Beispiel #1
STATIC walk_result loadModuleInfo( mod_handle mh, void *_curr_image )
    image_info      *curr_image = _curr_image;
    mod_info        *new_mod;
    int             mod_count;
    int             name_len;

    name_len = ModName( mh, NULL, 0 );
    new_mod = ProfCAlloc( sizeof( mod_info ) + name_len );
    ModName( mh, new_mod->name, name_len + 1 );
    new_mod->mh = mh;
    mod_count = curr_image->mod_count;
    curr_image->module = ProfRealloc( curr_image->module,
                                      curr_image->mod_count * sizeof( pointer ) );
    curr_image->module[mod_count] = new_mod;
    initFileInfo( new_mod );
    WalkSymList( SS_MODULE, &mh, &loadRoutineInfo, new_mod );
    return( WR_CONTINUE );
Beispiel #2
 * Dumps the loaded debug info.
 * @returns 0 on success, exit code on failure.
 * @param   file    The filename.
 * @param   mh      The DIP/DIG module handle.
 * @param   proc    The process which the module is loaded into.
static int DumpIt( const char *file, mod_handle mh, process_info *proc )
    walk_result     walkres;
    struct stat     s;
    char            buff[1024];
    unsigned        len;
    int             i;

     * Module.
    printf( " Module\n"
            "name        = %s\n",
    if( !stat( file, &s ) ) {
        struct tm   *ts;
        char        buff[80];

        ts = gmtime( &s.st_mtime );
        strftime( buff, sizeof( buff ), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UCT", ts );
        printf( "timestamp   = %s\n", buff );
    printf( "DIP         = %s\n", ImageDIP( mh ) );

#if 0 /* crashes codeview, nothing on dwarf. */
    buff[0] = '\0';
    len = ModName( mh, buff, sizeof( buff ) );
    if( len ) {
        printf( "module name = %s\n", buff );
    len = len;
    printf( "\n"
            "\n" );

     * Compiled units?
    if( 1 ) {
        printf( " Compiled Units\n"
                "index   seg:offset    info  lang  name\n"
        i = 0;
        walkres = WalkModList( mh, ModCallback, &i );
        printf( "\n"
                "\n" );

#if 0
     * Types.
     * This crashes DWARF, and with codeview it'll only work on one special module.
    if( 1 ) {
        printf( " Types\n"
                "index   seg:offset    info  lang  name\n"
        i = 0;
        walkres = WalkTypeList( /*mh*/ IMH_GBL, TypeCallback, &i );
        printf( "\n"
                "\n" );

     * Global (?) Symbols.
    if( 1 ) {
        printf( " Global Symbols\n"
                "index  kind   seg:offset    info  lng name\n"
        i = 0;
        walkres = WalkSymList( SS_MODULE, &mh, SymCallback, &i );
        printf( "\n"
                "\n" );

     * Iterate compiled modules and dump their line numbers and symbols.
    if( 1 ) {
        i = 0;
        walkres = WalkModList( mh, Mod2Callback, &i );

    return( 0 );
Beispiel #3
 * WalkModList callback, pass 2.
 * @returns WR_CONTINUE
 * @param   mh          The module.
 * @param   ignored     Pointer to the current module index.
static walk_result Mod2Callback( mod_handle mh, void *_idx )
    walk_result     walkres;
    int             i;
    int             need_trailing_newline = 0;
    int             *idx = (int *)_idx;

     * Linenumbers.
    if( 1 && ModHasInfo( mh, HK_CUE ) == DS_OK ) {
        printf( "%03d Line Numbers\n"
                *idx );
        i = 0;
        walkres = WalkFileList( mh, File2Callback, &i );
        printf( "\n"
                "\n" );
        need_trailing_newline = 1;

     * Types
    if( 1 && ModHasInfo( mh, HK_TYPE ) == DS_OK ) {
        printf( " %03d Types\n"
                "index   seg:offset    info  lang  name\n"
        i = 0;
        walkres = WalkTypeList( mh, Type2Callback, &i );
        printf( "\n"
                "\n" );
        need_trailing_newline = 1;

     * Symbols.
    if( 1 && ModHasInfo( mh, HK_SYM ) == DS_OK ) {
        printf( "%03d Symbols\n"
                *idx );
        i = 0;
        walkres = WalkSymList( SS_MODULE, &mh, Sym2Callback, &i );
        printf( "\n"
                "\n" );
        need_trailing_newline = 1;

    if( need_trailing_newline ) {
        printf( "\n" );
    return( WR_CONTINUE );