Beispiel #1
void Stream::WriteMembers(const uint8* object, ClassType* pType)
	for (uint i = 0; i < pType->m_pScope->m_orderedDecls.size(); i++)
		Declarator* decl = pType->m_pScope->m_orderedDecls[i];

		if (!decl->get_IsStatic() && !decl->get_IsTypedef())
			Type* pType = decl->m_pType->GetStripped();
			Type_type kind = pType->get_Kind();

			if (kind == type_array)
				ArrayType* array = static_cast<ArrayType*>(pType);

				size_t count = array->get_ElemCount();

				for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
					WriteMember(object + decl->m_offset + i*array->get_ElemType()->get_sizeof(), array->get_ElemType());
			else if (kind != type_function)
				WriteMember(object + decl->m_offset, pType);
				switch (kind)
				case type_int:
				case type_long:
				case type_unsigned_int:
				case type_unsigned_long:
				case type_float:

				case type_double:
				case type_long_long:
Function:           DDR_training_test
Description:        training DDR
Input:              none
Output:             none
Return:             1 success
		0 fail
UINT32 DDR_training_test(void)
	volatile UINT32 dwResult;
	volatile UINT32 dwData;
	volatile UINT32 i,j,k;
	unsigned long value = 0;

	// test 1
#if 0
	PRINT_INFO("**** tc1: check training\n");

	i = readl(
		+0xd4) & 0xffff;
	j = readl(REG_BASE_DDRC_CFG+0xd8) & 0xffff;
	k = readl(REG_BASE_DDRC_CFG+0x250);

	if (i == 0xf00 && j == 0xf00 && k != 0)
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc1: ok\n");
	else {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc1: failed, 0xd4 = 0x%x, 0xd8 = 0x%x, 0x250 = %d\n", i, j, k);
		return 0;

	PRINT_INFO("**** tc2: write 64k '0'\n");

	dwData = 0x00000000;
	dwResult = CmpMember64k(dwData);

	if(0xFFFFFFFF != dwResult) {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc2: failed\n");
		return 0;
	} else {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc2:ok\n");

	PRINT_INFO("**** tc3: write 64k '1'\n");
	dwData = 0xffffffff;
	dwResult = CmpMember64k(dwData);

	if(0xFFFFFFFF != dwResult) {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc3: failed\n");
		return 0;
	} else {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc3:ok\n");

	PRINT_INFO("**** tc4: write 1 giga '0'\n");
	dwData = 0x00000000;
	dwResult = CmpAndWriteMember(dwData, 0xFFFFFFFF);
	if(0xFFFFFFFF != dwResult) {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc4: failed\n");
		return 0;
	} else {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc4:ok\n");

	PRINT_INFO("**** tc5: cmp 1 giga '1'\n");
	dwData = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	dwResult = CmpMember(dwData);
	if(0xFFFFFFFF != dwResult) {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc5: failed\n");
		return 0;
	} else {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc5:ok\n");

	PRINT_INFO("**** tc6: write 1 giga 'addr'\n");
	/* second write address test */
	dwResult = CmpAndWriteMemberAddr();
	if(0xFFFFFFFF != dwResult) {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc6: failed\n");
		return 0;
	} else {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc6:ok\n");

	PRINT_INFO("**** tc7: cmd 1 giga 'addr'\n");
	dwResult = CmpMemberRevAddr();
	if(0xFFFFFFFF != dwResult) {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc7: failed\n");
		return 0;
	} else {
		PRINT_INFO("**** tc7:ok\n");

	PRINT_INFO("training test OK\n");
	return 1;
Beispiel #3
bool Attribute::SetMember (std::string expr, const vector<Attribute*>& obs_attribs, bool verbose){

	//set my own symbol
	m_symbol_name = m_prototype->GetName()+"x"+m_name;
	//attribute represents a std::string
	//if (GetTypeID()==typeid(std::string*).name()) { WriteMember(expr);  return true; }

	//attribute represents a PulseAxis
	if (GetTypeID()==typeid(PulseAxis*).name()) {
		if (expr=="RF") { WriteMember(AXIS_RF);   return true; }
		if (expr=="GX") { WriteMember(AXIS_GX);   return true; }
		if (expr=="GY") { WriteMember(AXIS_GY);   return true; }
		if (expr=="GZ") { WriteMember(AXIS_GZ);   return true; }
		else			{ WriteMember(AXIS_VOID); return true; }

	//GiNaC expressions
	if (expr.find("I", 0)!=std::string::npos) m_complex = true;

	//GiNaC::symbol d(m_sym_diff);
    //loop over all possibly observed subjects
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<obs_attribs.size() ; i++) {
		//convert string "a1","a2", ... to the matching symbol name
		Attribute* subject_attrib =;
		std::string  SymbolName = subject_attrib->GetPrototype()->GetName() + "x" + subject_attrib->GetName();
        stringstream key; key << "a" << i+1;
        if (!Prototype::ReplaceString(expr,key.str(),SymbolName)) continue;
        //still here? the attribute was in the expression, so it is an observed subject
        AttachSubject( subject_attrib );
        m_symlist.append( get_symbol(SymbolName) );

	//cout << "!!! " << GetPrototype()->GetName() << " : " << expr << " , " << m_symlist << endl;
	m_formula = expr;

	//stop for strings
	if (GetTypeID()==typeid(std::string*).name()) {
	  EvalExpression ();
	  return true;	  
	//build GiNaC expression (maybe not successful at first call, if subjects still missing)
	try {
		m_expression = GiNaC::ex(m_formula,m_symlist);
		//differentiation of expression?
		if (m_diff>0) {
			m_expression = m_expression.diff(get_symbol(m_sym_diff),m_diff);
			stringstream se; se << m_expression;
			m_formula = se.str();
		//test the expression evaluation once
		EvalExpression ();

	} catch (exception &p) {

        if ( verbose ) {

                    cout   << "Warning in " << m_prototype->GetName() << ": attribute " << GetName()
                           << " can not evaluate its GiNaC expression E = " << expr
                           << ". Reason: " << p.what() << endl;

        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #4
void Attribute::EvalExpression () {
	if (m_formula.empty()) return;
	//strings: simply replace attribute symbol by its value
	if (GetTypeID()==typeid(std::string*).name()) {
		std::string expr = m_formula;
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_subjects.size() ; i++) {
			Attribute* a =;
			stringstream key;
			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(  double*).name()) key << a->GetMember  <double>() ; 
			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(     int*).name()) key << a->GetMember     <int>() ; 
			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    long*).name()) key << a->GetMember    <long>() ; 
			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(unsigned*).name()) key << a->GetMember<unsigned>() ; 
			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    bool*).name()) key << a->GetMember    <bool>() ; 
			std::string  SymbolName = a->GetPrototype()->GetName() + "x" + a->GetName();
		//if (GetName()=="Filename") cout << " Eval: " << expr <<  endl;

	//collect symbols and corresponding member-values from observed attributes
	GiNaC::lst numlist;
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_subjects.size() ; i++) {
		Attribute* a =;
		if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(  double*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember  <double>() ); continue; }
		if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(     int*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember     <int>() ); continue; }
		if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    long*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <long>() ); continue; }
		if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(unsigned*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember<unsigned>() ); continue; }
		if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    bool*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <bool>() ); continue; }

	//numeric evaluation of GiNaC expression
	GiNaC::ex e = m_expression.subs(m_symlist,numlist);	
	m_static_vector = m_prototype->GetVector(); // static pointer to evaluate the Vector function
	e = GiNaC::evalf(e);
	double d = 0.0;
	if (GiNaC::is_a<GiNaC::numeric>(e)) {
		if ( m_complex ) m_imaginary = -0.5 * GiNaC::ex_to<GiNaC::numeric>( (e-e.conjugate())*GiNaC::I ).to_double();
		d = GiNaC::ex_to<GiNaC::numeric>( e ).to_double();//default is real-part

	//overwrite private member
	if (m_datatype==typeid(  double*).name() ) WriteMember((double)   d );
	if (m_datatype==typeid(     int*).name() ) WriteMember((int)      d );
	if (m_datatype==typeid(    long*).name() ) WriteMember((long)     d );
	if (m_datatype==typeid(unsigned*).name() ) WriteMember((unsigned) d );
	if (m_datatype==typeid(    bool*).name() ) WriteMember((bool)     d );

	//  for dynamic change of runtime compiled attributes after notification!
	if (m_ginac_excomp && m_cur_fp==m_num_fp && m_num_fp>0) {
		//cout << "!!! " << GetName() << " : NFP =" << GetNumberFunctionPointers() << endl;
		//cout << "!!! " << GetName() << " : CFP =" << GetCurrentFunctionPointer() << endl;
		//cout << "!!! " << GetName() << " : size=" << m_compiled.size() << endl;

			if (m_compiled.size() == m_cur_fp ) m_compiled.push_back(false);