static int Precondbd(N_Vector cc, N_Vector cscale,
                     N_Vector fval, N_Vector fscale,
                     void *P_data,
                     N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2)
  realtype r, r0, uround, sqruround, xx, yy, delx, dely, csave, fac;
  realtype *cxy, *scxy, **Pxy, *ratesxy, *Pxycol, perturb_rates[NUM_SPECIES];
  long int i, j, jx, jy, ret;
  UserData data;
  data = (UserData)P_data;
  delx = data->dx;
  dely = data->dy;
  uround = data->uround;
  sqruround = data->sqruround;
  fac = N_VWL2Norm(fval, fscale);
  r0 = THOUSAND * uround * fac * NEQ;
  if(r0 == ZERO) r0 = ONE;
  /* Loop over spatial points; get size NUM_SPECIES Jacobian block at each */
  for (jy = 0; jy < MYSUB; jy++) {
    yy = dely*(jy + data->isuby * MYSUB);
    for (jx = 0; jx < MXSUB; jx++) {
      xx = delx*(jx + data->isubx * MXSUB);
      Pxy = (data->P)[jx][jy];
      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc,jx,jy);
      scxy= IJ_Vptr(cscale,jx,jy);
      ratesxy = IJ_Vptr((data->rates),jx,jy);

      /* Compute difference quotients of interaction rate fn. */
      for (j = 0; j < NUM_SPECIES; j++) {
        csave = cxy[j];  /* Save the j,jx,jy element of cc */
        r = MAX(sqruround*ABS(csave), r0/scxy[j]);
        cxy[j] += r; /* Perturb the j,jx,jy element of cc */
        fac = ONE/r;
        WebRate(xx, yy, cxy, perturb_rates, data);
        /* Restore j,jx,jy element of cc */
        cxy[j] = csave;
        /* Load the j-th column of difference quotients */
        Pxycol = Pxy[j];
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIES; i++)
          Pxycol[i] = (perturb_rates[i] - ratesxy[i]) * fac;
      } /* end of j loop */
      /* Do LU decomposition of size NUM_SPECIES preconditioner block */
      ret = denGETRF(Pxy, NUM_SPECIES, NUM_SPECIES, (data->pivot)[jx][jy]);
      if (ret != 0) return(1);
    } /* end of jx loop */
  } /* end of jy loop */
Beispiel #2
static int func(N_Vector cc, N_Vector fval, void *user_data)
  realtype xx, yy, delx, dely, *cxy, *rxy, *fxy, dcyli, dcyui, dcxli, dcxri;
  long int jx, jy, is, idyu, idyl, idxr, idxl;
  UserData data;
  data = (UserData)user_data;
  delx = data->dx;
  dely = data->dy;
  /* Loop over all mesh points, evaluating rate array at each point*/
  for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
    yy = dely*jy;

    /* Set lower/upper index shifts, special at boundaries. */
    idyl = (jy != 0   ) ? NSMX : -NSMX;
    idyu = (jy != MY-1) ? NSMX : -NSMX;
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {

      xx = delx*jx;

      /* Set left/right index shifts, special at boundaries. */
      idxl = (jx !=  0  ) ?  NUM_SPECIES : -NUM_SPECIES;
      idxr = (jx != MX-1) ?  NUM_SPECIES : -NUM_SPECIES;

      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc,jx,jy);
      rxy = IJ_Vptr(data->rates,jx,jy);
      fxy = IJ_Vptr(fval,jx,jy);

      /* Get species interaction rate array at (xx,yy) */
      WebRate(xx, yy, cxy, rxy, user_data);
      for(is = 0; is < NUM_SPECIES; is++) {
        /* Differencing in x direction */
        dcyli = *(cxy+is) - *(cxy - idyl + is) ;
        dcyui = *(cxy + idyu + is) - *(cxy+is);
        /* Differencing in y direction */
        dcxli = *(cxy+is) - *(cxy - idxl + is);
        dcxri = *(cxy + idxr +is) - *(cxy+is);
        /* Compute the total rate value at (xx,yy) */
        fxy[is] = (coy)[is] * (dcyui - dcyli) +
          (cox)[is] * (dcxri - dcxli) + rxy[is];
      } /* end of is loop */
    } /* end of jx loop */
  } /* end of jy loop */

static int func_local(long int Nlocal, N_Vector cc, N_Vector fval, void *user_data)
  realtype xx, yy, *cxy, *rxy, *fxy, dcydi, dcyui, dcxli, dcxri;
  realtype *cext, dely, delx, *cdata;
  int i, jx, jy, is, ly;
  int isubx, isuby, nsmxsub, nsmxsub2;
  int shifty, offsetc, offsetce, offsetcl, offsetcr, offsetcd, offsetcu;
  UserData data;
  data = (UserData)user_data;
  cdata = NV_DATA_P(cc);
  /* Get subgrid indices, data sizes, extended work array cext */
  isubx = data->isubx;   isuby = data->isuby;
  nsmxsub = data->nsmxsub; nsmxsub2 = data->nsmxsub2;
  cext = data->cext;
  /* Copy local segment of cc vector into the working extended array cext */
  offsetc = 0;
  offsetce = nsmxsub2 + NUM_SPECIES;
  for (ly = 0; ly < MYSUB; ly++) {
    for (i = 0; i < nsmxsub; i++) cext[offsetce+i] = cdata[offsetc+i];
    offsetc = offsetc + nsmxsub;
    offsetce = offsetce + nsmxsub2;
  /* To facilitate homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, when this is a
     boundary PE, copy data from the first interior mesh line of cc to cext */
  /* If isuby = 0, copy x-line 2 of cc to cext */
  if (isuby == 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < nsmxsub; i++) cext[NUM_SPECIES+i] = cdata[nsmxsub+i];
  /* If isuby = NPEY-1, copy x-line MYSUB-1 of cc to cext */
  if (isuby == NPEY-1) {
    offsetc = (MYSUB-2)*nsmxsub;
    offsetce = (MYSUB+1)*nsmxsub2 + NUM_SPECIES;
    for (i = 0; i < nsmxsub; i++) cext[offsetce+i] = cdata[offsetc+i];
  /* If isubx = 0, copy y-line 2 of cc to cext */
  if (isubx == 0) {
    for (ly = 0; ly < MYSUB; ly++) {
      offsetc = ly*nsmxsub + NUM_SPECIES;
      offsetce = (ly+1)*nsmxsub2;
      for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIES; i++) cext[offsetce+i] = cdata[offsetc+i];
  /* If isubx = NPEX-1, copy y-line MXSUB-1 of cc to cext */
  if (isubx == NPEX-1) {
    for (ly = 0; ly < MYSUB; ly++) {
      offsetc = (ly+1)*nsmxsub - 2*NUM_SPECIES;
      offsetce = (ly+2)*nsmxsub2 - NUM_SPECIES;
      for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIES; i++) cext[offsetce+i] = cdata[offsetc+i];

  /* Loop over all mesh points, evaluating rate arra at each point */
  delx = data->dx;
  dely = data->dy;
  shifty = (MXSUB+2)*NUM_SPECIES;

  for (jy = 0; jy < MYSUB; jy++) {

    yy = dely*(jy + isuby * MYSUB);

    for (jx = 0; jx < MXSUB; jx++) {

      xx = delx * (jx + isubx * MXSUB);
      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc,jx,jy);
      rxy = IJ_Vptr(data->rates,jx,jy);
      fxy = IJ_Vptr(fval,jx,jy);
      WebRate(xx, yy, cxy, rxy, user_data);

      offsetc = (jx+1)*NUM_SPECIES + (jy+1)*NSMXSUB2;
      offsetcd = offsetc - shifty;
      offsetcu = offsetc + shifty;
      offsetcl = offsetc - NUM_SPECIES;
      offsetcr = offsetc + NUM_SPECIES;
      for (is = 0; is < NUM_SPECIES; is++) {
        /* differencing in x */
        dcydi = cext[offsetc+is]  - cext[offsetcd+is];
        dcyui = cext[offsetcu+is] - cext[offsetc+is];
        /* differencing in y */
        dcxli = cext[offsetc+is]  - cext[offsetcl+is];
        dcxri = cext[offsetcr+is] - cext[offsetc+is];
        /* compute the value at xx , yy */
        fxy[is] = (coy)[is] * (dcyui - dcydi) +
          (cox)[is] * (dcxri - dcxli) + rxy[is];
      } /* end of is loop */
    } /* end of jx loop */
  } /* end of jy loop */
