Beispiel #1
/// Compute the extent of the bounding box of the mismatch ellipse of a metric \f$ g_{ij} \f$.
gsl_vector *XLALMetricEllipseBoundingBox(
  const gsl_matrix *g_ij,		///< [in] Parameter-space metric \f$ g_{ij} \f$
  const double max_mismatch		///< [in] Maximum prescribed mismatch

  // Check input
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL( g_ij->size1 == g_ij->size2, XLAL_ESIZE );

  const size_t n = g_ij->size1;

  // Allocate memory
  gsl_matrix *GAMAT_NULL( LU_decomp, n, n );
  gsl_permutation *GAPERM_NULL( LU_perm, n );
  gsl_matrix *GAMAT_NULL( diag_norm, n, n );
  gsl_matrix *GAMAT_NULL( inverse, n, n );
  gsl_vector *GAVEC_NULL( bounding_box, n );

  // Diagonally normalize metric
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL( XLALDiagNormalizeMetric( &LU_decomp, &diag_norm, g_ij ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // Compute metric inverse
  int LU_sign = 0;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL( gsl_linalg_LU_decomp( LU_decomp, LU_perm, &LU_sign ) == 0, XLAL_EFAILED, "'g_ij' cannot be LU-decomposed" );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL( gsl_linalg_LU_invert( LU_decomp, LU_perm, inverse ) == 0, XLAL_EFAILED, "'g_ij' cannot be inverted" );

  // Compute bounding box, and invert diagonal normalization
  for( size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
    const double diag_norm_i = gsl_matrix_get( diag_norm, i, i );
    const double bounding_box_i = 2.0 * sqrt( max_mismatch * gsl_matrix_get( inverse, i, i ) ) * diag_norm_i;
    gsl_vector_set( bounding_box, i, bounding_box_i );

  // Cleanup
  GFMAT( LU_decomp, diag_norm, inverse );
  GFPERM( LU_perm );

  return bounding_box;

} // XLALMetricEllipseBoundingBox()
Beispiel #2
XLALOutputDopplerMetric ( FILE *fp, const DopplerPhaseMetric *Pmetric, const DopplerFstatMetric *Fmetric, const ResultHistory_t *history )
  UINT4 i;
  REAL8 A, B, C, D;

  // ----- input sanity checks
  XLAL_CHECK ( Pmetric != NULL || Fmetric != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT );
  const DopplerMetricParams *meta = (Pmetric != NULL) ? &(Pmetric->meta) : &(Fmetric->meta);
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALSegListIsInitialized ( &(meta->segmentList) ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Got un-initialized segment list in 'metric->meta.segmentList'\n" );
  UINT4 Nseg = meta->segmentList.length;
  XLAL_CHECK ( Nseg >= 1, XLAL_EDOM, "Got invalid zero-length segment list 'metric->meta.segmentList'\n" );

  /* useful shortcuts */
  const PulsarDopplerParams *doppler = &(meta->signalParams.Doppler);
  const PulsarAmplitudeParams *Amp = &(meta->signalParams.Amp);

  /* output history info */
  if ( history )
      if ( history->app_name ) fprintf (fp, "%%%% app_name: %s\n", history->app_name );
      if ( history->cmdline) fprintf (fp, "%%%% commandline: %s\n", history->cmdline );
      if ( history->VCSInfoString ) fprintf (fp, "%%%% Code Version: %s\n", history->VCSInfoString );

  fprintf ( fp, "DopplerCoordinates = { " );
  for ( i=0; i < meta->coordSys.dim; i ++ )
      if ( i > 0 ) fprintf ( fp, ", " );
      fprintf ( fp, "\"%s\"", XLALDopplerCoordinateName(meta->coordSys.coordIDs[i]));
  fprintf ( fp, "};\n");

  { /* output projection info */
    const char *pname;
    if ( meta->projectCoord < 0 )
      pname = "None";
      pname = XLALDopplerCoordinateName ( meta->coordSys.coordIDs[meta->projectCoord] );

    fprintf ( fp, "%%%% Projection onto subspace orthogonal to coordinate: '%s'\n", pname);

  fprintf ( fp, "%%%% DetectorMotionType = '%s'\n", XLALDetectorMotionName(meta->detMotionType) );
  fprintf ( fp, "h0 = %g;\ncosi = %g;\npsi = %g;\nphi0 = %g;\n", Amp->h0, Amp->cosi, Amp->psi, Amp->phi0 );
  fprintf ( fp, "%%%% DopplerPoint = {\n");
  fprintf ( fp, "refTime = %.1f;\n", XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &doppler->refTime ) );
  fprintf ( fp, "Alpha   = %f;\nDelta = %f;\n", doppler->Alpha, doppler->Delta );
  fprintf ( fp, "fkdot   = [%f, %g, %g, %g ];\n", doppler->fkdot[0], doppler->fkdot[1], doppler->fkdot[2], doppler->fkdot[3] );
  if ( doppler->asini > 0 )
      fprintf ( fp, "%%%% 	   orbit = { \n");
      fprintf ( fp, "%%%% 		tp = {%d, %d}\n", doppler->tp.gpsSeconds, doppler->tp.gpsNanoSeconds );
      fprintf ( fp, "%%%% 		argp  = %g\n", doppler->argp );
      fprintf ( fp, "%%%% 		asini = %g\n", doppler->asini );
      fprintf ( fp, "%%%% 		ecc = %g\n", doppler->ecc );
      fprintf ( fp, "%%%% 		period = %g\n", doppler->period );
      fprintf ( fp, "%%%% 	   }\n");
    } /* if doppler->orbit */
  fprintf ( fp, "%%%% }\n");

  LIGOTimeGPS *tStart = &(meta->segmentList.segs[0].start);
  LIGOTimeGPS *tEnd   = &(meta->segmentList.segs[Nseg-1].end);
  REAL8 Tspan = XLALGPSDiff ( tEnd, tStart );
  fprintf ( fp, "startTime = %.1f;\n", XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( tStart ) );
  fprintf ( fp, "Tspan     = %.1f;\n", Tspan );
  fprintf ( fp, "Nseg      = %d;\n", Nseg );
  fprintf ( fp, "detectors = {");
  for ( i=0; i < meta->multiIFO.length; i ++ )
      if ( i > 0 ) fprintf ( fp, ", ");
      fprintf ( fp, "\"%s\"", meta->multiIFO.sites[i] );
  fprintf ( fp, "};\n");
  fprintf ( fp, "detectorWeights = [");
  for ( i=0; i < meta->multiNoiseFloor.length; i ++ )
      if ( i > 0 ) fprintf ( fp, ", ");
      fprintf ( fp, "%f", meta->multiNoiseFloor.sqrtSn[i] );
  fprintf ( fp, "];\n");

  /* ----- output phase metric ---------- */
  if ( Pmetric != NULL )
      fprintf ( fp, "\ng_ij = \\\n" ); XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  Pmetric->g_ij );
      fprintf ( fp, "maxrelerr_gPh = %.2e;\n", Pmetric->maxrelerr );

      gsl_matrix *gN_ij = NULL;
      if ( XLALNaturalizeMetric ( &gN_ij, NULL, Pmetric->g_ij, meta ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
        XLALPrintError ("%s: something failed Naturalizing phase metric g_ij!\n", __func__ );
      fprintf ( fp, "\ngN_ij = \\\n" ); XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  gN_ij );
      gsl_matrix_free ( gN_ij );

      gsl_matrix *gDN_ij = NULL;
      if ( XLALDiagNormalizeMetric ( &gDN_ij, NULL, Pmetric->g_ij ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
        XLALPrintError ("%s: something failed NormDiagonalizing phase metric g_ij!\n", __func__ );
      fprintf ( fp, "\ngDN_ij = \\\n" ); XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  gDN_ij );
      gsl_matrix_free ( gDN_ij );

  /* ----- output F-metric (and related matrices ---------- */
  if ( Fmetric != NULL )
      fprintf ( fp, "\ngF_ij = \\\n" );   XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  Fmetric->gF_ij );
      fprintf ( fp, "\ngFav_ij = \\\n" ); XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  Fmetric->gFav_ij );
      fprintf ( fp, "\nm1_ij = \\\n" );   XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  Fmetric->m1_ij );
      fprintf ( fp, "\nm2_ij = \\\n" );   XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  Fmetric->m2_ij );
      fprintf ( fp, "\nm3_ij = \\\n" );   XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  Fmetric->m3_ij );
      fprintf ( fp, "maxrelerr_gF = %.2e;\n", Fmetric->maxrelerr );

  /*  ----- output Fisher matrix ---------- */
  if ( Fmetric != NULL && Fmetric->Fisher_ab != NULL )
      A = gsl_matrix_get ( Fmetric->Fisher_ab, 0, 0 );
      B = gsl_matrix_get ( Fmetric->Fisher_ab, 1, 1 );
      C = gsl_matrix_get ( Fmetric->Fisher_ab, 0, 1 );

      D = A * B - C * C;

      fprintf ( fp, "\nA = %.16g;\nB = %.16g;\nC = %.16g;\nD = %.16g;\n", A, B, C, D );
      fprintf ( fp, "\nrho2 = %.16g;\n", Fmetric->rho2 );

      fprintf (fp, "\nFisher_ab = \\\n" ); XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fp, METRIC_FORMAT,  Fmetric->Fisher_ab );

  // ---------- output segment list at the end, as this can potentially become quite long and distracting
  char *seglist_octave;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (seglist_octave = XLALSegList2String ( &(meta->segmentList) )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALSegList2String() with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
  fprintf ( fp, "\n\nsegmentList = %s;\n", seglist_octave );
  XLALFree ( seglist_octave );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* XLALOutputDopplerMetric() */