static void set_edge(Display *dpy, Picture p, enum edge edge)
	XRenderPictureAttributes a;

	a.poly_edge = edge;
	XRenderChangePicture(dpy, p, CPPolyEdge, &a);
void XftDrawSetSubwindowMode(XftDraw *draw, int mode)
    if (!draw) return;

    Picture pict = XftDrawPicture(draw);
    XRenderPictureAttributes pattr;
    pattr.subwindow_mode = mode;
    XRenderChangePicture(draw->dpy, pict, CPSubwindowMode, &pattr);
XRenderPicture xRenderFill(const XRenderColor *xc)
    Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display(), rootWindow(), 1, 1, 32);
    XRenderPictureAttributes pa; pa.repeat = True;
    XRenderPicture fill(pixmap, 32);
    XFreePixmap(display(), pixmap);
    XRenderChangePicture(display(), fill, CPRepeat, &pa);
    XRenderFillRectangle(display(), PictOpSrc, fill, xc, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    return fill;
Beispiel #4
XftDrawSetClip (XftDraw	*draw,
		Region	r)
    Region			n = 0;

    if (!r && !draw->clip)
	return True;

    if (r)
	n = XCreateRegion ();
	if (n)
	    if (!XUnionRegion (n, r, n))
		XDestroyRegion (n);
		return False;
    if (draw->clip)
	XDestroyRegion (draw->clip);
    draw->clip = n;
    if (draw->render_able)
	XRenderPictureAttributes	pa;
        if (n)
	    XRenderSetPictureClipRegion (draw->dpy, draw->render.pict, n);
	    pa.clip_mask = None;
	    XRenderChangePicture (draw->dpy, draw->render.pict,
				  CPClipMask, &pa);
    if (draw->core_set)
	XGCValues   gv;
	if (n)
	    XSetRegion (draw->dpy, draw->core.draw_gc, n);
	    gv.clip_mask = None;
	    XChangeGC (draw->dpy, draw->core.draw_gc,
		       GCClipMask, &gv);
    return True;
Beispiel #5
static void
gdk_x11_drawable_update_picture_clip (GdkDrawable *drawable,
				      GdkGC       *gc)
  GdkDrawableImplX11 *impl = GDK_DRAWABLE_IMPL_X11 (drawable);
  Display *xdisplay = GDK_SCREEN_XDISPLAY (impl->screen);
  Picture picture = gdk_x11_drawable_get_picture (drawable);
  GdkRegion *clip_region = gc ? _gdk_gc_get_clip_region (gc) : NULL;

  if (clip_region)
      GdkRegionBox *boxes = clip_region->rects;
      gint n_boxes = clip_region->numRects;
      XRectangle *rects = g_new (XRectangle, n_boxes);
      int i;

      for (i=0; i < n_boxes; i++)
	  rects[i].x = CLAMP (boxes[i].x1 + gc->clip_x_origin, G_MINSHORT, G_MAXSHORT);
	  rects[i].y = CLAMP (boxes[i].y1 + gc->clip_y_origin, G_MINSHORT, G_MAXSHORT);
	  rects[i].width = CLAMP (boxes[i].x2 + gc->clip_x_origin, G_MINSHORT, G_MAXSHORT) - rects[i].x;
	  rects[i].height = CLAMP (boxes[i].y2 + gc->clip_y_origin, G_MINSHORT, G_MAXSHORT) - rects[i].y;
      XRenderSetPictureClipRectangles (xdisplay, picture,
				       0, 0, rects, n_boxes);
      g_free (rects);
      XRenderPictureAttributes pa;
      GdkBitmap *mask;
      gulong pa_mask;

      pa_mask = CPClipMask;
      if (gc && (mask = _gdk_gc_get_clip_mask (gc)))
	  pa.clip_mask = GDK_PIXMAP_XID (mask);
	  pa.clip_x_origin = gc->clip_x_origin;
	  pa.clip_y_origin = gc->clip_y_origin;
	  pa_mask |= CPClipXOrigin | CPClipYOrigin;
	pa.clip_mask = None;

      XRenderChangePicture (xdisplay, picture,
			    pa_mask, &pa);
Beispiel #6
/** Validate the picture's attributes before rendering to it.  Update
 *  any picture attributes that have been changed by one of the higher
 *  layers. */
dmxValidatePicture(PicturePtr pPicture, Mask mask)
    ScreenPtr pScreen = pPicture->pDrawable->pScreen;
    DMXScreenInfo *dmxScreen = &dmxScreens[pScreen->myNum];
    PictureScreenPtr ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
    dmxPictPrivPtr pPictPriv = DMX_GET_PICT_PRIV(pPicture);

    DMX_UNWRAP(ValidatePicture, dmxScreen, ps);

    /* Change picture attributes on back-end server */
    if (pPictPriv->pict) {
        XRenderPictureAttributes attribs;

        if (mask & CPRepeat) {
            attribs.repeat = pPicture->repeatType;
        if (mask & CPAlphaMap) {
            if (pPicture->alphaMap) {
                dmxPictPrivPtr pAlphaPriv;

                pAlphaPriv = DMX_GET_PICT_PRIV(pPicture->alphaMap);
                if (pAlphaPriv->pict) {
                    attribs.alpha_map = pAlphaPriv->pict;
                else {
                    /* FIXME: alpha picture drawable has not been created?? */
                    return;     /* or should this be: attribs.alpha_map = None; */
            else {
                attribs.alpha_map = None;
        if (mask & CPAlphaXOrigin)
            attribs.alpha_x_origin = pPicture->alphaOrigin.x;
        if (mask & CPAlphaYOrigin)
            attribs.alpha_y_origin = pPicture->alphaOrigin.y;
        if (mask & CPClipXOrigin)
            attribs.clip_x_origin = pPicture->clipOrigin.x;
        if (mask & CPClipYOrigin)
            attribs.clip_y_origin = pPicture->clipOrigin.y;
        if (mask & CPClipMask)
            mask &= ~CPClipMask;        /* Handled in ChangePictureClip */
        if (mask & CPGraphicsExposure)
            attribs.graphics_exposures = pPicture->graphicsExposures;
        if (mask & CPSubwindowMode)
            attribs.subwindow_mode = pPicture->subWindowMode;
        if (mask & CPPolyEdge)
            attribs.poly_edge = pPicture->polyEdge;
        if (mask & CPPolyMode)
            attribs.poly_mode = pPicture->polyMode;
        if (mask & CPComponentAlpha)
            attribs.component_alpha = pPicture->componentAlpha;

        XRenderChangePicture(dmxScreen->beDisplay, pPictPriv->pict,
                             mask, &attribs);
        dmxSync(dmxScreen, FALSE);
    else {
        pPictPriv->savedMask |= mask;

#if 1
    if (ps->ValidatePicture)
        ps->ValidatePicture(pPicture, mask);

    DMX_WRAP(ValidatePicture, dmxValidatePicture, dmxScreen, ps);