Beispiel #1
void NMF
( const ElementalMatrix<Real>& APre, 
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& XPre, 
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& YPre,
  const NMFCtrl<Real>& ctrl )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("NMF"))

      AProx( APre );
      XProx( XPre );
      YProx( YPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();
    auto& Y = YProx.Get();

    DistMatrix<Real> AAdj(A.Grid()), XAdj(A.Grid()), YAdj(A.Grid());
    Adjoint( A, AAdj );

    for( Int iter=0; iter<ctrl.maxIter; ++iter )
        NNLS( X, A, YAdj, ctrl.nnlsCtrl );
        Adjoint( YAdj, Y );
        NNLS( Y, AAdj, XAdj, ctrl.nnlsCtrl );
        Adjoint( XAdj, X );
Beispiel #2
void LUNMedium
( const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& UPre, AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre, 
  bool checkIfSingular )
    const Int m = XPre.Height();
    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    const Grid& g = UPre.Grid();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> U01_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MR,  STAR> X1Trans_MR_STAR(g);

    const Int kLast = LastOffset( m, bsize );
    Int k=kLast, kOld=m;
    while( true )
        const bool in2x2 = ( k>0 && U.Get(k,k-1) != F(0) );
        if( in2x2 )
        const Int nb = kOld-k;

        const Range<Int> ind0( 0, k    ),
                         ind1( k, k+nb );

        auto U01 = U( ind0, ind1 );
        auto U11 = U( ind1, ind1 );

        auto X0 = X( ind0, ALL );
        auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );

        U11_STAR_STAR = U11; // U11[* ,* ] <- U11[MC,MR]
        X1Trans_MR_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
        Transpose( X1, X1Trans_MR_STAR );
        // X1^T[MR,* ] := X1^T[MR,* ] U11^-T[* ,* ]
        //              = (U11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,MR])^T
          F(1), U11_STAR_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, checkIfSingular );
        Transpose( X1Trans_MR_STAR, X1 );

        U01_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
        U01_MC_STAR = U01;  // U01[MC,* ] <- U01[MC,MR]

        // X0[MC,MR] -= U01[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
        ( NORMAL, TRANSPOSE, F(-1), U01_MC_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, F(1), X0 );

        if( k == 0 )
        kOld = k;
        k -= Min(bsize,k);
Beispiel #3
void LLNMedium
( const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& LPre,
        AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre, 
  bool checkIfSingular )
    const Int m = XPre.Height();
    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    const Grid& g = LPre.Grid();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> LProx( LPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& L = LProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> L11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> L21_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MR,  STAR> X1Trans_MR_STAR(g);

    for( Int k=0; k<m; k+=bsize )
        const Int nbProp = Min(bsize,m-k);
        const bool in2x2 = ( k+nbProp<m && L.Get(k+nbProp-1,k+nbProp) != F(0) );
        const Int nb = ( in2x2 ? nbProp+1 : nbProp );

        const Range<Int> ind1( k,    k+nb ),
                         ind2( k+nb, m    );

        auto L11 = L( ind1, ind1 );
        auto L21 = L( ind2, ind1 );

        auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );
        auto X2 = X( ind2, ALL );

        L11_STAR_STAR = L11; // L11[* ,* ] <- L11[MC,MR]
        X1Trans_MR_STAR.AlignWith( X2 );
        Transpose( X1, X1Trans_MR_STAR );

        // X1^T[MR,* ] := X1^T[MR,* ] L11^-T[* ,* ]
        //              = (L11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,MR])^T
          F(1), L11_STAR_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, checkIfSingular );

        Transpose( X1Trans_MR_STAR, X1 );
        L21_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X2 );
        L21_MC_STAR = L21;                   // L21[MC,* ] <- L21[MC,MR]
        // X2[MC,MR] -= L21[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
        ( NORMAL, TRANSPOSE, F(-1), L21_MC_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, F(1), X2 );
Beispiel #4
void LUNMedium
( UnitOrNonUnit diag, 
  const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& UPre,
        AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre,
  bool checkIfSingular )
    const Int m = XPre.Height();
    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    const Grid& g = UPre.Grid();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> U01_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MR,  STAR> X1Trans_MR_STAR(g);

    const Int kLast = LastOffset( m, bsize );
    for( Int k=kLast; k>=0; k-=bsize )
        const Int nb = Min(bsize,m-k);

        const Range<Int> ind0( 0, k    ),
                         ind1( k, k+nb );

        auto U01 = U( ind0, ind1 );
        auto U11 = U( ind1, ind1 );

        auto X0 = X( ind0, ALL );
        auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );

        U11_STAR_STAR = U11; // U11[* ,* ] <- U11[MC,MR]
        X1Trans_MR_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
        Transpose( X1, X1Trans_MR_STAR );
        // X1^T[MR,* ] := X1^T[MR,* ] U11^-T[* ,* ]
        //              = (U11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,MR])^T
        ( RIGHT, UPPER, TRANSPOSE, diag, 
          F(1), U11_STAR_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, checkIfSingular );
        Transpose( X1Trans_MR_STAR, X1 );

        U01_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
        U01_MC_STAR = U01;  // U01[MC,* ] <- U01[MC,MR]

        // X0[MC,MR] -= U01[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
        ( NORMAL, TRANSPOSE, F(-1), U01_MC_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, F(1), X0 );
Beispiel #5
void LUNLarge
( UnitOrNonUnit diag,
  const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& UPre,
        AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre, 
  bool checkIfSingular )
    const Int m = XPre.Height();
    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    const Grid& g = UPre.Grid();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> U01_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,MR  > X1_STAR_MR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,VR  > X1_STAR_VR(g);

    const Int kLast = LastOffset( m, bsize );
    for( Int k=kLast; k>=0; k-=bsize )
        const Int nb = Min(bsize,m-k);

        const Range<Int> ind0( 0, k    ),
                         ind1( k, k+nb );

        auto U01 = U( ind0, ind1 );
        auto U11 = U( ind1, ind1 );

        auto X0 = X( ind0, ALL );
        auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );

        U11_STAR_STAR = U11; // U11[* ,* ] <- U11[MC,MR]
        X1_STAR_VR    = X1;  // X1[* ,VR] <- X1[MC,MR]
        // X1[* ,VR] := U11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,VR]
        ( LEFT, UPPER, NORMAL, diag, F(1), U11_STAR_STAR, X1_STAR_VR,
          checkIfSingular );

        X1_STAR_MR.AlignWith( X0 );
        X1_STAR_MR  = X1_STAR_VR; // X1[* ,MR]  <- X1[* ,VR]
        X1          = X1_STAR_MR; // X1[MC,MR] <- X1[* ,MR]
        U01_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
        U01_MC_STAR = U01;        // U01[MC,* ] <- U01[MC,MR]

        // X0[MC,MR] -= U01[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
        LocalGemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), U01_MC_STAR, X1_STAR_MR, F(1), X0 );
Beispiel #6
void LLNLarge
( const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& LPre,
        AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre, 
  bool checkIfSingular )
    const Int m = XPre.Height();
    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    const Grid& g = LPre.Grid();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> LProx( LPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& L = LProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> L11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> L21_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,MR  > X1_STAR_MR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,VR  > X1_STAR_VR(g);

    for( Int k=0; k<m; k+=bsize )
        const Int nbProp = Min(bsize,m-k);
        const bool in2x2 = ( k+nbProp<m && L.Get(k+nbProp-1,k+nbProp) != F(0) );
        const Int nb = ( in2x2 ? nbProp+1 : nbProp );

        const Range<Int> ind1( k,    k+nb ),
                         ind2( k+nb, m    );

        auto L11 = L( ind1, ind1 );
        auto L21 = L( ind2, ind1 );

        auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );
        auto X2 = X( ind2, ALL );

        // X1[* ,VR] := L11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,VR]
        L11_STAR_STAR = L11; 
        X1_STAR_VR    = X1; 
          checkIfSingular );

        X1_STAR_MR.AlignWith( X2 );
        X1_STAR_MR  = X1_STAR_VR; // X1[* ,MR]  <- X1[* ,VR]
        X1          = X1_STAR_MR; // X1[MC,MR] <- X1[* ,MR]
        L21_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X2 );
        L21_MC_STAR = L21;        // L21[MC,* ] <- L21[MC,MR]
        // X2[MC,MR] -= L21[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
        LocalGemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), L21_MC_STAR, X1_STAR_MR, F(1), X2 );
ValueInt<Base<F>> InverseFreeSignDivide( ElementalMatrix<F>& XPre )

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Grid& g = X.Grid();
    const Int n = X.Width();
    if( X.Height() != 2*n )
        LogicError("Matrix should be 2n x n");
    // Expose A and B, and then copy A
    auto B = X( IR(0,n  ), ALL );
    auto A = X( IR(n,2*n), ALL );
    DistMatrix<F> ACopy( A );

    // Run the inverse-free alternative to Sign
    InverseFreeSign( X );

    // Compute the pivoted QR decomp of inv(A + B) A [See LAWN91]
    // 1) B := A + B 
    // 2) [Q,R,Pi] := QRP(A)
    // 3) B := Q^H B
    // 4) [R,Q] := RQ(B)
    B += A;
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> t(g);
    DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> d(g);
    DistMatrix<Int,VR,STAR> p(g);
    QR( A, t, d, p );
    qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, A, t, d, B );
    RQ( B, t, d );

    // A := Q^H A Q
    A = ACopy;
    rq::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, B, t, d, A );
    rq::ApplyQ( RIGHT, NORMAL, B, t, d, A );

    // Return || E21 ||1 / || A ||1
    // Return || E21 ||1 / || A ||1
    ValueInt<Real> part = ComputePartition( A );
    part.value /= OneNorm(ACopy);
    return part;
Beispiel #8
void QP
( const ElementalMatrix<Real>& APre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Real>& BPre, 
        ElementalMatrix<Real>& XPre,
  const qp::direct::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )

      AProx( APre ),
      BProx( BPre );
      XProx( XPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& B = BProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int k = B.Width();
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    DistMatrix<Real> Q(g), AHat(g), bHat(g), c(g);

    Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Real(1), A, Q );
    Zeros( AHat, 0, n );
    Zeros( bHat, 0, 1 );
    Zeros( X,    n, k );

    DistMatrix<Real> y(g), z(g);
    for( Int j=0; j<k; ++j )
        auto x = X( ALL, IR(j) );
        auto b = B( ALL, IR(j) );

        Zeros( c, n, 1 );
        Gemv( ADJOINT, Real(-1), A, b, Real(0), c );

        El::QP( Q, AHat, bHat, c, x, y, z, ctrl );
int InverseFreeSign( ElementalMatrix<F>& XPre, Int maxIts=100, Base<F> tau=0 )

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Grid& g = X.Grid();
    const Int n = X.Width();
    if( X.Height() != 2*n )
        LogicError("X must be 2n x n");
    // Compute the tolerance if it is unset
    if( tau == Real(0) )
        tau = n*limits::Epsilon<Real>();

    // Expose A and B in the original and temporary
    DistMatrix<F> XAlt( 2*n, n, g );
    auto B = X( IR(0,n  ), ALL );
    auto A = X( IR(n,2*n), ALL );
    auto BAlt = XAlt( IR(0,n  ), ALL );
    auto AAlt = XAlt( IR(n,2*n), ALL );

    // Flip the sign of A
    A *= -1;

    // Set up the space for explicitly computing the left half of Q
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> t(g);
    DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> d(g);
    DistMatrix<F> Q( 2*n, n, g );
    auto Q12 = Q( IR(0,n  ), ALL );
    auto Q22 = Q( IR(n,2*n), ALL );

    // Run the iterative algorithm
    Int numIts=0;
    DistMatrix<F> R(g), RLast(g);
    while( numIts < maxIts )
        XAlt = X;
        QR( XAlt, t, d );
        // Form the left half of Q
        Zero( Q12 );
        MakeIdentity( Q22 );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, XAlt, t, d, Q );

        // Save a copy of R
        R = BAlt;
        MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, R );
        // Form the new iterate
        Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, F(1), Q12, A, F(0), AAlt );
        Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, F(1), Q22, B, F(0), BAlt );
        X = XAlt;

        // Use the difference in the iterates to test for convergence
        if( numIts > 1 )
            const Real oneRLast = OneNorm(RLast);     
            AxpyTrapezoid( UPPER, F(-1), R, RLast );
            const Real oneRDiff = OneNorm(RLast);
            if( oneRDiff <= tau*oneRLast )
        RLast = R;

    // Revert the sign of A and return
    A *= -1;
    return numIts;
Beispiel #10
void Ridge
( Orientation orientation,
  const AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& APre,
  const AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& BPre,
        Base<Field> gamma,
        AbstractDistMatrix<Field>& XPre,
        RidgeAlg alg )

      AProx( APre ),
      BProx( BPre );
      XProx( XPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& B = BProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    const bool normal = ( orientation==NORMAL );
    const Int m = ( normal ? A.Height() : A.Width()  );
    const Int n = ( normal ? A.Width()  : A.Height() );
    if( orientation == TRANSPOSE && IsComplex<Field>::value )
        LogicError("Transpose version of complex Ridge not yet supported");

    if( m >= n )
        DistMatrix<Field> Z(A.Grid());
        if( alg == RIDGE_CHOLESKY )
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<Field>(1), A, Z );
                Herk( LOWER, NORMAL, Base<Field>(1), A, Z );
            ShiftDiagonal( Z, Field(gamma*gamma) );
            Cholesky( LOWER, Z );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
                Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
            cholesky::SolveAfter( LOWER, NORMAL, Z, X );
        else if( alg == RIDGE_QR )
            Zeros( Z, m+n, n );
            auto ZT = Z( IR(0,m),   IR(0,n) );
            auto ZB = Z( IR(m,m+n), IR(0,n) );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                ZT = A;
                Adjoint( A, ZT );
            FillDiagonal( ZB, Field(gamma) );
            // NOTE: This QR factorization could exploit the upper-triangular
            //       structure of the diagonal matrix ZB
            qr::ExplicitTriang( Z );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
                Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(1), A, B, X );
            cholesky::SolveAfter( LOWER, NORMAL, Z, X );
            DistMatrix<Field> U(A.Grid()), V(A.Grid());
            DistMatrix<Base<Field>,VR,STAR> s(A.Grid());
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                SVDCtrl<Base<Field>> ctrl;
                ctrl.overwrite = false;
                SVD( A, U, s, V, ctrl );
                DistMatrix<Field> AAdj(A.Grid());
                Adjoint( A, AAdj );

                SVDCtrl<Base<Field>> ctrl;
                ctrl.overwrite = true;
                SVD( AAdj, U, s, V );

            auto sigmaMap =
              [=]( const Base<Field>& sigma )
              { return sigma / (sigma*sigma + gamma*gamma); };
            EntrywiseMap( s, MakeFunction(sigmaMap) );
            Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, Field(1), U, B, X );
            DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, s, X );
            U = X;
            Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(1), V, U, X );
        LogicError("This case not yet supported");
Beispiel #11
void LUNLarge
( const ElementalMatrix<F>& UPre,
        ElementalMatrix<F>& XPre, 
  bool checkIfSingular )
    const Int m = XPre.Height();
    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    const Grid& g = UPre.Grid();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> U01_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,MR  > X1_STAR_MR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,VR  > X1_STAR_VR(g);

    const Int kLast = LastOffset( m, bsize );
    Int k=kLast, kOld=m;
    while( true )
        const bool in2x2 = ( k>0 && U.Get(k,k-1) != F(0) );
        if( in2x2 )
        const Int nb = kOld-k;

        const Range<Int> ind0( 0, k    ),
                         ind1( k, k+nb );

        auto U01 = U( ind0, ind1 );
        auto U11 = U( ind1, ind1 );

        auto X0 = X( ind0, ALL );
        auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );

        U11_STAR_STAR = U11; // U11[* ,* ] <- U11[MC,MR]
        X1_STAR_VR    = X1;  // X1[* ,VR] <- X1[MC,MR]
        // X1[* ,VR] := U11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,VR]
          checkIfSingular );

        X1_STAR_MR.AlignWith( X0 );
        X1_STAR_MR  = X1_STAR_VR; // X1[* ,MR]  <- X1[* ,VR]
        X1          = X1_STAR_MR; // X1[MC,MR] <- X1[* ,MR]
        U01_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
        U01_MC_STAR = U01;        // U01[MC,* ] <- U01[MC,MR]

        // X0[MC,MR] -= U01[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
        LocalGemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), U01_MC_STAR, X1_STAR_MR, F(1), X0 );

        if( k == 0 )
        kOld = k;
        k -= Min(bsize,k);
Beispiel #12
void LLN
( UnitOrNonUnit diag, 
  F alpha,
  const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& LPre,
        AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre,
  bool checkIfSingular )
    const Int n = LPre.Height();
    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    const Grid& g = LPre.Grid();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> LProx( LPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& L = LProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    // Temporary distributions
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> L11_STAR_STAR(g), X11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> L21_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,MR  > X10_STAR_MR(g), X11_STAR_MR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,VR  > X10_STAR_VR(g);

    ScaleTrapezoid( alpha, LOWER, X );
    for( Int k=0; k<n; k+=bsize )
        const Int nb = Min(bsize,n-k);

        const Range<Int> ind0( 0,    k    ),
                         ind1( k,    k+nb ),
                         ind2( k+nb, n    );

        auto L11 = L( ind1, ind1 );
        auto L21 = L( ind2, ind1 );

        auto X10 = X( ind1, ind0 );
        auto X11 = X( ind1, ind1 );
        auto X20 = X( ind2, ind0 );
        auto X21 = X( ind2, ind1 );

        L11_STAR_STAR = L11; 
        X11_STAR_STAR = X11; 
        X10_STAR_VR = X10;

        ( LEFT, LOWER, NORMAL, diag, F(1), L11_STAR_STAR, X10_STAR_VR,
          checkIfSingular );
        ( LEFT, LOWER, NORMAL, diag, F(1), L11_STAR_STAR, X11_STAR_STAR,
          checkIfSingular );
        X11 = X11_STAR_STAR;
        X11_STAR_MR.AlignWith( X21 );
        X11_STAR_MR = X11_STAR_STAR;
        MakeTrapezoidal( LOWER, X11_STAR_MR );

        X10_STAR_MR.AlignWith( X20 );
        X10_STAR_MR = X10_STAR_VR;
        X10 = X10_STAR_MR;
        L21_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X20 );
        L21_MC_STAR = L21;
        ( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), L21_MC_STAR, X10_STAR_MR, F(1), X20 );
        ( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), L21_MC_STAR, X11_STAR_MR, F(1), X21 );
Beispiel #13
void SolveAfter
( Orientation orientation,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& householderScalars, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Base<F>>& signature,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& B, 
        ElementalMatrix<F>& XPre )
    const Int m = APre.Height();
    const Int n = APre.Width();
    if( m > n )
        LogicError("Must have full row rank");

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    X.Resize( n, B.Width() );
    // TODO: Add scaling

    auto AL = A( IR(0,m), IR(0,m) );
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        if( m != B.Height() )
            LogicError("A and B do not conform");

        // Copy B into X
        auto XT = X( IR(0,m), ALL );
        auto XB = X( IR(m,n), ALL );
        XT = B;
        Zero( XB );

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( XT );

        // Solve against L (checking for singularities)
        Trsm( LEFT, LOWER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), AL, XT, true );

        // Apply Q' to X 
        lq::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, A, householderScalars, signature, X );

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );
        // Copy B into X
        X = B;

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );

        // Apply Q to X
        lq::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, A, householderScalars, signature, X );

        // Shrink X to its new height
        X.Resize( m, X.Width() );

        // Solve against L' (check for singularities)
        Trsm( LEFT, LOWER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), AL, X, true );

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );
Beispiel #14
void Tikhonov
( Orientation orientation,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& BPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& G,
        ElementalMatrix<F>& XPre, 
  TikhonovAlg alg )

      AProx( APre ),
      BProx( BPre );
      XProx( XPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& B = BProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    const bool normal = ( orientation==NORMAL );
    const Int m = ( normal ? A.Height() : A.Width()  );
    const Int n = ( normal ? A.Width()  : A.Height() );
    if( G.Width() != n )
        LogicError("Tikhonov matrix was the wrong width");
    if( orientation == TRANSPOSE && IsComplex<F>::value )
        LogicError("Transpose version of complex Tikhonov not yet supported");

    if( m >= n )
        DistMatrix<F> Z(A.Grid());
        if( alg == TIKHONOV_CHOLESKY )
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<F>(1), A, Z );
                Herk( LOWER, NORMAL, Base<F>(1), A, Z );
            Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<F>(1), G, Base<F>(1), Z );
            Cholesky( LOWER, Z );
            const Int mG = G.Height();
            Zeros( Z, m+mG, n );
            auto ZT = Z( IR(0,m),    IR(0,n) );
            auto ZB = Z( IR(m,m+mG), IR(0,n) );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                ZT = A;
                Adjoint( A, ZT );
            ZB = G;
            qr::ExplicitTriang( Z ); 
        if( orientation == NORMAL )
            Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, F(1), A, B, X );
            Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(1), A, B, X );
        cholesky::SolveAfter( LOWER, NORMAL, Z, X );
        LogicError("This case not yet supported");