Beispiel #1
/*! \brief Helper for file opening */
FILE* openFile(const struct XsString* filename, const struct XsString* mode)
#ifdef _WIN32
	wchar_t filenameW[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
	wchar_t modeW[16];
	(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(filename, filenameW, XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
	(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(mode, modeW, 16);

	return _wfopen(filenameW, modeW);
	return fopen(filename->m_data, mode->m_data);
Beispiel #2
/*!	\relates XsFile
	\brief Retrieves the full path for a filename
	\param[in] filename The filename to expand
	\param[out] fullPath The filename with a fully expanded path is returned in this parameter. This parameter must be allocated by the caller.
	\returns XRV_OK if the fullpath could be retrieved, XRV_NULLPTR if fullPath is NULL, XRV_ERROR otherwise
XsResultValue XsFile_fullPath(const struct XsString* filename, struct XsString* fullPath)
	XsResultValue result = XRV_OK;
	if (fullPath == NULL)
		result = XRV_NULLPTR;
#ifdef _WIN32
		wchar_t filenamew[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
		wchar_t fullpath[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
		(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(filename, filenamew, XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);

		if (_wfullpath(fullpath, filenamew, XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) == NULL)
			result = XRV_ERROR;
			XsString_assignWCharArray(fullPath, fullpath);
		// based on the assumption that this doesn't concern the serial port, handle
		// it the same way using realpath(). Apparently realpath() doesn't require a
		// maximum length. One would possibly want to write a wrapper for it.
		char fullpath[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH*2];
		if (realpath(filename->m_data, fullpath) == NULL)
			result = XRV_ERROR;
			XsString_assignCharArray(fullPath, fullpath);
	return result;
Beispiel #3
/*!	\relates XsFile
	\brief Reopens a file
	\param filename Name of the file to open after the current one has been close
	\param mode Mode to reopen the file with
	\returns 0 if a file is open, another value otherwise
XsResultValue XsFile_reopen(struct XsFile *thisPtr, const struct XsString* filename, const struct XsString* mode)
#ifdef _WIN32
	wchar_t filenameW[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
	wchar_t modeW[16];

	(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(filename, filenameW, XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
	(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(mode, modeW, 16);

	thisPtr->m_handle = _wfreopen(filenameW, modeW, thisPtr->m_handle);
	thisPtr->m_handle = freopen(filename->m_data, mode->m_data, thisPtr->m_handle);

	if (thisPtr->m_handle == NULL)
		return XRV_OK;
Beispiel #4
/*! \relates XsFile
	\brief Checks if the file exists (can be accessed)
	\param filename Name of the file to check for existence
	\returns 0 if the file exists, another value otherwise
int XsFile_exists(const struct XsString* filename)
#ifdef _WIN32
	wchar_t filenameW[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
	struct _stat buffer;
	(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(filename, filenameW, XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
	return _wstat(filenameW, &buffer);
	struct stat buffer;
	return stat(filename->m_data, &buffer);
Beispiel #5
/*! \brief Dynamically load a library

  \param[in,out] thisp the XsLibraryLoader object handle
  \param[in] libraryName the name of the library to load. The library
		should be present in the current search path, or be specified by a path
  \return non-zero if the library could be loaded, zero otherwise
int XsLibraryLoader_load(XsLibraryLoader* thisp, const XsString* libraryName)
#ifdef __GNUC__
	if (XsLibraryLoader_isLoaded(thisp))
		return 0;
	thisp->m_handle = dlopen(libraryName->m_data, RTLD_LAZY);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
	wchar_t *libraryNameW;
	XsSize required;
	if (XsLibraryLoader_isLoaded(thisp))
		return 0;
	required = XsString_copyToWCharArray(libraryName, NULL, 0);
	libraryNameW = (wchar_t*)malloc(required * sizeof(wchar_t));

	(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(libraryName, libraryNameW, required);

	thisp->m_handle = LoadLibrary(libraryNameW);

	return XsLibraryLoader_isLoaded(thisp);
Beispiel #6
/*!	\relates XsFile
	\brief Deletes a file with name \a filename
	\param filename Name of the file to delete
	\returns XRV_OK if the file was erased, an error otherwise
XsResultValue XsFile_erase(const struct XsString* filename)
#ifdef _WIN32
	wchar_t filenameW[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
	(void)XsString_copyToWCharArray(filename, filenameW, XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
	if (_wunlink(filenameW) != 0)
	if (unlink(filename->m_data) != 0)
		switch (errno)
		case EACCES:
			return XRV_READONLY;
		case ENOENT:
			return XRV_NOTFOUND;
			return XRV_ERROR;
		return XRV_OK;