Beispiel #1
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

	XtResource desktopBackingStoreResources[] = { { XtNbackingStore, XtCBackingStore, XtRBackingStore, sizeof(int), 0, XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) Always, }, };

	Display * display;
	Visual * vis;

	XSetWindowAttributes attr;
	unsigned long valuemask;

	Pixmap src, msk;
	XColor fg, bg;
	int blackColor;
	GC gc;

	Widget toplevel;
	Dimension displayWidth, displayHeight;

	Cursor blankcursor;

	Widget form, viewport, desktop;
	Window desktop_win;

	char srcBits[] = { 0,0,0,0,0 };
	char mskBits[] = { 0,0,0,0,0 };

	/* Call the main Xt initialisation function.  It parses command-line options, generating appropriate resource specs, and makes a
	 * connection to the X display. */
	toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize(NULL, "ScreenLocker", NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL, XtNborderWidth, 0, NULL);

	display = XtDisplay(toplevel);

	vis = DefaultVisual(display, DefaultScreen(display));

	displayWidth = WidthOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display));
	displayHeight = HeightOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display));

	/* full screen - set position to 0,0, but defer size calculation until widgets are realized */
	XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, XtNgeometry, "+0+0", NULL);

	form = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, toplevel, XtNborderWidth, 0, XtNdefaultDistance, 0, NULL);
	viewport = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("viewport", viewportWidgetClass, form, XtNborderWidth, 0, NULL);
	desktop = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("desktop", coreWidgetClass, viewport, XtNborderWidth, 0, NULL);

	XtVaSetValues(desktop, XtNwidth, displayWidth, XtNheight, displayHeight, NULL);

	/* "Realize" all the widgets, i.e. actually create and map their X windows */

	/* We want to stop the window manager from managing our toplevel window. This is not really a nice thing to do, so may not work
	 * properly with every window manager.  We do this simply by setting overrideRedirect and reparenting our window to the root. 
	 * The window manager will get a ReparentNotify and hopefully clean up its frame window. */
	XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL);
	XReparentWindow(display, XtWindow(toplevel), DefaultRootWindow(display), 0, 0);

	/* Now we want to fix the size of "viewport".  We shouldn't just change it directly.
	 * Instead we set "toplevel" to the required size (which should propagate through "form" to "viewport").
	 * Then we remove "viewport" from being managed by "form", change its resources to position it and make sure that "form" won't
	 * attempt to resize it, then ask "form" to manage it again. */
	XtResizeWidget(toplevel, displayWidth, displayHeight, 0);
	XtVaSetValues(viewport, XtNhorizDistance, 0, XtNvertDistance, 0, XtNleft, XtChainLeft, XtNright, XtChainLeft, XtNtop, XtChainTop, XtNbottom, XtChainTop, NULL);

	/* Now we can set "toplevel" to its proper size. */
	XtResizeWidget(toplevel, displayWidth, displayHeight, 0);

	/*image = XCreateImage(display, vis, 32, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, 2000, 2000, BitmapPad(display), 0);*/
	blackColor = BlackPixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
	desktop_win = XtWindow(desktop);
	gc = XCreateGC(display, desktop_win, 0, NULL);

	/* Tell the GC we draw using the black color*/
	XSetForeground(display, gc, blackColor);
	XFillRectangle(display, desktop_win, gc, 0, 0, displayWidth, displayHeight);

	src = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), srcBits, 5, 5);
	msk = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), mskBits, 5, 5);
	XAllocNamedColor(display, DefaultColormap(display,DefaultScreen(display)), "black", &fg, &fg);
	XAllocNamedColor(display, DefaultColormap(display,DefaultScreen(display)), "white", &bg, &bg);
	blankcursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, src, msk, &fg, &bg, 2, 2);
	XFreePixmap(display, src);
	XFreePixmap(display, msk);

	XtVaGetApplicationResources(desktop, (XtPointer)&attr.backing_store, desktopBackingStoreResources, 1, NULL);
	valuemask = CWBackingStore;

	attr.cursor = blankcursor;
	valuemask |= CWCursor;

	XChangeWindowAttributes(display, desktop_win, valuemask, &attr);
	/* Try to get the input focus. */
	XSetInputFocus(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);

	/* now grab keyboard and mouse */
	if (XtGrabKeyboard(desktop, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess ||
	    XtGrabPointer(desktop, True, (unsigned int) AllPointerEventMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, blankcursor, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) {
		printf ("Could not grab keyboard and mouse.\n");

	while (1) {
		/* sleep a little bit - only for better task-scheduling... */
		sleep (5);

	return (0);

Beispiel #2
main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct { char x; void *y; } z;
    char b[256];
    char *f, *s, *t;
    XGCValues g;
#endif /* MP_GUI_SUPPORT */
    long n;
    int c, e, h, v;

    appwidget = XtVaAppInitialize(&appcontext, "MPTrace", options,
                                  XtNumber(options), &argc, argv, NULL, NULL);
    XtVaGetApplicationResources(appwidget, NULL, resources, XtNumber(resources),
#endif /* MP_GUI_SUPPORT */
    s = t = NULL;
    e = h = v = 0;
    progname = __mp_basename(argv[0]);
    while ((c = __mp_getopt(argc, argv, __mp_shortopts(b, options_table),
             options_table)) != EOF)
        switch (c)
          case OF_GUI:
            usegui = 1;
#endif /* MP_GUI_SUPPORT */
          case OF_HATFFILE:
            t = __mp_optarg;
          case OF_HELP:
            h = 1;
          case OF_SIMFILE:
            s = __mp_optarg;
          case OF_SOURCE:
            displaysource = 1;
          case OF_VERBOSE:
            verbose = 1;
          case OF_VERSION:
            v = 1;
            e = 1;
    argc -= __mp_optindex;
    argv += __mp_optindex;
    if (v == 1)
        fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n%s %s\n\n", progname, PROGVERSION,
                __mp_copyright, __mp_author);
        fputs("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it "
              "under certain\n", stdout);
        fputs("conditions; see the GNU Lesser General Public License for "
              "details.\n\n", stdout);
        fputs("For the latest mpatrol release and documentation,\n", stdout);
        fprintf(stdout, "visit %s.\n\n", __mp_homepage);
    if (argc > 1)
        e = 1;
    if ((e == 1) || (h == 1))
        fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s [options] [file]\n\n", progname);
        if (h == 0)
            fprintf(stdout, "Type `%s --help' for a complete list of "
                    "options.\n", progname);
        if (e == 1)
    if (argc == 1)
        f = argv[0];
        f = MP_TRACEFILE;
    if (strcmp(f, "-") == 0)
        tracefile = stdin;
    else if ((tracefile = fopen(f, "rb")) == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot open file `%s'\n", progname, f);
    currentevent = 0;
    bufferpos = buffer;
    bufferlen = 0;
    n = (char *) &z.y - &z.x;
    __mp_newslots(&table, sizeof(void *), __mp_poweroftwo(n));
    __mp_initslots(&table, tableslots, sizeof(tableslots));
    maxslots = 1;
    if (s != NULL)
        if (strcmp(s, "stdout") == 0)
            simfile = stdout;
        else if (strcmp(s, "stderr") == 0)
            simfile = stderr;
        else if ((simfile = fopen(s, "w")) == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot open file `%s'\n", progname, s);
        fprintf(simfile, "/* produced by %s %s from %s */\n\n\n", progname,
                PROGVERSION, f);
        fputs("#include <stdio.h>\n", simfile);
        fputs("#include <stdlib.h>\n\n\n", simfile);
        fputs("typedef struct event\n{\n", simfile);
        fputs("    unsigned long index;\n", simfile);
        fputs("    unsigned long size;\n", simfile);
        fputs("    char resize;\n", simfile);
        fputs("}\nevent;\n\n\n", simfile);
        fputs("static event events[] =\n{\n", simfile);
    if (t != NULL)
        if (strcmp(t, "stdout") == 0)
            hatffile = stdout;
        else if (strcmp(t, "stderr") == 0)
            hatffile = stderr;
        else if ((hatffile = fopen(t, "w")) == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot open file `%s'\n", progname, t);
        fprintf(hatffile, "## Tracename: %s\n", t);
        fputs("## Author: Unknown\n", hatffile);
        fputs("## Date: Unknown\n", hatffile);
        fputs("## DTDURL: hatf.dtd\n", hatffile);
        fprintf(hatffile, "## Description: Converted to HATF by %s %s.\n\n",
                progname, PROGVERSION);
    if (usegui)
        appdisplay = XtDisplay(appwidget);
        appscreen = XtScreen(appwidget);
        addrscale = (((addrspace * 1048576) - 1) / (width * height)) + 1;
        /* Set up the main application window and scrollable drawing area.
         * Also set up a pixmap to backup the drawing area.
        mainwidget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("main",
                                             appwidget, XmNwidth, vwidth,
                                             XmNheight, vheight,
                                             XmNscrollingPolicy, XmAUTOMATIC,
                                             XmAS_NEEDED, NULL);
        drawwidget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("draw", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass,
                                             mainwidget, XmNwidth, width,
                                             XmNheight, height, NULL);
        pixmap = XCreatePixmap(appdisplay, RootWindowOfScreen(appscreen), width,
                               height, DefaultDepthOfScreen(appscreen));
        /* Set up the graphics contexts that are used for drawing in different
         * colours.
        g.foreground = uncol;
        ungc = XCreateGC(appdisplay, RootWindowOfScreen(appscreen),
                         GCForeground, &g);
        g.foreground = incol;
        ingc = XCreateGC(appdisplay, RootWindowOfScreen(appscreen),
                         GCForeground, &g);
        g.foreground = frcol;
        frgc = XCreateGC(appdisplay, RootWindowOfScreen(appscreen),
                         GCForeground, &g);
        g.foreground = alcol;
        algc = XCreateGC(appdisplay, RootWindowOfScreen(appscreen),
                         GCForeground, &g);
        /* Add a callback procedure to handle the refreshing of the drawing
         * area and also a work procedure to read events from the tracing
         * output file.  Then initialise the drawing area and enter the main X
         * application loop.
        XtAddCallback(drawwidget, XmNexposeCallback,
                      (XtCallbackProc) redrawmemory, NULL);
        XtAppAddWorkProc(appcontext, (XtWorkProc) readevent, NULL);
        XFillRectangle(appdisplay, XtWindow(drawwidget), ungc, 0, 0, width - 1,
                       height - 1);
        XFillRectangle(appdisplay, pixmap, ungc, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
#endif /* MP_GUI_SUPPORT */
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;