ErrorCode WdtSocket::closeConnectionInternal(bool doTagIOs) { WVLOG(1) << "Closing socket " << port_ << " " << fd_; if (fd_ < 0) { return OK; } ErrorCode errorCode = getNonRetryableErrCode(); if (!writesFinalized_) { errorCode = getMoreInterestingError(errorCode, finalizeWrites(doTagIOs)); } if (!readsFinalized_) { errorCode = getMoreInterestingError(errorCode, finalizeReads(doTagIOs)); } if (::close(fd_) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to close socket " << fd_ << " " << port_; errorCode = getMoreInterestingError(ERROR, errorCode); } // This looks like a reset() make it explicit (and check it's complete) fd_ = -1; readErrorCode_ = OK; writeErrorCode_ = OK; encryptionSettingsRead_ = false; encryptionSettingsWritten_ = false; writesFinalized_ = false; readsFinalized_ = false; WVLOG(1) << "Error code from close " << errorCodeToStr(errorCode); return errorCode; }
void WdtBase::configureThrottler() { WDT_CHECK(!throttler_); WVLOG(1) << "Configuring throttler options"; throttler_ = Throttler::makeThrottler(options_); if (throttler_) { WLOG(INFO) << "Enabling throttling " << *throttler_; } else { WLOG(INFO) << "Throttling not enabled"; } }
string WdtBase::generateTransferId() { static std::default_random_engine randomEngine{std::random_device()()}; static std::mutex mutex; string transferId; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); transferId = to_string(randomEngine()); } WVLOG(1) << "Generated a transfer id " << transferId; return transferId; }
void TransferHistoryController::handleGlobalCheckpoint( const Checkpoint &checkpoint) { auto errPort = checkpoint.port; auto it = threadHistoriesMap_.find(errPort); if (it == threadHistoriesMap_.end()) { WLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid checkpoint " << checkpoint << ". No sender thread running on port " << errPort; return; } WVLOG(1) << "received global checkpoint " << checkpoint; it->second->setGlobalCheckpoint(checkpoint); }
int64_t WdtSocket::ioWithAbortCheck(F readOrWrite, T tbuf, int64_t numBytes, int timeoutMs, bool tryFull) { WDT_CHECK(threadCtx_.getAbortChecker() != nullptr) << "abort checker can not be null"; bool checkAbort = (threadCtx_.getOptions().abort_check_interval_millis > 0); auto startTime = Clock::now(); int64_t doneBytes = 0; int retries = 0; while (doneBytes < numBytes) { const int64_t ret = readOrWrite(fd_, tbuf + doneBytes, numBytes - doneBytes); if (ret < 0) { // error if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) { PLOG(ERROR) << "non-retryable error encountered during socket io " << fd_ << " " << doneBytes << " " << retries; return (doneBytes > 0 ? doneBytes : ret); } } else if (ret == 0) { // eof WVLOG(1) << "EOF received during socket io. fd : " << fd_ << ", finished bytes : " << doneBytes << ", retries : " << retries; return doneBytes; } else { // success doneBytes += ret; if (!tryFull) { // do not have to read/write entire data return doneBytes; } } if (checkAbort && threadCtx_.getAbortChecker()->shouldAbort()) { WLOG(ERROR) << "transfer aborted during socket io " << fd_ << " " << doneBytes << " " << retries; return (doneBytes > 0 ? doneBytes : -1); } if (timeoutMs > 0) { int duration = durationMillis(Clock::now() - startTime); if (duration >= timeoutMs) { WLOG(INFO) << "socket io timed out after " << duration << " ms, retries " << retries << " fd " << fd_ << " doneBytes " << doneBytes; return (doneBytes > 0 ? doneBytes : -1); } } retries++; } WVLOG_IF(1, retries > 1) << "socket io for " << doneBytes << " bytes took " << retries << " retries"; return doneBytes; }
double Throttler::averageThrottler(const Clock::time_point& now) { std::chrono::duration<double> elapsedDuration = now - startTime_; double elapsedSeconds = elapsedDuration.count(); if (avgRateBytesPerSec_ <= 0) { WVLOG(2) << "There is no avg rate limit"; return -1; } const double allowedProgressBytes = avgRateBytesPerSec_ * elapsedSeconds; if (bytesProgress_ > allowedProgressBytes) { double idealTime = bytesProgress_ / avgRateBytesPerSec_; const double sleepTimeSeconds = idealTime - elapsedSeconds; WVLOG(1) << "Throttler : Elapsed " << elapsedSeconds << " seconds. Made progress " << bytesProgress_ / kMbToB << " Mbytes in " << elapsedSeconds << " seconds, maximum allowed progress for this duration is " << allowedProgressBytes / kMbToB << " Mbytes. Mean Rate allowed is " << avgRateBytesPerSec_ / kMbToB << " Mbytes/sec. Sleeping for " << sleepTimeSeconds << " seconds"; return sleepTimeSeconds; } return -1; }
bool ThreadTransferHistory::addSource(std::unique_ptr<ByteSource> &source) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); if (globalCheckpoint_) { // already received an error for this thread WVLOG(1) << "adding source after global checkpoint is received. returning " "the source to the queue"; markSourceAsFailed(source, lastCheckpoint_.get()); lastCheckpoint_.reset(); queue_.returnToQueue(source); return false; } history_.emplace_back(std::move(source)); return true; }
std::unique_ptr<TransferReport> Receiver::getTransferReport() { TransferStats globalStats; for (const auto &receiverThread : receiverThreads_) { globalStats += receiverThread->getTransferStats(); } std::unique_ptr<TransferReport> transferReport = folly::make_unique<TransferReport>(std::move(globalStats)); TransferStatus status = getTransferStatus(); ErrorCode errCode = transferReport->getSummary().getErrorCode(); if (status == NOT_STARTED && errCode == OK) { WLOG(INFO) << "Transfer not started, setting the error code to ERROR"; transferReport->setErrorCode(ERROR); } WVLOG(1) << "Summary code " << errCode; return transferReport; }
ErrorCode WdtSocket::finalizeWrites(bool doTagIOs) { WVLOG(1) << "Finalizing writes/encryption " << port_ << " " << fd_; ErrorCode code = OK; std::string tag; if (!encryptor_.finish(tag)) { code = ENCRYPTION_ERROR; } if (!tag.empty() && doTagIOs) { const int timeoutMs = threadCtx_.getOptions().write_timeout_millis; const int expected = tag.size(); if (writeInternal(, tag.size(), timeoutMs, false) != expected) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Encryption Tag write error"; code = ENCRYPTION_ERROR; } } writesFinalized_ = true; return code; }
void Receiver::traverseDestinationDir( std::vector<FileChunksInfo> &fileChunksInfo) { DirectorySourceQueue dirQueue(options_, destDir_, &abortCheckerCallback_); dirQueue.buildQueueSynchronously(); auto &discoveredFilesInfo = dirQueue.getDiscoveredFilesMetaData(); for (auto &fileInfo : discoveredFilesInfo) { if (fileInfo->relPath == kWdtLogName || fileInfo->relPath == kWdtBuggyLogName) { // do not include wdt log files WVLOG(1) << "Removing " << fileInfo->relPath << " from the list of existing files"; continue; } FileChunksInfo chunkInfo(fileInfo->seqId, fileInfo->relPath, fileInfo->size); chunkInfo.addChunk(Interval(0, fileInfo->size)); fileChunksInfo.emplace_back(std::move(chunkInfo)); } return; }
ErrorCode WdtSocket::finalizeReads(bool doTagIOs) { WVLOG(1) << "Finalizing reads/encryption " << port_ << " " << fd_; const int toRead = encryptionTypeToTagLen(encryptionParams_.getType()); std::string tag; ErrorCode code = OK; if (toRead && doTagIOs) { tag.resize(toRead); int read = readInternal(&(tag.front()), tag.size(), threadCtx_.getOptions().read_timeout_millis, true); if (read != toRead) { WLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read tag at end of stream got " << read << " needed " << toRead << " " << folly::humanify(tag); tag.clear(); code = ENCRYPTION_ERROR; } } if (!decryptor_.finish(tag)) { code = ENCRYPTION_ERROR; } ctxSaveOffset_ = OFFSET_NOT_SET; readsFinalized_ = true; return code; }
double Throttler::calculateSleep(double deltaProgress, const Clock::time_point& now) { folly::SpinLockGuard lock(throttlerMutex_); if (refCount_ <= 0) { WLOG(ERROR) << "Using the throttler without registering the transfer"; return -1; } bytesProgress_ += deltaProgress; double avgThrottlerSleep = averageThrottler(now); const bool willSleep = (avgThrottlerSleep > 0); if (willSleep) { return avgThrottlerSleep; } // we still hold the lock if peak throttler can come into effect if ((bucketRateBytesPerSec_ > 0) && (bytesTokenBucketLimit_ > 0)) { std::chrono::duration<double> elapsedDuration = now - lastFillTime_; lastFillTime_ = now; double elapsedSeconds = elapsedDuration.count(); bytesTokenBucket_ += elapsedSeconds * bucketRateBytesPerSec_; if (bytesTokenBucket_ > bytesTokenBucketLimit_) { bytesTokenBucket_ = bytesTokenBucketLimit_; } bytesTokenBucket_ -= deltaProgress; if (bytesTokenBucket_ < 0) { /* * If we have negative number of tokens lets sleep * This way we will have positive number of tokens next time */ double peakThrottlerSleep = -1.0 * bytesTokenBucket_ / bucketRateBytesPerSec_; WVLOG(2) << "Peak throttler wants to sleep " << peakThrottlerSleep << " seconds"; return peakThrottlerSleep; } } return -1; }
void WdtBase::setThrottler(std::shared_ptr<Throttler> throttler) { WVLOG(2) << "Setting an external throttler"; throttler_ = throttler; }
void TransferHistoryController::addThreadHistory(int32_t port, TransferStats &threadStats) { WVLOG(1) << "Adding the history for " << port; threadHistoriesMap_.emplace(port, std::make_unique<ThreadTransferHistory>( dirQueue_, threadStats, port)); }
ThreadTransferHistory::ThreadTransferHistory(DirectorySourceQueue &queue, TransferStats &threadStats, int32_t port) : queue_(queue), threadStats_(threadStats), port_(port) { WVLOG(1) << "Making thread history for port " << port_; }
WdtSocket::~WdtSocket() { WVLOG(1) << "~WdtSocket " << port_ << " " << fd_; closeNoCheck(); }