// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::ConstructL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CMessageMonitorPlugin::ConstructL() { WRITELOG("ENTER CMessageMonitorPlugin::ConstructL"); CreateFileNameL(); WRITELOG("END CMessageMonitorPlugin::ConstructL"); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::CMessageMonitorPlugin // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::CMessageMonitorPlugin() : CMonitorPlugin(), iMonitorPluginObserver( NULL ), iMsvSession( NULL ), iMdeSession( NULL ), iMessageScannerAO( NULL ) { WRITELOG("ENTER CMessageMonitorPlugin::CMessageMonitorPlugin"); WRITELOG("END CMessageMonitorPlugin::CMessageMonitorPlugin"); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::ResumeMonitoring // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CMessageMonitorPlugin::ResumeMonitoring( MMonitorPluginObserver& /*aObserver*/, CMdESession* /*aMdEClient*/, CContextEngine* /*aCtxEngine*/, CHarvesterPluginFactory* /*aHarvesterPluginFactory*/ ) { WRITELOG("ENTER CMessageMonitorPlugin::ResumeMonitoring"); WRITELOG("END CMessageMonitorPlugin::ResumeMonitoring"); return ETrue; }
BOOL CControlsModule::onInit(PPBSTRUCT pPBStructure) { WNDCLASS wndclass; LPFNREGKEYNOTIFY reg_keystate; LPFNREGKEYBOARDNOTIFY reg_keyboard; wcscpy (m_szModName, MODULE_NAME); // Preload the Fusion library - it crashes if it's loaded after a previous navigation LoadLibrary (L"FusionPublicAPI.dll"); //RegisterForEvent (PB_APPFOCUSEVENT); RegisterForEvent (PB_BROWSER_BEFORE_NAV_EVENT); RegisterForEvent (PB_BROWSER_DOC_COMPLETE_EVENT); RegisterForEvent (PB_PRIMARY_MESSAGE); RegisterForEvent (PB_WINDOWCHANGED_EVENT); // Create an invisible window to receive key state messages // Only a single window needed because there is only a single physical keyboard // Return TRUE on error as the user may not be using key state in any case memset (&wndclass, 0, sizeof wndclass); wndclass.lpfnWndProc = StaticKeyWindowProc; wndclass.hInstance = pPBStructure->hInstance; wndclass.lpszClassName = L"KeyStateEvent"; RegisterClass (&wndclass); hKeyStateWindow = CreateWindow (L"KeyStateEvent", NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, (HMENU) 0, pPBStructure->hInstance, NULL); if (!hKeyStateWindow) { WRITELOG (L"Cannot create key state event window"); return TRUE; } // Add a pointer to ourselves to the window SetWindowLong (hKeyStateWindow, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG) this); // Load the keyboard driver DLL hKeyboardDriver = LoadLibrary (KEYBOARD_DLL); if (!hKeyboardDriver) { WRITELOG (L"Cannot load keyboard driver DLL"); return TRUE; } // Register for key state events reg_keystate = (LPFNREGKEYNOTIFY) GetProcAddress (hKeyboardDriver, REGKEYNOTIFY); if (reg_keystate) (*reg_keystate) (hKeyStateWindow, KEY_EVENT); reg_keyboard = (LPFNREGKEYBOARDNOTIFY) GetProcAddress (hKeyboardDriver, REGKEYBOARDNOTIFY); if (reg_keyboard) (*reg_keyboard) (hKeyStateWindow, KEYBOARD_EVENT); return true; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::CreateUriL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HBufC* CMessageMonitorPlugin::CreateUriL( const TUid& /*aMsgTypeUid*/, const TMsvId aMsgId ) { WRITELOG("ENTER CMessageMonitorPlugin::CreateUriL"); HBufC* uri = HBufC::NewL( KUriLength ); TPtr ptrUri = uri->Des(); ptrUri.Format( KMsgURI, aMsgId ); WRITELOG("END CMessageMonitorPlugin::CreateUriL"); return uri; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::StopMonitoring // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CMessageMonitorPlugin::StopMonitoring() { WRITELOG("ENTER CMessageMonitorPlugin::StopMonitoring"); if( iMsvSession ) { delete iMsvSession; iMsvSession = NULL; } WRITELOG("END CMessageMonitorPlugin::StopMonitoring"); return ETrue; }
int d3d_enum_devices(GUID *pguid) { HRESULT res; GUID guid; res = IDirect3D_EnumDevices(_lpD3D, d3d_enum_callback, (LPVOID)&guid); if (res != DD_OK) { WRITELOG((LogFile, "Unable to find a proper 3D hardware device.\n")); return d3d_handle_error(res); } WRITELOG((LogFile, "Found 3D Device (%s)\n", d3dCaps.devname)); memcpy(pguid, &guid, sizeof(GUID)); return 0; }
EXPORT_C CHarvesterEventManager* CHarvesterEventManager::GetInstanceL() { WRITELOG( "CHarvesterEventManager::GetInstanceL" ); OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, CHARVESTEREVENTMANAGER_GETINSTANCEL, "CHarvesterEventManager::GetInstanceL" ); CHarvesterEventManagerStaticData* data = static_cast<CHarvesterEventManagerStaticData*>( UserSvr::DllTls( KHarvesterEventManagerTLSKey ) ); CHarvesterEventManager* instance = NULL; if ( !data ) { instance = new (ELeave) CHarvesterEventManager(); CleanupStack::PushL( instance ); instance->ConstructL(); UserSvr::DllSetTls( KHarvesterEventManagerTLSKey, new (ELeave) CHarvesterEventManagerStaticData(instance) ); CleanupStack::Pop( instance ); } else { instance = data->iHEM; data->iRefCount++; } return instance; }
SHORT CfsNVRPluginCtrl::SetWndChannelSelect(SHORT nWndIndex, SHORT nChannel) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); WRITELOG("SetWndChannelSelect [%d][%d]", nWndIndex, nChannel); return Glue_SetWndChannelSelect(mGlue, nWndIndex, nChannel); }
SHORT CfsNVRPluginCtrl::GetWndChannelCount(SHORT nWndIndex) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); SHORT count = Glue_GetWndChannelCount(mGlue, nWndIndex); WRITELOG("Glue_GetWndChannelCount [%d][%d]", nWndIndex, count); return count; }
TBool CMMCMonitorAO::StopMonitoring() { WRITELOG( "CMMCMonitorAO::StopNotify" ); // DEBUG INFO Cancel(); return ETrue; }
void yyerror(char *error) { WRITELOG(ERROR, "Error in configuration file %s:\n", file_error); WRITELOG(ERROR, "%s.\n", error); free(x_sessions_directory); free(text_sessions_directory); free(xinit); free(font); free(theme_dir); free(screensavers_dir); free(themes_dir); set_default_paths(); theme_dir = StrApp((char**)NULL, themes_dir, "/default/", (char*)NULL); settings_parse_error = 1; }
BOOL CControlsModule::onBeforeNavigate (int iInstID) { // Get the instance data - problem if it's not available INSTANCE_DATA *pdata = (INSTANCE_DATA*) GetObjFromID (iInstID); if (!pdata) { WRITELOG (L"Instance data not available"); return FALSE; } if (pdata->pStopButton) pdata->pStopButton->Display(TRUE); if (pdata->pGoButton) pdata->pGoButton->Display (FALSE); // GD TEST if (pdata->pSignal) pdata->pSignal->OnBeforeNavigate (); if (pdata->pBattery) pdata->pBattery->OnBeforeNavigate (); // GD TEST return TRUE; }
// ============================================================================ // MethodLogger Defenition // ============================================================================ MethodLogger::MethodLogger(const char *function) : mFunction( function ) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(KLogEnter, mFunction); WRITELOG(msg); }
void add_to_options(char *option) { #ifdef USE_SCREEN_SAVERS static struct _screensaver_options *temp = NULL; if (!option) return; /* the following is necessary to detect that options list got cleared */ if (!screensaver_options) temp = NULL; if (!temp) { screensaver_options = (struct _screensaver_options *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct _screensaver_options)); temp = screensaver_options; } else { temp->next = (struct _screensaver_options *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct _screensaver_options)); temp = temp->next; } temp->option = strdup(option); temp->next = NULL; WRITELOG(DEBUG, "Added '%s' to screen saver options...\n", option); #else /* no screensaver support */ if (option) {} /* only to avoid compiler warnings */ #endif }
TBool CMMCMonitorAO::StartMonitoring( MMMCMonitorObserver& aObserver, RArray<TMdEMediaInfo>& aMedias ) { WRITELOG( "CMMCMonitorAO::StartMonitoring" ); // DEBUG INFO iObserver = &aObserver; BuildDriveList(); const TInt count( aMedias.Count() ); for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { TInt drive(0); const TInt err = iFs.CharToDrive( aMedias[i].iDrive, drive ); if ( err == KErrNone ) { WRITELOG2( "CMMCMonitorAO::StartMonitoring - set drive %d mediaid to %d ", drive, aMedias[i].iMediaId ); iDriveList[drive] = 1; // fake value for startup (not KDriveAbsent) iMediaIdList[drive] = aMedias[i].iMediaId; } } iPreviousDriveList.Zero(); iPreviousDriveList.Copy( iDriveList ); #ifdef _DEBUG PrintAllLists(); #endif CompareDriveLists(); StartNotify(); return ETrue; }
CMMCMonitorAO::~CMMCMonitorAO() { WRITELOG( "CMMCMonitorAO::~CMMCMonitorAO" ); // DEBUG INFO StopMonitoring(); iFs.Close(); }
VARIANT_BOOL CfsNVRPluginCtrl::SetSelectWnd(SHORT nWndIndex) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); bool bRlt = Glue_SetSelectWnd(mGlue, nWndIndex); WRITELOG("Glue_SetSelectWnd [%d], return[%d]", nWndIndex, bRlt); return bRlt; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgCreatedChangedL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgCreatedChangedL( const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, const TMsvId aFolderId, const TMsvSessionEvent aEvent ) { WRITELOG("ENTER CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgCreatedChangedL"); TInt count( aSelection.Count() ); // cycle through every message in the CMsvEntrySelection for ( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i ) { // extract the message server entry from the parameters TMsvId msgId = aSelection[i]; WRITELOG1("msgId: %d", msgId ); TMsvId service = 0; TMsvEntry entry; TInt err = iMsvSession->GetEntry( msgId, service, entry ); WRITELOG1("HandleMsgCreatedChangedL error: %d ", err); THarvesterEventType event = ( aEvent == EMsvEntriesCreated ) || entry.Unread() ? EHarvesterAdd : EHarvesterEdit; // ... we only want to process message entries, that are in the inbox // ... and are valid for adding to Mds. if ( ( !err ) && ( KUidMsvMessageEntry == entry.iType ) && ( KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId == aFolderId ) && ( entry.Visible() && entry.Complete() && !entry.InPreparation() ) && ( IsValidMessageTypeL( entry, *iMsvSession ) ) ) { HBufC* uri = CreateUriL( entry.iMtm, msgId ); CleanupStack::PushL( uri ); CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( uri ); CleanupStack::Pop( uri ); hd->SetEventType( event ); hd->SetBinary( EFalse ); hd->SetTakeSnapshot( EFalse ); iMonitorPluginObserver->MonitorEvent( hd ); } } WRITELOG("END CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgCreatedChangedL"); }
SHORT CfsNVRPluginCtrl::SetWndChannels(SHORT nWndId, SHORT nChannels) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // TODO: Add your dispatch handler code here WRITELOG("Glue_SetWndChannels [%d], [%d]", nWndId, nChannels); return Glue_SetWndChannels(mGlue, nWndId, nChannels); }
void CfsNVRPluginCtrl::NextFrame(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // TODO: Add your dispatch handler code here Glue_NextFrame(mGlue); WRITELOG("NextFrame"); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgDeletedL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgDeletedL( const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection ) { WRITELOG("ENTER CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgDeletedL"); TInt count( aSelection.Count() ); // cycle through every message in the CMsvEntrySelection for( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { TMsvId msgId = aSelection[i]; WRITELOG1("msgId: %d", msgId ); HBufC* uri = CreateUriL( KUidMsgTypeSMS, msgId ); CleanupStack::PushL( uri ); RemoveObjectL( *uri ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uri ); } WRITELOG("END CMessageMonitorPlugin::HandleMsgDeletedL"); }
void CfsNVRPluginCtrl::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { COleControl::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); // TODO: 在此处添加消息处理程序代码 Glue_OnSize(mGlue, cx, cy); WRITELOG("Change Windows Size"); }
void CfsNVRPluginCtrl::FullScreen(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // TODO: 在此添加调度处理程序代码 Glue_FullScreen(mGlue); WRITELOG("Full Screen"); }
void COnDemandAO::StartL() { WRITELOG("COnDemandAO::StartL"); // Cancel any request, just to be sure Cancel (); iMdEHarvesterSession->SetHarvestingPrioritizationChunkL( 16384 ); WaitHarvestingRequest (); }
COnDemandAO* COnDemandAO::NewL( CMdESession& aSession, MMonitorPluginObserver& aObserver, CHarvesterPluginFactory& aPluginFactory, RPointerArray<CHarvesterData>* aPhArray ) { WRITELOG("COnDemandAO::NewL"); COnDemandAO* self = COnDemandAO::NewLC ( aSession, aObserver, aPluginFactory, aPhArray ); CleanupStack::Pop (); // self; return self; }
void COnDemandAO::WaitHarvestingRequest() { WRITELOG("COnDemandAO::WaitHarvestingRequest"); iStatus = KRequestPending; iMdEHarvesterSession->AddHarvestingPrioritizationObserver( iStatus ); // Tell scheduler a request is active SetActive(); }
int main() { cb_buf_t cb; char *mem = (char*)malloc(BUF_LEN); if(mem == NULL) { WRITELOG("malloc failed! return..."); return -1; } cb_init(&cb, mem, BUF_LEN/sizeof(int), sizeof(int)); int i = 0; char *tmpbuf = NULL; for(i = 0; i < BUF_LEN/sizeof(int); i++) { tmpbuf = cb_write(&cb); if(tmpbuf == NULL) { WRITELOG("get from cb failed %d", i); } else { WRITELOG("get success: %p\n", tmpbuf); } memcpy(tmpbuf, &i, sizeof(int)); cb_done_write(&cb); } for(i = 0; i < BUF_LEN/sizeof(int); i++) { tmpbuf = cb_read(&cb); if(tmpbuf == NULL) { WRITELOG("read from ccb failed %d", i); } else { WRITELOG("read success: %d", (int)(*tmpbuf)); } cb_done_read(&cb); } return 0; }
COnDemandAO* COnDemandAO::NewLC( CMdESession& aSession, MMonitorPluginObserver& aObserver, CHarvesterPluginFactory& aPluginFactory, RPointerArray<CHarvesterData>* aPhArray ) { WRITELOG("COnDemandAO::NewLC"); COnDemandAO* self = new ( ELeave ) COnDemandAO(); CleanupStack::PushL ( self); self->ConstructL ( aSession, aObserver, aPluginFactory, aPhArray ); return self; }
SHORT CfsNVRPluginCtrl::Snap(LPCTSTR savePath) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // TODO: Add your dispatch handler code here SHORT rlt = Glue_Snap(mGlue, savePath); WRITELOG("Glue_Snap return[%d], savepath:%s", rlt, savePath); return rlt; }