 *	extended_standby_disable_wakeup_src  - 	disable the wakeup src.
 *	function:		if the device driver do not want the system be wakenup while in standby state again.
 *				the device driver should use this function to disable the corresponding intterupt.
 *	@src:			wakeup src.
 *	@para:			if wakeup src need para, be the para of wakeup src, 
 *				else ignored.
 *	notice:			for gpio intterupt, only access the enable bit, mean u need care about other config,
 *				such as: int mode, pull up or pull down resistance, etc.
int extended_standby_disable_wakeup_src(cpu_wakeup_src_e src, int para)
	unsigned long irqflags;
	spin_lock_irqsave(&data_lock, irqflags);
	extended_standby_manager.event &= (~src);
	if (CPUS_GPIO_SRC & src) {
		if ( para > GPIO_INDEX_END){
			pr_info("gpio config err. \n");
		}else if ( para >= AXP_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_AXP((para - AXP_NR_BASE))));
		}else if ( para >= PM_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_PM((para - PM_NR_BASE))));
		}else if ( para >= PL_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_PL((para - PL_NR_BASE))));
		}else if ( para >= PH_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('H')));
		}else if ( para >= PG_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('G')));
		}else if ( para >= PF_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('F')));
		}else if ( para >= PE_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('E')));
		}else if ( para >= PD_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('D')));
		}else if ( para >= PC_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('C')));
		}else if ( para >= PA_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('B')));
		}else if ( para >= PB_NR_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group &= (~(WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('A')));
		}else {
			pr_info("cpux need care gpio %d. but, notice, currently, \
				cpux not support it.\n", para);
		if (0 == para) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map = 0;
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group = 0;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&data_lock, irqflags);
	EXSTANDBY_DBG("leave %s : event 0x%lx\n", __func__, extended_standby_manager.event);
	EXSTANDBY_DBG("leave %s : wakeup_gpio_map 0x%lx\n", __func__, extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map);
	EXSTANDBY_DBG("leave %s : wakeup_gpio_group 0x%lx\n", __func__, extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group);
	return 0;
 *	extended_standby_enable_wakeup_src   - 	enable the wakeup src.
 *	function:		the device driver care about the wakeup src.
 *				if the device driver do want the system be wakenup while in standby state.
 *				the device driver should use this function to enable corresponding intterupt.
 *	@src:			wakeup src.
 *	@para:			if wakeup src need para, be the para of wakeup src, 
 *				else ignored.
 *	notice:			1. for gpio intterupt, only access the enable bit, mean u need care about other config,
 *				such as: int mode, pull up or pull down resistance, etc.
 *				2. At a31, only gpio��pa, pb, pe, pg, pl, pm��int wakeup src is supported. 
int extended_standby_enable_wakeup_src(cpu_wakeup_src_e src, int para)
	unsigned long irqflags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&data_lock, irqflags);
	extended_standby_manager.event |= src;
	if (CPUS_GPIO_SRC & src) {
		if ( para >= AXP_PIN_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_AXP((para - AXP_PIN_BASE)));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PM_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_PM((para - SUNXI_PM_BASE)));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PL_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_PL((para - SUNXI_PL_BASE)));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PH_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('H'));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PG_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('G'));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PF_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('F'));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PE_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('E'));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PD_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('D'));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PC_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('C'));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PB_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('B'));
		} else if ( para >= SUNXI_PA_BASE) {
			extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group |= (WAKEUP_GPIO_GROUP('A'));
		} else {
			pr_info("cpux need care gpio %d. but, notice, currently, \
				cpux not support it.\n", para);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&data_lock, irqflags);
	EXSTANDBY_DBG("leave %s : event 0x%lx\n", __func__, extended_standby_manager.event);
	EXSTANDBY_DBG("leave %s : wakeup_gpio_map 0x%lx\n", __func__, extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_map);
	EXSTANDBY_DBG("leave %s : wakeup_gpio_group 0x%lx\n", __func__, extended_standby_manager.wakeup_gpio_group);
	return 0;