int chdir_cmd(int argc, char **argv) { UCHAR achDirName[256] = ""; /* Directory name for queries */ ULONG cbDirPathLen = 0; /* Length of directory path */ APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; /* Return code */ UCHAR chDisk; ULONG ulDriveNum = 0; /* Drive number (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...) */ ULONG ulDriveMap = 0; /* Mapping of valid drives */ ULONG i = 0; /* A loop index */ if (argc==1) { rc = DosQueryCurrentDisk (&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap); chDisk=(UCHAR)(ulDriveNum+'A'-1); cbDirPathLen = 0; rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen); rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen); VioWrtTTY(&chDisk, 1, 0); VioWrtTTY(":\\", 2, 0); VioWrtTTY(achDirName, cbDirPathLen-1, 0); VioWrtTTY("\n\r", 2, 0); } else { DosSetCurrentDir(argv[1]); }; return 0; }
int main(void) { APIRET16 apiret; char *str1 = "First string"; char *str2 = "Second string"; printf(__FILE__ " main function invoked\n"); printf("Test VIO functions\n"); DosSleep(2000); /* move the cursor around some */ apiret = VioSetCurPos(0, 0, 0); DosSleep(1000); apiret = VioSetCurPos(1, 0, 0); DosSleep(1000); apiret = VioSetCurPos(2, 0, 0); DosSleep(1000); apiret = VioSetCurPos(3, 0, 0); DosSleep(1000); apiret = VioSetCurPos(4, 0, 0); DosSleep(1000); apiret = VioSetCurPos(5, 0, 0); DosSleep(1000); /* write some strings */ VioWrtTTY(str1, strlen(str1), 0); DosSleep(2000); apiret = VioSetCurPos(6, 0, 0); VioWrtTTY(str2, strlen(str2), 0); DosSleep(2000); return 0; }
int cmds_cmd(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int i; VioWrtTTY("Commands:\r\n", 11, 0); for (i=0;i<6;i++) { VioWrtTTY(commands[i].cmdname, strlen(commands[i].cmdname), 0); VioWrtTTY("\x9", 1, 0); } VioWrtTTY("\r\n", 2, 0); return 0; }
void main(void) { char *str1 = "VioWrtTTY test"; /* write some strings */ VioWrtTTY(str1, strlen(str1), 0); }
void read_cmd(char *cmd) { STRINGINBUF sin; sin.cb=255; KbdStringIn(cmd, &sin, 0, 0); cmd[sin.cchIn]='\0'; VioWrtTTY("\r\n", 2, 0); }
VOID ClearScreen(THREAD *pstThd) { VIOCELL Cell; VIOPS *pVio = &pstThd->stVio; BYTE byBackground; BYTE byForeground; byBackground = ClrTable[pVio->wBackground].PSClr; byForeground = ClrTable[pVio->wForeground].PSClr; /* ** Set foreground and background colors in ANSI, so that the ** VioWrtTTY function will pick up the correct colors. */ chAnsi[ANSI_FORE] = QueryAnsiClr(byForeground); chAnsi[ANSI_BACK] = QueryAnsiClr(byBackground); VioSetAnsi (ANSI_ON,pVio->hpsVio); VioWrtTTY( (PCH)chAnsi,sizeof(chAnsi),pVio->hpsVio); if (!pstThd->stCfg.bEnableAnsi) VioSetAnsi (ANSI_OFF,pVio->hpsVio); /* ** Set Presentation Space to a known state - full of spaces. */ = ' '; Cell.ExtAttr = Cell.Spare = 0; Cell.Attr = (byBackground << 4) | byForeground; VioWrtNCell((PBYTE)&Cell,pVio->usPsWidth * pVio->usPsDepth,0,0,pVio->hpsVio); VioSetOrg(0,0,pVio->hpsVio); VioSetCurPos(0,0,pVio->hpsVio); /* ** Zero the scroll bars. */ WinSendMsg(WinWindowFromID(pstThd->hwndFrame,FID_VERTSCROLL), SBM_SETPOS, MPFROMSHORT(0), MPFROMSHORT(0)); WinSendMsg(WinWindowFromID(pstThd->hwndFrame,FID_HORZSCROLL), SBM_SETPOS, MPFROMSHORT(0), MPFROMSHORT(0)); WinSendMsg(WinWindowFromID(pstThd->hwndFrame,FID_VERTSCROLL), SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(pVio->usWndWidth,pVio->usPsWidth), (MPARAM)NULL); WinSendMsg(WinWindowFromID(pstThd->hwndFrame,FID_HORZSCROLL), SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(pVio->usWndDepth,pVio->usPsDepth), (MPARAM)NULL); }
int PutcPopUp(int c) { char *s = " "; if (DebugFlag & DB_ECHO_LINE) fputc(c, stdout); else { switch (c) { case '\n': VioWrtTTY("\r\n", 2, 0); break; default: s[0] = c; VioWrtTTY(s, 1, 0); break; } } return(0); }
void EndPopUp() { if (DebugFlag & DB_ECHO_LINE) return; if (OS2MODE) { VioWrtTTY(pszPressAny, strlen(pszPressAny), 0); KbdCharIn(&kbci, IO_WAIT, hkbd); VioEndPopUp(0); } }
int PutlPopUp(char *s) { StartPopUp(); PutsPopUp(s); if (DebugFlag & DB_ECHO_LINE) fputc('\n', stdout); else VioWrtTTY("\r\n", 2, 0); EndPopUp(); return(0); }
void showpath(void) { UCHAR chDisk; UCHAR achDirName[256] = ""; /* Directory name for queries */ ULONG cbDirPathLen = 0; /* Length of directory path */ APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; /* Return code */ ULONG ulDriveNum = 0; /* Drive number (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...) */ ULONG ulDriveMap = 0; /* Mapping of valid drives */ ULONG i = 0; /* A loop index */ rc = DosQueryCurrentDisk (&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap); chDisk=(UCHAR)(ulDriveNum+'A'-1); cbDirPathLen = 0; rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen); rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen); VioWrtTTY("[", 1, 0); VioWrtTTY(&chDisk, 1, 0); VioWrtTTY(":\\", 2, 0); VioWrtTTY(achDirName, cbDirPathLen-1, 0); VioWrtTTY("]", 1, 0); }
int PutsPopUp(char *s) { char c, *os = VioSubstBuffer; if (DebugFlag & DB_ECHO_LINE) printf("%s", s); else { do { /* Convert \n to \r\n in auxiliary buffer for VIO */ if ((c= *s++) == '\n') *os++ = '\r'; *os++ = c; } while (c > 0); VioWrtTTY(VioSubstBuffer, strlen(VioSubstBuffer), 0); } return(0); }
/* After running a program, resume curses and redraw all screens */ static int vio_prgclose (void) { int status; /* wait for the program to terminate */ status = prgclose (); /* resume curses */ if (!isfilter) { vio_resume (ElvTrue); /* If the program left the cursor anywhere but the first * column of the last line of the screen, move the cursor * there and scroll to the next line, for good measure. */ if (c_row != o_ttyrows - 1 || c_col != 0) { vio_CM (o_ttyrows - 1, 0); VioWrtTTY ("\n", 1, 0); } vio_CE (vc_current); /* Okay, now we're in a weird sort of situation. The screen is * about to be forced to display "Hit <Enter> to continue" on * the bottom of the window in open mode, and then wait for a * keystroke. That's a Good Thing. But there are two problems * we need to address: * * We want that prompt to appear at the bottom of the * screen, not the bottom of the window. * * After the user hits a key, we want to redraw all * windows. * * We'll set a flag indicating this situation. The movecurs() * function will test for that flag, and merely pretend to move * the cursor when it is set. The loop() function will test * that flag after each keystroke, and expose all windows if * it is set. */ afterprg = 2; afterscrl = 0; } return status; }
/* This function writes the contents of 'ttybuf' to the screen */ static void do_flush (void) { if (ttycount > 0) { if (raw_mode) { VioWrtCellStr (ttybuf, ttycount, c_row, c_col, 0); if ((c_col += ttycount / 2) >= o_ttycolumns) { c_col -= o_ttycolumns; c_row++; } } else { VioWrtTTY (ttybuf, ttycount, 0); } ttycount = 0; } }
void execute_external(int argc, char **argv) { UCHAR LoadError[255]; PSZ Args; PSZ Envs; RESULTCODES ChildRC; APIRET rc; /* Return code */ char *env; int i; log("execute_external():\n"); log("argc=%d\n", argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) log("argv[%d]=%s\n", i, argv[i]); env = env_get(); rc = DosExecPgm(LoadError, /* Object name buffer */ sizeof(LoadError), /* Length of object name buffer */ EXEC_SYNC, /* Asynchronous/Trace flags */ argv[0], /* Argument string */ env, /* Environment string */ &ChildRC, /* Termination codes */ argv[0]); /* Program file name */ env_free(env); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { // printf("DosExecPgm error: return code = %u\n",rc); VioWrtTTY("DosExecPgm error\r\n", 18, 0); //: return code = %u\n",rc); return ; } else { // printf("DosExecPgm complete. Termination Code: %u Return Code: %u\n", // ChildRC.codeTerminate, // ChildRC.codeResult); /* This is explicitly set by other pgm */ } /* endif */ }
USHORT __pascal VIOWRTTTY(const PCHAR Str, const USHORT Count, const HVIO Handle) { return VioWrtTTY(Str, Count, Handle); }
void hello(void) { VioWrtTTY(greeting, strlen(greeting), 0); }