void tui::LayoutCanvas::OnMouseMotion(wxMouseEvent& event) {
   ScrMARKold = ScrMARK;
   // get a current position
   ScrMARK = TP(event.GetX(),event.GetY()) * _LayCTM ;
   int4b stepDB = Properties->stepDB();
   if (Properties->autopan() && mouse_input && !invalid_window) {
      CTM LayCTMR(_LayCTM.Reversed());
      TP sp_BL     =     lp_BL * LayCTMR;
      TP sp_TR     =     lp_TR * LayCTMR;
      TP s_ScrMARK = n_ScrMARK * LayCTMR;
      TP nsp;
      if      (abs(s_ScrMARK.x() - sp_BL.x()) < ap_trigger)  {
               wxCommandEvent eventZOOM(wxEVT_CANVAS_ZOOM);
               nsp = ScrMARK * _LayCTM.Reversed();
      else  if(abs(sp_TR.x() - s_ScrMARK.x()) < ap_trigger) {
               wxCommandEvent eventZOOM(wxEVT_CANVAS_ZOOM);
               nsp = ScrMARK * _LayCTM.Reversed();
      else  if(abs(sp_BL.y() - s_ScrMARK.y()) < ap_trigger) {
               wxCommandEvent eventZOOM(wxEVT_CANVAS_ZOOM);
               nsp = ScrMARK * _LayCTM.Reversed();
      else  if(abs(s_ScrMARK.y() - sp_TR.y()) < ap_trigger) {
               wxCommandEvent eventZOOM(wxEVT_CANVAS_ZOOM);
               nsp = ScrMARK * _LayCTM.Reversed();
   // update movement indicators
   static int deltaX = abs(ScrMARKold.x() - ScrMARK.x());
   static int deltaY = abs(ScrMARKold.y() - ScrMARK.y());
   if (!(deltaX || deltaY)) return;
//   if (event.LeftIsDown() && !mouse_input) {
//      presspoint = ScrMARKold;
//      mouseIN(true);rubber_band = true;
//   }   
//   if (mouse_input && event.LeftIsDown() && !rubber_band)  rubber_band = true;
   CursorControl(event.ShiftDown(), event.ControlDown());
   if (deltaX > 0) 
      UpdateCoordWin(ScrMARK.x(), POS_X, (n_ScrMARK.x() - releasepoint.x()), DEL_X);
   if (deltaY > 0) 
      UpdateCoordWin(ScrMARK.y(), POS_Y, (n_ScrMARK.y() - releasepoint.y()), DEL_Y);
   if ((tmp_wnd || mouse_input)) Refresh();//updateGL();
Beispiel #2
Error GTKWindow::SetMousePos(Pos &oPos)
    WarpPointer(mainWindow->window, oPos.x, oPos.y);
    return kError_NoErr;
Beispiel #3
GraphCanvas::SetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor)
	bool ret = wxScrolledWindow::SetCursor(cursor);
	// WarpPointer is necessary to force cursor to change
	wxPoint pos = ::wxGetMousePosition();
	ScreenToClient(&pos.x, &pos.y);
	WarpPointer(pos.x, pos.y);
	return ret;
	virtual void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event)
		wxPoint p = event.GetPosition();
		wxPoint d = p - mouse_pos;
		if(d.x || d.y)
			WarpPointer(mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y);
		Handler()->OnMouse(MA_MOVE, d.x, -d.y);
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::MoveCursor( const wxPoint& aPosition )
    if( GetParent()->IsGalCanvasActive() )

    int     x, y, xPpu, yPpu;
    wxPoint screenPos, drawingPos;
    wxRect  clientRect( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GetClientSize() );

    INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
    screenPos.x = dc.LogicalToDeviceX( aPosition.x );
    screenPos.y = dc.LogicalToDeviceY( aPosition.y );

    // Scroll if the requested mouse position cursor is outside the drawing area.
    if( !clientRect.Contains( screenPos ) )
        GetViewStart( &x, &y );
        GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xPpu, &yPpu );
        CalcUnscrolledPosition( screenPos.x, screenPos.y, &drawingPos.x, &drawingPos.y );

        wxLogTrace( kicadTraceCoords,
                    wxT( "MoveCursor() initial screen position(%d, %d) " ) \
                    wxT( "rectangle(%d, %d, %d, %d) view(%d, %d)" ),
                    screenPos.x, screenPos.y, clientRect.x, clientRect.y,
                    clientRect.width, clientRect.height, x, y );

        if( screenPos.y < clientRect.GetTop() )
            y -= m_scrollIncrementY * yPpu;
        else if( screenPos.y > clientRect.GetBottom() )
            y += m_scrollIncrementY * yPpu;
        else if( clientRect.GetRight() < screenPos.x )
            x += m_scrollIncrementX * xPpu;
            x -= m_scrollIncrementX * xPpu;

        Scroll( x, y );
        CalcScrolledPosition( drawingPos.x, drawingPos.y, &screenPos.x, &screenPos.y );

        wxLogTrace( kicadTraceCoords,
                    wxT( "MoveCursor() scrolled screen position(%d, %d) view(%d, %d)" ),
                    screenPos.x, screenPos.y, x, y );

    WarpPointer( screenPos.x, screenPos.y );
Beispiel #6
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
    int          localrealbutt = 0, localbutt = 0;
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

    if( !screen )

    /* Adjust value to filter mouse displacement before consider the drag
     * mouse is really a drag command, not just a movement while click

    if( event.Leaving() )
        m_canStartBlock = -1;

    if( !IsMouseCaptured() )          // No mouse capture in progress.
        m_requestAutoPan = false;

    if( GetParent()->IsActive() )

    if( !event.IsButton() && !event.Moving() && !event.Dragging() )

    if( event.RightDown() )
        OnRightClick( event );

    if( m_ignoreMouseEvents )

    if( event.LeftIsDown() )
        localrealbutt |= GR_M_LEFT_DOWN;

    if( event.MiddleIsDown() )
        localrealbutt |= GR_M_MIDDLE_DOWN;

    if( event.LeftDown() )
        localbutt = GR_M_LEFT_DOWN;

    if( event.ButtonDClick( 1 ) )
        localbutt = GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK;

    if( event.MiddleDown() )
        localbutt = GR_M_MIDDLE_DOWN;

    localrealbutt |= localbutt;     // compensation default wxGTK

    DC.SetBackground( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );

    // Compute the cursor position in drawing (logical) units.
    GetParent()->SetMousePosition( event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ) );

    int kbstat = 0;

    if( event.ShiftDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_SHIFT;

    if( event.ControlDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_CTRL;

    if( event.AltDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_ALT;

    // Calling Double Click and Click functions :
    if( localbutt == (int) ( GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK ) )
        GetParent()->OnLeftDClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );

        // inhibit a response to the mouse left button release,
        // because we have a double click, and we do not want a new
        // OnLeftClick command at end of this Double Click
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = true;
    else if( event.LeftUp() )
        // A block command is in progress: a left up is the end of block
        // or this is the end of a double click, already seen
        // Note also m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease can be set by
        // the call to OnLeftClick(), so do not change it after calling OnLeftClick
        bool ignoreEvt = m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease;
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = false;

        if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK && !ignoreEvt )
            GetParent()->OnLeftClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );

    else if( !event.LeftIsDown() )
        /* be sure there is a response to a left button release command
         * even when a LeftUp event is not seen.  This happens when a
         * double click opens a dialog box, and the release mouse button
         * is made when the dialog box is opened.
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = false;

    if( event.ButtonDown( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        if( m_panScrollbarLimits )
            int ppux, ppuy;
            GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
            GetViewStart( &m_PanStartCenter.x, &m_PanStartCenter.y );
            m_PanStartCenter.x *= ppux;
            m_PanStartCenter.y *= ppuy;
            m_PanStartCenter = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();

        m_PanStartEventPosition = event.GetPosition();

        INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
        CrossHairOff( &dc );

    if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
        CrossHairOn( &dc );

    if( event.MiddleIsDown() && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        wxPoint currentPosition = event.GetPosition();

        if( m_panScrollbarLimits )
            int x, y;
            int tmpX, tmpY;
            int ppux, ppuy;
            int maxX, maxY;
            int vsizeX, vsizeY;
            int csizeX, csizeY;

            GetViewStart( &tmpX, &tmpY );
            GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
            GetVirtualSize( &vsizeX, &vsizeY );
            GetClientSize( &csizeX, &csizeY );

            maxX = vsizeX - csizeX;
            maxY = vsizeY - csizeY;

            x = m_PanStartCenter.x + m_PanStartEventPosition.x - currentPosition.x;
            y = m_PanStartCenter.y + m_PanStartEventPosition.y - currentPosition.y;

            bool shouldMoveCursor = false;

            if( x < 0 )
                currentPosition.x += x;
                x = 0;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( y < 0 )
                currentPosition.y += y;
                y = 0;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( x > maxX )
                currentPosition.x += ( x - maxX );
                x = maxX;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( y > maxY )
                currentPosition.y += ( y - maxY );
                y = maxY;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( shouldMoveCursor )
                WarpPointer( currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y );

            Scroll( x/ppux, y/ppuy );

            double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();

            wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
            center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale ) / ppux;
            center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale ) / ppuy;
            GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );

            double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();
            int x = m_PanStartCenter.x +
                    KiROUND( (double) ( m_PanStartEventPosition.x - currentPosition.x ) / scale );
            int y = m_PanStartCenter.y +
                    KiROUND( (double) ( m_PanStartEventPosition.y - currentPosition.y ) / scale );

            GetParent()->RedrawScreen( wxPoint( x, y ), false );

    if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && !m_enableMiddleButtonPan &&
        (screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK) )
        // The middle button has been released, with no block command:
        // We use it for a zoom center at cursor position command
        cmd.SetEventObject( this );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    // Calling the general function on mouse changes (and pseudo key commands)
    GetParent()->GeneralControl( &DC, event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ), 0 );

    /* Control of block commands : */

    // Command block can't start if mouse is dragging a new panel
    static EDA_DRAW_PANEL* lastPanel;
    if( lastPanel != this )
        m_minDragEventCount = 0;
        m_canStartBlock   = -1;

    /* A new command block can start after a release buttons
     * and if the drag is enough
     * This is to avoid a false start block when a dialog box is dismissed,
     * or when changing panels in hierarchy navigation
     * or when clicking while and moving mouse
    if( !event.LeftIsDown() && !event.MiddleIsDown() )
        m_minDragEventCount = 0;
        m_canStartBlock   = 0;

        /* Remember the last cursor position when a drag mouse starts
         * this is the last position ** before ** clicking a button
         * this is useful to start a block command from the point where the
         * mouse was clicked first
         * (a filter creates a delay for the real block command start, and
         * we must remember this point)
        m_CursorStartPos = GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( m_enableBlockCommands && !(localbutt & GR_M_DCLICK) )
        if( !screen->IsBlockActive() )
            screen->m_BlockLocate.SetOrigin( m_CursorStartPos );

        if( event.LeftDown() || ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleDown() ) )
            if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_MOVE )
                m_requestAutoPan = false;
                GetParent()->HandleBlockPlace( &DC );
                m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = true;
        else if( ( m_canStartBlock >= 0 )
                && ( event.LeftIsDown() || ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleIsDown() ) )
                && !IsMouseCaptured() )
            // Mouse is dragging: if no block in progress,  start a block command.
            if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK )
                //  Start a block command
                int cmd_type = kbstat;

                if( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleIsDown() )
                    cmd_type |= MOUSE_MIDDLE;

                // A block command is started if the drag is enough.  A small
                // drag is ignored (it is certainly a little mouse move when
                // clicking) not really a drag mouse
                if( m_minDragEventCount < MIN_DRAG_COUNT_FOR_START_BLOCK_COMMAND )
                    if( !GetParent()->HandleBlockBegin( &DC, cmd_type, m_CursorStartPos ) )
                        // should not occur: error
                            wxT( "EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent() Block Error" ) );
                        m_requestAutoPan = true;
                        SetCursor( wxCURSOR_SIZING );

        if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_LEFT ) ||
            ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) ) )
            /* Release the mouse button: end of block.
             * The command can finish (DELETE) or have a next command (MOVE,
             * COPY).  However the block command is canceled if the block
             * size is small because a block command filtering is already
             * made, this case happens, but only when the on grid cursor has
             * not moved.
            #define BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT 1
            bool BlockIsSmall =
                ( std::abs( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetWidth() ) < BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT )
                && ( std::abs( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetHeight() ) < BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT );

            if( (screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_NO_BLOCK) && BlockIsSmall )
                if( m_endMouseCaptureCallback )
                    m_endMouseCaptureCallback( this, &DC );
                    m_requestAutoPan = false;

                SetCursor( (wxStockCursor) m_currentCursor );
            else if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_END )
                m_requestAutoPan = false;
                GetParent()->HandleBlockEnd( &DC );
                SetCursor( (wxStockCursor) m_currentCursor );
                if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_MOVE )
                    m_requestAutoPan = true;
                    SetCursor( wxCURSOR_HAND );

    // End of block command on a double click
    // To avoid an unwanted block move command if the mouse is moved while double clicking
    if( localbutt == (int) ( GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK ) )
        if( !screen->IsBlockActive() && IsMouseCaptured() )
            m_endMouseCaptureCallback( this, &DC );

#if 0
    wxString msg_debug;
    msg_debug.Printf( " block state %d, cmd %d",
                      screen->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() );
    GetParent()->PrintMsg( msg_debug );

    lastPanel = this;