which have test life time
        SharedACQPtr acq = CAST_TO_ACQ(SharedACQPtr(new ACQ(gDutFd)))

        SharedASQPtr asq = CAST_TO_ASQ(SharedASQPtr(new ASQ(gDutFd)))

        if (gCtrlrConfig->SetState(ST_ENABLE) == false)
            throw FrmwkEx(HERE);

        LOG_NRM("Create identify cmd and assoc some buffer memory");
        SharedIdentifyPtr idCmdCap = SharedIdentifyPtr(new Identify());
        LOG_NRM("Force identify to request ctrlr capabilities struct");
        SharedMemBufferPtr idMemCap = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
        idMemCap->InitAlignment(Identify::IDEAL_DATA_SIZE, PRP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT,
            false, 0);
        send_64b_bitmask idPrpCap =
            (send_64b_bitmask)(MASK_PRP1_PAGE | MASK_PRP2_PAGE);
        idCmdCap->SetPrpBuffer(idPrpCap, idMemCap);

        LOG_NRM("Submit Idtfy cmds to fill & roll over the Q (Q_SIZE plus 2).");
        for (uint16_t nsubmitTimes = 0; nsubmitTimes <
            MAX(asq->GetNumEntries(), acq->GetNumEntries()) + 2;
            nsubmitTimes++) {
            LOG_NRM("Sending #%d times of %d", (nsubmitTimes + 1),
                (acq->GetNumEntries() + 2));
            IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1),
                asq, acq, idCmdCap, "AdminQRollChkDiff", false);
            VerifyCESQValues(acq, (nsubmitTimes + 1) % asq->GetNumEntries());
        // Verify final Q pointers after all the cmds are submitted and reaped
        VerifyQPointers(acq, asq);

        if (mACQSize >= MAX_ADMIN_Q_SIZE) {
        // If the test requires incremental sizes then edit here.
        mACQSize = MAX_ADMIN_Q_SIZE; // Assign MAX Q Size of ACQ.
        mASQSize = MIN_ADMIN_Q_SIZE;