Beispiel #1
int EBuffer::MoveWordOrCapEndRight() {
    PELine L = VLine(CP.Row);
    int C, P;

    C = CP.Col;
    P = CharOffset(L, C);

    if (P >= L->Count) return 0;

    while ((P < L->Count) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P]) == 0)) P++;
    while ((P < L->Count) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P]) == 1)) P++;
    while ((P < L->Count) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P]) == 1) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P]) == 0)) P++;
    C = ScreenPos(L, P);
    return SetPos(C, CP.Row);
Beispiel #2
int EBuffer::MoveWordRightX(int start) {
    PELine L = VLine(CP.Row);
    int C, P;
    int wS = start, wE = 1 - start;

    C = CP.Col;
    P = CharOffset(L, C);

    if (P >= L->Count) return 0;

    while ((P < L->Count) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P]) == wS)) P++;
    while ((P < L->Count) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P]) == wE)) P++;
    C = ScreenPos(L, P);
    return SetPos(C, CP.Row);
Beispiel #3
int EBuffer::MoveWordLeftX(int start) {
    if (CP.Col > 0) {
        int wS = start, wE = 1 - start;
        PELine L = VLine(CP.Row);
        int C, P;

        C = CP.Col;
        P = CharOffset(L, C);

        if (P > L->Count) P = L->Count;
        if (P > 0) {
            while ((P > 0) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == wE)) P--;
            while ((P > 0) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == wS)) P--;
            C = ScreenPos(L, P);
            return SetPos(C, CP.Row);
        } else return 0;
    } else return 0;
Beispiel #4
int EBuffer::MoveWordOrCapEndLeft() {
    if (CP.Col > 0) {
        PELine L = VLine(CP.Row);
        int C, P;

        C = CP.Col;
        P = CharOffset(L, C);

        if (P > L->Count) P = L->Count;
        if (P > 0) {
            while ((P > 0) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 1) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 0)) P--;
            while ((P > 0) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 1)) P--;
            while ((P > 0) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 0)) P--;
            C = ScreenPos(L, P);
            return SetPos(C, CP.Row);
        } else return 0;
    } else return 0;
Beispiel #5
int EBuffer::KillWordOrCap() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);
    if (CP.Col >= LineLen()) {
        if (KillChar() == 0) return 0;
    } else {
        PELine L = VLine(CP.Row);
        int P = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);
        int C;
        int Class = ChClassK(L->Chars[P]);

        if (Class == 1) {
            if (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P]) == 1)
                while ((P < L->Count) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P]) == 1)) P++;
            while ((P < L->Count) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P]) == 1) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P]) == 0)) P++;
        } else while ((P < L->Count) && (ChClassK(L->Chars[P]) == Class)) P++;
        C = ScreenPos(L, P);
        if (DelText(Y, CP.Col, C - CP.Col) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #6
int EBuffer::KillWordOrCapPrev() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);

    if (CP.Col == 0) {
        if (KillCharPrev() == 0) return 0;
    } else if (CP.Col > LineLen()) {
        if (SetPos(LineLen(), CP.Row) == 0) return 0;
    } else {
        PELine L = RLine(Y);
        int P = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);
        int C;
        int Class = ChClassK(L->Chars[P - 1]);

        if (Class == 1) {
            if (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 0)
                while ((P > 0) && (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 1) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 0)) P--;
            while ((P > 0) && (WGETBIT(Flags.CapitalChars, L->Chars[P - 1]) == 1)) P--;
        } else while ((P > 0) && (ChClassK(L->Chars[P - 1]) == Class)) P--;
        C = ScreenPos(L, P);
        if (DelText(Y, C, CP.Col - C) == 0) return 0;
        if (SetPos(C, CP.Row) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #7
int Hilit_SIMPLE(EBuffer *BF,
                 int      LN,
                 PCell    B,
                 int      Pos,
                 int      Width,
                 ELine   *Line,
                 hlState& State,
                 hsState *StateMap,
                 int     *ECol) {
  EColorize *col = BF->Mode->fColorize;
  HMachine  *hm  = col->hm;

  HILIT_VARS(col->Colors, Line);
  HState *st = 0;
  HTrans *tr = 0;
  int     t, cc;
  int     quotech = 0;
  int     matchFlags;
  int     matchLen;
  int     nextState;
  char   *match;
  int     lastPos = -1;
  hlState entryState;
  int     iterCount;
  bool    reportError = true;

  if ((hm == 0) || (hm->stateCount == 0)) return 0;

  if (State >= hm->stateCount) State = 0;
  st    = hm->state + State;
  Color = st->color;

      fprintf(stderr, "ColMode:%s, State:%d\n", col->Name, State);
      for (int s = 0; s < hm->stateCount; s++) {
                  "State:%d, transCount:%d, firstTrans:%d, options:%d, color:%d,
      for (int t = 0; t < hm->transCount; t++) {
                  "Trans:%d, matchLen:%d, matchFlags:%d, nextState:%d,

  for (i = 0; i < Line->Count;) {
    // Check for infinite loops
    if (i == lastPos) {
      if (++iterCount > hm->stateCount) {
        // Passed the same position more times than number of states -> must be
        // looping
        if (reportError) {
          // Report only once per line since other errors may be false alarms
          // caused by hiliter restart
          reportError = false;
                  "Hiliter looping at line %d, column %d, entry state %d",
                  LN + 1,
                  i + 1,
        } else {
          // Already reported - advance by one character
          Color = hm->state[entryState].color;
          else ColorNext();

        // Restart with state 0
        State     = 0;
        st        = hm->state;
        iterCount = 1;
        goto next_state;
    } else {
      lastPos    = i;
      entryState = State;
      iterCount  = 1;

    if (quotech) {
      quotech = 0;
    } else {
      for (t = 0; t < st->transCount; t++) {
        tr         = hm->trans + st->firstTrans + t;
        matchLen   = tr->matchLen;
        matchFlags = tr->matchFlags;
        match      = tr->match;
        nextState  = tr->nextState;

        // fprintf(stderr,
        //        "line:%d, char:%d (%c), len:%d, state:%d, tr:%d,
        // st->transCount:%d, st->firstTrans:%d, nextState:%d,
        // matchFlags:%08x\n",
        //        LN, i, *p, len, State, t, st->transCount, st->firstTrans,
        // nextState, matchFlags);

        if (len < matchLen) continue;

        if ((i > 0) && (matchFlags & MATCH_MUST_BOL)) continue;

        if ((matchFlags & (MATCH_SET | MATCH_NOTSET)) == 0) {
          if (matchFlags & MATCH_REGEXP) {
            RxMatchRes b;

            if (!RxExecMatch(tr->regexp, Line->Chars, Line->Count, p, &b,
                             (matchFlags &
                              MATCH_NO_CASE) ? 0 : RX_CASE)) continue;

            if ((b.Open[1] != -1) && (b.Close[1] != -1)) matchLen = b.Open[1] - i;
            else matchLen = b.Close[0] - i;
          } else if (matchFlags & MATCH_NO_CASE) {
            if (memicmp(match, p, matchLen)) continue;
          } else {
            for (cc = 0; cc < matchLen; cc++)
              if (p[cc] != match[cc]) goto next_trans;
        } else if (matchFlags & MATCH_SET) {
          if (!WGETBIT(match, *p)) continue;
        } else if (matchFlags & MATCH_NOTSET) {
          if (WGETBIT(match, *p)) continue;

        if ((len != matchLen) && (matchFlags & MATCH_MUST_EOL)) continue;

        if (matchFlags & MATCH_NOGRAB) {
          State = nextState;

          if (State >= hm->stateCount) State = 0;
          st = hm->state + State;

          // fprintf(stderr, "nograb\n");
        } else {
          if (matchFlags & MATCH_TAGASNEXT) {
            State = nextState;

            if (State >= hm->stateCount) State = 0;
            st = hm->state + State;
          Color = tr->color;

          for (cc = 0; cc < matchLen; cc++)
            else ColorNext();

          if (!(matchFlags & MATCH_TAGASNEXT)) {
            State = nextState;

            if (State >= hm->stateCount) State = 0;
            st = hm->state + State;

          if (len > 0) {
            if (matchFlags & MATCH_QUOTECH) quotech = 1;
          } else if (len == 0) {
            if (matchFlags & MATCH_QUOTEEOL) goto end_parse;  /* see note below
                                                                !! */

        // fprintf(stderr, "next state\n");
        goto next_state;
next_trans: /* */

      if (st->wordChars != 0) {
        int j;
        hlState MState = State;

        j = 0;

        while (((i + j) < Line->Count) &&
               (WGETBIT(st->wordChars, Line->Chars[i + j]))) j++;

        // GP (fix)
        Color = st->color;

        if (j == 0) {
          if (st->nextKwdNoCharState != -1) {
            State = st->nextKwdNoCharState;

            if (State >= hm->stateCount) State = 0;
            st    = hm->state + State;
            Color = st->color;
            goto next_state;
        } else {
          if (st->GetHilitWord(j, &Line->Chars[i], Color) ||
              BF->GetHilitWord(j, &Line->Chars[i], Color,
                               BFI(BF, BFI_MatchCase) ? 0 : 1)) {
            if (st->nextKwdMatchedState != -1) State = st->nextKwdMatchedState;
          } else {
            if (st->nextKwdNotMatchedState != -1) {
              State = st->nextKwdNotMatchedState;

              if (st->options & STATE_NOGRAB) {
                if (State >= hm->stateCount) State = 0;
                st    = hm->state + State;
                Color = st->color;
                goto next_state;

          if (State >= hm->stateCount) State = 0;

          // highlight/tag as next state
          if (st->options & STATE_TAGASNEXT) {
            MState = State;
            st     = hm->state + State;
            Color  = st->color;

          if (StateMap) memset(StateMap + i, MState, j);

          if (B) MoveMem(B, C - Pos, Width, Line->Chars + i, HILIT_CLRD(), j);
          i   += j;
          len -= j;
          p   += j;
          C   += j;

          if (!(st->options & STATE_TAGASNEXT)) {
            st    = hm->state + State;
            Color = st->color;
          goto next_state;
    Color = st->color;
    else ColorNext();
next_state: /* */
Beispiel #8
int EBuffer::FindStr(const char *Data, int Len, SearchReplaceOptions &opt) {
    int Options = opt.Options;
    int LLen, Start, End;
    int C, L;
    PELine X;
    char *P;

    if (Options & SEARCH_RE)
        return 0;
    if (Len <= 0)
        return 0;

    if (Options & SEARCH_NOPOS) {
        C = Match.Col;
        L = Match.Row;
    } else {
        C = CP.Col;
        L = VToR(CP.Row);
    if (Match.Row != -1)
        Draw(Match.Row, Match.Row);
    Match.Row = -1;
    Match.Col = -1;
    X = RLine(L);
    C = CharOffset(X, C);

    if (Options & SEARCH_NEXT) {
        int CC = MatchCount ? 1 : 0;

        if (Options & SEARCH_BACK) {
            C -= CC;
            if (C < 0) {
                if (L == 0) return 0;
                X = RLine(L);
                C = X->Count;
        } else {
            if (Options & SEARCH_REPLACE &&
                    opt.lastInsertLen > 0) {
                C += CC * opt.lastInsertLen; // 0 or opt.lastInsertLen
            } else {
                C += CC;

            if (C >= X->Count) {
                C = 0;
                if (L == RCount) return 0;
    MatchLen = 0;
    MatchCount = 0;

    if (Options & SEARCH_BLOCK) {
        if (Options & SEARCH_BACK) {
            if (BlockMode == bmStream) {
                if (L > BE.Row) {
                    L = BE.Row;
                    C = BE.Col;
                if (L == BE.Row && C > BE.Col)
                    C = BE.Col;
            } else {
                if (L >= BE.Row && BE.Row > 0) {
                    L = BE.Row - 1;
                    C = RLine(L)->Count;
                if (BlockMode == bmColumn)
                    if (L == BE.Row - 1 && C >= BE.Col)
                        C = BE.Col;
        } else {
            if (L < BB.Row) {
                L = BB.Row;
                C = 0;
            if (L == BB.Row && C < BB.Col)
                C = BB.Col;
    while (1) {
        if (Options & SEARCH_BLOCK) {
            if (BlockMode == bmStream) {
                if (L > BE.Row || L < BB.Row) break;
            } else
                if (L >= BE.Row || L < BB.Row) break;
        } else
            if (L >= RCount || L < 0) break;

        X = RLine(L);

        LLen = X->Count;
        P = X->Chars;
        Start = 0;
        End = LLen;

        if (Options & SEARCH_BLOCK) {
            if (BlockMode == bmColumn) {
                Start = CharOffset(X, BB.Col);
                End = CharOffset(X, BE.Col);
            } else if (BlockMode == bmStream) {
                if (L == BB.Row)
                    Start = CharOffset(X, BB.Col);
                if (L == BE.Row)
                    End = CharOffset(X, BE.Col);
        if (Options & SEARCH_BACK) {
            if (C >= End - Len)
                C = End - Len;
        } else {
            if (C < Start)
                C = Start;

        while (((!(Options & SEARCH_BACK)) && (C <= End - Len)) || ((Options & SEARCH_BACK) && (C >= Start))) {
            if ((!(Options & SEARCH_WORDBEG)
                    || (C == 0)
                    || (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, P[C - 1]) == 0))
                    (!(Options & SEARCH_WORDEND)
                     || (C + Len >= End)
                     || (WGETBIT(Flags.WordChars, P[C + Len]) == 0))
                    ((!(Options & SEARCH_NCASE)
                      && (P[C] == Data[0])
                      && (memcmp(P + C, Data, Len) == 0))
                     ((Options & SEARCH_NCASE)
                      && (toupper(P[C]) == toupper(Data[0]))
                      && (strnicmp(P + C, Data, Len) == 0))) /* && BOL | EOL */
               ) {
                Match.Col = ScreenPos(X, C);
                Match.Row = L;
                MatchCount = Len;
                MatchLen = ScreenPos(X, C + Len) - Match.Col;
                if (!(Options & SEARCH_NOPOS)) {
                    if (Options & SEARCH_CENTER)
                        CenterPosR(Match.Col, Match.Row);
                        SetPosR(Match.Col, Match.Row);
                Draw(L, L);
                return 1;
            if (Options & SEARCH_BACK) C--;
            else C++;
        if (Options & SEARCH_BACK) {
            if (L >= 0)
                C = RLine(L)->Count;
        } else {
            C = 0;
    //SetPos(OC, OL);
    return 0;
Beispiel #9
int Hilit_SIMPLE(EBuffer *BF, int /*LN*/, PCell B, int Pos, int Width, ELine *Line, hlState &State, hsState *StateMap, int *ECol) {
    EColorize *col = BF->Mode->fColorize;
    HMachine *hm = col->hm;
    HILIT_VARS(col->Colors, Line);
    HState *st = 0;
    HTrans *tr = 0;
    int t, cc;
    int quotech = 0;
    int matchFlags;
    int matchLen;
    int nextState;
    char *match;

    if (hm == 0 || hm->stateCount == 0)
        return 0;

    if (State >= hm->stateCount)
        State = 0;
    st = hm->state + State;
    Color = st->color;

        fprintf(stderr, "ColMode:%s, State:%d\n", col->Name, State);
        for (int s = 0; s < hm->stateCount; s++) {
                    "State:%d, transCount:%d, firstTrans:%d, options:%d, color:%d, nextState:%d\n",
        for (int t = 0; t < hm->transCount; t++) {
                    "Trans:%d, matchLen:%d, matchFlags:%d, nextState:%d, color:%d\n",

    for (i = 0; i < Line->Count; ) {
        if (quotech) {
            quotech = 0;
        } else {
            for (t = 0; t < st->transCount; t++) {
                tr = hm->trans + st->firstTrans + t;
                matchLen = tr->matchLen;
                matchFlags = tr->matchFlags;
                match = tr->match;
                nextState = tr->nextState;

                //        "line:%d, char:%d (%c), len:%d, state:%d, tr:%d, st->transCount:%d, st->firstTrans:%d, nextState:%d, matchFlags:%08x\n",
                //        LN, i, *p, len, State, t, st->transCount, st->firstTrans, nextState, matchFlags);

                if (len < matchLen)

                if ((i > 0) && (matchFlags & MATCH_MUST_BOL))

                if ((matchFlags & (MATCH_SET | MATCH_NOTSET)) == 0) {
                    if (matchFlags & MATCH_REGEXP) {
                        RxMatchRes b;
                        if (!RxExecMatch(tr->regexp, Line->Chars, Line->Count, p, &b, (matchFlags & MATCH_NO_CASE) ? 0 : RX_CASE)) continue;
                        if (b.Open[1] != -1 && b.Close[1] != -1) matchLen = b.Open[1] - i;
                        else matchLen = b.Close[0] - i;
                    } else if (matchFlags & MATCH_NO_CASE) {
                        if (memicmp(match, p, matchLen))
                    } else {
                        for (cc = 0; cc < matchLen; cc++)
                            if (p[cc] != match[cc])
                                goto next_trans;
                } else if (matchFlags & MATCH_SET) {
                    if (!WGETBIT(match, *p))
                } else if (matchFlags & MATCH_NOTSET) {
                    if (WGETBIT(match, *p))

                if ((len != matchLen) && (matchFlags & MATCH_MUST_EOL))

                if (matchFlags & MATCH_NOGRAB) {
                    State = nextState;
                    if (State >= hm->stateCount)
                        State = 0;
                    st = hm->state + State;
                    //fprintf(stderr, "nograb\n");
                } else {
                    if (matchFlags & MATCH_TAGASNEXT) {
                        State = nextState;
                        if (State >= hm->stateCount)
                            State = 0;
                        st = hm->state + State;
                    Color = tr->color;
                    for (cc = 0; cc < matchLen; cc++)
                    if (!(matchFlags & MATCH_TAGASNEXT)) {
                        State = nextState;
                        if (State >= hm->stateCount)
                            State = 0;
                        st = hm->state + State;
                    if (len > 0) {
                        if (matchFlags & MATCH_QUOTECH)
                            quotech = 1;
                    } else if (len == 0) {
                        if (matchFlags & MATCH_QUOTEEOL)
                            goto end_parse; /* see note below !! */
                //fprintf(stderr, "next state\n");
                goto next_state;
            next_trans: /* */;
            if (st->wordChars != 0) {
                int j;
                hlState MState = State;

                j = 0;
                while (((i + j) < Line->Count) &&
                       (WGETBIT(st->wordChars, Line->Chars[i + j]))) j++;

                //GP (fix)
                Color = st->color;

                if (j == 0) {
                    if (st->nextKwdNoCharState != -1) {
                        State = st->nextKwdNoCharState;
                        if (State >= hm->stateCount)
                            State = 0;
                        st = hm->state + State;
                        Color = st->color;
                        goto next_state;
                } else {
                    if (st->GetHilitWord(j, &Line->Chars[i], Color ) ||
                        BF->GetHilitWord(j, &Line->Chars[i], Color,  BFI( BF, BFI_MatchCase ) ? 0 : 1))
                        if (st->nextKwdMatchedState != -1)
                            State = st->nextKwdMatchedState;
                    } else {
                        if (st->nextKwdNotMatchedState != -1) {
                            State = st->nextKwdNotMatchedState;
                            if (st->options & STATE_NOGRAB) {
                                if (State >= hm->stateCount)
                                    State = 0;
                                st = hm->state + State;
                                Color = st->color;
                                goto next_state;
                    if (State >= hm->stateCount)
                        State = 0;
                    // highlight/tag as next state
                    if (st->options & STATE_TAGASNEXT) {
                        MState = State;
                        st = hm->state + State;
                        Color = st->color;
                    if (StateMap)
                        memset(StateMap + i, MState, j);
                    if (B)
                        MoveMem(B, C - Pos, Width, Line->Chars + i, HILIT_CLRD(), j);
                    i += j;
                    len -= j;
                    p += j;
                    C += j;

                    if (!(st->options & STATE_TAGASNEXT)) {
                        st = hm->state + State;
                        Color = st->color;
                    goto next_state;
        Color = st->color;
    next_state: /* */;

    /* check if there are any matches for EOL */
    /* NOTE: this is skipped when Q option is used above. !! */
    for (t = 0; t < st->transCount; t++) {
        tr = hm->trans + st->firstTrans + t;
        matchLen = tr->matchLen;
        matchFlags = tr->matchFlags;
        match = tr->match;
        nextState = tr->nextState;
        if (((i > 0) && (matchFlags & MATCH_MUST_BOL)) || (matchFlags & MATCH_REGEXP))

        //cant match eol beyond eol.
        //if ((len != matchLen) && (matchFlags & MATCH_MUST_EOL))

        if (matchLen == 0) {
            State = nextState;
            if (State >= hm->stateCount)
                State = 0;
end_parse: ;
    *ECol = C;
    return 0;