Beispiel #1
static BOOLEAN
WinLdrpLoadAndScanReferencedDll(PLIST_ENTRY ModuleListHead,
                                PCCH DirectoryPath,
                                PCH ImportName,
                                PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *DataTableEntry)
    CHAR FullDllName[256];
    BOOLEAN Success;
    PVOID BasePA = NULL;

    /* Prepare the full path to the file to be loaded */
    strcpy(FullDllName, DirectoryPath);
    strcat(FullDllName, ImportName);

    TRACE("Loading referenced DLL: %s\n", FullDllName);
    //Print(L"Loading referenced DLL: %s\n", FullDllName);

    /* Load the image */
    Success = WinLdrLoadImage(FullDllName, LoaderBootDriver, &BasePA);
    if (!Success)
        ERR("WinLdrLoadImage() failed\n");
        return Success;

    /* Allocate DTE for newly loaded DLL */
    Success = WinLdrAllocateDataTableEntry(ModuleListHead,
    if (!Success)
        ERR("WinLdrAllocateDataTableEntry() failed\n");
        return Success;

    /* Scan its dependencies too */
    TRACE("WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable() calling ourselves for %S\n",
    Success = WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(ModuleListHead, DirectoryPath, *DataTableEntry);
    if (!Success)
        ERR("WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable() failed\n");
        return Success;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
LoadWindowsCore(IN USHORT OperatingSystemVersion,
                IN OUT PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock,
                IN LPCSTR BootOptions,
                IN LPCSTR BootPath,
                IN OUT PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* KernelDTE)
    BOOLEAN Status;
    CHAR DirPath[MAX_PATH];
    CHAR KdTransportDllName[MAX_PATH];

    if (!KernelDTE) return FALSE;

    /* Load the Kernel */
    LoadModule(LoaderBlock, BootPath, "NTOSKRNL.EXE", LoaderSystemCode, KernelDTE, FALSE, 30);

    /* Load the HAL */
    LoadModule(LoaderBlock, BootPath, "HAL.DLL", LoaderHalCode, &HalDTE, FALSE, 45);

    /* Load the Kernel Debugger Transport DLL */
    if (OperatingSystemVersion > _WIN32_WINNT_WIN2K)
         * According to :
         * "[...] Another enhancement that could be done Microsoft-side would be
         * a better interface for replacing KD transport modules. Right now, due
         * to the fact that ntoskrnl is static linked to KDCOM.DLL, the OS loader
         * has a hardcoded hack that interprets the KD type in the OS loader options,
         * loads one of the (hardcoded filenames) "kdcom.dll", "kd1394.dll", or
         * "kdusb2.dll" modules, and inserts them into the loaded module list under
         * the name "kdcom.dll". [...]"

         * This loop replaces a dumb call to strstr(..., "DEBUGPORT=").
         * Indeed I want it to be case-insensitive to allow "debugport="
         * or "DeBuGpOrT=" or... , and I don't want it to match malformed
         * command-line options, such as:
         * " DEBUGPORT=xxx bar..."
         * " bar..."
         * ""
         * i.e. the "DEBUGPORT=" switch must start with a slash and be separated
         * from the rest by whitespace, unless it begins the command-line, e.g.:
         * "/DEBUGPORT=COM1"
         * " /DEBUGPORT=USB bar..."
         * or:
         * " /DEBUGPORT= bar..."
         * (in that case, we default the port to COM).
        while (BootOptions)
            /* Skip possible initial whitespace */
            BootOptions += strspn(BootOptions, " \t");

            /* Check whether a new commutator starts and it is the DEBUGPORT one */
            if (*BootOptions != '/' || _strnicmp(++BootOptions, "DEBUGPORT=", 10) != 0)
                /* Search for another whitespace */
                BootOptions = strpbrk(BootOptions, " \t");
                /* We found the DEBUGPORT commutator. Move to the port name. */
                BootOptions += 10;

        if (BootOptions)
             * We have found the DEBUGPORT commutator. Parse the port name.
             * Format: /DEBUGPORT=COM1 or /DEBUGPORT=FILE:\Device\HarddiskX\PartitionY\debug.log or /DEBUGPORT=FOO
             * If we only have /DEBUGPORT= (i.e. without any port name), defaults it to "COM".
            strcpy(KdTransportDllName, "KD");
            if (_strnicmp(BootOptions, "COM", 3) == 0 && '0' <= BootOptions[3] && BootOptions[3] <= '9')
                strncat(KdTransportDllName, BootOptions, 3);
                size_t i = strcspn(BootOptions, " \t:"); /* Skip valid separators: whitespace or colon */
                if (i == 0)
                    strcat(KdTransportDllName, "COM");
                    strncat(KdTransportDllName, BootOptions, i);
            strcat(KdTransportDllName, ".DLL");

             * Load the transport DLL. Specify it to LoadModule so that it can
             * change the base DLL name of the loaded transport DLL to the default
             * "KDCOM.DLL" name, to make the PE loader happy.
            LoadModule(LoaderBlock, BootPath, KdTransportDllName, LoaderSystemCode, &KdComDTE, TRUE, 60);

    /* Load all referenced DLLs for Kernel, HAL and Kernel Debugger Transport DLL */
    strcpy(DirPath, BootPath);
    strcat(DirPath, "system32\\");
    Status  = WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(&LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead, DirPath, *KernelDTE);
    Status &= WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(&LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead, DirPath, HalDTE);
    if (KdComDTE)
        Status &= WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(&LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead, DirPath, KdComDTE);

    return Status;
Beispiel #3
static BOOLEAN
WinLdrLoadDeviceDriver(PLIST_ENTRY LoadOrderListHead,
                       LPCSTR BootPath,
                       PUNICODE_STRING FilePath,
                       ULONG Flags,
                       PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *DriverDTE)
    CHAR FullPath[1024];
    CHAR DriverPath[1024];
    CHAR DllName[1024];
    PCHAR DriverNamePos;
    BOOLEAN Status;
    PVOID DriverBase = NULL;

    // Separate the path to file name and directory path
    _snprintf(DriverPath, sizeof(DriverPath), "%wZ", FilePath);
    DriverNamePos = strrchr(DriverPath, '\\');
    if (DriverNamePos != NULL)
        // Copy the name
        strcpy(DllName, DriverNamePos+1);

        // Cut out the name from the path
        *(DriverNamePos+1) = 0;
        // There is no directory in the path
        strcpy(DllName, DriverPath);
        DriverPath[0] = 0;

    TRACE("DriverPath: %s, DllName: %s, LPB\n", DriverPath, DllName);

    // Check if driver is already loaded
    Status = WinLdrCheckForLoadedDll(LoadOrderListHead, DllName, DriverDTE);
    if (Status)
        // We've got the pointer to its DTE, just return success
        return TRUE;

    // It's not loaded, we have to load it
    _snprintf(FullPath, sizeof(FullPath), "%s%wZ", BootPath, FilePath);
    Status = WinLdrLoadImage(FullPath, LoaderBootDriver, &DriverBase);
    if (!Status)
        return FALSE;

    // Allocate a DTE for it
    Status = WinLdrAllocateDataTableEntry(LoadOrderListHead, DllName, DllName, DriverBase, DriverDTE);
    if (!Status)
        ERR("WinLdrAllocateDataTableEntry() failed\n");
        return FALSE;

    // Modify any flags, if needed
    (*DriverDTE)->Flags |= Flags;

    // Look for any dependencies it may have, and load them too
    sprintf(FullPath,"%s%s", BootPath, DriverPath);
    Status = WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(LoadOrderListHead, FullPath, *DriverDTE);
    if (!Status)
        ERR("WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable() failed for %s\n", FullPath);
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;