int main(void) { int pause; char aWord[50]; ifstream Words("c:\\Shakespear.txt",ios::in); if(!Words) { cerr << "Couldn't open the file" << endl; cin >> pause; return -1; }
Words AutoComplete::match(const utf8_string& str){ WordsImpl* w = new WordsImpl(); w->m_node = nullptr; if (str.empty()){ return Words(w); } for (size_t i = 0; i != m_nodes.size(); i++){ ACNode* node = m_nodes[i]; if (node->m_char == str.front()){ ACNode* found = node->find(str); if (found != nullptr){ w->m_node = found; w->m_base = str; break; } } } return Words(w); }
void PrefixPogoda::on_word_update_pressed() { int idx = ui->word_list->currentIndex().row(); if(idx != -1 && ui->word_input->text() != "" && ui->word_des->text() != "") { words[idx] = Words ( ui->word_prefix->currentIndex() - 1, ui->word_root->currentIndex() - 1, ui->word_suffix->currentIndex() - 1, ui->word_input->text(), ui->word_des->text() ); (word_list.first)[idx] = removeSemi(ui->word_input->text()); word_list.second->setStringList(word_list.first); }else { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Message", "Please select or add a word first", QMessageBox::Ok); } }
void LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata() { char tmpLine[16384]; std::vector<char*> Words(0); int l, m; char fNInHarm[16384]; LCDataFileRead * tmpDataRead; int tmpNRec, tmpNRDataN; double tmpNRdatat0, tmpNRdatatend, tmpNRdatadt; int NHarmReq; if(ReadNRParam(NRFileName, mrat, eta, chi1, chi2, Phi0, FreqMax, omMInit, toMInitHyb, S1N, S2N, LnN)){ Cout << "ERROR on LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : Problem in openning NR main data file " << NRFileName << " ." << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR on LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : Problem in openning NR main data file."); } thS1 =; phS1 =; thS2 =; phS2 =; thL =; phL =; std::ifstream fInMain(NRFileName); //! **** Pass through fixed parameters int iLine(0); do{ iLine++; fInMain.getline(tmpLine,16384,'\n'); MT->wextract(tmpLine, Words); }while((!MT->wcmp(Words[0],"Harmonics"))&&(!fInMain.eof())); NHarmReq=0; if((MT->wcmp(Words[0],"Harmonics"))&&(Words.size()>=2)){ NHarmReq = atoi(Words[1]); }else{ Cout << "ERROR in LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : We need to know the number of harmonics : 'Harmonics 6' (NEW format !!!)" << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR in LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : We need to know the number of harmonics : 'Harmonics 6' (NEW format !!!)" ); } Cout << "Number of harmonics required = " << NHarmReq << Endl; //! *** Find the number of harmonics lmax = 0; NHarm = 0; do{ iLine++; fInMain.getline(tmpLine,16384,'\n'); MT->wextract(tmpLine, Words); l = atoi(Words[0]); if(l>lmax) lmax = l; NHarm++; }while((Words.size()>=3)&&(!fInMain.eof())&&(NHarm<NHarmReq)); Cout << "Number of harmonics read = " << NHarm << Endl; if(NHarmReq!=NHarm){ Cout << "ERROR in LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : We do not have the required number of harmonics, " << NHarmReq << " . We found " << NHarm << "harmonics." << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR in LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : We do not have the required number of harmonics !" ); } fInMain.close(); fInMain.clear(); //! *** Allow memory NRdata = (double***) MT->AllocMemory(NHarm*sizeof(double**)); lHarm = (int*) MT->AllocMemory(NHarm*sizeof(int)); mHarm = (int*) MT->AllocMemory(NHarm*sizeof(int)); SpherHarmVal = (dcomplex*) MT->AllocMemory(NHarm*sizeof(dcomplex)); //! *** Read harmonic files and load them; do{ fInMain.getline(tmpLine,16384,'\n'); MT->wextract(tmpLine, Words); }while((!MT->wcmp(Words[0],"Harmonics"))&&(!fInMain.eof())); for(int iHarm=0; iHarm<NHarm; iHarm++){ fInMain.getline(tmpLine,16384,'\n'); MT->wextract(tmpLine, Words); //Cout << tmpLine << " ==> " << Words[0] << " " << Words[1] << " " << Words[2] << Endl; lHarm[iHarm] = atoi(Words[0]); mHarm[iHarm] = atoi(Words[1]); tmpDataRead = new LCDataFileRead(MT, Words[2]); tmpDataRead->init(NRdata[iHarm], tmpNRec, tmpNRDataN); tmpNRdatat0 = tmpDataRead->getx0(); tmpNRdatatend = tmpDataRead->getxend(); tmpNRdatadt = tmpDataRead->getdx(); delete tmpDataRead; /* for(int i=0; i<tmpNRDataN; i++){ Cout << i ; for(int j=0; j<tmpNRec; j++){ Cout << " " << NRdata[iHarm][j][i]; } Cout << Endl; } */ if(tmpNRec != 2){ Cout << "LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The data file should contain only 2 records." << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The data file should contain only 2 records."); } if(iHarm==0){ NRdataN = tmpNRDataN; NRdatat0 = tmpNRdatat0; NRdatatend = tmpNRdatatend; NRdatadt = tmpNRdatadt; }else{ if(NRdataN != tmpNRDataN){ Cout << "LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") don't have the same number of data " << tmpNRDataN << " than the previous one " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") " << NRdataN << " !" << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic don't have the same number of data than the previous one !"); } if(fabs((NRdatat0-tmpNRdatat0)/(NRdatat0+tmpNRdatat0))>1.e-12){ MT->o->precision(15); Cout << "LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") don't have the same initial time " << tmpNRdatat0 << " than the previous one " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") " << NRdatat0 << " !" << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic don't have the same number of data than the previous one !"); } if(fabs((NRdatatend-tmpNRdatatend)/(NRdatatend+tmpNRdatatend))>1.e-12){ MT->o->precision(15); Cout << "LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") don't have the same final time " << tmpNRdatatend << " than the previous one " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") " << NRdatatend << " !" << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic don't have the same number of data than the previous one !"); } if(fabs((NRdatadt-tmpNRdatadt)/(NRdatadt+tmpNRdatadt))>1.e-12){ MT->o->precision(15); Cout << "LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") don't have the same time step " << tmpNRdatadt << " than the previous one " <<iHarm<<" (l="<<lHarm[iHarm]<<",m="<<mHarm[iHarm]<<") " << NRdatadt << " !" << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("LCGWSpinBBHNR1::LoadNRdata : The harmonic don't have the same number of data than the previous one !"); } } MT->MemDisplay(); //for(int i=0; i<10; i++) // Cout << NRdata[iHarm][0][i] << " " << NRdata[iHarm][1][i] << Endl; } MemUse += NHarm * (sizeof(double**) + 2*sizeof(int) + sizeof(dcomplex) + 2*( NRdataN*sizeof(double) + sizeof(double*)) ); for(int iW=0; iW<Words.size(); iW++) MT->Free(Words[iW],256*sizeof(char)); }
pword * term_to_dbformat(pword *parg, dident mod) { pword **save_tt = TT; register word arity = 1, len; register word curr_offset = 0, top_offset = 2; /* in 'word's */ register pword *queue_tail = (pword *) 0; pword *queue_head = (pword *) 0; register pword *pw; register char *dest, *stop; pword *header; temp_area meta_attr; int flag = 0; Temp_Create(meta_attr, 4 * ATTR_IO_TERM_SIZE * sizeof(pword)); header = TG; dest = (char *) (header + 1) + 4; /* space for the TBUFFER pword and for * the external format header */ for(;;) /* handle <arity> consecutive pwords, starting at <parg> */ { do /* handle the pword pointed to by parg */ { pw = parg; /* I need here a slightly modified version of Dereference_(pw) * that stops also at MARKed words. Not very nice, I know. */ while (IsRef(pw->tag) && !(pw->tag.kernel & MARK) && !IsSelfRef(pw)) pw = pw->val.ptr; Reserve_Space(6); if (pw->tag.kernel & MARK) { if (SameTypeC(pw->tag,TDE)) /* a suspension */ { Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel)); Store_Int32((pw[SUSP_FLAGS].tag.kernel & ~MARK)); if (SuspDead(pw)) { curr_offset += Words(SUSP_HEADER_SIZE-1); parg += SUSP_HEADER_SIZE-1; arity -= SUSP_HEADER_SIZE-1; } else { Store_Byte(SuspPrio(pw) + (SuspRunPrio(pw) << 4)); curr_offset += Words(SUSP_GOAL-1); parg += SUSP_GOAL-1; arity -= SUSP_GOAL-1; } } else if (pw->val.nint == curr_offset) /* a nonstd variable */ { Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel)); Store_Int(pw->val.nint); if (!IsNamed(pw->tag.kernel)) { Store_Byte(0); } else /* store its name */ { dident vdid = TagDid(pw->tag.kernel); len = DidLength(vdid); Store_Int(len); Reserve_Space(len); Store_String(len, DidName(vdid)); } } else /* just a reference to an already encountered variable */ { Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG)); Store_Int(pw->val.nint); } } else switch (TagType(pw->tag)) { case TINT: #if SIZEOF_CHAR_P > 4 if (pw->val.nint < WSUF(-2147483648) || WSUF(2147483648) <= pw->val.nint) { /* store as a bignum (to be readable on 32bit machines) */ len = tag_desc[pw->tag.kernel].string_size(pw->val, pw->tag, 1); Store_Byte(TBIG); Store_Int(len); Reserve_Space(len+1); stop = dest+len; dest += tag_desc[pw->tag.kernel].to_string(pw->val, pw->tag, dest, 1); while (dest <= stop) /* pad and terminate */ *dest++ = 0; break; } #endif Store_Byte(TINT); #ifdef OLD_FORMAT Store_Int32(pw->val.nint); #else Store_Int(pw->val.nint); #endif break; case TNIL: Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel)); break; case TDICT: len = DidLength(pw->val.did); Store_Byte(TDICT); Store_Int(DidArity(pw->val.did)); Store_Int(len); Reserve_Space(len); Store_String(len, DidName(pw->val.did)); break; case TDBL: { ieee_double d; d.as_dbl = Dbl(pw->val); Store_Byte(TDBL); Store_Byte(sizeof(double)-1); /* backward compat */ Reserve_Space(sizeof(double)); Store_Int32(d.as_struct.mant1); Store_Int32(d.as_struct.mant0); break; } case TIVL: { ieee_double dlwb, dupb; dlwb.as_dbl = IvlLwb(pw->val.ptr); dupb.as_dbl = IvlUpb(pw->val.ptr); Store_Byte(TIVL); Reserve_Space(2*sizeof(double)); Store_Int32(dlwb.as_struct.mant1); Store_Int32(dlwb.as_struct.mant0); Store_Int32(dupb.as_struct.mant1); Store_Int32(dupb.as_struct.mant0); break; } case TSTRG: len = StringLength(pw->val); Store_Byte(TSTRG); Store_Int(len); Reserve_Space(len); Store_String(len, StringStart(pw->val)); break; case TVAR_TAG: /* standard variable */ Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG)); Store_Int(curr_offset); Trail_(pw); pw->val.nint = curr_offset; pw->tag.kernel |= MARK; break; case TNAME: case TUNIV: Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG)); Store_Int(top_offset); Trail_Tag(pw); pw->val.nint = top_offset; pw->tag.kernel |= MARK; top_offset += 2; EnQueue_(pw, 1, 0); break; case TMETA: Store_Byte(Tag(TVAR_TAG)); Store_Int(top_offset); Trail_Tag(pw); pw->val.nint = top_offset; pw->tag.kernel |= MARK; top_offset += 4; EnQueue_(pw, 2, QUEUE_MASK_META); break; case TSUSP: Store_Byte(Tag(TSUSP)); pw = pw->val.ptr; if (pw->tag.kernel & MARK) /* not the first encounter */ { Store_Int(pw->val.nint); } else { Store_Int(top_offset); Trail_Pword(pw); pw->tag.kernel |= MARK; pw->val.nint = top_offset; if (SuspDead(pw)) { top_offset += Words(SUSP_HEADER_SIZE); /* for TDE */ EnQueue_(pw, SUSP_HEADER_SIZE, 0); } else { top_offset += Words(SUSP_SIZE); /* for TDE */ EnQueue_(pw, SUSP_SIZE, 0); } } break; case TLIST: Store_Byte(Tag(TLIST)); Store_Int(top_offset); top_offset += 4; EnQueue_(pw->val.ptr, 2, 0); break; case TCOMP: Store_Byte(Tag(TCOMP)); Store_Int(top_offset); if (flag) { pword pw_out; (void) transf_meta_out(pw->val, pw->tag, (pword *) TempAlloc(meta_attr, ATTR_IO_TERM_SIZE * sizeof(pword)), D_UNKNOWN, &pw_out); pw = pw_out.val.ptr; len = 1 + DidArity(pw->val.did); EnQueue_(pw, len, 0); } else { len = 1 + DidArity(pw->val.ptr->val.did); EnQueue_(pw->val.ptr, len, 0); } top_offset += 2*len; break; default: if (TagType(pw->tag) >= 0 && TagType(pw->tag) <= NTYPES) { len = tag_desc[TagType(pw->tag)].string_size(pw->val, pw->tag, 1); Store_Byte(Tag(pw->tag.kernel)); Store_Int(len); Reserve_Space(len+1); stop = dest+len; dest += tag_desc[TagType(pw->tag)].to_string(pw->val, pw->tag, dest, 1); while (dest <= stop) /* pad and terminate */ *dest++ = 0; } else { p_fprintf(current_err_, "bad type in term_to_dbformat: 0x%x\n", pw->tag.kernel); } break; } curr_offset += Words(1); ++parg; } while (--arity); if (EmptyQueue()) break; DeQueue_(parg, arity, flag); } /* # bytes of external representation */ Store_Byte(0); /* add a terminating 0 */ Set_Buffer_Size(header, dest - (char*) header - sizeof(pword)); header->tag.kernel = TBUFFER; Align(); /* align the global stack pointer */ TG = (pword *) dest; dest = (char *) (header + 1); /* fill in the external format header */ Store_Int32(top_offset); /* (size of term after restoring) */ Untrail_Variables(save_tt); Temp_Destroy(meta_attr); return header; }
/** \brief The executable compute the SNR curve and by product the GW and noise response * \author A. Petiteau * \version 2.0 * \date 25/02/2011 * * * */ int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) { try { LCTools MT; int nOptions(0); char cmd[16384]; long SeedRand((long)time(NULL)); int Nsrc(1); int iNStart(0); int iRealiStudy(-1); int NRand(1); LCModSig X(&MT), Xp(&MT); X.Detector = LISA; X.GalacticNoise = false; X.sSrcType(SPINBBHHHARM); double SNRth(6.); char CharIndPar[1064]; strcpy(CharIndPar, "None"); int MCMCNStepMax(100000); double MCMCscale(1.); double MCMCheat(2.); int MCMCFIMRecomp(-1); //! *** Name of TDI observables char TDINameAll[16384]; strcpy(TDINameAll, "X"); //strcpy(TDINameAll, "Am,Em"); // *********** Help ************* if(((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[1],"--help")==0))||((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[1],"-h")==0))){ Coutm << " ----- HELP -----" << Endl; Coutm << Endl << "\tExecution :" << Endl; Coutm << "\t\t(./)LC2 MCMC [Options] ConfigFile1.xml ConfigFile2.xml ..." << Endl; Coutm << Endl << "\tArguments :" << Endl; Coutm << Endl << "\t\t * ConfigFileI.xml (required) : Configuration fileX. " << Endl; Coutm << Endl << "\tOptions :" << Endl; Coutm << "\t\t * -o %sOutFile : Output file containing results [default: SNRResultX.txt]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -G key : Type of GW source. [default : MBHBInsPrecHH ] " << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t\t GB or GalBin : galactic binary," << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t\t SH or MBHBInsPrecHH : Massive black hole binary inspiral phase with spin precession and higher harmonicX." << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -C %sCatalog : Catalogue containing the list of parameters : if not random source. [default : None] " << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -N %dNSrc : Number of sources to study (-1 : number of source in catalogue). [default : " << Nsrc << " ]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -f %diFSrc : Fisrt source to study is iFSrc*NSrc. [default : " << iNStart << "]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -R %diReali : Study only the source from the realization %diReali (-1:not used). [default : "<< iRealiStudy << "]" << Endl ; //Coutm << "\t\t * -r %dNrand : Make Nrand randomization of free paramters for each source. [default : "<< NRand << "]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -dt %step : Minimal time step. [default : " << X.dtMesMin << "]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -D %dConfig : For computing analytic noise : LISA,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 [default : LISA]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -cn : Include analytic confusion noise [default : None]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -tdi %sObsName : Names of TDI generators [default : " << TDINameAll << " ]" << Endl ; //Coutm << "\t\t * -S %fSNRth : SNR threshold for selected for FIM compute [default : " << SNRth << "]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -P %diP1,%diP2 : Index of parameters to study ('L' before the index mean that we have to use the log). [default : 0,1,14,13,12,4,L5,L15,17,6,7,8,9,10,11 if src MBHBInsPrecHH , 0,1,2,3,L4,6,7 if src GalBin ]" << Endl ; //Coutm << "\t\t * -cv %diP %fDeltaMin %fDeltaMax %fDeltaLogStep : Test convergence for parameter iP with value of Delta between DeltaMin and DeltaMax with step log step of DeltaLogStep [default : None]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -M %fMax %sDir : Maximum memory in RAM and directory for swaping [default : Max = " << X.gMaxMemRAM() << ", Dir = " << X.gDirSwapMem() << " ]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -n %dN : Maximal number of MCMC steps [default : " << MCMCNStepMax << "]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -E %fscale : Scale used for MCMC steps [default : " << MCMCscale << "]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -F %dFreqFIM : Frequency of FIM recomputation : recompute each %dFreqFIM MCMC accepted steps [default : " << MCMCFIMRecomp << "]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -co : Write the check output fileX. [default : false]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -s %dseed : Seed for random gennerator. [default : current time]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t\t NB: If not specified the random seed is the time machine." << Endl; Coutm << "\t\t * -dn \t\t: No screen display. [default: false]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -dl %sfile \t: Write standard output in a file. [default: no file]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -v \t\t: Verbose mode : display full details. [default: false]" << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -h \t\t: This help." << Endl ; Coutm << "\t\t * -V \t\t: Version." << Endl ; Coutm << Endl << " ----------------" << Endl; return 0; } // *********** Version ************* if(((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[1],"--version")==0))||((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[1],"-V")==0))){ Coutm << " ----- VERSION -----" << Endl; Coutm << " LC2MCMC : Compute the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and Fisher Matrix (FIM) - LISACode package - version " << LC::LCVersion << " at " << LC::DateOfLastUpdate << Endl; Coutm << " ----------------" << Endl; return 0; } // ***** Main declaration ***** //! *** Output (results) file char bNOut[16384]; strcpy(bNOut, "ResMCMC"); //! *** Catalogue and parameters of sources char fNInCatalogue[16384]; int NRecCat(-1); int NRowsCat(-1); std::ifstream fInCatalogue; int TypeCat(0); // 0->standard, 1->result file bool StopEndFile(true); std::string junk; bool CheckOutput(false); std::vector<char*> Words(0); //! **** Selection parameters //! ** Threshold in mass ratio double qth(1./20.); qth = 1./50.; strcpy(fNInCatalogue, "None"); //! *** For SNR, FIM, errors LCMatrix FIM; LCMatrix CovM; double SNR; double * Err(NULL); double * ptry(NULL); //! *** Data dcomplex ** fDat(NULL); int NfDat, NTDI, iFmin; double df; //! ********** Read options ********** for(int iarg=1; iarg<argc; iarg++){ if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-o")==0)){ // *** Read base name of output file in option strcpy(bNOut, argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-G")==0)){ bool NotFound(true); if( (MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1],"GB")) || (MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1],"GalBin")) ){ X.sSrcType(GALBIN); NotFound = false; } if( (MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1],"SH")) || (MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1],"MBHBInsPrecHH")) ){ X.sSrcType(SPINBBHHHARM); NotFound = false; } if( (MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1],"NR")) || (MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1],"NRwave")) ){ X.sSrcType(NRWAVE); NotFound = false; } if(NotFound){ Coutm << "ERROR : The source type " << argv[iarg+1] << " is unknown !" << Endl; throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR : The source type is unknown !"); } nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-C")==0)){ strcpy(fNInCatalogue, argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-N")==0)){ Nsrc = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-f")==0)){ iNStart = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-R")==0)){ iRealiStudy = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } /*if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-r")==0)){ NRand = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; }*/ if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dt")==0)){ X.dtMesMin = atof(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-D")==0)){ X.Detector = UNKNOWNDC; if(MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1], "LISA")){ X.Detector = LISA; } if(MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1], "ELISA")){ X.Detector = ELISA; } if(MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1], "C1")){ X.Detector = C1; } if(MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1], "C2")){ X.Detector = C2; } if(MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1], "C3")){ X.Detector = C3; } if(MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1], "C4")){ X.Detector = C4; } if(MT.wcmp(argv[iarg+1], "C5")){ X.Detector = C5; } if(X.Detector == UNKNOWNDC) throw std::invalid_argument("Unknow type of detector."); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-cn")==0)){ X.GalacticNoise = true; nOptions ++; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-tdi")==0)){ strcpy(TDINameAll, argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } /*if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-S")==0)){ SNRth = atof(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; }*/ if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-P")==0)){ //! **** Read list of parameters to study strcpy(CharIndPar, argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } /*if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-cv")==0)){ if(argc-iarg<4) throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR : Need 4 parameters for testing the convergence !"); ConviP = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); ConvDMin = atof(argv[iarg+2]); ConvDMax = atof(argv[iarg+3]); ConvDLogStep = atof(argv[iarg+4]); NConvStep = MT.ifloor((log10(ConvDMax)-log10(ConvDMin))/ConvDLogStep); nOptions += 5; }*/ if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-M")==0)){ if(argc-iarg<4) throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR : Need 2 parameters (path of directory and max RAM size) for configuring swap !"); X.sSwap(argv[iarg+2], atof(argv[iarg+1])); nOptions +=3; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-n")==0)){ MCMCNStepMax = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-E")==0)){ MCMCscale = atof(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-F")==0)){ MCMCFIMRecomp = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-co")==0)){ CheckOutput = true; nOptions++; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-s")==0)){ SeedRand = atoi(argv[iarg+1]); nOptions +=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dn")==0)){ MT.unsetDisp(); nOptions++; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dl")==0)){ MT.setDispInFile(argv[iarg+1],true); nOptions+=2; } if((argc>1)&&(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-v")==0)){ MT.setDispDetails(); nOptions++; } } MT.setRandSeed(SeedRand); //! ********** Configuration ********** //! ***** Decode a char string to obtain the list of parameters to study if(MT.wcmp(CharIndPar, "None")){ if(X.gSrcType()==SPINBBHHHARM) strcpy(CharIndPar, "0,1,14,13,12,4,L5,L15,17,6,7,8,9,10,11"); if(X.gSrcType()==GALBIN) strcpy(CharIndPar, "0,1,2,3,L4,6,7"); } X.sParStudy(CharIndPar); //! ***** Read configuration files in arguments for(int ia=1+nOptions; ia<argc; ia++){ X.addfCfg(argv[ia]); } // ***** Display for checking which files we are using Coutm << "Configuration files : " << Endl; for(int i=0; i<X.NfNCfg; i++){ Coutm << "\t + " << X.fNCfg[i] ; MT.CheckFile("", X.fNCfg[i]); } //! *** Read the bloc name of TDI generators and obtain the individual names and the number of generators X.sTDI(TDINameAll); Coutm << "TDI generators : "; for(int i=0; i<X.gNTDI(); i++) Coutm << " " << X.gTDIName(i); Coutm << Endl; //! ********** Initialization ********** X.AllocBaseMem(); Xp.CopyBase(X); FIM.init(&MT, X.gNParStudy(), X.gNParStudy()); CovM.init(&MT, X.gNParStudy(), X.gNParStudy()); Err = (double*) MT.AllocMemory(X.gNParStudy()*sizeof(double)); for(int i=0; i<X.gNParStudy(); i++) Err[i] = 0.; //! **** Open and analyse the catalogue if(!MT.wcmp(fNInCatalogue,"None")){ Coutm << "Open the catalogue file " << fNInCatalogue << " ... " << Endl;; if(!fInCatalogue) throw std::invalid_argument("Problem in openning parameters file."); //! ** Count number of record while(fInCatalogue.peek() == '#') fInCatalogue.ignore(16384,'\n'); NRecCat = 0; while((fInCatalogue.peek() != '\n')&&(!fInCatalogue.eof())){ fInCatalogue >> junk; if(fInCatalogue.peek() == ' '){ int ipos(fInCatalogue.tellg()); ipos++; fInCatalogue.seekg(ipos); } NRecCat++; } fInCatalogue.close(); fInCatalogue.clear(); //! ** Count the number of rows; char fCatHead[16384]; while(fInCatalogue.peek() == '#') fInCatalogue.getline(fCatHead, 16384,'\n'); MT.wextract(fCatHead, Words); if(Words[4][0]=='z') TypeCat = 1; NRowsCat = 0; while(!fInCatalogue.eof()){ fInCatalogue.ignore(16384,'\n'); if(!fInCatalogue.eof()){ NRowsCat++; } } fInCatalogue.close(); fInCatalogue.clear(); if(Nsrc == -1) Nsrc = NRowsCat; } if(NRecCat!=-1){; while(fInCatalogue.peek() == '#') fInCatalogue.ignore(16384,'\n'); if(iNStart*Nsrc<NRowsCat){ int iS(0); while((!fInCatalogue.eof())&&(iS < iNStart*Nsrc)){ fInCatalogue.ignore(16384,'\n'); iS++; } } } //! ***** Prepare the result output file //! ** Common part int iTitCol(0); int iTitColBase(0); char TitColBase[10000]; if(X.gSrcType()==SPINBBHHHARM){ strcpy(TitColBase,"#realID[1] srcID[2] Name[3] iStep[4] z[5] M1[6] q[7] lamS[8] betS[9] phL[10] thL[11] phi0[12] tc[13] a1[14] a2[15] thS1[16] thS2[17] phS1[18] phS2[19] per[20] e[21] DL0[22] Mcz[23] eta[24] thBS1[25] thBS2[26] phBS1[27] phBS2[28]"); iTitColBase = 29; } if(X.gSrcType()==GALBIN){ strcpy(TitColBase,"#realID[1] srcID[2] Name[3] iStep[4] M1[5] M2[6] P[7] Pdot[8] e[9] i[10] lam[11] bet[12] d[13] psi[14] Amp[15] f[16] fdot[17] phi0[18]"); iTitColBase = 19; } if(X.gSrcType()==NRWAVE){ strcpy(TitColBase,"#realID[1] srcID[2] Name[3] RandID[4] z[5] M1[6] q[7] lamS[8] betS[9] phL[10] thL[11] phi0[12] tc[13] a1[14] a2[15] thS1[16] thS2[17] phS1[18] phS2[19] per[20] e[21] DL0[22] Mcz[23] eta[24] thBS1[25] thBS2[26] phBS1[27] phBS2[28]"); iTitColBase = 29; } //! *** Open file containing error FIM results and write header char fNOutErr[10000]; sprintf(fNOutErr,"%s-Err.txt",bNOut); std::ofstream fOutErr(fNOutErr); iTitCol = iTitColBase; fOutErr << TitColBase; for(int i=0; i<X.gNTDI(); i++) for(int iP=0; iP<X.gNParStudy(); iP++){ fOutErr << " Par" << X.giParStudy(iP) << "[" << iTitCol++ << "]"; fOutErr << " Err" << X.giParStudy(iP) << "[" << iTitCol++ << "]"; } fOutErr << " Likelihood[" << iTitCol++ << "]" << Endl; fOutErr.precision(12); //! *** Open FIM output file and write header char fNOutFIM[10000]; sprintf(fNOutFIM, "%s-FIM.txt", bNOut); std::ofstream fOutFIM(fNOutFIM); iTitCol = iTitColBase; fOutFIM << TitColBase; for(int iP1=0; iP1<X.gNParStudy(); iP1++) for(int iP2=0; iP2<X.gNParStudy(); iP2++) fOutFIM << " FIM" << X.giParStudy(iP1) << X.giParStudy(iP2) << "[" << iTitCol++ << "]"; for(int iP1=0; iP1<X.gNParStudy(); iP1++) for(int iP2=0; iP2<X.gNParStudy(); iP2++) fOutFIM << " CovM" << X.giParStudy(iP1) << X.giParStudy(iP2) << "[" << iTitCol++ << "]"; fOutFIM << Endl; fOutFIM.precision(12); //! *** Open MCMC output file and write header char fNOutMCMC[10000]; sprintf(fNOutMCMC, "%s-MCMC.txt", bNOut); std::ofstream fOutMCMC(fNOutMCMC); iTitCol = iTitColBase; fOutMCMC << TitColBase << " LogL[" << iTitCol << "] MCMCratio[" << iTitCol+1 << "] MCMCRand[" << iTitCol+2 << "] Accepted[" << iTitCol+3 << "]"; iTitCol += 4; for(int iP=0; iP<X.gNParStudy(); iP++) fOutMCMC << " pTry" << X.giParStudy(iP) << "[" << iTitCol++ << "]"; fOutMCMC << Endl; fOutMCMC.precision(12); //! ********** Main part : loop on sources ********** int iSrc(0); bool CContinue(true); while(CContinue){ int realID(-1), srcID(iSrc); double z(0.), M1(0.), q(0.), betS(0.), lamS(0.), phL(0.), thL(0.), phi0(0.), tc(0.), a1(0.), a2(0.), thS1(0.), thS2(0.), phS1(0.), phS2(0.), per(0.), ecc(0.), DL0(0.), DL0d(0.), Mcz(0.), eta(0.), thBS1(0.), thBS2(0.), phBS1(0.), phBS2(0.); char srcName[100]; double lamSd(0.), betSd(0.), M2(0.), Period(0.), Pdot(0.), inc(0.), incd(0.), psi(0.), Amp(0.), freq(0.), fdot(0.); char StrParam[10000]; time_t tstart, tendSNR, tend; //! **** Read source in catalogue if((NRecCat!=-1)&&(!fInCatalogue.eof())){ if(X.gSrcType()==SPINBBHHHARM){ if(NRecCat>15){ int iRStart(26); //! ** All parameters are in the catalogue fInCatalogue >> realID >> srcID; if(TypeCat==1){ fInCatalogue >> junk >> junk; iRStart += 2; } fInCatalogue >> z >> M1 >> q >> lamS >> betS >> phL >> thL >> phi0 >> tc >> a1 >> a2 >> thS1 >> thS2 >> phS1 >> phS2 >> per >> ecc >> DL0d >> Mcz >> eta >> thBS1 >> thBS2 >> phBS1 >> phBS2; Coutm << phBS2 << Endl; for(int iR=iRStart; iR<NRecCat; iR++){ fInCatalogue >> junk; //Coutm << iR << " --> " << junk << Endl; } if(TypeCat==1) DL0d *= 1.e-3; //! Converion from kpc to Mpc because we use Mpc as input and we write kpc so when we use output of previous run as catalogue, we have to convert }else{ //! ** Some parameters are in the catalogue but not the fInCatalogue >> realID >> srcID >> z >> M1 >> q >> lamSd >> betSd >> phL >> thL >> phi0 >> tc >> DL0d >> Mcz >> eta; } sprintf(srcName,"Real%d-%d", realID, srcID); }