wiced_result_t wiced_rtos_create_worker_thread( wiced_worker_thread_t* worker_thread, uint8_t priority, uint32_t stack_size, uint32_t event_queue_size )
    memset( worker_thread, 0, sizeof( *worker_thread ) );

    if ( wiced_rtos_init_queue( &worker_thread->event_queue, "worker queue", sizeof(wiced_event_message_t), event_queue_size ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
        return WICED_ERROR;

    if ( wiced_rtos_create_thread( &worker_thread->thread, WICED_PRIORITY_TO_NATIVE_PRIORITY( priority ), "worker thread", worker_thread_main, stack_size, (void*) worker_thread ) != WICED_SUCCESS )
        wiced_rtos_deinit_queue( &worker_thread->event_queue );
        return WICED_ERROR;

    return WICED_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
wiced_result_t wiced_rtos_create_thread( wiced_thread_t* thread, uint8_t priority, const char* name, wiced_thread_function_t function, uint32_t stack_size, void* arg )
    /* Limit priority to default lib priority */
    if ( priority > RTOS_HIGHEST_PRIORITY )
        priority = RTOS_HIGHEST_PRIORITY;

    return host_rtos_create_thread_with_arg( WICED_GET_THREAD_HANDLE( thread ), function, name, NULL, stack_size, WICED_PRIORITY_TO_NATIVE_PRIORITY( priority ), (uint32_t) arg );
Beispiel #3
 *  Main function - starts ThreadX
 *  Called from the crt0 _start function
int main( void )

#if defined ( __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ )
/* IAR allows init functions in __low_level_init(), but it is run before global
 * variables have been initialised, so the following init still needs to be done
 * When using GCC, this is done in crt0_GCC.c
    init_architecture( );
    init_platform( );
#endif /* #elif defined ( __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ ) */

    /* Start the watchdog kicking thread */
    xTaskCreate( system_monitor_thread_main, (signed char*)"system monitor", SYSTEM_MONITOR_THREAD_STACK_SIZE/sizeof( portSTACK_TYPE ), NULL, RTOS_HIGHEST_PRIORITY, &system_monitor_thread_handle);
    /* Create an initial thread */
    xTaskCreate( application_thread_main, (signed char*)"app_thread", APPLICATION_STACK_SIZE/sizeof( portSTACK_TYPE ), NULL, WICED_PRIORITY_TO_NATIVE_PRIORITY(WICED_APPLICATION_PRIORITY), &app_thread_handle);

#ifdef __GNUC__
        wiced_result_t result;
        result = wiced_freertos_init_malloc_mutex();
        wiced_assert( "Unable t create a freertos malloc mutex", result == WICED_SUCCESS );
        (void) result;
#endif /* ifdef __GNUC__ */

    /* Start the FreeRTOS scheduler - this call should never return */
    vTaskStartScheduler( );

    /* Should never get here, unless there is an error in vTaskStartScheduler */
    return 0;