Beispiel #1
	char *addr = (char *)SDRAM_BASE + (1 << 20); /* Load to base + 1MB */
	int len, sec;

	printf("\nSend data to be written into EEPROM\n");
	while ((len = xmodem_rx(addr)) == -1)
	sec = GetSeconds() + 1;
	while (sec >= GetSeconds())
	printf("\nWriting EEPROM from 0x%x to addr 0, 0x%x bytes\n", addr,
	printf("init done\n");
	WriteEEPROM(0, addr, len);
	printf("\nWrote %d bytes.  Press reset\n", len);
	return (1);
Beispiel #2
void at_process(void)
   unsigned char received;
   void (*worker)(void) = NULL;

   static unsigned char heartbeat = 0x55;

   // port a holds the latched contents of the address bus a0-a3
   if (WASWRITE)
   //log0("%02X\n",LatchedAddress & ADDRESS_MASK);
   switch (LatchedAddress & ADDRESS_MASK)
   case CMD_REG:
         if (WASWRITE)
            received = LatchedData;
	    log0("AVR CMD=0x%02x\n", received);
	    // File Group 0x10-0x17, 0x30-0x37, 0x50-0x57, 0x70-0x77
	    // filenum = bits 6,5
	    // mask1 = 10011000 (test for file group command)
	    // mask2 = 10011111 (remove file number)
	    if ((received & 0x98) == 0x10) {
	      filenum = (received >> 5) & 3;
	      received &= 0x9F;
	    // Data Group 0x20-0x23, 0x24-0x27, 0x28-0x2B, 0x2C-0x2F
	    // filenum = bits 3,2
	    // mask1 = 11110000 (test for data group command)
	    // mask2 = 11110011 (remove file number)
	    if ((received & 0xf0) == 0x20) {
	      filenum = (received >> 2) & 3;
	      received &= 0xF3;
            WriteDataPort(STATUS_BUSY);		// Busy handled in CPLD.
			// Directory group, moved here 2011-05-29 PHS.
            if (received == CMD_DIR_OPEN)
               // reset the directory reader
               // when 0x3f is read back from this register it is appropriate to
               // start sending cmd 1s to get items.
               worker = WFN_DirectoryOpen;
            else if (received == CMD_DIR_READ)
               // get next directory entry
               worker = WFN_DirectoryRead;
            else if (received == CMD_DIR_CWD)
               // set CWD
               worker = WFN_SetCWDirectory;
			// File group.
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_CLOSE)
               // close the open file, flushing any unwritten data
               worker = WFN_FileClose;
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_OPEN_READ)
               // open the file with name in global data buffer
               worker = WFN_FileOpenRead;
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_OPEN_IMG)
               // open the file as backing image for virtual floppy drive
               // drive number in globaldata[0] followed by asciiz name.
               worker = WFN_OpenSDDOSImg;
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_OPEN_WRITE)
               // open the file with name in global data buffer for write
               worker = WFN_FileOpenWrite;
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_OPEN_RAF)
               // open the file with name in global data buffer for write/append
               worker = WFN_FileOpenRAF;
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_DELETE)
               // delete the file with name in global data buffer
               worker = WFN_FileDelete;
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_GETINFO)
               // return file's status byte
               worker = WFN_FileGetInfo;
            else if (received == CMD_FILE_SEEK)
               // seek to a location within the file
               worker = WFN_FileSeek;
            else if (received == CMD_INIT_READ)
			   // All data read requests must send CMD_INIT_READ before beggining reading
			   // data from READ_DATA_PORT. After execution of this command the first byte 
			   // of data may be read from the READ_DATA_PORT.
			   globalIndex = 1;
			else if (received == CMD_INIT_WRITE)
               // all data write requests must send CMD_INIT_WRITE here before poking data at 
			   // WRITE_DATA_REG	
               // globalDataPresent is a flag to indicate whether data is present in the bfr.
               globalIndex = 0;
               globalDataPresent = 0;
			else if (received == CMD_READ_BYTES)
				// Replaces READ_BYTES_REG
				// Must be previously written to latch reg.
				globalAmount = byteValueLatch;
				worker = WFN_FileRead;
			else if (received == CMD_WRITE_BYTES)
				// replaces WRITE_BYTES_REG
				// Must be previously written to latch reg.
				globalAmount = byteValueLatch;	
				worker = WFN_FileWrite;

			// Exec a packet in the data buffer.
            else if (received == CMD_EXEC_PACKET)
               worker = WFN_ExecuteArbitrary;

         // SDDOS/LBA operations
            else if (received == CMD_LOAD_PARAM)
               // load sddos parameters for read/write
               // globalData[0] = img num
               // globalData[1..4 incl] = 256 byte sector number
               globalCurDrive = globalData[0] & 3;
               globalLBAOffset = LD_DWORD(&globalData[1]);
            if (received == CMD_GET_IMG_STATUS)
               // retrieve sddos image status
               // globalData[0] = img num
               WriteDataPort(driveInfo[byteValueLatch & 3].attribs);
            if (received == CMD_GET_IMG_NAME)
               // retrieve sddos image names
               worker = WFN_GetSDDOSImgNames;
            else if (received == CMD_READ_IMG_SEC)
               // read image sector
               worker = WFN_ReadSDDOSSect;
            else if (received == CMD_WRITE_IMG_SEC)
               // write image sector
               worker = WFN_WriteSDDOSSect;
            else if (received == CMD_SER_IMG_INFO)
               // serialise the current image information
               worker = WFN_SerialiseSDDOSDrives;
            else if (received == CMD_VALID_IMG_NAMES)
               // validate the current sddos image names
               worker = WFN_ValidateSDDOSDrives;
            else if (received == CMD_IMG_UNMOUNT)
               // unmount the selected drive
               worker = WFN_UnmountSDDOSImg;

			// Utility commands.
			// Moved here 2011-05-29 PHS
            else if (received == CMD_GET_CARD_TYPE)
               // get card type - it's a slowcmd despite appearance
            else if (received == CMD_GET_PORT_DDR) // get portb direction register
            else if (received == CMD_SET_PORT_DDR) // set portb direction register
               IODDR = byteValueLatch;

               WriteEEPROM(EE_PORTBTRIS, byteValueLatch);
            else if (received == CMD_READ_PORT) // read portb
            else if (received == CMD_WRITE_PORT) // write port B value
               IOPORT_W = byteValueLatch;

               WriteEEPROM(EE_PORTBVALU, byteValueLatch);
            else if (received == CMD_GET_FW_VER) // read firmware version
            else if (received == CMD_GET_BL_VER) // read bootloader version
            else if (received == CMD_GET_CFG_BYTE) // read config byte
            else if (received == CMD_SET_CFG_BYTE) // write config byte
               configByte = byteValueLatch;

               WriteEEPROM(EE_SYSFLAGS, configByte);
            else if (received == CMD_READ_AUX) // read porta - latch & aux pin on dongle
            else if (received == CMD_GET_HEARTBEAT)
               // get heartbeat - this may be important as we try and fire
               // an irq very early to get the OS hooked before its first
               // osrdch call. the psp may not be enabled by that point,
               // so we have to wait till it is.
               heartbeat ^= 0xff;