Beispiel #1
// W_WadType
// Returns IWAD, PWAD or 0.
int W_WadType(char *filename)
    wadinfo_t  header;
    wad_file_t *wad_file = W_OpenFile(filename);

    if (!wad_file)
        return 0;

    W_Read(wad_file, 0, &header, sizeof(header));

    if (!strncmp(header.identification, "IWAD", 4))
        return IWAD;
    else if (!strncmp(header.identification, "PWAD", 4))
        return PWAD;
        return 0;
Beispiel #2
wad_file_t *W_AddFile (char *filename)
    wadinfo_t header;
    lumpindex_t i;
    wad_file_t *wad_file;
    int length;
    int startlump;
    filelump_t *fileinfo;
    filelump_t *filerover;
    lumpinfo_t *filelumps;
    int numfilelumps;

    // If the filename begins with a ~, it indicates that we should use the
    // reload hack.
    if (filename[0] == '~')
        if (reloadname != NULL)
            I_Error("Prefixing a WAD filename with '~' indicates that the "
                    "WAD should be reloaded\n"
                    "on each level restart, for use by level authors for "
                    "rapid development. You\n"
                    "can only reload one WAD file, and it must be the last "
                    "file in the -file list.");

        reloadname = strdup(filename);
        reloadlump = numlumps;

    // Open the file and add to directory
    wad_file = W_OpenFile(filename);

    if (wad_file == NULL)
	printf (" couldn't open %s\n", filename);
	return NULL;

    if (strcasecmp(filename+strlen(filename)-3 , "wad" ) )
	// single lump file

        // fraggle: Swap the filepos and size here.  The WAD directory
        // parsing code expects a little-endian directory, so will swap
        // them back.  Effectively we're constructing a "fake WAD directory"
        // here, as it would appear on disk.

	fileinfo = Z_Malloc(sizeof(filelump_t), PU_STATIC, 0);
	fileinfo->filepos = LONG(0);
	fileinfo->size = LONG(wad_file->length);

        // Name the lump after the base of the filename (without the
        // extension).

	M_ExtractFileBase (filename, fileinfo->name);
	numfilelumps = 1;
	// WAD file
        W_Read(wad_file, 0, &header, sizeof(header));

	if (strncmp(header.identification,"IWAD",4))
	    // Homebrew levels?
	    if (strncmp(header.identification,"PWAD",4))
		I_Error ("Wad file %s doesn't have IWAD "
			 "or PWAD id\n", filename);

	    // ???modifiedgame = true;

	header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps);
	header.infotableofs = LONG(header.infotableofs);
	length = header.numlumps*sizeof(filelump_t);
	fileinfo = Z_Malloc(length, PU_STATIC, 0);

        W_Read(wad_file, header.infotableofs, fileinfo, length);
	numfilelumps = header.numlumps;

    // Increase size of numlumps array to accomodate the new file.
    filelumps = calloc(numfilelumps, sizeof(lumpinfo_t));
    if (filelumps == NULL)
        I_Error("Failed to allocate array for lumps from new file.");

    startlump = numlumps;
    numlumps += numfilelumps;
    lumpinfo = realloc(lumpinfo, numlumps * sizeof(lumpinfo_t *));
    if (lumpinfo == NULL)
        I_Error("Failed to increase lumpinfo[] array size.");

    filerover = fileinfo;

    for (i = startlump; i < numlumps; ++i)
        lumpinfo_t *lump_p = &filelumps[i - startlump];
        lump_p->wad_file = wad_file;
        lump_p->position = LONG(filerover->filepos);
        lump_p->size = LONG(filerover->size);
        lump_p->cache = NULL;
        strncpy(lump_p->name, filerover->name, 8);
        lumpinfo[i] = lump_p;



    if (lumphash != NULL)
        lumphash = NULL;

    // If this is the reload file, we need to save some details about the
    // file so that we can close it later on when we do a reload.
    if (reloadname)
        reloadhandle = wad_file;
        reloadlumps = filelumps;

    return wad_file;
Beispiel #3
wad_file_t *W_AddFile (char *filename)
    wadinfo_t header;
    lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
    unsigned int i;
    wad_file_t *wad_file;
    int length;
    int startlump;
    filelump_t *fileinfo;
    filelump_t *filerover;
    int newnumlumps;

    // open the file and add to directory

    wad_file = W_OpenFile(filename);

    if (wad_file == NULL)
	printf (" couldn't open %s\n", filename);
	return NULL;

    newnumlumps = numlumps;

    if (strcasecmp(filename+strlen(filename)-3 , "wad" ) )
	// single lump file

        // fraggle: Swap the filepos and size here.  The WAD directory
        // parsing code expects a little-endian directory, so will swap
        // them back.  Effectively we're constructing a "fake WAD directory"
        // here, as it would appear on disk.

	fileinfo = Z_Malloc(sizeof(filelump_t), PU_STATIC, 0);
	fileinfo->filepos = LONG(0);
	fileinfo->size = LONG(wad_file->length);

        // Name the lump after the base of the filename (without the
        // extension).

	M_ExtractFileBase (filename, fileinfo->name);
	// WAD file
        W_Read(wad_file, 0, &header, sizeof(header));

	if (strncmp(header.identification,"IWAD",4))
	    // Homebrew levels?
	    if (strncmp(header.identification,"PWAD",4))
		I_Error ("Wad file %s doesn't have IWAD "
			 "or PWAD id\n", filename);
	    // ???modifiedgame = true;		

	header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps);
	header.infotableofs = LONG(header.infotableofs);
	length = header.numlumps*sizeof(filelump_t);
	fileinfo = Z_Malloc(length, PU_STATIC, 0);

        W_Read(wad_file, header.infotableofs, fileinfo, length);
	newnumlumps += header.numlumps;

    // Increase size of numlumps array to accomodate the new file.
    startlump = numlumps;

    lump_p = &lumpinfo[startlump];

    filerover = fileinfo;

    for (i=startlump; i<numlumps; ++i)
	lump_p->wad_file = wad_file;
	lump_p->position = LONG(filerover->filepos);
	lump_p->size = LONG(filerover->size);
        lump_p->cache = NULL;
	strncpy(lump_p->name, filerover->name, 8);



    if (lumphash != NULL)
        lumphash = NULL;

    return wad_file;
Beispiel #4
// W_AddFile
// All files are optional, but at least one file must be
//  found (PWAD, if all required lumps are present).
// Files with a .wad extension are wadlink files
//  with multiple lumps.
// Other files are single lumps with the base filename
//  for the lump name.
wad_file_t *W_AddFile(char *filename, dboolean automatic)
    wadinfo_t   header;
    lumpindex_t i;
    int         startlump;
    filelump_t  *fileinfo;
    filelump_t  *filerover;
    lumpinfo_t  *filelumps;
    int         numfilelumps;

    // open the file and add to directory
    wad_file_t  *wad_file = W_OpenFile(filename);

    if (!wad_file)
        return NULL;

    M_StringCopy(wad_file->path, filename, sizeof(wad_file->path));

    wad_file->freedoom = IsFreedoom(filename);

    if (!M_StringCompare(filename + strlen(filename) - 3, "wad"))
        // single lump file

        // fraggle: Swap the filepos and size here. The WAD directory
        // parsing code expects a little-endian directory, so will swap
        // them back. Effectively we're constructing a "fake WAD directory"
        // here, as it would appear on disk.
        fileinfo = Z_Malloc(sizeof(filelump_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
        fileinfo->filepos = LONG(0);
        fileinfo->size = LONG(wad_file->length);

        // Name the lump after the base of the filename (without the
        // extension).
        ExtractFileBase(filename, fileinfo->name);
        numfilelumps = 1;
        int     length;

        // WAD file
        W_Read(wad_file, 0, &header, sizeof(header));

        // Homebrew levels?
        if (strncmp(header.identification, "IWAD", 4)
            && strncmp(header.identification, "PWAD", 4))
            I_Error("Wad file %s doesn't have IWAD or PWAD id\n", filename);

        wad_file->type = (!strncmp(header.identification, "IWAD", 4) ? IWAD : PWAD);

        header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps);
        header.infotableofs = LONG(header.infotableofs);
        length = header.numlumps * sizeof(filelump_t);
        fileinfo = Z_Malloc(length, PU_STATIC, NULL);

        W_Read(wad_file, header.infotableofs, fileinfo, length);
        numfilelumps = header.numlumps;

    // Increase size of numlumps array to accommodate the new file.
    filelumps = calloc(numfilelumps, sizeof(lumpinfo_t));
    if (!filelumps)
        I_Error("Failed to allocate array for lumps from new file.");

    startlump = numlumps;
    numlumps += numfilelumps;
    lumpinfo = Z_Realloc(lumpinfo, numlumps * sizeof(lumpinfo_t *));
    if (!lumpinfo)
        I_Error("Failed to increase lumpinfo[] array size.");

    filerover = fileinfo;

    for (i = startlump; i < numlumps; ++i)
        lumpinfo_t      *lump_p = &filelumps[i - startlump];

        lump_p->wad_file = wad_file;
        lump_p->position = LONG(filerover->filepos);
        lump_p->size = LONG(filerover->size);
        lump_p->cache = NULL;
        strncpy(lump_p->name, filerover->name, 8);
        lumpinfo[i] = lump_p;



    if (lumphash)
        lumphash = NULL;

    C_Output("%s %s lump%s from %.4s file %s.", (automatic ? "Automatically added" : "Added"),
        commify(numlumps - startlump), (numlumps - startlump == 1 ? "" : "s"),
        header.identification, uppercase(filename));

    return wad_file;