Beispiel #1
extern "C" DWORD64 __cdecl X64Call(DWORD64 func, int argC, ...)
	if (!g_isWow64)
		return 0;

    va_list args;
    va_start(args, argC);
    reg64 _rcx = { (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0 };
    reg64 _rdx = { (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0 };
    reg64 _r8 = { (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0 };
    reg64 _r9 = { (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0 };
    reg64 _rax = { 0 };

    reg64 restArgs = { (DWORD64)&va_arg(args, DWORD64) };
    // conversion to QWORD for easier use in inline assembly
#ifdef _M_IX86
    reg64 _argC = { (DWORD64)argC };
    DWORD back_esp = 0;
	WORD back_fs = 0;
        ;// reset FS segment, to properly handle RFG
        mov    back_fs, fs
        mov    eax, 0x2B
        mov    fs, ax

        ;// keep original esp in back_esp variable
        mov    back_esp, esp
        ;// align esp to 0x10, without aligned stack some syscalls may return errors !
        ;// (actually, for syscalls it is sufficient to align to 8, but SSE opcodes 
        ;// requires 0x10 alignment), it will be further adjusted according to the
        ;// number of arguments above 4
        and    esp, 0xFFFFFFF0


        ;// below code is compiled as x86 inline asm, but it is executed as x64 code
        ;// that's why it need sometimes REX_W() macro, right column contains detailed
        ;// transcription how it will be interpreted by CPU

        ;// fill first four arguments
  REX_W mov    ecx, _rcx.dw[0]                          ;// mov     rcx, qword ptr [_rcx]
  REX_W mov    edx, _rdx.dw[0]                          ;// mov     rdx, qword ptr [_rdx]
        push   _r8.v                                    ;// push    qword ptr [_r8]
        X64_Pop(_R8);                                   ;// pop     r8
        push   _r9.v                                    ;// push    qword ptr [_r9]
        X64_Pop(_R9);                                   ;// pop     r9
  REX_W mov    eax, _argC.dw[0]                         ;// mov     rax, qword ptr [_argC]
        ;// final stack adjustment, according to the    ;//
        ;// number of arguments above 4                 ;// 
        test   al, 1                                    ;// test    al, 1
        jnz    _no_adjust                               ;// jnz     _no_adjust
        sub    esp, 8                                   ;// sub     rsp, 8
_no_adjust:                                             ;//
        push   edi                                      ;// push    rdi
  REX_W mov    edi, restArgs.dw[0]                      ;// mov     rdi, qword ptr [restArgs]
        ;// put rest of arguments on the stack          ;// 
  REX_W test   eax, eax                                 ;// test    rax, rax
        jz     _ls_e                                    ;// je      _ls_e
  REX_W lea    edi, dword ptr [edi + 8*eax - 8]         ;// lea     rdi, [rdi + rax*8 - 8]
_ls:                                                    ;// 
  REX_W test   eax, eax                                 ;// test    rax, rax
        jz     _ls_e                                    ;// je      _ls_e
        push   dword ptr [edi]                          ;// push    qword ptr [rdi]
  REX_W sub    edi, 8                                   ;// sub     rdi, 8
  REX_W sub    eax, 1                                   ;// sub     rax, 1
        jmp    _ls                                      ;// jmp     _ls
_ls_e:                                                  ;// 
        ;// create stack space for spilling registers   ;// 
  REX_W sub    esp, 0x20                                ;// sub     rsp, 20h
        call   func                                     ;// call    qword ptr [func]
        ;// cleanup stack                               ;// 
  REX_W mov    ecx, _argC.dw[0]                         ;// mov     rcx, qword ptr [_argC]
  REX_W lea    esp, dword ptr [esp + 8*ecx + 0x20]      ;// lea     rsp, [rsp + rcx*8 + 20h]
        pop    edi                                      ;// pop     rdi
        // set return value                             ;// 
  REX_W mov    _rax.dw[0], eax                          ;// mov     qword ptr [_rax], rax


        mov    ax, ds
        mov    ss, ax
        mov    esp, back_esp

        ;// restore FS segment
        mov    ax, back_fs
        mov    fs, ax
#endif // _M_IX86

    return _rax.v;
Beispiel #2
DWORD64 Wow64Local::X64CallV( DWORD64 func, int argC, va_list args )
    DWORD64 _rcx = (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0;
	DWORD64 _rdx = (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0;
	DWORD64 _r8 = (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0;
	DWORD64 _r9 = (argC > 0) ? argC--, va_arg(args, DWORD64) : 0;
	reg64 _rax;
	_rax.v = 0;

	DWORD64 restArgs = (DWORD64)&va_arg(args, DWORD64);
	//conversion to QWORD for easier use in inline assembly
	DWORD64 _argC = argC;
	DWORD64 _func = func;

	DWORD back_esp = 0;

		;//keep original esp in back_esp variable
		mov    back_esp, esp
		;//align esp to 8, without aligned stack some syscalls may return errors !
		and    esp, 0xFFFFFFF8


		;//fill first four arguments
		push   _rcx
		push   _rdx
		push   _r8
		push   _r9
		push   edi

		push   restArgs

		push   _argC

		;//put rest of arguments on the stack
		test   eax, eax
		jz     _ls_e
		lea    edi, dword ptr [edi + 8*eax - 8]

		test   eax, eax
		jz     _ls_e
		push   dword ptr [edi]
		sub    edi, 8
		sub    eax, 1
		jmp    _ls

		;//create stack space for spilling registers
		sub    esp, 0x20

		call   _func

		;//cleanup stack
		push   _argC
		lea    esp, dword ptr [esp + 8*ecx + 0x20]

		pop    edi

		//set return value
		pop    _rax.dw[0]


		mov    esp, back_esp

	return _rax.v;
Beispiel #3
* X64Call Part of WOW64Ext Library
* See internals.h
extern __declspec(dllexport) unsigned __int64 X64Call( void * lvpFunctionPtr, 
	int nArgc, ... )
	va_list args;
	DWORD64 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, _nArgc, _lvpFunctionPtr, rest;
	DWORD dwEspBackup;
	union reg64 sRax;

	va_start( args, nArgc );
	arg1 = ( nArgc ) ? nArgc--, va_arg( args, DWORD64 ) : 0;
	arg2 = ( nArgc ) ? nArgc--, va_arg( args, DWORD64 ) : 0;
	arg3 = ( nArgc ) ? nArgc--, va_arg( args, DWORD64 ) : 0;
	arg4 = ( nArgc ) ? nArgc--, va_arg( args, DWORD64 ) : 0;

	rest = (DWORD64)&va_arg( args, DWORD64 );

	_nArgc = nArgc;
	_lvpFunctionPtr = (DWORD64)lvpFunctionPtr;
	sRax.v = 0;
	__asm {
		mov dwEspBackup, esp
		and sp, 0xFFF8
		push arg1
		push arg2
		push arg3
		push arg4
		push   edi
		push   rest
		push   _nArgc
		test   eax, eax
		jz     _ls_e
		lea    edi, dword ptr [edi + 8*eax - 8]
		test   eax, eax
		jz     _ls_e
		push   dword ptr [edi]
		sub    edi, 8
		sub    eax, 1
		jmp    _ls
		sub    esp, 0x20
		call   _lvpFunctionPtr
		push   _nArgc
		lea    esp, dword ptr [esp + 8*ecx + 0x20]
		pop    edi
		pop    sRax.dw[0]
		mov    esp, dwEspBackup