* This function sends a frame of given size. This function assumes interrupt
* mode and sends the frame.
* @param	XEmacInstancePtr is a pointer to the XEmacLite instance to be
*		worked on.
* @param	PayloadSize is the size of the frame to create. The size only
*		reflects the payload size, it does not include the Ethernet
*		header size (14 bytes) nor the Ethernet CRC size (4 bytes).
* @param	DestAddress if the address of the remote hardware the frame is
*		to be sent to.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, a driver-specific return code if not.
* @note		None.
static int EmacLiteSendFrame(XEmacLite *XEmacInstancePtr, u32 PayloadSize)
	u8 *FramePtr;
	int Index;
	int Status;

	 * Set the Complete flag to false.
	TransmitComplete = FALSE;

	 * Assemble the frame with a destination address and the source address.
	FramePtr = (u8 *)TxFrame;
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[0];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[1];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[2];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[3];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[4];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[5];

	 * Fill in the source MAC address.
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[0];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[1];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[2];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[3];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[4];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[5];

	 * Set up the type/length field - be sure its in network order.
    *((u16 *)FramePtr) = Xil_Htons(PayloadSize);

	 * Now fill in the data field with known values so we can verify them
	 * on receive.
	for (Index = 0; Index < PayloadSize; Index++) {
		*FramePtr++ = (u8)Index;

	 * Now send the frame.
	Status = XEmacLite_Send(XEmacInstancePtr, (u8 *)TxFrame,
			    PayloadSize + XEL_HEADER_SIZE);

	return  Status;
Beispiel #2
* This function sends a frame of given size.
* @param	XEmacInstancePtr is a pointer to the XEmacLite instance.
* @param	PayloadSize is the size of the frame to create. The size only
*		reflects the payload size, it does not include the Ethernet
*		header size (14 bytes) nor the Ethernet CRC size (4 bytes).
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, else a driver-specific return code.
* @note		None.
int EmacLiteSendFrame(XEmacLite *InstancePtr, u32 PayloadSize)
	u8 *FramePtr;
	int Index;
	FramePtr = (u8 *)TxFrame;

	 * Set up the destination address as the local address for
	 * Phy Loopback.
	 * Fill in the valid Destination MAC address if
	 * the Loopback is not enabled.
	*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[0];
	*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[1];
	*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[2];
	*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[3];
	*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[4];
	*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[5];

	 * Fill in the source MAC address.
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[0];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[1];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[2];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[3];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[4];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[5];

	 * Set up the type/length field - be sure its in network order.
    *((u16 *)FramePtr) = Xil_Htons(PayloadSize);

	 * Now fill in the data field with known values so we can verify them
	 * on receive.
	for (Index = 0; Index < PayloadSize; Index++) {
		*FramePtr++ = (u8)Index;

	 * Now send the frame.
	return XEmacLite_Send(InstancePtr, (u8 *)TxFrame,
				PayloadSize + XEL_HEADER_SIZE);

Beispiel #3
int transmit_packet(XEmacLite *instancep, void *packet, unsigned len)
	XStatus result = 0;

	/* there is space for a buffer, so transfer */
	result = XEmacLite_Send(instancep, packet, len);

        if (result != XST_SUCCESS) {
                return -1;

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
// This routine is called to send data to the hardware.
static void 
s3esk_eth_send(struct eth_drv_sc *sc, struct eth_drv_sg *sg_list, int sg_len, 
             int total_len, unsigned long key)
    struct s3esk_eth_info *qi = (struct s3esk_eth_info *)sc->driver_private;
    volatile char *bp;
    int i;

    cyg_uint32 int_state;
    // FIXME: closer to Send

	//can be send max 1500 bytes
    // Set up buffer
	qi->txlength = total_len;
	bp = qi->txbuf;
	qi->sended = 0;
	for (i = 0;  i < sg_len;  i++) 
        memcpy((void *)bp, (void *)sg_list[i].buf, sg_list[i].len);
        bp += sg_list[i].len;
	cyg_uint32 len = qi->txlength - qi->sended;
	//XEmacLite_SetMacAddress(&qi->dev, qi->enaddr);
	if (XEmacLite_Send(&qi->dev, qi->txbuf + qi->sended, len) != XST_SUCCESS) {
		deferred = 1;
		qi->sended += len;
		if(qi->sended >= qi->txlength) deferred = 0;
		else deferred = 1;

    // sg_list can be freed! (maybe deferred)
    (sc->funs->eth_drv->tx_done)(sc, key, 0);
Beispiel #5
// This function is called when a frame has been sent
static void
s3esk_eth_TxEvent(void *_cb)
    struct eth_drv_sc *sc = (struct eth_drv_sc *)_cb;
    struct s3esk_eth_info *qi = (struct s3esk_eth_info *)sc->driver_private;

    if (deferred) {
      	cyg_uint32 len = qi->txlength - qi->sended;
		//XEmacLite_SetMacAddress(&qi->dev, qi->enaddr);
		if (XEmacLite_Send(&qi->dev, qi->txbuf + qi->sended, len) != XST_SUCCESS) {
			deferred = 1;
			qi->sended += len;
			if(qi->sended >= qi->txlength) deferred = 0;
			else deferred = 1;
Beispiel #6
// This function is called when a frame has been sent
static void
emaclite_TxEvent(void *_cb)
    struct eth_drv_sc *sc = (struct eth_drv_sc *)_cb;
    struct emaclite_info *qi = (struct emaclite_info *)sc->driver_private;

    if (deferred) {
      	cyg_uint32 len = qi->txlength - qi->sended;
		if(len > MTU) len = MTU;
		//XEmacLite_SetMacAddress(&qi->dev, qi->enaddr);
		if (XEmacLite_Send(&qi->dev, qi->txbuf + qi->sended, len) != XST_SUCCESS) {
			deferred = 1;
			qi->sended += len;
			if(qi->sended >= qi->txlength) deferred = 0;
			else deferred = 1;
Beispiel #7
static err_t prvLowLevelOutput( struct netif *pxNetIf, struct pbuf *p )

	/* This is taken from lwIP example code and therefore does not conform
	to the FreeRTOS coding standard. */

struct pbuf *q;
static unsigned char ucBuffer[ 1520 ] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
unsigned char *pucBuffer = ucBuffer;
unsigned char *pucChar;
struct eth_hdr *pxHeader;
u16_t usTotalLength = p->tot_len - ETH_PAD_SIZE;
err_t xReturn = ERR_OK;
long x;

	( void ) pxNetIf;

		LWIP_ASSERT("p->next == NULL && p->len == p->tot_len", p->next == NULL && p->len == p->tot_len);

	/* Initiate transfer. */
	if( p->len == p->tot_len ) 
		/* No pbuf chain, don't have to copy -> faster. */
		pucBuffer = &( ( unsigned char * ) p->payload )[ ETH_PAD_SIZE ];
		/* pbuf chain, copy into contiguous ucBuffer. */
		if( p->tot_len >= sizeof( ucBuffer ) )
			LINK_STATS_INC( link.lenerr );
			LINK_STATS_INC( link.drop );
			snmp_inc_ifoutdiscards( pxNetIf );
			xReturn = ERR_BUF;
			pucChar = ucBuffer;

			for( q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next )
				/* Send the data from the pbuf to the interface, one pbuf at a
				time. The size of the data in each pbuf is kept in the ->len
				variable. */
				/* send data from(q->payload, q->len); */
				LWIP_DEBUGF( NETIF_DEBUG, ( "NETIF: send pucChar %p q->payload %p q->len %i q->next %p\n", pucChar, q->payload, ( int ) q->len, ( void* ) q->next ) );
				if( q == p )
					memcpy( pucChar, &( ( char * ) q->payload )[ ETH_PAD_SIZE ], q->len - ETH_PAD_SIZE );
					pucChar += q->len - ETH_PAD_SIZE;
					memcpy( pucChar, q->payload, q->len );
					pucChar += q->len;

	if( xReturn == ERR_OK )
		for( x = 0; x < netifMAX_TX_ATTEMPTS; x++ )
			xReturn =  XEmacLite_Send( &xEMACInstance, pucBuffer, ( int ) usTotalLength );
			if( xReturn == XST_SUCCESS )
				vTaskDelay( netifTX_BUFFER_FREE_WAIT );

		if( xReturn != XST_SUCCESS )
			LINK_STATS_INC( link.memerr );
			LINK_STATS_INC( link.drop );
			snmp_inc_ifoutdiscards( pxNetIf );
			xReturn = ERR_BUF;
			LINK_STATS_INC( link.xmit );
			snmp_add_ifoutoctets( pxNetIf, usTotalLength );
			pxHeader = ( struct eth_hdr * )p->payload;

			if( ( pxHeader->dest.addr[ 0 ] & 1 ) != 0 ) 
				/* broadcast or multicast packet*/
				snmp_inc_ifoutnucastpkts( pxNetIf );
				/* unicast packet */
				snmp_inc_ifoutucastpkts( pxNetIf );

	return xReturn;
* This function processes the received packet and generates the corresponding
* reply packets.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the EmacLite.
* @return	None.
* @note		This function assumes MAC does not strip padding or CRC.
static void ProcessRecvFrame(XEmacLite *InstancePtr)
	u16 *RxFramePtr;
	u16 *TxFramePtr;
	u16 *TempPtr;
	u16 CheckSum;
	u32 NextTxBuffBaseAddr;
	int Index;
	int PacketType = 0;

	TxFramePtr = (u16 *)TxFrame;
	RxFramePtr = (u16 *)RxFrame;

	 * Determine the next expected Tx buffer address.
	NextTxBuffBaseAddr = XEmacLite_NextTransmitAddr(InstancePtr);

	 * Check the packet type.
	Index = MAC_ADDR_LEN;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalMacAddr;
	while (Index--) {
		if (Xil_Ntohs((*(RxFramePtr + Index)) == BROADCAST_ADDR) &&
					(PacketType != MAC_MATCHED_PACKET)) {
		} else if (Xil_Ntohs((*(RxFramePtr + Index)) == *(TempPtr + Index)) &&
					(PacketType != BROADCAST_PACKET)) {
		} else {
			PacketType = 0;

	 * Process broadcast packet.
	if (PacketType == BROADCAST_PACKET) {

		 * Check for an ARP Packet if so generate a reply.
		if (Xil_Ntohs(*(RxFramePtr + ETHER_PROTO_TYPE_LOC)) ==

			 * IP address of the local machine.
			TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalIpAddr;

			 * Check destination IP address of the packet with
			 * local IP address.
			if (
			((*(RxFramePtr + ARP_REQ_DEST_IP_LOC_1)) == *TempPtr++) &&
			((*(RxFramePtr + ARP_REQ_DEST_IP_LOC_2)) == *TempPtr++)) {

				 * Check ARP packet type(request/reply).
				if (Xil_Ntohs(*(RxFramePtr + ARP_REQ_STATUS_LOC)) ==
								ARP_REQUEST) {

					 * Add destination MAC address
					 * to the reply packet (i.e) source
					 * address of the received packet.
					Index = SRC_MAC_ADDR_LOC;
					while (Index < (SRC_MAC_ADDR_LOC +
							MAC_ADDR_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
							*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Add source (local) MAC address
					 * to the reply packet.
					Index = 0;
					TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalMacAddr;
					while (Index < MAC_ADDR_LEN) {
						*TxFramePtr++ = *TempPtr++;

					 * Add Ethernet proto type H/W
					 * type(10/3MBps),H/W address length and
					 * protocol address len (i.e)same as in
					 * the received packet
					while (Index < (ETHER_PROTO_TYPE_LOC +
							ARP_HW_TYPE_LEN +
							+ ARP_PROTO_ADD_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
							*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Add ARP reply status to the reply
					 * packet.
					*TxFramePtr++ = Xil_Htons(ARP_REPLY);

					 * Add local MAC Address
					 * to the reply packet.
					TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalMacAddr;
					Index = 0;
					while (Index < MAC_ADDR_LEN) {
						*TxFramePtr++ = *TempPtr++;

					 * Add local IP Address
					 * to the reply packet.
					TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalIpAddr;
					Index = 0;
					while (Index < IP_ADDR_LEN) {
						*TxFramePtr++ = *TempPtr++ ;

					 * Add Destination MAC Address
					 * to the reply packet from the received
					 * packet.
					Index = SRC_MAC_ADDR_LOC;
					while (Index < (SRC_MAC_ADDR_LOC +
							MAC_ADDR_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
							*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Add Destination IP Address
					 * to the reply packet.
					Index = ARP_REQ_SRC_IP_LOC;
					while (Index < (ARP_REQ_SRC_IP_LOC +
							IP_ADDR_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
								*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Fill zeros as per protocol.
					Index = 0;
					while (Index < ARP_ZEROS_LEN) {
						*TxFramePtr++ = 0x0000;

					 * Transmit the Reply Packet.
							(u8 *)&TxFrame,

	 * Process packets whose MAC address is matched.
 	if (PacketType == MAC_MATCHED_PACKET) {

		 * Check ICMP packet.
		if (Xil_Ntohs(*(RxFramePtr + ETHER_PROTO_TYPE_LOC)) ==

			 * Check the IP header checksum.
			CheckSum = CheckSumCalculation(RxFramePtr,

			 * Check the Data field checksum.
			if (CheckSum == CORRECT_CKSUM_VALUE) {
				CheckSum = CheckSumCalculation(RxFramePtr,
				if (CheckSum == CORRECT_CKSUM_VALUE) {

					 * Add destination address
					 * to the reply packet (i.e)source
					 * address of the received packet.
					Index = SRC_MAC_ADDR_LOC;
					while (Index < (SRC_MAC_ADDR_LOC +
							MAC_ADDR_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
							*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Add local MAC address
					 * to the reply packet.
					Index = 0;
					TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalMacAddr;
					while (Index < MAC_ADDR_LEN) {
						*TxFramePtr++ = *TempPtr++;

					 * Add protocol type
					 * header length and, packet
					 * length(60 Bytes) to the reply packet.
					while (Index < (ETHER_PROTO_TYPE_LOC +
							IP_PACKET_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
							*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Identification field a random number
					 * which is set to IDENT_FIELD_VALUE.
					*TxFramePtr++ = IDENT_FIELD_VALUE;

					 * Add fragment type, time to live and
					 * ICM field. It is same as in the
					 * received packet.
					Index = IP_FRAG_FIELD_LOC;
					while (Index < (IP_FRAG_FIELD_LOC +
							IP_TTL_ICM_LEN +
							IP_FRAG_FIELD_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
							*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Checksum first set to 0 and
					 * added in this field later.
					*TxFramePtr++ = 0x0000;

					 * Add Source IP address
					Index = 0;
					TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalIpAddr;
					while (Index < IP_ADDR_LEN) {
						*TxFramePtr++ = *TempPtr++;

					 * Add Destination IP address.
					Index = ICMP_REQ_SRC_IP_LOC;
					while (Index < (ICMP_REQ_SRC_IP_LOC +
							IP_ADDR_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
							*(RxFramePtr + Index);

					 * Calculate checksum, and
					 * add it in the appropriate field.
					CheckSum = CheckSumCalculation(
						 	(u16 *)TxFrame,
					CheckSum = ~CheckSum;
					*(TxFramePtr - IP_CSUM_LOC_BACK) =

					 * Echo reply status & checksum.
					while (Index < (ICMP_ECHO_FIELD_LOC +
						*TxFramePtr++ = 0x0000;

					 * Add data to buffer which was
					 * received from the packet.
					Index = ICMP_DATA_LOC;
					while (Index < (ICMP_DATA_LOC +
							ICMP_DATA_LEN)) {
						*TxFramePtr++ =
								(*(RxFramePtr + Index));

					 * Generate checksum for the data and
					 * add it in the appropriate field.
					CheckSum = CheckSumCalculation(
							(u16 *)TxFrame,
					CheckSum = ~CheckSum;
					*(TxFramePtr - ICMP_DATA_CSUM_LOC_BACK)
								= Xil_Htons(CheckSum);

					 * Transmit the frame.
							(u8 *)&TxFrame,

					 * Increment the number of
					 * Ping replies sent.

* This function will send a Echo request packet.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the EmacLite.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
static void SendEchoReqFrame(XEmacLite *InstancePtr)
	u16 *TempPtr;
	u16 *TxFramePtr;
	u16 *RxFramePtr;
	u16 CheckSum;
	u32 NextTxBuffBaseAddr;
	int Index;

	TxFramePtr = (u16 *)TxFrame;
	RxFramePtr = (u16 *)RxFrame;

	 * Determine the next expected transmit buffer base address.
	NextTxBuffBaseAddr = XEmacLite_NextTransmitAddr(InstancePtr);

	 * Add Destination MAC Address.
	Index = MAC_ADDR_LEN;
	while (Index--) {
		*(TxFramePtr + Index) = *(DestMacAddr + Index);

	 * Add Source MAC Address.
	Index = MAC_ADDR_LEN;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalMacAddr;
	while (Index--) {
		*(TxFramePtr + (Index + SRC_MAC_ADDR_LOC )) =
							*(TempPtr + Index);

	 * Add IP header information.
	Index = IP_START_LOC;
	while (Index--) {
		*(TxFramePtr + (Index + ETHER_PROTO_TYPE_LOC )) =
				Xil_Htons(*(IpHeaderInfo + Index));

	 * Add Source IP address.
	Index = IP_ADDR_LEN;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalIpAddress;
	while (Index--) {
		*(TxFramePtr + (Index + IP_REQ_SRC_IP_LOC )) =
						*(TempPtr + Index);

	 * Add Destination IP address.
	Index = IP_ADDR_LEN;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)DestIpAddress;
	while (Index--) {
		*(TxFramePtr + (Index + IP_REQ_DEST_IP_LOC )) =
						*(TempPtr + Index);

	 * Checksum is calculated for IP field and added in the frame.
	CheckSum = CheckSumCalculation((u16 *)TxFrame, IP_START_LOC,
	CheckSum = ~CheckSum;
	*(TxFramePtr + IP_CHECKSUM_LOC) = Xil_Htons(CheckSum);

	 * Add echo field information.

	 * Checksum value is initialized to zeros.
	*(TxFramePtr + ICMP_DATA_LEN) = 0x0000;

	 * Add identifier and sequence number to the frame.
	*(TxFramePtr + (ICMP_IDEN_FIELD_LOC + 1)) = Xil_Htons((u16)(++SeqNum));

	 * Add known data to the frame.
	while (Index--) {
		*(TxFramePtr + (Index + ICMP_KNOWN_DATA_LOC)) =
				Xil_Htons(*(IcmpData + Index));

	 * Checksum is calculated for Data Field and added in the frame.
	CheckSum = CheckSumCalculation((u16 *)TxFrame, ICMP_DATA_START_LOC,
	CheckSum = ~CheckSum;
	*(TxFramePtr + ICMP_DATA_CHECKSUM_LOC) = Xil_Htons(CheckSum);

	 * Transmit the Frame.
	XEmacLite_Send(InstancePtr, (u8 *)&TxFrame, ICMP_PKT_SIZE);
* This function will send a ARP request packet.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the instance of the EmacLite.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
static void SendArpReqFrame(XEmacLite *InstancePtr)
	u16 *TempPtr;
	u16 *TxFramePtr;
	u32 NextTxBuffBaseAddr;
	int Index;

	TxFramePtr = (u16 *)TxFrame;

	 * Determine the next expected transmit buffer base address.
	NextTxBuffBaseAddr = XEmacLite_NextTransmitAddr(InstancePtr);

	 * Add broadcast address.
	Index = MAC_ADDR_LEN;
	while (Index--) {
		*TxFramePtr++ = BROADCAST_ADDR;

	 * Add local MAC address.
	Index = 0;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalMacAddr;
	while (Index < MAC_ADDR_LEN) {
		*TxFramePtr++ = *(TempPtr + Index);

	 * Add
	 * 	- Ethernet proto type.
	 *	- Hardware Type
	 *	- Protocol IP Type
	 *	- IP version (IPv6/IPv4)
	 *	- ARP Request
	*TxFramePtr++ = Xil_Htons(XEL_ETHER_PROTO_TYPE_ARP);
	*TxFramePtr++ = Xil_Htons(HW_TYPE);
	*TxFramePtr++ = Xil_Htons(XEL_ETHER_PROTO_TYPE_IP);
	*TxFramePtr++ = Xil_Htons(IP_VERSION);
	*TxFramePtr++ = Xil_Htons(ARP_REQUEST);

	 * Add local MAC address.
	Index = 0;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalMacAddr;
	while (Index < MAC_ADDR_LEN) {
		*TxFramePtr++ = *(TempPtr + Index);

	 * Add local IP address.
	Index = 0;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)LocalIpAddress;
	while (Index < IP_ADDR_LEN) {
		*TxFramePtr++ = *(TempPtr + Index);

	 * Fills 6 bytes of information with zeros as per protocol.
	Index = 0;
	while (Index < 3) {
		*TxFramePtr++ = 0x0000;

	 * Add Destination IP address.
	Index = 0;
	TempPtr = (u16 *)DestIpAddress;
	while (Index < IP_ADDR_LEN) {
		*TxFramePtr++ = *(TempPtr + Index);

	 * Transmit the Frame.
	XEmacLite_Send(InstancePtr, (u8 *)&TxFrame, ARP_REQ_PKT_SIZE);
* This function sends a frame of given size. This function assumes interrupt
* mode and sends the frame.
* @param	EmacLiteInstPtr is a pointer to the EmacLite instance.
* @param	PayloadSize is the size of the frame to create. The size only
*		reflects the payload size, it does not include the Ethernet
*		header size (14 bytes) nor the Ethernet CRC size (4 bytes).
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
static int EmacLiteSendFrame(XEmacLite *EmacLiteInstPtr,  u32 PayloadSize)
	int Status;
	u8 *FramePtr;
	u32 Index;

	 * Set the Complete flag to false.
	TransmitComplete = FALSE;

	 * Assemble the frame with a destination address and the source address.
	FramePtr = (u8 *)TxFrame;

	 * Set up the destination address as the local address for
	 * Phy Loopback and Internal loopback.
	if (XEmacLite_IsMdioConfigured(EmacLiteInstPtr) ||
		XEmacLite_IsLoopbackConfigured(EmacLiteInstPtr)) {

		*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[0];
		*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[1];
		*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[2];
		*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[3];
		*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[4];
		*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[5];
	} else {
		 * Fill in the valid Destination MAC address if
		 * the Loopback is not enabled.
		*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[0];
		*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[1];
		*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[2];
		*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[3];
		*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[4];
		*FramePtr++ = RemoteAddress[5];

	 * Fill in the source MAC address.
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[0];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[1];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[2];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[3];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[4];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[5];

	 * Set up the type/length field - be sure its in network order.
    *((u16 *)FramePtr) = Xil_Htons(PayloadSize);

	 * Now fill in the data field with known values so we can verify them.
	for (Index = 0; Index < PayloadSize; Index++) {
		*FramePtr++ = (u8)Index;

	 * Now send the frame.
	Status = XEmacLite_Send(EmacLiteInstPtr, (u8 *)TxFrame,
				PayloadSize + XEL_HEADER_SIZE);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;
* This function sends a frame of given size. This function assumes interrupt
* mode and sends the frame.
* @param    EmacLiteInstPtr is a pointer to the EmacLite instance.
* @param    PayloadSize is the size of the frame to create. The size only
*           reflects the payload size, it does not include the Ethernet header
*           size (14 bytes) nor the Ethernet CRC size (4 bytes).
* @param    DestAddress if the address of the remote hardware the frame is to be
*           sent to.
* @return   XST_SUCCESS if successful, else XST_FAILURE.
* @note     None.
static XStatus EmacLiteSendFrame(XEmacLite *EmacLiteInstPtr,
                                 Xuint32 PayloadSize,
                                 Xuint8 *DestAddress)
    XStatus Status;
    Xuint8 *FramePtr;
    Xuint8 *AddrPtr = DestAddress;
    Xuint32 Index;

     * Set the Complete flag to false
    TransmitComplete = XFALSE;

     * Assemble the frame with a destination address and the source address.
    FramePtr = (Xuint8 *)TxFrame;

    *FramePtr++ = *AddrPtr++;
    *FramePtr++ = *AddrPtr++;
    *FramePtr++ = *AddrPtr++;
    *FramePtr++ = *AddrPtr++;
    *FramePtr++ = *AddrPtr++;
    *FramePtr++ = *AddrPtr++;

     * Fill in the source MAC address.
    *FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[0];
    *FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[1];
    *FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[2];
    *FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[3];
    *FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[4];
    *FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[5];

     * Set up the type/length field - be sure its in network order.
    *((Xuint16 *)FramePtr) = PayloadSize;

     * Now fill in the data field with known values so we can verify them.
    for (Index = 0; Index < PayloadSize; Index++)
        *FramePtr++ = (Xuint8)Index;

     * Now send the frame.
    Status = XEmacLite_Send(EmacLiteInstPtr, (Xuint8 *)TxFrame,
                            PayloadSize + XEL_HEADER_SIZE);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS)
        return XST_FAILURE;

    return XST_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #13
* This function sends a frame of given size. This function assumes interrupt
* mode and sends the frame.
* @param	EmacLiteInstPtr is a pointer to the EmacLite instance.
* @param	PayloadSize is the size of the frame to create. The size only
*		reflects the payload size, it does not include the Ethernet
*		header size (14 bytes) nor the Ethernet CRC size (4 bytes).
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int EmacLiteSendFrame(u8 *Payload, u32 PayloadSize, MACAddr_t *DstMACAddr, short Type)
	int Status;
	int i;
	u8 *FramePtr;
	//u32 Index;

	 * Set the Complete flag to false.
	//TransmitComplete = FALSE;

	 * Assemble the frame with a destination address and the source address.
	FramePtr = (u8 *)TxFrame;

	 * Fill in the valid Destination MAC address if
	 * the Loopback is not enabled.
	*FramePtr++ = DstMACAddr->byte1;
	*FramePtr++ = DstMACAddr->byte2;
	*FramePtr++ = DstMACAddr->byte3;
	*FramePtr++ = DstMACAddr->byte4;
	*FramePtr++ = DstMACAddr->byte5;
	*FramePtr++ = DstMACAddr->byte6;

	 * Fill in the source MAC address.
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[0];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[1];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[2];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[3];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[4];
	*FramePtr++ = LocalAddress[5];

	 * Set up the type/length field - be sure its in network order.
    *((u16 *)FramePtr) = Xil_Htons(Type);

	for (i = 0; i < PayloadSize; i++)
		*FramePtr++ = Payload[i];

	 * Now send the frame.
	Status = XEmacLite_Send(&eth_handle, (u8 *)TxFrame,
				PayloadSize + XEL_HEADER_SIZE);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;