Beispiel #1
std::string HiresTexture::GenBaseName(const u8* texture, size_t texture_size, const u8* tlut,
                                      size_t tlut_size, u32 width, u32 height, int format,
                                      bool has_mipmaps, bool dump)
  std::string name = "";
  HiresTextureCache::iterator convert_iter;
  // checking for min/max on paletted textures
  u32 min = 0xffff;
  u32 max = 0;
  switch (tlut_size)
  case 0:
  case 16 * 2:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size; i++)
      min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i] & 0xf);
      min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i] >> 4);
      max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i] & 0xf);
      max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i] >> 4);
  case 256 * 2:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size; i++)
      min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i]);
      max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i]);
  case 16384 * 2:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size / 2; i++)
      min = std::min<u32>(min, Common::swap16(((u16*)texture)[i]) & 0x3fff);
      max = std::max<u32>(max, Common::swap16(((u16*)texture)[i]) & 0x3fff);
  if (tlut_size > 0)
    tlut_size = 2 * (max + 1 - min);
    tlut += 2 * min;
  u64 tex_hash = XXH64(texture, texture_size, 0);
  u64 tlut_hash = 0;
  if (tlut_size)
    tlut_hash = XXH64(tlut, tlut_size, 0);
  std::string basename = s_format_prefix + StringFromFormat("%dx%d%s_%016" PRIx64, width, height,
                                                            has_mipmaps ? "_m" : "", tex_hash);
  std::string tlutname = tlut_size ? StringFromFormat("_%016" PRIx64, tlut_hash) : "";
  std::string formatname = StringFromFormat("_%d", format);
  std::string fullname = basename + tlutname + formatname;
  return fullname;
Beispiel #2
unsigned long long michet_xxhash(const void* buffer, size_t length)
    unsigned long long const seed = 31337;
    unsigned long long const hash = XXH64(buffer, length, seed);

    return hash;
Beispiel #3
/* lookup key in hash table */
char * hash_table_lookup(hash_table_t *t, char *key, char **val, unsigned long *hash) {

	unsigned long index;
	char *prow;
	hash_table_row_hdr_t *phdr;
	char *pkey;
	char *pval;

	*hash = XXH64(key, t->keylen, 0);	

	index = *hash % t->numbuckets;

	prow = t->buckets[index];

	while (prow != NULL) {
		/* collison */
		phdr = (hash_table_row_hdr_t *)prow;
		pkey = prow + sizeof(hash_table_row_hdr_t);
		pval = prow + sizeof(hash_table_row_hdr_t) + t->keylen;

		if (memcmp(pkey, key, t->keylen) == 0) {
			/* found key  */
			*val = pval;
			return prow;
		} else {
			/* keys do not match - try next item in list */
			prow = phdr->hnext;

	return NULL;

Beispiel #4
// Function handles the rehash process encountered when a hash reaches
// 80% capacity. Hate locking the entire function, but we're rehashing, so it's
// pretty much unavoidable.
void rehash(hash_t *table) {
  // Acquire write-lock for hash.

  // Abort rehash if we're frozen.
  if (table->frozen) {

  // Allocate new table with calloc to allow for NULL checks.
  hash_node_t **new_data = calloc(table->size * 2, sizeof(hash_node_t *));

  // Copy all previous data into new, larger, hash.
  hash_node_t **old_data = table->data;
  for(int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) {
    hash_node_t *current = old_data[i];
    while (current) {
      hash_node_t *tmp = current->next;
      current->next = NULL;

      // Calculate new hash value and insert.
      unsigned int hash = (unsigned int) XXH64(current->key, strlen(current->key), 0) % (table->size * 2);
      new_data[hash] = insert_hash_node(new_data[hash], current);
      current = tmp;

  // Update hash struct with changes.
  table->data = new_data;
  table->size *= 2;
Beispiel #5
static u32 computeHash(u32 address, u32 size)
#ifdef _M_X64
	return XXH64(Memory::GetPointer(address), size, 0xBACD7814BACD7814LL);
	return XXH32(Memory::GetPointer(address), size, 0xBACD7814);
Beispiel #6
 void MakeHash(std::enable_if_t<U::HasHash>* = 0) {
   m_hash = 0;
   m_hash ^= m_vertex.Hash();
   m_hash ^= m_fragment.Hash();
   m_hash ^= m_geometry.Hash();
   m_hash ^= m_control.Hash();
   m_hash ^= m_evaluation.Hash();
   m_hash ^= XXH64(&m_additionalInfo, sizeof(m_additionalInfo), 0);
Beispiel #7
static void xxHash64_test(const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed, void *out) {
#if 0
  if (! state) state = XXH64_createState ();
  XXH64_reset (state, seed);
  XXH64_update (state, key, len);
  *(uint64_t*)out = XXH64_digest (state);
  *(uint64_t*)out = XXH64 (key, len, seed);
Beispiel #8
static void
rspamd_ucl_fin_cb (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data)
	struct rspamd_ucl_map_cbdata *cbdata = data->cur_data, *prev =
	ucl_object_t *obj;
	struct ucl_parser *parser;
	guint32 checksum;
	ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL;
	const ucl_object_t *cur;
	struct rspamd_config *cfg = data->map->cfg;

	if (prev != NULL) {
		if (prev->buf != NULL) {
			g_string_free (prev->buf, TRUE);
		g_free (prev);

	if (cbdata == NULL) {
		msg_err_config ("map fin error: new data is NULL");

	checksum = XXH64 (cbdata->buf->str, cbdata->buf->len, 0);
	if (data->map->checksum != checksum) {
		/* New data available */
		parser = ucl_parser_new (0);
		if (!ucl_parser_add_chunk (parser, cbdata->buf->str,
			cbdata->buf->len)) {
			msg_err_config ("cannot parse map %s: %s",
				ucl_parser_get_error (parser));
			ucl_parser_free (parser);
		else {
			obj = ucl_parser_get_object (parser);
			ucl_parser_free (parser);
			it = NULL;

			while ((cur = ucl_iterate_object (obj, &it, true))) {
				ucl_object_replace_key (cbdata->cfg->rcl_obj, (ucl_object_t *)cur,
						cur->key, cur->keylen, false);
			ucl_object_unref (obj);
			data->map->checksum = checksum;
	else {
		msg_info_config ("do not reload map %s, checksum is the same: %d",
Beispiel #9
/* insert element into hash table */
char * hash_table_insert(hash_table_t *t, char *key, char *val) {

	unsigned long hash, index;
	char *prow;
	hash_table_row_hdr_t *phdr;
	char *pkey;
	char *pval;

	hash = XXH64(key, t->keylen, 0);	

	index = hash % t->numbuckets;

	prow = t->buckets[index];

	while (prow != NULL) {
		/* collison */
		phdr = (hash_table_row_hdr_t *)prow;
		pkey = prow + sizeof(hash_table_row_hdr_t);
		pval = prow + sizeof(hash_table_row_hdr_t) + t->keylen;

		if (memcmp(pkey, key, t->keylen) == 0) {
			/* same key - aggregate value */
			t->aggr_callback(pkey, pval, val, t->callback_data);
			return prow;
		} else {
			/* keys do not match - try next item in list */
			prow = phdr->next;

	/* new entry */
	prow = malloc(sizeof(hash_table_row_hdr_t) + t->keylen + t->vallen);

	if (prow == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	phdr = (hash_table_row_hdr_t *)prow;
	pkey = prow + sizeof(hash_table_row_hdr_t);
	pval = prow + sizeof(hash_table_row_hdr_t) + t->keylen;

	memcpy(pkey, key, t->keylen);
	memcpy(pval, val, t->vallen);
	phdr->hash = hash;
	phdr->next = t->buckets[index];

	t->buckets[index] = prow;

	return prow;
STATIC mp_obj_t mod_eoslib_hash64(mp_obj_t obj1) {
   uint64_t key = 0;
   if (MP_OBJ_IS_STR_OR_BYTES(obj1)) {
      size_t len;
      const char* str = mp_obj_str_get_data(obj1, &len);
      key = XXH64(str, len, 0);
      return mp_obj_new_int_from_ll(key);
   } else if (MP_OBJ_IS_INT(obj1)) {
      return obj1;
   } else {
      mp_raise_TypeError("can't hash unsupported type");
      return mp_const_none;//mute return type check
 * Class:     net_jpountz_xxhash_XXHashJNI
 * Method:    XXH64BB
 * Signature: (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;IIJ)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_net_jpountz_xxhash_XXHashJNI_XXH64BB
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobject buf, jint off, jint len, jlong seed) {

  char* in;
  jlong h64;

  in = (char*) (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, buf);
  if (in == NULL) {
    return 0;

  h64 = XXH64(in + off, len, seed);

  return h64;

Beispiel #12
rspamd_bloom_add (rspamd_bloom_filter_t * bloom, const gchar *s)
	size_t n, len;
	u_char t;
	guint v;

	if (s == NULL) {
		return FALSE;
	len = strlen (s);
	for (n = 0; n < bloom->nfuncs; ++n) {
		v = XXH64 (s, len, bloom->seeds[n]) % bloom->asize;
		INCBIT (bloom->a, v, t);

	return TRUE;
 * Class:     net_jpountz_xxhash_XXHashJNI
 * Method:    XXH64
 * Signature: ([BIIJ)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_net_jpountz_xxhash_XXHashJNI_XXH64
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jbyteArray buf, jint off, jint len, jlong seed) {

  char* in;
  jlong h64;

  in = (char*) (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buf, 0);
  if (in == NULL) {
    return 0;

  h64 = XXH64(in + off, len, seed);

  (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buf, in, 0);

  return h64;
Beispiel #14
// Handle removal of a key from hash.
int hash_drop(hash_t *table, char *key) {
  // Verify parameters.
  if (!table || table->count == 0 || !key) return HASH_INVAL_ERROR;

  // Acquire read lock for searching.

  // Generate hash value and find data.
  unsigned int hash = (unsigned int) XXH64(key, strlen(key), 0) % table->size;

  // Abort if we're frozen.
  if (table->frozen) {

  if (find_hash_node(table->data[hash], key)) {
    // We found it. Switch locks for writing.
    // Since we've only used a read-lock up to this point, it's possible for
    // multiple threads to attempt to delete the same key and all make it to this
    // point. Ensure that we're the first one here, and the only one to do the work
    // by checking for the key again.
    if (!find_hash_node(table->data[hash], key)) {
      // Contention on key removal.

    // We have exclusive write access to the hash, and have verified that we're
    // either the first, or the only, thread trying to delete this key.
    table->data[hash] = remove_hash_node(table->data[hash], key, table->destruct);
    return HASH_SUCCESS;
  } else {
    // Key does not exist in table.
Beispiel #15
// Function handles getting data out of a hash for a specific key.
int hash_get(hash_t *table, char *key, void *buf) {
  // Verify parameters.
  if (!table || !table->count || !key || !buf) return HASH_INVAL_ERROR;

  // Acquire read-lock.

  // Generate hash value.
  unsigned int hash = (unsigned int) XXH64(key, strlen(key), 0) % table->size;

  // Find it.
  hash_node_t *found = find_hash_node(table->data[hash], key);

  // Return the data if it was found.
  if (found) {
    memcpy(buf, found->data, table->elem_size);
    return HASH_SUCCESS;
  } else {
Beispiel #16
int basicTests(U32 seed, double compressibility)
    int testResult = 0;
    void* CNBuffer;
    void* compressedBuffer;
    void* decodedBuffer;
    U32 randState = seed;
    int cSize, testSize;
    LZ4F_preferences_t prefs;
    LZ4F_compressionContext_t cctx = NULL;
    U64 crcOrig;
    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_cin [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_cout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_din [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_dout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    size_t sg_in_len, sg_out_len;
    size_t maxDstSize = LZ4_SG_compressBound(COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, NELEMS(sg_cin), NELEMS(sg_cout));
    size_t sourceSizeOut;

    /* Create compressible test buffer */
    memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs));
    compressedBuffer = malloc(maxDstSize);
    FUZ_fillCompressibleNoiseBuffer(CNBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, compressibility, &randState);
    crcOrig = XXH64(CNBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, 1);

    /* Trivial tests : one input and one output buffers */
    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "One input and one output buffers : \n");
    sg_cin[0].sg_base = CNBuffer;
    sg_cin[0].sg_len  = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH;
    sg_in_len        = 1;
    sg_cout[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
    sg_cout[0].sg_len  = maxDstSize;
    sg_out_len        = 1;
    sourceSizeOut = testSize;
    cSize = LZ4_SG_compress(&sg_cin[0], sg_in_len, &sg_cout[0], sg_out_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize, DEFAULT_ACCEL);
    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize);
    UT_VERIFY(cSize > 0, goto _output_error);

    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompress test various valid sg_out and maxDstSize combinations \n");
        U64 crcDest;
        // sg_out.sg_len == maxDstSize == originalSize
        sg_din[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
        sg_din[0].sg_len  = cSize;
        sg_dout[0].sg_base = decodedBuffer;
        sg_dout[0].sg_len  = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH;
        sourceSizeOut = cSize;
        maxDstSize = testSize;
        memset(decodedBuffer, 0, testSize);
        testResult = LZ4_SG_decompress(&sg_din[0], sg_in_len, &sg_dout[0], sg_out_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize);
        crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, 1);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompressed %i bytes (out of %i bytes) to a %i bytes (out of %i bytes) dst_limit %i bytes\n", (int)sourceSizeOut, (int)cSize, (int)testResult, (int)testSize, (int)maxDstSize);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult >  0       , goto _output_error);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult == testSize, goto _output_error);
        UT_VERIFY(   crcDest == crcOrig , goto _output_error);

        // maxDstSize > originalSize
        sourceSizeOut = cSize;
        memset(decodedBuffer, 0, testSize);
        testResult = LZ4_SG_decompress(&sg_din[0], sg_in_len, &sg_dout[0], sg_out_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize);
        crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, 1);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompressed %i bytes (out of %i bytes) to a %i bytes (out of %i bytes) dst_limit %i bytes\n", (int)sourceSizeOut, (int)cSize, (int)testResult, (int)testSize, (int)maxDstSize);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult >  0       , goto _output_error);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult == testSize, goto _output_error);
        UT_VERIFY(   crcDest == crcOrig , goto _output_error);

        // sg_out.sg_len > originalSize
        maxDstSize = testSize;
        sourceSizeOut = cSize;
        memset(decodedBuffer, 0, testSize);
        testResult = LZ4_SG_decompress(&sg_din[0], sg_in_len, &sg_dout[0], sg_out_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize);
        crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, 1);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompressed %i bytes (out of %i bytes) to a %i bytes (out of %i bytes) dst_limit %i bytes\n", (int)sourceSizeOut, (int)cSize, (int)testResult, (int)testSize, (int)maxDstSize);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult >  0       , goto _output_error);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult == testSize, goto _output_error);
        UT_VERIFY(   crcDest == crcOrig , goto _output_error);

    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Frame Decompression test (%08x): \n", (unsigned int)crcOrig);
        int lz4f_result = verify_basic_LZ4F_decompression(compressedBuffer, cSize, crcOrig, decodedBuffer, testSize);
        UT_VERIFY(0 == lz4f_result, goto _output_error);

    // basic SGL test
        // prepare SGL input
        const size_t num_data_buffers = 16;
        const size_t buf_size_bytes = 4 KB;
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 1+num_data_buffers; i++) {
            sg_cin [i].sg_base = malloc(buf_size_bytes);
            sg_cin [i].sg_len  = buf_size_bytes;
            sg_cout[i].sg_base = malloc(buf_size_bytes);
            sg_cout[i].sg_len  = buf_size_bytes;
            sg_din [i].sg_base = malloc(buf_size_bytes);
            sg_din [i].sg_len  = buf_size_bytes;
            sg_dout[i].sg_base = malloc(buf_size_bytes);
            sg_dout[i].sg_len  = buf_size_bytes;
        for (i = 0; i < num_data_buffers; i++) {
            memcpy((void *)sg_cin [i].sg_base, ((const char *)CNBuffer)+(i*buf_size_bytes), buf_size_bytes);
        sg_in_len  = num_data_buffers;
        sg_out_len = 1+num_data_buffers;
        testSize = num_data_buffers * buf_size_bytes;
        maxDstSize = (1+num_data_buffers) * buf_size_bytes;
        crcOrig = XXH64(CNBuffer, testSize, 1);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compress 16 4KB buffers into 17 4KB buffers : \n");
        sourceSizeOut = testSize;
        cSize = LZ4_SG_compress(&sg_cin[0], sg_in_len, &sg_cout[0], sg_out_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize, DEFAULT_ACCEL);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize);
        UT_VERIFY(cSize > 0, goto _output_error);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompress 17 4KB buffers into 16 4KB buffers : \n");
        for (i = 0; i < 1+num_data_buffers; i++) {
            memcpy((void *)sg_din[i].sg_base, sg_cout[i].sg_base, buf_size_bytes);
        sourceSizeOut = cSize;
        maxDstSize = testSize;
        sg_in_len  = 1+num_data_buffers;
        sg_out_len = num_data_buffers;
        memset(decodedBuffer, 0, testSize);
        testResult = LZ4_SG_decompress(&sg_din[0], sg_in_len, &sg_dout[0], sg_out_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompressed %i bytes (out of %i bytes) to a %i bytes (out of %i bytes) dst_limit %i bytes\n", (int)sourceSizeOut, (int)cSize, (int)testResult, (int)testSize, (int)maxDstSize);
        for (i = 0; i < num_data_buffers; i++) {
            memcpy(((char *)decodedBuffer)+(i*buf_size_bytes), sg_dout[i].sg_base, buf_size_bytes);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult >  0       , goto _output_error);
        UT_VERIFY(testResult == testSize, goto _output_error);

        U64 crcDest;
        crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, testSize, 1);
        UT_VERIFY(   crcDest == crcOrig , goto _output_error);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "verify frame decompress on concatenated buffer: \n");
        for (i = 0; i < 1+num_data_buffers; i++) {
            memcpy(((char *)compressedBuffer)+(i*buf_size_bytes), sg_cout[i].sg_base, buf_size_bytes);
        int lz4f_result = verify_basic_LZ4F_decompression(compressedBuffer, cSize, crcOrig, decodedBuffer, testSize);
        UT_VERIFY(0 == lz4f_result, goto _output_error);

        // release SGL
        for (i = 0; i < 1+num_data_buffers; i++) {
            free((void *)sg_cin [i].sg_base); sg_cin [i].sg_base = NULL; sg_cin [i].sg_len = 0;
            free(sg_cout[i].sg_base); sg_cout[i].sg_base = NULL; sg_cout[i].sg_len = 0;
            free((void *)sg_din [i].sg_base); sg_din [i].sg_base = NULL; sg_din [i].sg_len = 0;
            free(sg_dout[i].sg_base); sg_dout[i].sg_base = NULL; sg_dout[i].sg_len = 0;

    DISPLAY("Basic tests completed \n");
    testResult = 0;
    LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(cctx); cctx = NULL;
    return testResult;

    testResult = 1;
    DISPLAY("Error detected ! \n");
    locateBuffDiff(CNBuffer, decodedBuffer, testSize);
    goto _end;

    // unreachable
    return -1;
Beispiel #17
rspamd_re_cache_compile_hyperscan (struct rspamd_re_cache *cache,
		const char *cache_dir, gdouble max_time, gboolean silent,
		GError **err)
	g_assert (cache != NULL);
	g_assert (cache_dir != NULL);

	g_set_error (err, rspamd_re_cache_quark (), EINVAL, "hyperscan is disabled");
	return -1;
	GHashTableIter it, cit;
	gpointer k, v;
	struct rspamd_re_class *re_class;
	gchar path[PATH_MAX];
	hs_database_t *test_db;
	gint fd, i, n, *hs_ids = NULL, pcre_flags, re_flags;
	guint64 crc;
	rspamd_regexp_t *re;
	hs_compile_error_t *hs_errors;
	guint *hs_flags = NULL;
	const gchar **hs_pats = NULL;
	gchar *hs_serialized;
	gsize serialized_len, total = 0;
	struct iovec iov[7];

	g_hash_table_iter_init (&it, cache->re_classes);

	while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&it, &k, &v)) {
		re_class = v;
		rspamd_snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s%c%s.hs", cache_dir,
				G_DIR_SEPARATOR, re_class->hash);

		if (rspamd_re_cache_is_valid_hyperscan_file (cache, path, TRUE, TRUE)) {

			fd = open (path, O_RDONLY, 00600);

			/* Read number of regexps */
			g_assert (fd != -1);
			lseek (fd, RSPAMD_HS_MAGIC_LEN + sizeof (cache->plt), SEEK_SET);
			read (fd, &n, sizeof (n));
			close (fd);

			if (re_class->type_len > 0) {
				if (!silent) {
					msg_info_re_cache (
							"skip already valid class %s(%*s) to cache %6s, %d regexps",
							rspamd_re_cache_type_to_string (re_class->type),
							(gint) re_class->type_len - 1,
			else {
				if (!silent) {
					msg_info_re_cache (
							"skip already valid class %s to cache %6s, %d regexps",
							rspamd_re_cache_type_to_string (re_class->type),


		fd = open (path, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 00600);

		if (fd == -1) {
			g_set_error (err, rspamd_re_cache_quark (), errno, "cannot open file "
					"%s: %s", path, strerror (errno));
			return -1;

		g_hash_table_iter_init (&cit, re_class->re);
		n = g_hash_table_size (re_class->re);
		hs_flags = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*hs_flags) * n);
		hs_ids = g_malloc (sizeof (*hs_ids) * n);
		hs_pats = g_malloc (sizeof (*hs_pats) * n);
		i = 0;

		while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&cit, &k, &v)) {
			re = v;

			pcre_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_pcre_flags (re);
			re_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_flags (re);

			if (re_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_FLAG_PCRE_ONLY) {
				/* Do not try to compile bad regexp */
				msg_info_re_cache (
						"do not try compile %s to hyperscan as it is PCRE only",
						rspamd_regexp_get_pattern (re));

			hs_flags[i] = 0;
#ifndef WITH_PCRE2
			if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF8)) {
				hs_flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8;
			if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF)) {
				hs_flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8;
			if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(CASELESS)) {
				hs_flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_CASELESS;
			if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(MULTILINE)) {
				hs_flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_MULTILINE;
			if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(DOTALL)) {
				hs_flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_DOTALL;
			if (rspamd_regexp_get_maxhits (re) == 1) {
				hs_flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH;

			if (hs_compile (rspamd_regexp_get_pattern (re),
					cache->vectorized_hyperscan ? HS_MODE_VECTORED : HS_MODE_BLOCK,
					&hs_errors) != HS_SUCCESS) {
				msg_info_re_cache ("cannot compile %s to hyperscan, try prefilter match",
						rspamd_regexp_get_pattern (re));
				hs_free_compile_error (hs_errors);

				/* The approximation operation might take a significant
				 * amount of time, so we need to check if it's finite
				if (rspamd_re_cache_is_finite (cache, re, hs_flags[i], max_time)) {
					hs_flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_PREFILTER;
					hs_ids[i] = rspamd_regexp_get_cache_id (re);
					hs_pats[i] = rspamd_regexp_get_pattern (re);
			else {
				hs_ids[i] = rspamd_regexp_get_cache_id (re);
				hs_pats[i] = rspamd_regexp_get_pattern (re);
				i ++;
				hs_free_database (test_db);
		/* Adjust real re number */
		n = i;

		if (n > 0) {
			/* Create the hs tree */
			if (hs_compile_multi (hs_pats,
					cache->vectorized_hyperscan ? HS_MODE_VECTORED : HS_MODE_BLOCK,
					&hs_errors) != HS_SUCCESS) {

				g_set_error (err, rspamd_re_cache_quark (), EINVAL,
						"cannot create tree of regexp when processing '%s': %s",
						hs_pats[hs_errors->expression], hs_errors->message);
				g_free (hs_flags);
				g_free (hs_ids);
				g_free (hs_pats);
				close (fd);
				hs_free_compile_error (hs_errors);

				return -1;

			g_free (hs_pats);

			if (hs_serialize_database (test_db, &hs_serialized,
					&serialized_len) != HS_SUCCESS) {
				g_set_error (err,
						rspamd_re_cache_quark (),
						"cannot serialize tree of regexp for %s",

				close (fd);
				g_free (hs_ids);
				g_free (hs_flags);
				hs_free_database (test_db);

				return -1;

			hs_free_database (test_db);

			 * Magic - 8 bytes
			 * Platform - sizeof (platform)
			 * n - number of regexps
			 * n * <regexp ids>
			 * n * <regexp flags>
			 * crc - 8 bytes checksum
			 * <hyperscan blob>
			crc = XXH64 (hs_serialized, serialized_len, 0xdeadbabe);

			if (cache->vectorized_hyperscan) {
				iov[0].iov_base = (void *) rspamd_hs_magic_vector;
			else {
				iov[0].iov_base = (void *) rspamd_hs_magic;
			iov[0].iov_len = RSPAMD_HS_MAGIC_LEN;
			iov[1].iov_base = &cache->plt;
			iov[1].iov_len = sizeof (cache->plt);
			iov[2].iov_base = &n;
			iov[2].iov_len = sizeof (n);
			iov[3].iov_base = hs_ids;
			iov[3].iov_len = sizeof (*hs_ids) * n;
			iov[4].iov_base = hs_flags;
			iov[4].iov_len = sizeof (*hs_flags) * n;
			iov[5].iov_base = &crc;
			iov[5].iov_len = sizeof (crc);
			iov[6].iov_base = hs_serialized;
			iov[6].iov_len = serialized_len;

			if (writev (fd, iov, G_N_ELEMENTS (iov)) == -1) {
				g_set_error (err,
						rspamd_re_cache_quark (),
						"cannot serialize tree of regexp to %s: %s",
						path, strerror (errno));
				close (fd);
				g_free (hs_ids);
				g_free (hs_flags);
				g_free (hs_serialized);

				return -1;

			if (re_class->type_len > 0) {
				msg_info_re_cache (
						"compiled class %s(%*s) to cache %6s, %d regexps",
						rspamd_re_cache_type_to_string (re_class->type),
						(gint) re_class->type_len - 1,
			else {
				msg_info_re_cache (
						"compiled class %s to cache %6s, %d regexps",
						rspamd_re_cache_type_to_string (re_class->type),

			total += n;

			g_free (hs_serialized);
			g_free (hs_ids);
			g_free (hs_flags);

		close (fd);

	return total;
Beispiel #18
int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, unsigned nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility, U32 duration)
    unsigned testResult = 0;
    unsigned testNb = 0;
    void* srcBuffer = NULL;
    void* compressedBuffer = NULL;
    void* decodedBuffer = NULL;
    U32 coreRand = seed;
    LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx = NULL;
    LZ4F_compressionContext_t cCtx = NULL;
    size_t result;
    const U32 startTime = FUZ_GetMilliStart();
    XXH64_state_t xxh64;
#   define CHECK(cond, ...) if (cond) { DISPLAY("Error => "); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
                            DISPLAY(" (seed %u, test nb %u)  \n", seed, testNb); goto _output_error; }

    // backup all allocated addresses, from which we will later select buffers
    const size_t max_buf_size = 131 KB;
    size_t num_buf_size_distribution_deviations = 0;

    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_in_buf_potential [2*MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_out_buf_potential[2*MAX_SG_BUFFERS];

    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_cin [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_cout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_din [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_dout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    size_t sg_cin_len, sg_cout_len, sg_din_len, sg_dout_len;
    const size_t maxDstSize = LZ4_SG_compressBound(srcDataLength, NELEMS(sg_cin), NELEMS(sg_cout));

    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(sg_in_buf_potential); i++) {
        sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_base = malloc(max_buf_size);
        sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_len  = max_buf_size;
        sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_base = malloc(max_buf_size);
        sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_len  = max_buf_size;

    /* Init */
    duration *= 1000;

    /* Create buffers */
    result = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result);
    result = LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result);
    srcBuffer = malloc(srcDataLength);
    CHECK(srcBuffer==NULL, "srcBuffer Allocation failed");
    const size_t compressedBufferLength = maxDstSize;
    compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferLength);
    CHECK(compressedBuffer==NULL, "compressedBuffer Allocation failed");
    decodedBuffer = calloc(1, srcDataLength);   /* calloc avoids decodedBuffer being considered "garbage" by scan-build */
    CHECK(decodedBuffer==NULL, "decodedBuffer Allocation failed");
    FUZ_fillCompressibleNoiseBuffer(srcBuffer, srcDataLength, compressibility, &coreRand);

    /* jump to requested testNb */
    for (testNb =0; (testNb < startTest); testNb++) (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand);   // sync randomizer

    /* main fuzzer test loop */
    for ( ; (testNb < nbTests) || (duration > FUZ_GetMilliSpan(startTime)) ; testNb++)
        U32 randState = coreRand ^ prime1;
        (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand);   /* update seed */


        DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%5u   ", testNb);

        const size_t max_src_buf_size = (4 MB > srcDataLength) ? srcDataLength : 4 MB;
        unsigned nbBits = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (FUZ_highbit(max_src_buf_size-1) - 1)) + 1;
        const size_t min_src_size = 20;
        const size_t min_first_dest_buf_size = 21;
        const size_t min_src_buf_size = 1;
        const size_t min_dst_buf_size = 10;
        size_t srcSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBits)-1)) + min_src_size;
        size_t srcStart = FUZ_rand(&randState) % (srcDataLength - srcSize);
        size_t cSize;
        size_t dstSize;
        size_t dstSizeBound;
        U64 crcOrig, crcDecoded;

        unsigned int test_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);
        //TODO: enable lz4f_compress_compatibility_test with LZ4_SG_decompress
        int lz4f_compress_compatibility_test = 0;//(test_selection % 4) == 0;

        if (!lz4f_compress_compatibility_test)
            // SGL compress
            unsigned int buffer_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);

            if ((buffer_selection & 0xF) == 1)
                // SG compress single source and single target buffers
                sg_cin[0].sg_base = (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart;
                sg_cin[0].sg_len  = srcSize;
                sg_cin_len = 1;
                sg_cout[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
                sg_cout[0].sg_len  = compressedBufferLength;
                sg_cout_len = 1;
                dstSizeBound = dstSize = compressedBufferLength;
                // SG compress random number and size source and target buffers
                sg_cin_len  = 1 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) % MAX_SG_BUFFERS);
                sg_cout_len = 1 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) % MAX_SG_BUFFERS);

                // single source buffer
                if (1 == sg_cin_len) {
                    sg_cin[0].sg_base = (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart;
                    sg_cin[0].sg_len  = srcSize;

                    DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: single source buf size %i\n", (int)srcSize);
                else {
                    // multiple source buffers
                    if (srcSize > sg_cin_len*max_buf_size/2) {
                        srcSize = sg_cin_len*max_buf_size/2;
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: source buffer total size deviation %i\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

                    size_t exact_src_size = 0;
                    unsigned int buf_size_mean = srcSize / sg_cin_len;
                    for (i = 0; i < sg_cin_len; i++) {
                        size_t buf_size = rnd_exponential(buf_size_mean, min_src_buf_size, max_buf_size);
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: source buf %i size %i\n", i, (int)buf_size);

                        if (srcStart+exact_src_size+buf_size > srcDataLength) {
                            buf_size = srcDataLength-(srcStart+exact_src_size);
                        sg_cin[i].sg_base = sg_in_buf_potential[i*2+1].sg_base;
                        sg_cin[i].sg_len  = buf_size;
                        memcpy((void *)sg_cin[i].sg_base, (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart+exact_src_size, buf_size);
                        exact_src_size += buf_size;
                        if (srcStart+exact_src_size == srcDataLength) {
                            sg_cin_len = i+1;
                            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: final source buffer size deviation %i (buffers number limited to %i)\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations, (int)sg_cin_len);
                    srcSize = exact_src_size;

                // we can now derive the required limit for output
                dstSizeBound = LZ4_SG_compressBound(srcSize, sg_cin_len, sg_cout_len);

                // single target buffer
                if (1 == sg_cout_len) {
                    sg_cout[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
                    sg_cout[0].sg_len  = compressedBufferLength;
                else {
                    // multiple target buffers
                    int finalBufferTruncated = 0;
                    dstSize = 0;
                    unsigned int buf_size_mean = dstSizeBound / sg_cout_len;
                    for (i = 0; i < sg_cout_len; i++) {
                        const size_t min_buf_size = (i == 0) ? min_first_dest_buf_size : min_dst_buf_size;
                        size_t buf_size = rnd_exponential(buf_size_mean, min_buf_size, max_buf_size);
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: target buf %i size %i\n", (int)i, (int)buf_size);

                        if (dstSize+buf_size > dstSizeBound) {
                            buf_size = dstSizeBound-dstSize;
                            finalBufferTruncated = 1;
                        dstSize += buf_size;

                        sg_cout[i].sg_base = sg_out_buf_potential[i*2+1].sg_base;
                        sg_cout[i].sg_len  = buf_size;
                        if (finalBufferTruncated) {

                            if (buf_size < min_buf_size) {
                                // merge truncated with previous?
                                if (i > 0) {
                                    sg_cout[i-1].sg_len += buf_size;
                                    if (sg_cout[i-1].sg_len > max_buf_size) {
                                        // skip, too much hassle
                                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: unable to truncate final target buffer size (deviations %i), skipping\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);
                                        sg_cout_len = 0; break;
                                else {
                                    // can this happen?
                                    DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: unable to truncate first and final target buffer size (deviations %i), skipping\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);
                                    sg_cout_len = 0; break;
                                sg_cout_len = i;
                            else {
                                sg_cout_len = i+1;
                            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: final target buffer size truncated (%i), buffers number limited to %i, final's size is now %i (deviations %i)\n",
                                    (int)buf_size, (int)sg_cout_len, (int)sg_cout[sg_cout_len-1].sg_len, (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

                    // skip/abort condition
                    if (0 == sg_cout_len) continue;

                if ((buffer_selection & 0xF) == 0) {
                    //TODO: select a random input and output buffer and split it in two,
                    // feeding consecutive addresses as consecutive entries in SGL


            crcOrig = XXH64((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 1);

            size_t sourceSizeOut = srcSize;
            result = LZ4_SG_compress(&sg_cin[0], sg_cin_len, &sg_cout[0], sg_cout_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize, DEFAULT_ACCEL);
            if (((result == 0) || (sourceSizeOut != srcSize)) && (dstSize < dstSizeBound)) {
                // forgive compression failure when output total size is lower than bound
                DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: dstSize %i < %i dstSizeBound, compression attempt failed, not totally unexpected (deviations %i), skipping\n",
                        (int)dstSize, (int)dstSizeBound, (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

            CHECK(result <= 0, "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            CHECK(sourceSizeOut != srcSize, "Compression stopped at %i out of %i", (int)sourceSizeOut, (int)srcSize);
            cSize = result;
            // LZ4F compression - use it in order to verify SGL decompress compatibility with it
            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: LZ4F compression\n");

// alternative
//            size_t dstMaxSize = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, prefsPtr);
//            DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressFrame srcSize %zu dstMaxSize %zu\n",
//                    srcSize, dstMaxSize);
//            cSize = LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, dstMaxSize, (char*)srcBuffer + srcStart, srcSize, prefsPtr);
//            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(cSize), "LZ4F_compressFrame failed : error %i (%s)", (int)cSize, LZ4F_getErrorName(cSize));

            crcOrig = XXH64((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 1);

            unsigned BSId   = 4 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3);
            unsigned BMId   = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
            unsigned CCflag = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
            unsigned autoflush = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 7) == 2;
            U64 frameContentSize = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) ? srcSize : 0;
            LZ4F_preferences_t prefs;
            LZ4F_compressOptions_t cOptions;

            LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr = &prefs;
            memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs));
            memset(&cOptions, 0, sizeof(cOptions));
            prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = (LZ4F_blockMode_t)BMId;
            prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = (LZ4F_blockSizeID_t)BSId;
            prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (LZ4F_contentChecksum_t)CCflag;
            prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = frameContentSize;
            prefs.autoFlush = autoflush;
            prefs.compressionLevel = FUZ_rand(&randState) % 5;
            if ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) prefsPtr = NULL;

            const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer + srcStart;
            const BYTE* const iend = ip + srcSize;
            BYTE* op = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
            BYTE* const oend = op + LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcDataLength, NULL);
            unsigned maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)srcSize);
            result = LZ4F_compressBegin(cCtx, op, oend-op, prefsPtr);
            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression header failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            op += result;
            while (ip < iend)
                unsigned nbBitsSeg = FUZ_rand(&randState) % maxBits;
                size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsSeg)-1)) + 1;
                size_t oSize = LZ4F_compressBound(iSize, prefsPtr);
                unsigned forceFlush = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1);
                if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip;
                cOptions.stableSrc = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1);

                DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressUpdate ip %d iSize %zu oSize %zu forceFlush %d\n",
                        (int)(ip-((const BYTE*)srcBuffer + srcStart)), iSize, oSize, forceFlush);
                result = LZ4F_compressUpdate(cCtx, op, oSize, ip, iSize, &cOptions);
                CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
                op += result;
                ip += iSize;

                if (forceFlush)
                    result = LZ4F_flush(cCtx, op, oend-op, &cOptions);
                    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
                    op += result;
            result = LZ4F_compressEnd(cCtx, op, oend-op, &cOptions);
            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression completion failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            op += result;
            cSize = op-(BYTE*)compressedBuffer;

        test_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);

        if (lz4f_compress_compatibility_test || ((test_selection % 2) == 0))
            //TODO: SGL decompress with random buffer sizes

            // SGL decompress with same buffer sizes used for compression
            // prepare din with cout's data
            sg_din_len  = sg_cout_len;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_din_len; i++) {
                sg_din[i].sg_len  = sg_cout[i].sg_len;
                if (sg_cout[i].sg_len <= max_buf_size) {
                    // enough room to copy - do it
                    sg_din[i].sg_base = sg_in_buf_potential[i*2+0].sg_base;
                    if (sg_din[i].sg_base != sg_cout[i].sg_base) {
                        memcpy((void *)sg_din[i].sg_base, sg_cout[i].sg_base, sg_cout[i].sg_len);
                else {
                    // this is probably single output buffer - skip copy, use directly
                    sg_din[i].sg_base = sg_cout[i].sg_base;
            // prepare dout to receive decompressed data
            sg_dout_len = sg_cin_len;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_dout_len; i++) {
                sg_dout[i].sg_len  = sg_cin[i].sg_len;
                if (sg_cin[i].sg_len <= max_buf_size) {
                    // enough room to decompress into independent buffer
                    sg_dout[i].sg_base = sg_out_buf_potential[i*2+0].sg_base;
                else {
                    // this is probably single input buffer, use an external output buffer
                    sg_dout[i].sg_base = decodedBuffer;

            size_t sourceSizeOut = cSize;
            size_t maxOutputSize = srcSize;
            int decomp_result = LZ4_SG_decompress(&sg_din[0], sg_din_len, &sg_dout[0], sg_dout_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxOutputSize);
            CHECK(decomp_result <= 0, "SG decompression failed (error %i)", (int)decomp_result);
            CHECK(decomp_result != (int)srcSize, "SG decompression stopped at  %i", (int)decomp_result);

            // verify result checksum
            size_t total_checked = 0;
            XXH64_reset(&xxh64, 1);
            for (i = 0; (i < sg_dout_len) && ((int)total_checked < decomp_result); i++) {
                size_t cur_size = sg_dout[i].sg_len;
                size_t rem = decomp_result - total_checked;
                if (rem < cur_size) cur_size = rem;
                total_checked += cur_size;

                XXH64_update(&xxh64, sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size);
            crcDecoded = XXH64_digest(&xxh64);
            if (crcDecoded != crcOrig) {
                DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "checked %i out of %i (crcDecoded %08x, crcOrig %08x)\n",
                        (int)total_checked, decomp_result, (unsigned)crcDecoded, (unsigned)crcOrig);
                // locate error if any
                total_checked = 0;
                for (i = 0; (i < sg_dout_len) && ((int)total_checked < decomp_result); i++) {
                    size_t cur_size = sg_dout[i].sg_len;
                    size_t rem = decomp_result - total_checked;
                    if (rem < cur_size) cur_size = rem;
                    total_checked += cur_size;

                    U64 crc_in  = XXH64(sg_cin [i].sg_base, cur_size, 1);
                    U64 crc_out = XXH64(sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size, 1);
                    if (crc_in != crc_out) {
                        locateBuffDiff(sg_cin[i].sg_base, sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size);
                DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "checked %i out of %i\n",
                        (int)total_checked, decomp_result);
            CHECK(crcDecoded != crcOrig, "Decompression corruption");
            // prepare compressedBuffer from SGL
            size_t total_copied = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_cout_len; i++) {
                size_t buf_size_bytes = cSize - total_copied;
                if (buf_size_bytes == 0) break;
                if (buf_size_bytes > sg_cout[i].sg_len) buf_size_bytes = sg_cout[i].sg_len;
                if (((char *)compressedBuffer)+total_copied != sg_cout[i].sg_base) {
                    memcpy(((char *)compressedBuffer)+total_copied, sg_cout[i].sg_base, buf_size_bytes);
                total_copied += buf_size_bytes;

            LZ4F_decompressOptions_t dOptions;
            memset(&dOptions, 0, sizeof(dOptions));

            const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
            const BYTE* const iend = ip + cSize;
            BYTE* op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer;
            BYTE* const oend = op + srcDataLength;
            size_t totalOut = 0;
            unsigned maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)cSize);
            XXH64_reset(&xxh64, 1);
            if (maxBits < 3) maxBits = 3;
            while (ip < iend)
                unsigned nbBitsI = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits-1)) + 1;
                unsigned nbBitsO = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits)) + 1;
                size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsI)-1)) + 1;
                size_t oSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsO)-1)) + 2;
                if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip;
                if (oSize > (size_t)(oend-op)) oSize = oend-op;
                dOptions.stableDst = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
                result = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, &dOptions);
                if (result == (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_contentChecksum_invalid)
                    locateBuffDiff((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize);
                CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Decompression failed (error %i:%s ip %d)",
                        (int)result, LZ4F_getErrorName((LZ4F_errorCode_t)result), (int)(ip-(const BYTE*)compressedBuffer));
                XXH64_update(&xxh64, op, (U32)oSize);
                totalOut += oSize;
                op += oSize;
                ip += iSize;
            CHECK(result != 0, "Frame decompression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            if (totalOut)   /* otherwise, it's a skippable frame */
                crcDecoded = XXH64_digest(&xxh64);
                if (crcDecoded != crcOrig) locateBuffDiff((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize);
                CHECK(crcDecoded != crcOrig, "Decompression corruption");

    DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\rAll tests completed   \n");

    for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(sg_in_buf_potential); i++) {
        free((void *)(sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_base));
        free(         sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_base);

    if (num_buf_size_distribution_deviations > 0) {
        DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "NOTE: %i buffer size deviations \n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

    if (pause)
        DISPLAY("press enter to finish \n");
    return testResult;

    testResult = 1;
    goto _end;

    // unreachable
    return -1;
#undef CHECK
Beispiel #19
int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, U32 nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility)
    BYTE* cNoiseBuffer[5];
    BYTE* srcBuffer;
    size_t srcBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSrcLog;
    BYTE* copyBuffer;
    size_t copyBufferSize = srcBufferSize + (1<<maxSampleLog);
    BYTE* cBuffer;
    size_t cBufferSize   = ZSTD_compressBound(srcBufferSize);
    BYTE* dstBuffer;
    size_t dstBufferSize = srcBufferSize;
    U32 result = 0;
    U32 testNb = 0;
    U32 coreSeed = seed, lseed = 0;
    ZBUFF_CCtx* zc;
    ZBUFF_DCtx* zd;
    XXH64_state_t crc64;
    U32 startTime = FUZ_GetMilliStart();

    /* allocation */
    zc = ZBUFF_createCCtx();
    zd = ZBUFF_createDCtx();
    cNoiseBuffer[0] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[1] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[2] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[3] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[4] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    copyBuffer= (BYTE*)malloc (copyBufferSize);
    dstBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
    cBuffer   = (BYTE*)malloc (cBufferSize);
    CHECK (!cNoiseBuffer[0] || !cNoiseBuffer[1] || !cNoiseBuffer[2] || !cNoiseBuffer[3] || !cNoiseBuffer[4] ||
           !copyBuffer || !dstBuffer || !cBuffer || !zc || !zd,
           "Not enough memory, fuzzer tests cancelled");

    /* Create initial samples */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[0], srcBufferSize, 0.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* pure noise */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[1], srcBufferSize, 0.05, 0., coreSeed);    /* barely compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[2], srcBufferSize, compressibility, 0., coreSeed);
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[3], srcBufferSize, 0.95, 0., coreSeed);    /* highly compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[4], srcBufferSize, 1.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* sparse content */
    srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[2];
    memset(copyBuffer, 0x65, copyBufferSize);
    memcpy(copyBuffer, srcBuffer, MIN(copyBufferSize,srcBufferSize));   /* make copyBuffer considered initialized */

    /* catch up testNb */
    for (testNb=1; testNb < startTest; testNb++)

    /* test loop */
    for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) || (FUZ_GetMilliSpan(startTime) < g_testTime); testNb++ )
        size_t sampleSize, sampleStart;
        size_t cSize;
        size_t maxTestSize, totalTestSize, readSize, totalCSize, genSize, totalGenSize;
        size_t errorCode;
        U32 sampleSizeLog, buffNb, n, nbChunks;
        U64 crcOrig, crcDest;

        /* init */
        DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u", testNb);
        if (nbTests >= testNb) DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "/%6u   ", nbTests);
        lseed = coreSeed ^ prime1;
        buffNb = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127;
        if (buffNb & 7) buffNb=2;   /* select buffer */
            buffNb >>= 3;
            if (buffNb & 7)
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 1, 3 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 0, 4 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
        srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[buffNb];

        /* Multi - segments compression test */
        XXH64_reset(&crc64, 0);
        nbChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127) + 2;
        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
        maxTestSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        maxTestSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (maxTestSize-1);
        ZBUFF_compressInit(zc, (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (20 - (sampleSizeLog/3))) + 1);
        totalTestSize = 0;
        cSize = 0;
        for (n=0; n<nbChunks; n++)
            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);
            readSize = sampleSize;

            /* random size output buffer */
            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            genSize = MIN (cBufferSize - cSize, sampleSize);

            errorCode = ZBUFF_compressContinue(zc, cBuffer+cSize, &genSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, &readSize);
            CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "compression error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));

            XXH64_update(&crc64, srcBuffer+sampleStart, readSize);
            memcpy(copyBuffer+totalTestSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, readSize);
            cSize += genSize;
            totalTestSize += readSize;

            if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 15) == 0)
                /* add a few random flushes operations, to mess around */
                sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
                sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
                sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
                genSize = MIN (cBufferSize - cSize, sampleSize);
                errorCode = ZBUFF_compressFlush(zc, cBuffer+cSize, &genSize);
                CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "flush error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));
                cSize += genSize;

            if (totalTestSize > maxTestSize) break;
        genSize = cBufferSize - cSize;
        errorCode = ZBUFF_compressEnd(zc, cBuffer+cSize, &genSize);
        CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "compression error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));
        CHECK (errorCode != 0, "frame epilogue not fully consumed");
        cSize += genSize;
        crcOrig = XXH64_digest(&crc64);

        /* multi - fragments decompression test */
        totalCSize = 0;
        totalGenSize = 0;
        while (totalCSize < cSize)
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            readSize = sampleSize;
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            genSize = MIN(sampleSize, dstBufferSize - totalGenSize);
            errorCode = ZBUFF_decompressContinue(zd, dstBuffer+totalGenSize, &genSize, cBuffer+totalCSize, &readSize);
            CHECK (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode), "decompression error : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode));
            totalGenSize += genSize;
            totalCSize += readSize;
        CHECK (errorCode != 0, "frame not fully decoded");
        CHECK (totalGenSize != totalTestSize, "decompressed data : wrong size")
        CHECK (totalCSize != cSize, "compressed data should be fully read")
        crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, totalTestSize, 0);
        if (crcDest!=crcOrig) findDiff(copyBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
        CHECK (crcDest!=crcOrig, "decompressed data corrupted");

        /* noisy/erroneous src decompression test */
        /* add some noise */
        nbChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 7) + 2;
        for (n=0; n<nbChunks; n++)
            size_t cStart;

            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            if (sampleSize > cSize/3) sampleSize = cSize/3;
            sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);
            cStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize - sampleSize);

            memcpy(cBuffer+cStart, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);

        /* try decompression on noisy data */
        totalCSize = 0;
        totalGenSize = 0;
        while ( (totalCSize < cSize) && (totalGenSize < dstBufferSize) )
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            readSize = sampleSize;
            sampleSizeLog  = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize  = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            genSize = MIN(sampleSize, dstBufferSize - totalGenSize);
            errorCode = ZBUFF_decompressContinue(zd, dstBuffer+totalGenSize, &genSize, cBuffer+totalCSize, &readSize);
            if (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode)) break;   /* error correctly detected */
            totalGenSize += genSize;
            totalCSize += readSize;
Beispiel #20
int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, U32 nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility)
    BYTE* cNoiseBuffer[5];
    BYTE* srcBuffer;
    BYTE* cBuffer;
    BYTE* dstBuffer;
    BYTE* mirrorBuffer;
    size_t srcBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSrcLog;
    size_t dstBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSampleLog;
    size_t cBufferSize   = ZSTD_compressBound(dstBufferSize);
    U32 result = 0;
    U32 testNb = 0;
    U32 coreSeed = seed, lseed = 0;
    ZSTD_CCtx* refCtx;
    ZSTD_CCtx* ctx;
    ZSTD_DCtx* dctx;
    U32 startTime = FUZ_GetMilliStart();

    /* allocation */
    refCtx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
    ctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
    dctx= ZSTD_createDCtx();
    cNoiseBuffer[0] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[1] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[2] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[3] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    cNoiseBuffer[4] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
    dstBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
    mirrorBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
    cBuffer   = (BYTE*)malloc (cBufferSize);
    CHECK (!cNoiseBuffer[0] || !cNoiseBuffer[1] || !cNoiseBuffer[2] || !cNoiseBuffer[3] || !cNoiseBuffer[4]
           || !dstBuffer || !mirrorBuffer || !cBuffer || !refCtx || !ctx || !dctx,
           "Not enough memory, fuzzer tests cancelled");

    /* Create initial samples */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[0], srcBufferSize, 0.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* pure noise */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[1], srcBufferSize, 0.05, 0., coreSeed);    /* barely compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[2], srcBufferSize, compressibility, 0., coreSeed);
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[3], srcBufferSize, 0.95, 0., coreSeed);    /* highly compressible */
    RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[4], srcBufferSize, 1.00, 0., coreSeed);    /* sparse content */
    srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[2];

    /* catch up testNb */
    for (testNb=1; testNb < startTest; testNb++)

    /* test loop */
    for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) || (FUZ_GetMilliSpan(startTime) < g_testTime); testNb++ )
        size_t sampleSize, sampleStart, maxTestSize, totalTestSize;
        size_t cSize, dSize, dSupSize, errorCode, totalCSize, totalGenSize;
        U32 sampleSizeLog, buffNb, cLevelMod, nbChunks, n;
        U64 crcOrig, crcDest;
        int cLevel;
        BYTE* sampleBuffer;
        const BYTE* dict;
        size_t dictSize;

        /* init */
        if (nbTests >= testNb)
             { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u/%6u    ", testNb, nbTests); }
        else { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u      ", testNb); }

        lseed = coreSeed ^ prime1;
        buffNb = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127;
        if (buffNb & 7) buffNb=2;
            buffNb >>= 3;
            if (buffNb & 7)
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 1, 3 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
                const U32 tnb[2] = { 0, 4 };
                buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
        srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[buffNb];
        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
        sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
        sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);

        /* create sample buffer (to catch read error with valgrind & sanitizers)  */
        sampleBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc(sampleSize);
        CHECK (sampleBuffer==NULL, "not enough memory for sample buffer");
        memcpy(sampleBuffer, srcBuffer + sampleStart, sampleSize);
        crcOrig = XXH64(sampleBuffer, sampleSize, 0);

        /* compression test */
        cLevelMod = MAX(1, 38 - (int)(MAX(9, sampleSizeLog) * 2));   /* use high compression levels with small samples, for speed */
        cLevel = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % cLevelMod) +1;
        cSize = ZSTD_compressCCtx(ctx, cBuffer, cBufferSize, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, cLevel);
        CHECK(ZSTD_isError(cSize), "ZSTD_compressCCtx failed");

        /* compression failure test : too small dest buffer */
        if (cSize > 3)
            const size_t missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize-2)) + 1;   /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
            const size_t tooSmallSize = cSize - missing;
            static const U32 endMark = 0x4DC2B1A9;
            U32 endCheck;
            memcpy(dstBuffer+tooSmallSize, &endMark, 4);
            errorCode = ZSTD_compressCCtx(ctx, dstBuffer, tooSmallSize, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, cLevel);
            CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "ZSTD_compressCCtx should have failed ! (buffer too small : %u < %u)", (U32)tooSmallSize, (U32)cSize);
            memcpy(&endCheck, dstBuffer+tooSmallSize, 4);
            CHECK(endCheck != endMark, "ZSTD_compressCCtx : dst buffer overflow");

        /* successfull decompression tests*/
        dSupSize = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) ? 0 : (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 31) + 1;
        dSize = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, sampleSize + dSupSize, cBuffer, cSize);
        CHECK(dSize != sampleSize, "ZSTD_decompress failed (%s) (srcSize : %u ; cSize : %u)", ZSTD_getErrorName(dSize), (U32)sampleSize, (U32)cSize);
        crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, sampleSize, 0);
        CHECK(crcOrig != crcDest, "decompression result corrupted (pos %u / %u)", (U32)findDiff(sampleBuffer, dstBuffer, sampleSize), (U32)sampleSize);

        free(sampleBuffer);   /* no longer useful after this point */

        /* truncated src decompression test */
            const size_t missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize-2)) + 1;   /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
            const size_t tooSmallSize = cSize - missing;
            void* cBufferTooSmall = malloc(tooSmallSize);   /* valgrind will catch overflows */
            CHECK(cBufferTooSmall == NULL, "not enough memory !");
            memcpy(cBufferTooSmall, cBuffer, tooSmallSize);
            errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, dstBufferSize, cBufferTooSmall, tooSmallSize);
            CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "ZSTD_decompress should have failed ! (truncated src buffer)");

        /* too small dst decompression test */
        if (sampleSize > 3)
            const size_t missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (sampleSize-2)) + 1;   /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
            const size_t tooSmallSize = sampleSize - missing;
            static const BYTE token = 0xA9;
            dstBuffer[tooSmallSize] = token;
            errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, tooSmallSize, cBuffer, cSize);
            CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "ZSTD_decompress should have failed : %u > %u (dst buffer too small)", (U32)errorCode, (U32)tooSmallSize);
            CHECK(dstBuffer[tooSmallSize] != token, "ZSTD_decompress : dst buffer overflow");

        /* noisy src decompression test */
        if (cSize > 6)
            const U32 maxNbBits = FUZ_highbit32((U32)(cSize-4));
            size_t pos = 4;   /* preserve magic number (too easy to detect) */
            U32 nbBits = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
            size_t mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
            size_t skipLength = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask;
            pos += skipLength;

            while (pos < cSize)
                /* add noise */
                size_t noiseStart, noiseLength;
                nbBits = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
                if (nbBits>0) nbBits--;
                mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
                noiseLength = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask) + 1;
                if ( pos+noiseLength > cSize ) noiseLength = cSize-pos;
                noiseStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - noiseLength);
                memcpy(cBuffer + pos, srcBuffer + noiseStart, noiseLength);
                pos += noiseLength;

                /* keep some original src */
                nbBits = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
                mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
                skipLength = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask;
                pos += skipLength;

            /* decompress noisy source */
                U32 noiseSrc = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % 5;
                const U32 endMark = 0xA9B1C3D6;
                U32 endCheck;
                srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[noiseSrc];
                memcpy(dstBuffer+sampleSize, &endMark, 4);
                errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, sampleSize, cBuffer, cSize);
                /* result *may* be an unlikely success, but even then, it must strictly respect dest buffer boundaries */
                CHECK((!ZSTD_isError(errorCode)) && (errorCode>sampleSize),
                      "ZSTD_decompress on noisy src : result is too large : %u > %u (dst buffer)", (U32)errorCode, (U32)sampleSize);
                memcpy(&endCheck, dstBuffer+sampleSize, 4);
                CHECK(endMark!=endCheck, "ZSTD_decompress on noisy src : dst buffer overflow");

        /* Streaming compression of scattered segments test */
        XXH64_reset(xxh64, 0);
        nbChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127) + 2;
        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
        maxTestSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        maxTestSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (maxTestSize-1);
        if (maxTestSize >= dstBufferSize) maxTestSize = dstBufferSize-1;

        sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
        sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
        sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
        sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);
        dict = srcBuffer + sampleStart;
        dictSize = sampleSize;

        errorCode = ZSTD_compressBegin(refCtx, (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (20 - (sampleSizeLog/3))) + 1);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "start streaming error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        errorCode = ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary(refCtx, dict, dictSize);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "dictionary insertion error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        errorCode = ZSTD_duplicateCCtx(ctx, refCtx);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "context duplication error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        totalTestSize = 0; cSize = 0;
        for (n=0; n<nbChunks; n++)
            sampleSizeLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSampleLog;
            sampleSize = (size_t)1 << sampleSizeLog;
            sampleSize += FUZ_rand(&lseed) & (sampleSize-1);
            sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);

            if (cBufferSize-cSize < ZSTD_compressBound(sampleSize))
                /* avoid invalid dstBufferTooSmall */
            if (totalTestSize+sampleSize > maxTestSize) break;

            errorCode = ZSTD_compressContinue(ctx, cBuffer+cSize, cBufferSize-cSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);
            CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "multi-segments compression error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
            cSize += errorCode;

            XXH64_update(xxh64, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);
            memcpy(mirrorBuffer + totalTestSize, srcBuffer+sampleStart, sampleSize);
            totalTestSize += sampleSize;
        errorCode = ZSTD_compressEnd(ctx, cBuffer+cSize, cBufferSize-cSize);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "multi-segments epilogue error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        cSize += errorCode;
        crcOrig = XXH64_digest(xxh64);

        /* streaming decompression test */
        errorCode = ZSTD_resetDCtx(dctx);
        CHECK (ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "cannot init DCtx : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(errorCode));
        ZSTD_decompress_insertDictionary(dctx, dict, dictSize);
        totalCSize = 0;
        totalGenSize = 0;
        while (totalCSize < cSize)
            size_t inSize = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(dctx);
            size_t genSize = ZSTD_decompressContinue(dctx, dstBuffer+totalGenSize, dstBufferSize-totalGenSize, cBuffer+totalCSize, inSize);
            CHECK (ZSTD_isError(genSize), "streaming decompression error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(genSize));
            totalGenSize += genSize;
            totalCSize += inSize;
        CHECK (ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(dctx) != 0, "frame not fully decoded");
        CHECK (totalGenSize != totalTestSize, "decompressed data : wrong size")
        CHECK (totalCSize != cSize, "compressed data should be fully read")
        crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, totalTestSize, 0);
        if (crcDest!=crcOrig)
            errorCode = findDiff(mirrorBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
        CHECK (crcDest!=crcOrig, "streaming decompressed data corrupted : byte %u / %u  (%02X!=%02X)",
               (U32)errorCode, (U32)totalTestSize, dstBuffer[errorCode], mirrorBuffer[errorCode]);

Beispiel #21
void rm_digest_update(RmDigest *digest, const unsigned char *data, RmOff size) {
    switch(digest->type) {
    case RM_DIGEST_EXT:
/* Data is assumed to be a hex representation of a cchecksum.
 * Needs to be compressed in pure memory first.
 * Checksum is not updated but rather overwritten.
 * */
#define CHAR_TO_NUM(c) (unsigned char)(g_ascii_isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : (c - 'a') + 10)


        digest->bytes = size / 2;
        digest->checksum = g_slice_alloc0(digest->bytes);

        for(unsigned i = 0; i < digest->bytes; ++i) {
            ((guint8 *)digest->checksum)[i] =
                (CHAR_TO_NUM(data[2 * i]) << 4) + CHAR_TO_NUM(data[2 * i + 1]);

    case RM_DIGEST_MD5:
    case RM_DIGEST_SHA512:
    case RM_DIGEST_SHA256:
    case RM_DIGEST_SHA1:
        g_checksum_update(digest->glib_checksum, (const guchar *)data, size);
    case RM_DIGEST_SPOOKY32:
        digest->checksum[0].first = spooky_hash32(data, size, digest->checksum[0].first);
    case RM_DIGEST_SPOOKY64:
        digest->checksum[0].first = spooky_hash64(data, size, digest->checksum[0].first);
        spooky_hash128(data, size, (uint64_t *)&digest->checksum[0].first,
                       (uint64_t *)&digest->checksum[0].second);
        digest->checksum[0].first = XXH64(data, size, digest->checksum[0].first);
        digest->checksum[0].first = cfarmhash((const char *)data, size);
    case RM_DIGEST_MURMUR512:
    case RM_DIGEST_MURMUR256:
        for(guint8 block = 0; block < (digest->bytes / 16); block++) {
            MurmurHash3_x86_128(data, size, (uint32_t)digest->checksum[block].first,
                                &digest->checksum[block]);  //&
#elif RM_PLATFORM_64
            MurmurHash3_x64_128(data, size, (uint32_t)digest->checksum[block].first,
#error "Probably not a good idea to compile rmlint on 16bit."
    case RM_DIGEST_CITY:
    case RM_DIGEST_CITY256:
    case RM_DIGEST_CITY512:
        for(guint8 block = 0; block < (digest->bytes / 16); block++) {
            /* Opt out for the more optimized version.
            * This needs the crc command of sse4.2
            * (available on Intel Nehalem and up; my amd box doesn't have this though)
            uint128 old = {digest->checksum[block].first, digest->checksum[block].second};
            old = CityHash128WithSeed((const char *)data, size, old);
            memcpy(&digest->checksum[block], &old, sizeof(uint128));
        MurmurHash3_x86_128(data, size, (uint32_t)digest->checksum[0].first,

        uint128 old = {digest->checksum[1].first, digest->checksum[1].second};
        old = CityHash128WithSeed((const char *)data, size, old);
        memcpy(&digest->checksum[1], &old, sizeof(uint128));
        /* This is basically FNV1a, it is just important that the order of
         * adding data to the hash has no effect on the result, so it can
         * be used as a lookup key:
         * */
        RmOff hash = 0xcbf29ce484222325;
        for(gsize i = 0; i < digest->bytes; ++i) {
            hash ^= ((guint8 *)data)[i % size];
            hash *= 0x100000001b3;
            ((guint8 *)digest->checksum)[i] += hash;
    } break;
Beispiel #22
 StageBinary(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) : m_data(data), m_size(size) { m_hash = XXH64(m_data, m_size, 0); }
Beispiel #23
 StageBinary(StageBinaryData data, size_t size)
 : m_ownedData(std::move(data)), m_data(m_ownedData.get()), m_size(size) {
   m_hash = XXH64(m_data, m_size, 0);
Beispiel #24
int BMK_benchFile(char** fileNamesTable, int nbFiles, int selection)
    int fileIdx=0;
    struct hashFunctionPrototype hashP;
    U32 hashResult=0;

    U64 totals = 0;
    double totalc = 0.;

    // Init
    switch (selection)
#ifdef HASH0
    case 0 : hashP.hashFunction = HASH0; break;
#ifdef HASH1
    case 1 : hashP.hashFunction = HASH1; break;
#ifdef HASH2
    case 2 : hashP.hashFunction = HASH2; break;
    default: hashP.hashFunction = DEFAULTHASH;

    DISPLAY("Selected fn %d", selection);

    // Loop for each file
    while (fileIdx<nbFiles)
        FILE*  inFile;
        char*  inFileName;
        U64    inFileSize;
        size_t benchedSize;
        size_t readSize;
        char*  buffer;
        char*  alignedBuffer;

        // Check file existence
        inFileName = fileNamesTable[fileIdx++];
        inFile = fopen( inFileName, "rb" );
        if (inFile==NULL)
            DISPLAY( "Pb opening %s\n", inFileName);
            return 11;

        // Memory allocation & restrictions
        inFileSize = BMK_GetFileSize(inFileName);
        benchedSize = (size_t) BMK_findMaxMem(inFileSize);
        if ((U64)benchedSize > inFileSize) benchedSize = (size_t)inFileSize;
        if (benchedSize < inFileSize)
            DISPLAY("Not enough memory for '%s' full size; testing %i MB only...\n", inFileName, (int)(benchedSize>>20));

        buffer = (char*)malloc((size_t )benchedSize+16);
            DISPLAY("\nError: not enough memory!\n");
            return 12;
        alignedBuffer = (buffer+15) - (((size_t)(buffer+15)) & 0xF);   // align on next 16 bytes boundaries

        // Fill input buffer
        DISPLAY("\rLoading %s...        \n", inFileName);
        readSize = fread(alignedBuffer, 1, benchedSize, inFile);

        if(readSize != benchedSize)
            DISPLAY("\nError: problem reading file '%s' !!    \n", inFileName);
            return 13;

        // Bench XXH32
            int interationNb;
            double fastestC = 100000000.;

            DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", "");       // Clean display line
            for (interationNb = 1; interationNb <= nbIterations; interationNb++)
                int nbHashes = 0;
                int milliTime;

                DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %10i ->\r", interationNb, "XXH32", (int)benchedSize);

                // Hash loop
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
                while(BMK_GetMilliStart() == milliTime);
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
                while(BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime) < TIMELOOP)
                    int i;
                    for (i=0; i<100; i++)
                        hashResult = hashP.hashFunction(alignedBuffer, (int)benchedSize, 0);
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime);
                if ((double)milliTime < fastestC*nbHashes) fastestC = (double)milliTime/nbHashes;
                DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %10i -> %7.1f MB/s\r", interationNb, "XXH32", (int)benchedSize, (double)benchedSize / fastestC / 1000.);
            DISPLAY("%-16.16s : %10i -> %7.1f MB/s   0x%08X\n", "XXH32", (int)benchedSize, (double)benchedSize / fastestC / 1000., hashResult);

            totals += benchedSize;
            totalc += fastestC;

        // Bench Unaligned XXH32
            int interationNb;
            double fastestC = 100000000.;

            DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", "");       // Clean display line
            for (interationNb = 1; (interationNb <= nbIterations) && ((benchedSize>1)); interationNb++)
                int nbHashes = 0;
                int milliTime;

                DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %10i ->\r", interationNb, "(unaligned)", (int)benchedSize);
                // Hash loop
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
                while(BMK_GetMilliStart() == milliTime);
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
                while(BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime) < TIMELOOP)
                    int i;
                    for (i=0; i<100; i++)
                        hashResult = hashP.hashFunction(alignedBuffer+1, (int)benchedSize-1, 0);
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime);
                if ((double)milliTime < fastestC*nbHashes) fastestC = (double)milliTime/nbHashes;
                DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %10i -> %7.1f MB/s\r", interationNb, "XXH32 (unaligned)", (int)(benchedSize-1), (double)(benchedSize-1) / fastestC / 1000.);
            DISPLAY("%-16.16s : %10i -> %7.1f MB/s \n", "XXH32 (unaligned)", (int)benchedSize-1, (double)(benchedSize-1) / fastestC / 1000.);

        // Bench XXH64
            int interationNb;
            double fastestC = 100000000.;
            unsigned long long h64 = 0;

            DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", "");       // Clean display line
            for (interationNb = 1; interationNb <= nbIterations; interationNb++)
                int nbHashes = 0;
                int milliTime;

                DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %10i ->\r", interationNb, "XXH64", (int)benchedSize);

                // Hash loop
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
                while(BMK_GetMilliStart() == milliTime);
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliStart();
                while(BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime) < TIMELOOP)
                    int i;
                    for (i=0; i<100; i++)
                        h64 = XXH64(alignedBuffer, (int)benchedSize, 0);
                milliTime = BMK_GetMilliSpan(milliTime);
                if ((double)milliTime < fastestC*nbHashes) fastestC = (double)milliTime/nbHashes;
                DISPLAY("%1i-%-14.14s : %10i -> %7.1f MB/s\r", interationNb, "XXH64", (int)benchedSize, (double)benchedSize / fastestC / 1000.);
            DISPLAY("%-16.16s : %10i -> %7.1f MB/s   0x%08X%08X\n", "XXH64", (int)benchedSize, (double)benchedSize / fastestC / 1000., (U32)(h64>>32), (U32)(h64));

            totals += benchedSize;
            totalc += fastestC;

Beispiel #25
 explicit StageSourceText(std::string_view text) : m_text(text), m_hash(XXH64(, m_text.size(), 0)) {}
Beispiel #26
// Making a wrapper to fit into the 32 bit api
unsigned int XXH64_32(const void* key, unsigned int len, unsigned int seed)
	unsigned long long hash = XXH64(key, len, seed);
	return (unsigned int)(hash & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Beispiel #27
static void unitTest(void)
    BYTE* testBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(TBSIZE);
    BYTE* verifBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(TBSIZE);
    size_t errorCode;
    U32 seed=0, testNb=0, lseed=0;
    U32 count[256];

    if ((!testBuff) || (!cBuff) || (!verifBuff))
        DISPLAY("Not enough memory, exiting ... \n");

    /* FSE_count */
        U32 max, i;
        for (i=0; i< TBSIZE; i++) testBuff[i] = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 63) + '0';
        max = '0' + 63;
        errorCode = FSE_count(count, &max, testBuff, TBSIZE);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_count() should have worked");
        max -= 1;
        errorCode = FSE_count(count, &max, testBuff, TBSIZE);
        CHECK(!FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_count() should have failed : value > max");
        max = 65000;
        errorCode = FSE_count(count, &max, testBuff, TBSIZE);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_count() should have worked");

    /* FSE_optimalTableLog */
        U32 max, i, tableLog=12;
        size_t testSize = 999;
        for (i=0; i< testSize; i++) testBuff[i] = (BYTE)FUZ_rand(&lseed);
        max = 256;
        FSE_count(count, &max, testBuff, testSize);
        tableLog = FSE_optimalTableLog(tableLog, testSize, max);
        CHECK(tableLog<=8, "Too small tableLog");

    /* FSE_normalizeCount */
        S16 norm[256];
        U32 max = 256;
        FSE_count(count, &max, testBuff, TBSIZE);
        errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(norm, 10, count, TBSIZE, max);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_normalizeCount() should have worked");
        errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(norm, 8, count, TBSIZE, 256);
        CHECK(!FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_normalizeCount() should have failed (max >= 1<<tableLog)");
        /* limit corner case : try to make internal rank overflow */
            U32 i;
            U32 total = 0;
            count[0] =  940;
            count[1] =  910;
            count[2] =  470;
            count[3] =  190;
            count[4] =   90;
            for(i=5; i<=255; i++) count[i] = 6;
            for (i=0; i<=255; i++) total += count[i];
            errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(norm, 10, count, total, 255);
            CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_normalizeCount() should have worked");
            count[0] =  300;
            count[1] =  300;
            count[2] =  300;
            count[3] =  300;
            count[4] =   50;
            for(i=5; i<=80; i++) count[i] = 4;
            total = 0; for (i=0; i<=80; i++) total += count[i];
            errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(norm, 10, count, total, 80);
            CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_normalizeCount() should have worked");

    /* FSE_writeNCount, FSE_readNCount */
        S16 norm[129];
        BYTE header[513];
        U32 max, tableLog, i;
        size_t headerSize;

        for (i=0; i< TBSIZE; i++) testBuff[i] = i % 127;
        max = 128;
        errorCode = FSE_count(count, &max, testBuff, TBSIZE);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_count() should have worked");
        tableLog = FSE_optimalTableLog(0, TBSIZE, max);
        errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(norm, tableLog, count, TBSIZE, max);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_normalizeCount() should have worked");

        headerSize = FSE_NCountWriteBound(max, tableLog);

        headerSize = FSE_writeNCount(header, 513, norm, max, tableLog);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(headerSize), "Error : FSE_writeNCount() should have worked");

        header[headerSize-1] = 0;
        errorCode = FSE_writeNCount(header, headerSize-1, norm, max, tableLog);
        CHECK(!FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_writeNCount() should have failed");
        CHECK (header[headerSize-1] != 0, "Error : FSE_writeNCount() buffer overwrite");

        errorCode = FSE_writeNCount(header, headerSize+1, norm, max, tableLog);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_writeNCount() should have worked");

        max = 129;
        errorCode = FSE_readNCount(norm, &max, &tableLog, header, headerSize);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_readNCount() should have worked : (error %s)", FSE_getErrorName(errorCode));

        max = 64;
        errorCode = FSE_readNCount(norm, &max, &tableLog, header, headerSize);
        CHECK(!FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_readNCount() should have failed (max too small)");

        max = 129;
        errorCode = FSE_readNCount(norm, &max, &tableLog, header, headerSize-1);
        CHECK(!FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_readNCount() should have failed (size too small)");

            void* smallBuffer = malloc(headerSize-1);   /* outbound read can be caught by valgrind */
            CHECK(smallBuffer==NULL, "Error : Not enough memory (FSE_readNCount unit test)");
            memcpy(smallBuffer, header, headerSize-1);
            max = 129;
            errorCode = FSE_readNCount(norm, &max, &tableLog, smallBuffer, headerSize-1);
            CHECK(!FSE_isError(errorCode), "Error : FSE_readNCount() should have failed (size too small)");

    /* FSE_buildCTable_raw & FSE_buildDTable_raw */
        U32 ct[FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(8, 256)];
        U32 dt[FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(8)];
        U64 crcOrig, crcVerif;
        size_t cSize, verifSize;

        U32 i;
        for (i=0; i< TBSIZE; i++) testBuff[i] = (FUZ_rand(&seed) & 63) + '0';
        crcOrig = XXH64(testBuff, TBSIZE, 0);

        errorCode = FSE_buildCTable_raw(ct, 8);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "FSE_buildCTable_raw should have worked");
        errorCode = FSE_buildDTable_raw(dt, 8);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "FSE_buildDTable_raw should have worked");

        cSize = FSE_compress_usingCTable(cBuff, FSE_COMPRESSBOUND(TBSIZE), testBuff, TBSIZE, ct);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(cSize), "FSE_compress_usingCTable should have worked using raw CTable");

        verifSize = FSE_decompress_usingDTable(verifBuff, TBSIZE, cBuff, cSize, dt);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(verifSize), "FSE_decompress_usingDTable should have worked using raw DTable");

        crcVerif = XXH64(verifBuff, verifSize, 0);
        CHECK(crcOrig != crcVerif, "Raw regenerated data is corrupted");

    /* known corner case */
        BYTE sample8[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        BYTE* rBuff;
        errorCode = FSE_compress(cBuff, TBSIZE, sample8, 8);
        CHECK(FSE_isError(errorCode), "FSE_compress failed compressing sample8");
        rBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(errorCode);   /* in order to catch read overflow with Valgrind */
        CHECK(rBuff==NULL, "Not enough memory for rBuff");
        memcpy(rBuff, cBuff, errorCode);
        errorCode = FSE_decompress(verifBuff, sizeof(sample8), rBuff, errorCode);
        CHECK(errorCode != sizeof(sample8), "FSE_decompress failed regenerating sample8");

    DISPLAY("Unit tests completed\n");
Beispiel #28
std::string HiresTexture::GenBaseName(
	const u8* texture, size_t texture_size,
	const u8* tlut, size_t tlut_size,
	u32 width, u32 height,
	int format,
	bool has_mipmaps,
	bool dump)
	std::string name = "";
	bool convert = false;
	HiresTextureCache::iterator convert_iter;
	if ((!dump || convert) && s_check_native_format)
		// try to load the old format first
		u64 tex_hash = GetHashHiresTexture(texture, (int)texture_size, g_ActiveConfig.iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples);
		u64 tlut_hash = 0;
			tlut_hash = GetHashHiresTexture(tlut, (int)tlut_size, g_ActiveConfig.iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples);
		name = StringFromFormat("%s_%08x_%i", SConfig::GetInstance().m_strUniqueID.c_str(), (u32)(tex_hash ^ tlut_hash), (u16)format);
		convert_iter = s_textureMap.find(name);
		if (convert_iter != s_textureMap.end())
			if (g_ActiveConfig.bConvertHiresTextures)
				convert = true;
				return name;
	if (dump || s_check_new_format || convert)
		// checking for min/max on paletted textures
		u32 min = 0xffff;
		u32 max = 0;
		switch (tlut_size)
		case 0: break;
		case 16 * 2:
			for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size; i++)
				min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i] & 0xf);
				min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i] >> 4);
				max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i] & 0xf);
				max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i] >> 4);
		case 256 * 2:
			for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size; i++)
				min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i]);
				max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i]);
		case 16384 * 2:
			for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size / 2; i++)
				min = std::min<u32>(min, Common::swap16(((u16*)texture)[i]) & 0x3fff);
				max = std::max<u32>(max, Common::swap16(((u16*)texture)[i]) & 0x3fff);
		if (tlut_size > 0)
			tlut_size = 2 * (max + 1 - min);
			tlut += 2 * min;
		u64 tex_hash = XXH64(texture, texture_size);
		u64 tlut_hash = 0;
			tlut_hash = XXH64(tlut, tlut_size);
		std::string basename = s_format_prefix + StringFromFormat("%dx%d%s_%0016" PRIx64, width, height, has_mipmaps ? "_m" : "", tex_hash);
		std::string tlutname = tlut_size ? StringFromFormat("_%0016" PRIx64, tlut_hash) : "";
		std::string formatname = StringFromFormat("_%d", format);
		std::string fullname = basename + tlutname + formatname;
		if (convert)
			// new texture
			if (s_textureMap.find(fullname) == s_textureMap.end())
				HiresTextureCacheItem newitem(convert_iter->second.color_map.size());
				for (size_t level = 0; level < convert_iter->second.color_map.size(); level++)
					std::string newname = fullname;
					if (level)
						newname += StringFromFormat("_mip%d", level);
					newname += convert_iter->second.color_map[level].extension;
					std::string &src = convert_iter->second.color_map[level].path;
					size_t postfix = src.find(name);
					std::string dst = src.substr(0, postfix) + newname;
					if (File::Rename(src, dst))
						s_check_new_format = true;
						OSD::AddMessage(StringFromFormat("Rename custom texture %s to %s", src.c_str(), dst.c_str()), 5000);
						ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "rename failed");
					newitem.color_map[level] = hires_mip_level(dst, convert_iter->second.color_map[level].extension, convert_iter->second.color_map[level].is_compressed);
				s_textureMap.emplace(fullname, newitem);
				for (size_t level = 0; level < convert_iter->second.color_map.size(); level++)
					if (File::Delete(convert_iter->second.color_map[level].path))
						OSD::AddMessage(StringFromFormat("Delete double old custom texture %s", convert_iter->second.color_map[level].path.c_str()), 5000);
						ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "delete failed");
		return fullname;
Beispiel #29
Packet::update_signature(uint64_t seed) {
  signature = XXH64(buffer.start(), buffer.get_data_size(), seed);
Beispiel #30
std::string HiresTexture::GenBaseName(const u8* texture, size_t texture_size, const u8* tlut, size_t tlut_size, u32 width, u32 height, int format, bool has_mipmaps, bool dump)
	std::string name = "";
	bool convert = false;
	if (!dump && s_check_native_format)
		// try to load the old format first
		u64 tex_hash = GetHashHiresTexture(texture, (int)texture_size, g_ActiveConfig.iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples);
		u64 tlut_hash = tlut_size ? GetHashHiresTexture(tlut, (int)tlut_size, g_ActiveConfig.iSafeTextureCache_ColorSamples) : 0;
		name = StringFromFormat("%s_%08x_%i", SConfig::GetInstance().m_strUniqueID.c_str(), (u32)(tex_hash ^ tlut_hash), (u16)format);
		if (s_textureMap.find(name) != s_textureMap.end())
			if (g_ActiveConfig.bConvertHiresTextures)
				convert = true;
				return name;

	if (dump || s_check_new_format || convert)
		// checking for min/max on paletted textures
		u32 min = 0xffff;
		u32 max = 0;
			case 0: break;
			case 16 * 2:
				for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size; i++)
					min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i] & 0xf);
					min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i] >> 4);
					max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i] & 0xf);
					max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i] >> 4);
			case 256 * 2:
				for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size; i++)
					min = std::min<u32>(min, texture[i]);
					max = std::max<u32>(max, texture[i]);
			case 16384 * 2:
				for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_size/2; i++)
					min = std::min<u32>(min, Common::swap16(((u16*)texture)[i]) & 0x3fff);
					max = std::max<u32>(max, Common::swap16(((u16*)texture)[i]) & 0x3fff);
		if (tlut_size > 0)
			tlut_size = 2 * (max + 1 - min);
			tlut += 2 * min;

		u64 tex_hash = XXH64(texture, texture_size, 0);
		u64 tlut_hash = tlut_size ? XXH64(tlut, tlut_size, 0) : 0;

		std::string basename = s_format_prefix + StringFromFormat("%dx%d%s_%016" PRIx64, width, height, has_mipmaps ? "_m" : "", tex_hash);
		std::string tlutname = tlut_size ? StringFromFormat("_%016" PRIx64, tlut_hash) : "";
		std::string formatname = StringFromFormat("_%d", format);
		std::string fullname = basename + tlutname + formatname;

		for (int level = 0; level < 10 && convert; level++)
			std::string oldname = name;
			if (level)
				oldname += StringFromFormat("_mip%d", level);

			// skip not existing levels
			if (s_textureMap.find(oldname) == s_textureMap.end())

			for (int i = 0;; i++)
				// for hash collisions, padd with an integer
				std::string newname = fullname;
				if (level)
					newname += StringFromFormat("_mip%d", level);
				if (i)
					newname += StringFromFormat(".%d", i);

				// new texture
				if (s_textureMap.find(newname) == s_textureMap.end())
					std::string src = s_textureMap[oldname];
					size_t postfix = src.find_last_of('.');
					std::string dst = src.substr(0, postfix - oldname.length()) + newname + src.substr(postfix, src.length() - postfix);
					if (File::Rename(src, dst))
						s_textureMap[newname] = dst;
						s_check_new_format = true;
						OSD::AddMessage(StringFromFormat("Rename custom texture %s to %s", oldname.c_str(), newname.c_str()), 5000);
						ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "rename failed");
					// dst fail already exist, compare content
					std::string a, b;
					File::ReadFileToString(s_textureMap[oldname], a);
					File::ReadFileToString(s_textureMap[newname], b);

					if (a == b && a != "")
						// equal, so remove
						if (File::Delete(s_textureMap[oldname]))
							OSD::AddMessage(StringFromFormat("Delete double old custom texture %s", oldname.c_str()), 5000);
							ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "delete failed");

					// else continue in this loop with the next higher padding variable

		// try to match a wildcard template
		if (!dump && s_textureMap.find(basename + "_*" + formatname) != s_textureMap.end())
			return basename + "_*" + formatname;

		// else generate the complete texture
		if (dump || s_textureMap.find(fullname) != s_textureMap.end())
			return fullname;