Beispiel #1
void CBfDrawButton::DrawFocus()
	if (IsInFocus())
		CRect WndRect(0, 0, 0, 0), OutRect(0, 0, 0, 0), InRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
		WndRect = m_WndRect;

		OutRect = WndRect;
		OutRect.right -= 2;
		OutRect.bottom -= 2;
		Pen Pn1(Color(150, 68, 198, 247));
		RectF GRt = CUiMethod::CRect2RectF(OutRect);
		m_pDoGrap->DrawRectangle(&Pn1, GRt);

		InRect = OutRect;
		Pen Pn2(Color(100, 133, 188, 203));
		GRt = CUiMethod::CRect2RectF(InRect);
		m_pDoGrap->DrawRectangle(&Pn2, GRt);
Beispiel #2
// This function init DC.
// set the default parameters.
static void dc_InitDC(PDC pdc, HWND hWnd, BOOL bIsClient)
    PCONTROL pCtrl;

    pdc->hwnd = hWnd;
    pdc->gc = PHYSICALGC;

    pdc->bkcolor = PIXEL_lightwhite;
    pdc->bkmode = 0;

    pdc->brushtype = BT_SOLID;
    pdc->brushcolor = PIXEL_lightwhite;
    pdc->BrushOrig.x = pdc->BrushOrig.y = 0;

    pdc->pentype = PT_SOLID;
    pdc->pencolor = PIXEL_black;
    pdc->CurPenPos.x = pdc->CurPenPos.y = 0;

    pdc->textcolor = PIXEL_black;
    if (!(pdc->pLogFont = GetWindowFont (hWnd)))
        pdc->pLogFont = GetSystemFont (SYSLOGFONT_WCHAR_DEF);
    pdc->tabstop = 8;
    pdc->CurTextPos.x = pdc->CurTextPos.y = 0;
    pdc->cExtra = pdc->alExtra = pdc->blExtra = 0;

    pdc->mapmode = MM_TEXT;
    pdc->ViewOrig.x = pdc->ViewOrig.y = 0;
    pdc->ViewExtent.x = pdc->ViewExtent.y = 1;
    pdc->WindowOrig.x = pdc->WindowOrig.y = 0;
    pdc->WindowExtent.x = pdc->WindowExtent.y = 1;

    // assume that the local clip region is empty.
    // Get global clip region info and generate effective clip region.
    pdc->pGCRInfo = GetGCRgnInfo (hWnd);

    pthread_mutex_lock (&pdc->pGCRInfo->lock);

    pdc->oldage = pdc->pGCRInfo->age;
    ClipRgnCopy (&pdc->ecrgn, &pdc->pGCRInfo->crgn);

    if (bIsClient)
        WndClientRect (pdc->hwnd, &pdc->DevRC);
        WndRect (pdc->hwnd, &pdc->DevRC);

    pdc->bIsClient = bIsClient;
    if (bIsClient)
        IntersectClipRect (&pdc->ecrgn, &pdc->DevRC);

    pCtrl = Control (pdc->hwnd);
    if (pCtrl && !(pCtrl->dwExStyle & WS_EX_CTRLASMAINWIN))
        RestrictControlECRGN (&pdc->ecrgn, pCtrl);

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&pdc->pGCRInfo->lock);

BOOL COXScreenGrabber::GrabFullWindow(CWnd* pWnd /* = NULL */)
	CRect WndRect(0, 0, 0, 0);

	if (!PrepareWindow(FALSE, WndRect, pWnd))
		return FALSE;

	return GrabRectangle(WndRect);
Beispiel #4
BOOL dc_GenerateECRgn(PDC pdc, BOOL fForce)
    RECT rc, rcInter;
    PCLIPRECT pcr, pgcr;
    PCONTROL pCtrl;

    // is global clip region is empty?
    if ((!fForce) && (!dc_IsVisible (pdc)))
            return FALSE;

    // need regenerate?
    if (fForce || (pdc->oldage != pdc->pGCRInfo->age)) {
        EmptyClipRgn (&pdc->ecrgn);

        pcr = pdc->lcrgn.head;
        while (pcr) {
            rc = pcr->rc;
            coor_LP2SP (pdc, &rc.left, &;
            coor_LP2SP (pdc, &rc.right, &rc.bottom);
            pgcr = pdc->pGCRInfo->crgn.head;
            while (pgcr) {

                if (IntersectRect (&rcInter, &rc, &pgcr->rc))
                    AddClipRect (&pdc->ecrgn, &rcInter);

                pgcr = pgcr->next;
            pcr = pcr->next;
        if (pdc->lcrgn.head == NULL)
            ClipRgnCopy (&pdc->ecrgn, &pdc->pGCRInfo->crgn);

        // update the DevRC;
        if (pdc->bIsClient)
            WndClientRect (pdc->hwnd, &pdc->DevRC);
            WndRect (pdc->hwnd, &pdc->DevRC);
        IntersectClipRect (&pdc->ecrgn, &pdc->DevRC);

        pCtrl = Control (pdc->hwnd);
        if (pCtrl && !(pCtrl->dwExStyle & WS_EX_CTRLASMAINWIN))
            RestrictControlECRGN (&pdc->ecrgn, pCtrl);

        pdc->oldage = pdc->pGCRInfo->age;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #5
void Draw(HWND hWnd, HDC hdc)
	CRect WndRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
	::GetClientRect(hWnd, WndRect);
	HDC hMemoryDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
	if (hMemoryDC != NULL)
		HBITMAP hMemoryBitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, WndRect.Width(), WndRect.Height());
		if (hMemoryBitmap != NULL)
			::SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hMemoryBitmap);
			AggDraw(hWnd, hMemoryDC, hMemoryBitmap);
			::BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, WndRect.Width(), WndRect.Height(), hMemoryDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
Beispiel #6
 * Function: void GUIAPI ReleaseDC(HDC hDC)
 *     This function release the specified DC.
 * Parameter:
 *     HDC hDC: The DC handle want to release.
 * Return:
 *     None. 
void GUIAPI ReleaseDC (HDC hDC)
    PMAINWIN pWin;
    PDC pdc;
    PCONTROL pCtrl;

    pdc = dc_HDC2PDC(hDC);

    EmptyClipRgn (&pdc->lcrgn);

    pWin = (PMAINWIN)(pdc->hwnd);
    if (pWin && pWin->privCDC == hDC) {
        /* for private DC, we reset the clip region info. */
        pthread_mutex_lock (&pdc->pGCRInfo->lock);

        pdc->oldage = pdc->pGCRInfo->age;
        ClipRgnCopy (&pdc->ecrgn, &pdc->pGCRInfo->crgn);

        if (pdc->bIsClient)
            WndClientRect (pdc->hwnd, &pdc->DevRC);
            WndRect (pdc->hwnd, &pdc->DevRC);

        IntersectClipRect (&pdc->ecrgn, &pdc->DevRC);

        pCtrl = Control (pdc->hwnd);
        if (pCtrl && !(pCtrl->dwExStyle & WS_EX_CTRLASMAINWIN))
            RestrictControlECRGN (&pdc->ecrgn, pCtrl);

        pthread_mutex_unlock (&pdc->pGCRInfo->lock);
    else {
        EmptyClipRgn (&pdc->ecrgn);
        pdc->pGCRInfo = NULL;
        pdc->oldage = 0;

        pthread_mutex_lock (&dcslot);
        pdc->inuse = FALSE;
