Type Foam::interpolation2DTable<Type>::operator()
    const scalar valueX,
    const scalar valueY
) const
    // Considers all of the list in Y being equal
    label nX = this->size();

    const table& t = *this;

    if (nX == 0)
            "Type Foam::interpolation2DTable<Type>::operator()"
                "const scalar, "
                "const scalar"
            ") const"
            << "cannot interpolate a zero-sized table - returning zero" << endl;

        return pTraits<Type>::zero;
    else if (nX == 1)
        // only 1 column (in X) - interpolate to find Y value
        return interpolateValue(t.first().second(), valueY);
        // have 2-D data, interpolate

        // find low and high indices in the X range that bound valueX
        label x0i = Xi(lessOp<scalar>(), valueX, false);
        label x1i = Xi(greaterOp<scalar>(), valueX, true);

        if (x0i == x1i)
            return interpolateValue(t[x0i].second(), valueY);
            Type y0(interpolateValue(t[x0i].second(), valueY));
            Type y1(interpolateValue(t[x1i].second(), valueY));

            // gradient in X
            scalar x0 = t[x0i].first();
            scalar x1 = t[x1i].first();
            Type mX = (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0);

            // interpolate
            return y0 + mX*(valueX - x0);
    int solve (int sys, int n,
               int const* Ap, int const* Ai, traits::complex_d const* Ax,
               traits::complex_d* X, traits::complex_d const* B,
               void *Numeric, double const* Control, double* Info)
      int nnz = Ap[n];
      bindings::detail::array<double> Axr (nnz);
      if (!Axr.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      bindings::detail::array<double> Axi (nnz);
      if (!Axi.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      traits::detail::disentangle (Ax, Ax+nnz,
                                   Axr.storage(), Axi.storage());
      bindings::detail::array<double> Br (n);
      if (!Br.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      bindings::detail::array<double> Bi (n);
      if (!Bi.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      traits::detail::disentangle (B, B+n,
                                   Br.storage(), Bi.storage());
      bindings::detail::array<double> Xr (n);
      if (!Xr.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      bindings::detail::array<double> Xi (n);
      if (!Xi.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;

      int status = umfpack_zi_solve (sys, Ap, Ai,
                                     Axr.storage(), Axi.storage(),
                                     Xr.storage(), Xi.storage(),
                                     Br.storage(), Bi.storage(),
                                     Numeric, Control, Info);
      if (status != UMFPACK_OK) return status;
      traits::detail::interlace (Xr.storage(), Xr.storage() + n,
                                 Xi.storage(), X);
      return status;
Beispiel #3
  HydroProp* Sphere::getHydroProp(RealType viscosity, RealType temperature) {
    RealType Xitt  = 6.0 * NumericConstant::PI * viscosity * radius_;
    RealType Xirr = 8.0 * NumericConstant::PI * viscosity * radius_ * radius_ * radius_;

    Mat6x6d Xi, XiCopy, D;

    Xi(0, 0) = Xitt;
    Xi(1, 1) = Xitt;
    Xi(2, 2) = Xitt;
    Xi(3, 3) = Xirr;
    Xi(4, 4) = Xirr;
    Xi(5, 5) = Xirr;
    Xi *= PhysicalConstants::viscoConvert;
    XiCopy = Xi;

    invertMatrix(XiCopy, D);
    RealType kt = PhysicalConstants::kb * temperature; // in kcal mol^-1
    D *= kt;  // now in angstroms^2 fs^-1  (at least for Trans-trans)

    HydroProp* hprop = new HydroProp(V3Zero, Xi, D);
    return hprop;
Beispiel #4
// [[Rcpp::export]]
VectorXd bootR2(const MatrixXd X, const VectorXd y, int nBoot){
    RNGScope scope;
    const int n(X.rows());
    // const int p(X.cols());
    VectorXd R2s(nBoot);
    MatrixXd Xi(X);
    VectorXd yi(y);
    IntegerVector prm(n);
    // double R2i(R2(Xi, yi));
    for(int i = 0; i < nBoot; ++i) {
	prm = bootPerm(n);
	Xi = shuffleMatrix(X, prm);
	yi = shuffleVector(y, prm);
	R2s(i) = R2(Xi, yi);
    return R2s;
void Kalman_SLAM::decorrelate( Bayesian_filter::Bayes_base::Float d )
// Reduce correlation by scaling cross-correlation terms
    std::size_t i,j;
    const std::size_t n = full->X.size1();
    for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        FM::SymMatrix::Row Xi(full->X,i);
        for (j = 0; j < i; ++j)
            Xi[j] *= d;
        for (j = i+1; j < n; ++j)
            Xi[j] *= d;
    int report_vector (int n, traits::complex_d const* X,
                       double const* Control)
#if 0
      // see UMFPACK v 4.1 User Guide
      bindings::detail::array<double> Xr (n);
      if (!Xr.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      bindings::detail::array<double> Xi (n);
      if (!Xi.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      traits::detail::disentangle (X, X+n,
                                   Xr.storage(), Xi.storage());
      return umfpack_zi_report_vector (n, Xr.storage(), Xi.storage(), Control);
      return umfpack_zi_report_vector (n,
                                       reinterpret_cast<double const*> (X),
                                       reinterpret_cast<double const*> (0),
Beispiel #7
// [[Rcpp::export]]
MatrixXd bootCoef(const MatrixXd X, const VectorXd y, int nBoot){
    RNGScope scope;
    const int n(X.rows());
    const int p(X.cols());
    MatrixXd bootBeta(nBoot, p);
    MatrixXd Xi(X);
    VectorXd yi(y);
    IntegerVector prm(n);
    VectorXd betaHati(p);
    for(int i = 0; i < nBoot; ++i) {
	prm = bootPerm(n);
	Xi = shuffleMatrix(X, prm);
	yi = shuffleVector(y, prm);
	betaHati = betaHat(Xi, yi);
	for(int j = 0; j < p; ++j) {
	    bootBeta(i, j) = betaHati[j];
    return bootBeta;
    int scale (int n, traits::complex_d* X,
               traits::complex_d const* B, void* Numeric)
      bindings::detail::array<double> Br (n);
      if (!Br.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      bindings::detail::array<double> Bi (n);
      if (!Bi.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      traits::detail::disentangle (B, B+n,
                                   Br.storage(), Bi.storage());
      bindings::detail::array<double> Xr (n);
      if (!Xr.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;
      bindings::detail::array<double> Xi (n);
      if (!Xi.valid()) return UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory;

      int status = umfpack_zi_scale (Xr.storage(), Xi.storage(),
                                     Br.storage(), Bi.storage(),
      if (status != UMFPACK_OK) return status;
      traits::detail::interlace (Xr.storage(), Xr.storage() + n,
                                 Xi.storage(), X);
      return status;
Beispiel #9
	void  Control::debugAction1()

		std::ofstream f;
		const int  NOR = Global::NOR;
		double to = Global::t0;
		double te = Global::te;
		double step = 0;
		//максимальное число итераций
		int NI = Global::Niter;
		//Output parameters
		int NS = 0, NBS = 0, Neq = 10, I = 0;
		vector<double> X0;
		vector<vector<double>> Xvar(21);

		Integration::Instance.setPar(X0, Global::SV, to);
		vector<double> Xi(X0), var(Neq);

		for (int i = 0; i < Neq; i++) var[i] = X0[i] * 0.01;
		var[3] = var[2];
		//первое интегрирование без вариаций
		Integration::Instance.Gauss_FODE(Xi, to, te, step, NOR, NI, NS, NBS);
		Xvar[0] = Xi;
		f << "Xvar\t" << Xvar.size() << endl;

		f << "varEq+\n";
		for (I = 1; I < Neq + 1; I++)
			Xi = X0;
			Xi[I - 1] += var[I - 1];
			Integration::Instance.Gauss_FODE(Xi, to, te, step, NOR, NI, NS, NBS);
			Xvar[I] = Xi;
			f << Xvar[I].size() << endl;

		f << "varEq-\n";
		for (I = Neq + 1; I < 2 * Neq + 1; I++)
			Xi = X0;
			Xi[I - Neq - 1] -= var[I - Neq - 1];
			Integration::Instance.Gauss_FODE(Xi, to, te, step, NOR, NI, NS, NBS);
			Xvar[I] = Xi;
			f << Xvar[I].size() << endl;
		f << setprecision(12);
		Matrix M(Neq, Neq);
		for (int j = 0; j < Neq; j++)
			for (int k = 0; k < Neq; k++)
				double p = (Xvar[j + 1][k] - Xvar[0][k]) / var[j];
				double m = (Xvar[0][k] - Xvar[j + 11][k]) / var[j];
				M(k, j) = (p + m) / 2.0;
		f << "Xvar\n";
		for (int j = 0; j < 21; j++)
			for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
				f << Xvar[j][k] << "\t";
			f << "\n";
		f << "Var\n";
		for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
			f << var[k] << "\t";
		f << "\n";
		f << "findiff\n" << M.toString("\t", "%e", 20, 1);
		Matrix dXdX0(Neq, Neq);

		Integration::Instance.setPar(X0, Global::SV, to);
		Integration::Instance.Gauss_FODE(X0, to, te, Global::step, NOR, NI, NS, NBS);
		dXdX0.setFromVec(Neq, X0);
		f << "varEq\n" << dXdX0.toString("\t", "%e", 20, 1);
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

#   include "setRootCase.H"
#   include "createTime.H"

    instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select0(runTime, args);

#   include "createMesh.H"

    forAll(timeDirs, timeI)
        runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);


        volScalarField mgb

        volScalarField Su

        volScalarField Xi

        volScalarField St


        volScalarField wdot

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    clock_t start = clock(); // MILO
    int width = 256, height = 256;
    std::string sceneName = "cornell";
    std::string rendererName = "simple";
    int nSamples = 25; // # samples

    option long_options[] =
        {"help",    no_argument,        0, 'h'},
        {"viewport",required_argument,  0, 'v'},
        {"input",   required_argument,  0, 'i'},
        {"samples", required_argument,  0, 's'},
        {"renderer",required_argument,  0, 'r'},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}

    int opt;
    int option_index = 0;
    while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hv:i:s:r:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1)
        switch (opt)
        case 'h':
                fprintf(stdout, "smallpt --renderer simple --viewport 256 --input cornell --samples 100\n\n");
        case 'v':{width = height = atoi(optarg); break;}
        case 'i':{sceneName = optarg; break;}
        case 's':{nSamples = atoi(optarg)/4; break;}
        case 'r':{rendererName = optarg; break;}
        default: exit(0);
    if (optind < argc) {
        printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
        while (optind < argc)
            printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
        printf ("\n");

    IRenderer* renderer = NULL;
        if (rendererName == "forward")
            renderer = new ForwardRenderer();
        else if (rendererName == "diffuse")
            renderer = new DiffuseOnlyRenderer();
            renderer = new SimpleRenderer();

    Ray cam(Vec(50,52,295.6), Vec(0,-0.042612,-1).norm()); // cam pos, dir
    Vec cx = Vec(width*.5135/height);
    Vec cy=(cx.cross(cam.dir)).norm()*.5135;
    Vec* colorBuf = new Vec[width*height];
    Vec r;

    IScene* scene = new SimpleScene();
    if (!IScene::createBuiltInScene(scene, sceneName))
        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid scene name: %s\n", sceneName.c_str());

    char imageName[100];
    sprintf(imageName, "%s_%s_%dX%dX%d.ppm", 
        sceneName.c_str(), rendererName.c_str(), 
        width, height, nSamples*4);
    fprintf(stdout, "Rendering to %s\n", imageName);

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) private(r)       // OpenMP
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
        // Loop over image rows
        fprintf(stderr,"\rRendering (%d spp) %5.2f%%",nSamples*4,100.*y/(height - 1));
        RandomLCG Xi(y*y*y); // MILO
        for (unsigned short x = 0; x < width; x++)
            // Loop cols
            int loc = (height - y - 1) * width + x;
            for (int sy = 0; sy < 2; sy++) 
                // 2x2 subpixel rows
                for (int sx = 0; sx < 2; sx++, r = Vec())
                    // 2x2 subpixel cols
                    for (int s = 0; s < nSamples; s++)
                        double dx = tentFilterRandom(Xi);
                        double dy = tentFilterRandom(Xi);
#if 1
                        Vec d = cx*( ( (sx+.5 + dx)/2 + x)/width - .5) +
                            cy*( ( (sy+.5 + dy)/2 + y)/height - .5) + cam.dir;
                        Vec d = cx*(x/(double)width - .5 ) + cy*(y/(double)height - .5) + cam.dir;
                        r = r + renderer->radiance(*scene, Ray(cam.orig+d*140,d.norm()),0,Xi)*(1./nSamples);
                    } // Camera rays are pushed ^^^^^ forward to start in interior
                    colorBuf[loc] = colorBuf[loc] + Vec(clamp(r.x),clamp(r.y),clamp(r.z))*.25;

    delete renderer;
    delete scene;

    printf("\n%f sec\n", (float)(clock() - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); // MILO

        FILE *f = fopen(imageName, "w");         // Write image to PPM file.
        fprintf(f, "P3\n%d %d\n%d\n", width, height, 255);
        for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
            fprintf(f,"%d %d %d ", toInt(colorBuf[i].x), toInt(colorBuf[i].y), toInt(colorBuf[i].z));
Beispiel #12
bool Reed_Solomon::decode(const bvec &coded_bits, const ivec &erasure_positions, bvec &decoded_message, bvec &cw_isvalid)
  bool decoderfailure, no_dec_failure;
  int j, i, kk, l, L, foundzeros, iterations = floor_i(static_cast<double>(coded_bits.length()) / (n * m));
  bvec mbit(m * k);
  decoded_message.set_size(iterations * k * m, false);

  GFX rx(q, n - 1), cx(q, n - 1), mx(q, k - 1), ex(q, n - 1), S(q, 2 * t), Xi(q, 2 * t), Gamma(q), Lambda(q),
      Psiprime(q), OldLambda(q), T(q), Omega(q);
  GFX dummy(q), One(q, (char*)"0"), Omegatemp(q);
  GF delta(q), tempsum(q), rtemp(q), temp(q), Xk(q), Xkinv(q);
  ivec errorpos;

  if ( erasure_positions.length() ) {
    it_assert(max(erasure_positions) < iterations*n, "Reed_Solomon::decode: erasure position is invalid.");
  no_dec_failure = true;
  for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
    decoderfailure = false;
    //Fix the received polynomial r(x)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      rtemp.set(q, coded_bits.mid(i * n * m + j * m, m));
      rx[j] = rtemp;
    // Fix the Erasure polynomial Gamma(x)
    // and replace erased coordinates with zeros
    rtemp.set(q, -1);
    ivec alphapow = - ones_i(2);
    Gamma = One;
    for (j = 0; j < erasure_positions.length(); j++) {
      rx[erasure_positions(j)] = rtemp;
      alphapow(1) = erasure_positions(j);
      Gamma *= (One - GFX(q, alphapow));
    //Fix the syndrome polynomial S(x).
    for (j = 1; j <= 2 * t; j++) {
      S[j] = rx(GF(q, b + j - 1));
    // calculate the modified syndrome polynomial Xi(x) = Gamma * (1+S) - 1
    Xi = Gamma * (One + S) - One;
    // Apply Berlekam-Massey algorithm
    if (Xi.get_true_degree() >= 1) { //Errors in the received word
      // Iterate to find Lambda(x), which hold all error locations
      kk = 0;
      Lambda = One;
      L = 0;
      T = GFX(q, (char*)"-1 0");
      while (kk < 2 * t) {
        kk = kk + 1;
        tempsum = GF(q, -1);
        for (l = 1; l <= L; l++) {
          tempsum += Lambda[l] * Xi[kk - l];
        delta = Xi[kk] - tempsum;
        if (delta != GF(q, -1)) {
          OldLambda = Lambda;
          Lambda -= delta * T;
          if (2 * L < kk) {
            L = kk - L;
            T = OldLambda / delta;
        T = GFX(q, (char*)"-1 0") * T;
      // Find the zeros to Lambda(x)
      foundzeros = 0;
      for (j = q - 2; j >= 0; j--) {
        if (Lambda(GF(q, j)) == GF(q, -1)) {
          errorpos(foundzeros) = (n - j) % n;
          foundzeros += 1;
          if (foundzeros >= Lambda.get_true_degree()) {
      if (foundzeros != Lambda.get_true_degree()) {
        decoderfailure = true;
      else { // Forney algorithm...
        //Compute Omega(x) using the key equation for RS-decoding
        Omega.set_degree(2 * t);
        Omegatemp = Lambda * (One + Xi);
        for (j = 0; j <= 2 * t; j++) {
          Omega[j] = Omegatemp[j];
        //Find the error/erasure magnitude polynomial by treating them the same
        Psiprime = formal_derivate(Lambda*Gamma);
        errorpos = concat(errorpos, erasure_positions);
        for (j = 0; j < errorpos.length(); j++) {
          Xk = GF(q, errorpos(j));
          Xkinv = GF(q, 0) / Xk;
          // we calculate ex = - error polynomial, in order to avoid the 
          // subtraction when recunstructing the corrected codeword
          ex[errorpos(j)] = (Xk * Omega(Xkinv)) / Psiprime(Xkinv);
          if (b != 1) { // non-narrow-sense code needs corrected error magnitudes
            int correction_exp = ( errorpos(j)*(1-b) ) % n;
            ex[errorpos(j)] *= GF(q, correction_exp + ( (correction_exp < 0) ? n : 0 ));
        //Reconstruct the corrected codeword.
        // instead of subtracting the error/erasures, we calculated 
        // the negative error with 'ex' above
        cx = rx + ex;
        //Code word validation
        for (j = 1; j <= 2 * t; j++) {
          S[j] = cx(GF(q, b + j - 1));
        if (S.get_true_degree() >= 1) {
          decoderfailure = true;
    else {
      cx = rx;
      decoderfailure = false;
    //Find the message polynomial
    if (decoderfailure == false) {
      if (cx.get_true_degree() >= 1) { // A nonzero codeword was transmitted
        if (systematic) {
          for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
            mx[j] = cx[j];
        else {
          mx = divgfx(cx, g);
        for (j = 0; j <= mx.get_true_degree(); j++) {
          mbit.replace_mid(j * m, mx[j].get_vectorspace());
    else { //Decoder failure.
      // for a systematic code it is better to extract the undecoded message
      // from the received code word, i.e. obtaining a bit error
      // prob. p_b << 1/2, than setting all-zero (p_b = 1/2)
      if (systematic) {
        mbit = coded_bits.mid(i * n * m, k * m);
      else {
        mbit = zeros_b(k);
      no_dec_failure = false;
    decoded_message.replace_mid(i * m * k, mbit);
    cw_isvalid(i) = (!decoderfailure);
  return no_dec_failure;
Beispiel #13
Bool_t TZigZag::PointsNear(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t &yi,
  TArrayD &Tn, TArrayD &Yn) const {
// Two-dimensional case. Finds in I,T,X,Y the 4 points of the grid around point (x,y).
//Then finds the 2 closest points along the zigzag in In,Tn,Xn,Yn.
// If point (x,y) not inside [fXmin,fXmax] and [fYmin,fYmax], make a projection
//towards center and stops at point just after entry and gives the 4 points for it.
  const Double_t un   = 1.0;
  const Double_t aeps = 1.0e-6;
  TArrayI Ii(4);
  TArrayD Ti(4);
  TArrayD Xi(4);
  TArrayD Yi(4);
  Bool_t ok;
  Int_t i;
  Int_t kx=0;
  Int_t ky=0;
  Double_t mx,my,eps;
  Double_t xc,xl,xr,dx,dxs2;
  Double_t yc,yl,yr,dy,dys2;
  Double_t xi,xp,yp;
  Double_t xle,xre,yle,yre;
  dx   = (fXmax-fXmin)/fNx;
  dxs2 = dx/2;
  dy   = (fYmax-fYmin)/fNy;
  dys2 = dy/2;
  xl   = dxs2;
  xr   = dxs2 + (fNx-1)*dx;
  yl   = dys2;
  yr   = dys2 + (fNy-1)*dy;
  if ((yr-yl) > (xr-xl)) eps = aeps*(yr-yl);
  else                   eps = aeps*(xr-xl);
  xle = xl + eps;
  xre = xr - eps;
  yle = yl + eps;
  yre = yr - eps;
  if ((x>=xle) && (x<=xre) && (y>=yle) && (y<=yre)) {
    xi = x;
    yi = y;
    kx = Int_t((xi-dxs2)/dx) + 1;
    ky = Int_t((yi-dys2)/dy) + 1;
    ok = kTRUE;
  }//end if ((x>xl) && (x<xr) && (y>yl) && (y<yr))
  else {
    xc = (fXmax-fXmin)/2;
    yc = (fYmax-fYmin)/2;
    mx  = (y-yc)/(x-xc);
    my  = un/mx;
    xi = xle;
    yi = yc + mx*(xi-xc);
    ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
    if (!ok) {
      xi = xre;
      yi = yc + mx*(xi-xc);
      ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
      if (!ok) {
        yi = yle;
        xi = xc + my*(yi-yc);
        ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
        if (!ok) {
          yi = yre;
          xi = xc + my*(yi-yc);
          ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
        }//end if (!ok)
      }//end if (!ok)
    }//end if (!ok)
    if (ok) {
      kx = Int_t((xi-dxs2)/dx) + 1;
      ky = Int_t((yi-dys2)/dy) + 1;
    else {
      cout << "TZigZag::PointsNear : ERROR point inside not found" << endl;
  }//end else if ((x>xl) && (x<xr) && (y>yl) && (y<yr))
  if (ok) {
//Point kx,ky
    xp    = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx,ky);
    Ii[0] = i;
    Ti[0] = T(i);
    Xi[0] = xp;
    Yi[0] = yp;
//Point kx+1,ky
    xp    = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx+1,ky);
    Ii[1] = i;
    Ti[1] = T(i);
    Xi[1] = xp;
    Yi[1] = yp;
//Point kx,ky+1
    xp    = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + ky*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx,ky+1);
    Ii[2] = i;
    Ti[2] = T(i);
    Xi[2] = xp;
    Yi[2] = yp;
//Point kx+1,ky+1
    xp    = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + ky*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx+1,ky+1);
    Ii[3] = i;
    Ti[3] = T(i);
    Xi[3] = xp;
    Yi[3] = yp;
//Finding the 2 points along the zigzag
    Yn[0] = Yi[0];
    Tn[0] = Ti[0] + ((Ti[1] - Ti[0])/(Xi[1] -Xi[0]))*(xi - Xi[0]);
    Yn[1] = Yi[2];
    Tn[1] = Ti[2] + ((Ti[3] - Ti[2])/(Xi[3] -Xi[2]))*(xi - Xi[2]);
  return ok;