tZGVoidReturn adHocConnStartComplete(tZGU8 type, tZGDataPtr fourByteHeader, tZGDataPtr pBuf, tZGU16 len, tZGVoidInput *appOpaquePtr) { tZGU8 result = fourByteHeader[0]; APPCXT.FSM.stateStatus= kFAILURE; if(result == (tZGU8)kZGResultSuccess) { ZG_PUTRSUART(" succeeded\n\r"); APPCXT.bConnected = kZGBoolTrue; APPCXT.FSM.stateStatus= kSUCCESS; /* Enable link up/down indicates */ if ( !ZGLibEnableIndicate( ZG_INDICATE_HANDLE(genericIndicate), kZGBoolTrue) ) { ZGSYS_MODULE_ASSERT(1, (ROM FAR char*) "Enable link up/down\n\r"); } #ifdef ZG_CONFIG_STATIC_IP printIPAddr(); #endif } else { ZG_PUTRSUART(" failed\n\r"); } }
enum tFSMValidStates adHocScanNextState( tZGVoidInput ) { enum tFSMValidStates nextState = kSTIdle; if ( APPCXT.FSM.stateStatus == kSUCCESS ) { #if defined ( ZG_CONFIG_CONSOLE ) sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " IBSS selected = [%ld] \n\r", (tZGU32) APPCXT.selectedBSS ); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); #endif nextState = kSTConnect; } else if ( APPCXT.FSM.stateStatus == kFAILURE ) { #if defined ( ZG_CONFIG_CONSOLE ) ZG_PUTRSUART(" starting network ...\n\r"); #endif nextState = kSTStart; } else { if ( ++(APPCXT.nScanRetryState) < MAX_ADHOC_SCAN_RETRY ) { #if defined ( ZG_CONFIG_CONSOLE ) sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " retry ... (%d/%d)\n\r", APPCXT.nScanRetryState, MAX_ADHOC_SCAN_RETRY); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); #endif nextState = kSTScan; } else { #if defined ( ZG_CONFIG_CONSOLE ) ZG_PUTRSUART(" failed ... (*)\n\r"); #endif ZG_SETNEXT_MODE( kZGLMNetworkModeIdle ); } } return nextState; }
static tZGVoidReturn OutputCommandPrompt(tZGVoidInput) { if ( IS_ECHO_ON() ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); ZG_PUTRSUART((ROM FAR char*) gCmdLinePrompt); } SET_CURSOR(gCmdLinePromptLength); memset(g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, 0x00, sizeof(g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf)); }
/*= Output_Monitor_Hdr ======================================================= Purpose: After clearing screen, outputs to terminal the header block of text. Inputs: None Returns: None ============================================================================*/ tZGVoidReturn Output_Monitor_Hdr(tZGVoidInput) { // KS: // EraseEntireScreen(); ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); OutputLine('=', 79); ZG_PUTRSUART("* ZeroG Host Interface Monitor\n\r"); ZG_PUTRSUART("* (c) 2008 -- ZeroG, Inc.\n\r"); ZG_PUTRSUART("*\n\r* Type 'help' to get a list of commands.\n\r"); OutputLine('=', 79); OutputCommandPrompt(); }
static tZGVoidReturn do_help_msg(tZGVoidInput) { tZGU8 i; ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); for (i = 0; i < g_numCmds; ++i) { ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char *) g_consoleCmd[i].p_cmdName); ZG_PUTRSUART("\r\t\t"); ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char*) g_consoleCmd[i].p_cmdHelp); ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); } }
tZGVoidReturn ZGErrorHandler(ROM char *p_errorString) { #if defined STACK_USE_UART ZG_PUTRSUART("ERROR: "); ZG_PUTRSUART(p_errorString); ZG_PUTRSUART("\r\n"); #endif #if defined(USE_LCD) strcpypgm2ram((char*)LCDText, p_errorString); LCDUpdate(); #endif while (1); }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION: IfconfigDisplayStatus * * RETURNS: None * * PARAMS: None * * NOTES: Responds to the user invoking ifconfig with no parameters *****************************************************************************/ static tZGVoidReturn IfconfigDisplayStatus(tZGVoidInput) { tZGU8 *p_mac; sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "\tIP addr: %d.%d.%d.%d\n\r", AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[0], AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[1], AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[2], AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[3] ); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); p_mac = ZG_GET_MAC_ADDR(); sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "\tMAC addr: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n\r", p_mac[0], p_mac[1], p_mac[2], p_mac[3], p_mac[4], p_mac[5]); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "\tNetmask: %d.%d.%d.%d\n\r", AppConfig.MyMask.v[0], AppConfig.MyMask.v[1], AppConfig.MyMask.v[2], AppConfig.MyMask.v[3] ); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "\tGateway: %d.%d.%d.%d\n\r", AppConfig.MyGateway.v[0], AppConfig.MyGateway.v[1], AppConfig.MyGateway.v[2], AppConfig.MyGateway.v[3] ); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); #ifdef ZG_CONFIG_DHCP if ( ZG_GET_DHCP_STATE() == DHCP_ENABLED) ZG_PUTRSUART("\tDHCP: Started\n\r"); else ZG_PUTRSUART("\tDHCP: Stopped\n\r"); #endif }
static void EraseEntireLine() { // int i; ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char*) eraseEntireLineEscapeSequence); CursorLeft_N(GET_CURSOR()); SET_CURSOR(0); }
/*= CursorRight ============================================================= Purpose: Moves the cursor right by one character Inputs: none Returns: none ============================================================================*/ tZGVoidReturn CursorRight(tZGVoidInput) { /* if cursor is not already at the right-most position */ if (GET_CURSOR() < GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING() + gCmdLinePromptLength) { SET_CURSOR( GET_CURSOR() + 1); ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char*) cursorRightEscapeSequence); } }
/*= CursorLeft ============================================================== Purpose: Moves the cursor left by one character Inputs: none Returns: none ============================================================================*/ tZGVoidReturn CursorLeft(tZGVoidInput) { /* if cursor is not already at the left-most position */ if (GET_CURSOR() > strlenpgm( (ROM FAR char *) gCmdLinePrompt)) { SET_CURSOR( GET_CURSOR() - 1); ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char *) cursorLeftEscapeSequence); } }
static tZGVoidReturn do_get_zg2100_version_cmd(tZGVoidInput) { if ( DISPATCH_ZGLIB( ZG_LIB_FUNC(ZGLibGetChipVersion), kNULL, ZG_COMP_FUNC(consoleGetVerComplete), kNULL ) != kZGSuccess ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Device busy, try again...\n\r"); } }
/*= OutputLine =============================================================== Purpose: Outputs a line of the specified character Inputs: lineChar -- character the comprises the line count -- number of characters in the line Returns: None ============================================================================*/ static tZGVoidReturn OutputLine(tZGS8 lineChar, tZGU8 count) { #if defined( STACK_USE_UART ) tZGU8 i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { while(BusyUART()); putcUART(lineChar); } ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); #endif }
tZGVoidReturn adHocDisconnComplete(tZGU8 type, tZGDataPtr fourByteHeader, tZGDataPtr pBuf, tZGU16 len, tZGVoidInput *appOpaquePtr) { APPCXT.FSM.stateStatus= kSUCCESS; /* Disable link up/down indicates */ if ( !ZGLibEnableIndicate( ZG_INDICATE_HANDLE(genericIndicate), kZGBoolFalse) ) { ZGSYS_MODULE_ASSERT(1, (ROM FAR char*) "Error Disable indicate\n\r"); } ZG_PUTRSUART(" succeeded\n\r"); }
tZGU8 adHocScanRequest(void * const ptrRequest, tZGVoidInput *appOpaquePtr) { tZGScanReqPtr ptrScan = (tZGScanReqPtr)ptrRequest; buildScanRequest( ptrScan ); ptrScan->bss = kZGBssAdHoc; ptrScan->snType = kZGScanTypeActive; #if defined ( ZG_CONFIG_CONSOLE ) ZG_PUTRSUART("Scan ...\n\r"); #endif return ( sizeof(tZGScanReq) ); }
tZGBool startDynamicScan() { /* If scan already in progress bail out */ if (IS_ANY_SCAN_INPROGRESS(APPCXT.scanStatus)) return false; #if !defined (ZG_CONFIG_NO_ADHOCMGRII) if (ZG_GET_MODE() == kZGLMNetworkModeAdhoc) { ZG_PUTRSUART( "Can not do scan in adhoc\n\r"); return false; } #endif SET_USER_SCAN_INPROGRESS(APPCXT.scanStatus); return true; }
tZGU8 adHocConnRequest( void * const ptrRequest, tZGVoidInput *appOpaquePtr) { tZGAdhocConnectReqPtr ptrConn = (tZGAdhocConnectReqPtr)ptrRequest; ptrConn->timeout = HSTOZGS( (tZGU16) 50); /* *10 msec */ ptrConn->beaconPrd = HSTOZGS( (tZGU16) 100); ptrConn->channel =; /* Use the channel found in scan */ memcpy( (void *) ptrConn->bssid, (const void *) APPCXT.bssDesc.bssid, kZGMACAddrLen); ptrConn->ssidLen = ZG_SSID_LEN(); memcpy( (void *) ptrConn->ssid, (const void *) ZG_GET_SSID(), ptrConn->ssidLen); ZG_PUTRSUART("Connect ...\n\r"); return ( sizeof(tZGAdhocConnectReq) ); }
tZGU8 adHocDisconnRequest( void * const ptrRequest, tZGVoidInput *appOpaquePtr) { tZGDisconnectReqPtr ptrDisconn = (tZGDisconnectReqPtr)ptrRequest; ptrDisconn->reasonCode = HSTOZGS( (tZGU16) 1); /* 1: "Unspecified", 3: "STA left BSS and is deauthenticated" */ ptrDisconn->disconnect = 1; /* Upon completion, MAC shall enter (0) joined state (1) idle state */ ptrDisconn->txFrame = 0; /* MAC shall (0) do nothing, or (1) tx a deauth frame */ ZG_PUTRSUART("Disconnect...\n\r"); APPCXT.bConnected = kZGBoolFalse; APPCXT.FSM.bSilent = kZGBoolFalse; return ( sizeof(tZGDisconnectReq) ); }
extern tZGVoidReturn DisplayScanList() { int i; tZGBssDesc* pBssDesc; for (i=0; i < APPCXT.scanListCount; i++) { pBssDesc = &APPCXT.scanList[i]; sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " [%u] bssid = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n\r", i, pBssDesc->bssid[0], pBssDesc->bssid[1], pBssDesc->bssid[2], pBssDesc->bssid[3], pBssDesc->bssid[4], pBssDesc->bssid[5]); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); DisplaySignalStrength(pBssDesc->rssi); sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " indicator = %d\n\r", pBssDesc->rssi); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); if ( pBssDesc->ssidLen < kZGMaxSsidLen ) { pBssDesc->ssid[pBssDesc->ssidLen] = '\0'; sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " ssid = %s \n\r", (char *) pBssDesc->ssid); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); } sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " channel = %u\n\r", pBssDesc->channel); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); } ZG_PUTRSUART( "\n\r"); return; }
enum tFSMValidStates adHocMainConnNextState( tZGVoidInput ) { enum tFSMValidStates nextState = kSTMaintainConnect; if ( ZG_GETNEXT_MODE() != kZGLMNetworkModeAdhoc ) { #if defined ( ZG_CONFIG_CONSOLE ) /* We have been asked to exit from the adhoc mode */ ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); /* right justify console msgs */ #endif nextState = kSTDisconnect; } return nextState; }
extern tZGVoidReturn ZGUserScanMgr(tZGVoidInput) { tZGU32 time = ZGSYS_MODULE_GET_MSEC_TICK_COUNT(); if (IS_USER_SCAN_INPROGRESS(APPCXT.scanStatus)) { if ((time - APPCXT.scanTime) > TIME_BETWEEN_SCAN) { if ( DISPATCH_ZGLIB( ZG_LIB_FUNC(ZGLibScan), ZG_REQ_FUNC(ZG_SCAN), ZG_COMP_FUNC(genericScanComplete), APPCXT.scanList ) != kZGSuccess ) { /* If we get here no sweat we will come back and try */ ZG_PUTRSUART( "Device busy, try again...\n\r"); } } } return; }
enum tFSMValidStates adHocDomNextState( tZGVoidInput ) { enum tFSMValidStates nextState = kSTIdle; if ( APPCXT.FSM.stateStatus != kFAILURE ) { switch ( ZG_GET_ENC_TYPE() ) { case kKeyTypeWep: nextState = kSTInstallWEPKey; break; case kKeyTypeCalcPsk: case kKeyTypePsk: nextState = kSTIdle; ZG_SETNEXT_MODE( kZGLMNetworkModeIdle ); #if defined ( ZG_CONFIG_CONSOLE ) ZG_PUTRSUART("PSK/WPA not supported in AdHoc mode.\n\r"); #endif break; case kKeyTypeNone: nextState = kSTScan; break; default: ZGSYS_MODULE_ASSERT(1, (ROM FAR char*) "Unknown security encryption type"); break; } } return nextState; }
tZGU8 adHocStartRequest( void * const ptrRequest, tZGVoidInput *appOpaquePtr) { tZGAdhocStartReqPtr ptrStart = (tZGAdhocStartReqPtr)ptrRequest; /* choose the first channel in ordered list for network start */ if ( ZG_GET_ACTIVE_CHANNELS() == 0u ) { ZGSYS_MODULE_ASSERT(1, (ROM FAR char *)"Adhoc StartReq: empty channel list\n\r"); } else ptrStart->channel = ZG_CHANNEL(0); ptrStart->beaconPrd = HSTOZGS( (tZGU16) 100); ptrStart->capInfo[0] = kZGAdhocMgrCapBitIbss; /* was | kZGAdhocMgrCapBitShortPreamble; 0x22 */ /* If in WEP mode, set the corresponding bit. */ if ( ZG_GET_ENC_TYPE() == (tZGU8)kKeyTypeWep ) { ptrStart->capInfo[0] = ptrStart->capInfo[0] | kZGAdhocMgrCapBitPrivacy; } ptrStart->capInfo[1] = 0; ptrStart->ssidLen = ZG_SSID_LEN(); memcpy( (void *) ptrStart->ssid, (const void*) ZG_GET_SSID(), ptrStart->ssidLen); /* These values are part of the adhoc network beacon */ /* and are part of the "basic rate" set, not to be */ /* confused with supported rate set */ ptrStart->dataRateLen = 2; ptrStart->dataRates[0] = 0x82; /* 1Mbps */ ptrStart->dataRates[1] = 0x84; /* 2Mbps */ ZG_PUTRSUART("Start ...\n\r"); return ( sizeof(tZGAdhocStartReq) ); }
static tZGVoidReturn Delete(tZGVoidInput) { unsigned int num_chars; unsigned int orig_index = GET_CURSOR(); /* if cursor is not at the end of the line */ if (GET_CURSOR() != GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING() + gCmdLinePromptLength) { /* Null out tmp cmd line */ memset(gTmpCmdLine, 0x00, sizeof(gTmpCmdLine)); /* get characters before the deleted key */ num_chars = GET_CURSOR() - gCmdLinePromptLength; strncpy( (char *) gTmpCmdLine, (const char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, num_chars); /* append characters after the deleted char (if there are any) */ if (strlen( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf) - 1 > 0u) { strcpy( (char *) &gTmpCmdLine[num_chars], (const char *) &g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf[num_chars + 1]); } EraseEntireLine(); /* leaves g_ConsoleContext.cursorIndex at 0 */ ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char *) gCmdLinePrompt); strcpy( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, (const char *) gTmpCmdLine); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf ); SET_CURSOR(gCmdLinePromptLength + GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING()); CursorHome(); /* to first character after prompt */ /* move cursor to point of delete */ CursorRight_N(orig_index - gCmdLinePromptLength); } }
/*= Backspace ================================================================ Purpose: Performs a backspace operation on the command line Inputs: none Returns: none ============================================================================*/ static tZGVoidReturn Backspace(tZGVoidInput) { tZGU8 num_chars; tZGU8 orig_index = GET_CURSOR(); /* if cursor is not at the left-most position */ if (GET_CURSOR() != gCmdLinePromptLength) { /* Null out tmp cmd line */ memset(gTmpCmdLine, 0x00, sizeof(gTmpCmdLine)); /* get characters before the backspace */ num_chars = GET_CURSOR() - gCmdLinePromptLength - 1; strncpy( (char *) gTmpCmdLine, (const char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, num_chars); /* append characters after the deleted char (if there are any) */ if ( (GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING() - 1) > 0u) { strcpy( (char *) &gTmpCmdLine[num_chars], (const char *) &g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf[num_chars + 1]); } EraseEntireLine(); /* leaves g_ConsoleContext.cursorIndex at 0 */ strcpy( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, (const char *) gTmpCmdLine); ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char *) gCmdLinePrompt); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf); SET_CURSOR(gCmdLinePromptLength + GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING()); CursorHome(); /* to first character after prompt */ /* move cursor to point of backspace */ CursorRight_N(orig_index - 1 - gCmdLinePromptLength); } }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION: process_cmd * * RETURNS: None * * PARAMS: None * * NOTES: Determines which command has been received and processes it. *****************************************************************************/ tZGVoidReturn process_cmd(tZGVoidInput) { tZGBool new_arg; tZGU8 i; g_ConsoleContext.argc = 0; new_arg = kZGBoolTrue; // Get pointers to each token in the command string TokenizeCmdLine(g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf); // if command line nothing but white kZGSpace or a linefeed if ( g_ConsoleContext.argc == 0u ) { return; // nothing to do } // change the command itself (token[0]) to lower case for (i = 0; i < strlen((char *)g_ConsoleContext.argv[0]); ++i) { g_ConsoleContext.argv[0][i] = tolower(g_ConsoleContext.argv[0][i]); } if ( IS_ECHO_ON() ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); } switch (GetCmdId()) { case HELP_MSG: do_help_msg(); break; case GET_ZG2100_VERSION_MSG: do_get_zg2100_version_cmd(); break; case RESET_HOST: Reset(); break; case CLEAR_SCREEN_MSG: do_cls_cmd(); break; case IFCONFIG_MSG: do_ifconfig_cmd(); break; case IWCONFIG_MSG: do_iwconfig_cmd(); break; case IWPRIV_MSG: do_iwpriv_cmd(); break; default: // if we don't match one of the built-in command strings, check to // see if we match one of the application-defined command strings if (CheckForAppSpecificCommand(g_ConsoleContext.argv[0])) { ; // nothing else to do } else { sprintf((char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "Unknown cmd: %s\n\r", ARGV[0]); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); } break; } }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION: do_iwpriv_cmd * * RETURNS: None * * PARAMS: None * * NOTES: Responds to the user invoking ifconfig *****************************************************************************/ tZGVoidReturn do_iwpriv_cmd(tZGVoidInput) { tZGU8 i; tZGU8 temp; tZGBool cont_parse; tZGS8* ptrString; gLineParseState = kZGWaitingForParamKeyword; // if user only typed in iwpriv with no other parameters if (ARGC == 1u) { IwprivDisplayStatus(); } // else loop through each parameter else { // parse each param and set state variables for (i = 1; i < ARGC; ++i) { switch (gLineParseState) { case kZGWaitingForParamKeyword: if ( !getParam(i) ) { return; } break; case kZGWaitingForWpaPsk: /* Can only set security in idle state */ if ( ZG_IS_CONNECTED() == kZGBoolTrue ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Security context may only be set in idle state\n\r"); return; } /* The ARGV buffer is modified in place */ if ( !ExtractandValidateWpaPSK( ARGV[i] ) ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("WPA PSK must be exactly 64 bytes\n\r"); return; } ZG_SET_WPAPSK( (tZGU8Ptr) ARGV[i] ); gLineParseState = kZGWaitingForParamKeyword; break; case kZGWaitingForWpaStr: /* Can only set security in idle state */ if ( ZG_IS_CONNECTED() == kZGBoolTrue ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Security context may only be set in idle state\n\r"); return; } ptrString = ARGV[i++]; /* if the start char is found, gobble that char */ if ( (cont_parse = ExtractWpaStrStart(ptrString)) == kZGBoolTrue) { ptrString++; } /* this code concats tokens together with whitespace */ /* until no more tokens or the EOS " char is found */ while ( cont_parse && (i++ < ARGC)) { cont_parse = ExtractWpaStrEnd( ptrString ); } /* if the EOS char is not found then cont parse is true */ if (cont_parse) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Passphrase missing EOS '\"' \n\r"); return; } /* temp contains the string length after call */ if ( !ValidateWpaStr(&ptrString, &temp) ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Passphrase must be between 8 and 63 chars\n\r"); return; } ZG_SET_WPA_PASSPHRASE( ptrString, temp ); gLineParseState = kZGWaitingForParamKeyword; break; case kZGWaitingForEnc: /* Can only set security in idle state */ if ( ZG_IS_CONNECTED() == kZGBoolTrue ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Security context may only be set in idle state\n\r"); return; } /* temp contains the encryption type enum */ if ( !ExtractandValidateEncType(ARGV[i], &temp) ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Invalid encyption type\n\r"); return; } ZG_SET_ENC_TYPE( temp ); gLineParseState = kZGWaitingForParamKeyword; break; case kZGWaitingForWepAuth: /* Can only set security in idle state */ if ( ZG_IS_CONNECTED() == kZGBoolTrue ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Security context may only be set in idle state\n\r"); return; } /* temp contains the Wep Auth type enum */ if ( !ExtractandValidateAuthType(ARGV[i], &temp) ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Invalid WEP Auth type\n\r"); return; } ZG_SET_AUTH_TYPE( temp ); gLineParseState = kZGWaitingForParamKeyword; break; case kZGWaitingForWepKey: /* Can only set security in idle state */ if ( ZG_IS_CONNECTED() == kZGBoolTrue ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Security context may only be set in idle state\n\r"); return; } /* temp contains the active WEP key index 1 of 4 */ if ( !ExtractandValidateWepIndex(ARGV[i], &temp) ) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Invalid WEP key index\n\r"); return; } /* check for a 3rd optional parameter */ if ( (i+1 < ARGC) && (getParamType(ARGV[i+1]) == kZGUnknownParam) ) { i++; /* advance to the optional param */ /* The ARGV buffer is modified in place */ if ( ExtractandValidateWepLong( ARGV[i] ) ) { ZG_SET_WEP_KEY_LONG( (tZGU8Ptr) ARGV[i], temp ); } else if ( ExtractandValidateWepShort( ARGV[i] ) ) { ZG_SET_WEP_KEY_SHORT( (tZGU8Ptr) ARGV[i], temp ); } else { ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\rWarning, 64/128bit WEP key format not valid \n\r\t"); return; } } ZG_SET_WEP_ACTIVE_INDEX(temp); gLineParseState = kZGWaitingForParamKeyword; break; default: ZGSYS_MODULE_ASSERT(2, (ROM FAR char*)"iwpriv param"); break; } // end switch } // end for } switch (gLineParseState) { case kZGWaitingForBeacon: // Send an untampered frame that looks like a Beacon. iwpriv_beacon(); gLineParseState = kZGWaitingForParamKeyword; break; default: //do nothing break; } if (gLineParseState != (tZGU8)kZGWaitingForParamKeyword) { ZG_PUTRSUART("Missing value after last parameter\n\r"); } }
/*= InsertCharacter ========================================================= Purpose: Inserts and echoes an printable character into the command line at the cursor location. Inputs: c -- char to insert Returns: none ============================================================================*/ static tZGVoidReturn InsertCharacter(tZGS8 c) { tZGU8 len; tZGU8 i; tZGU8 orig_cursor_index = GET_CURSOR(); tZGU8 count; /* throw away characters if exceeded cmd line length */ if (GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING() >= sizeof(g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf)-1) { return; } len = GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING() + gCmdLinePromptLength; /* if inserting a character at end of cmd line */ if (GET_CURSOR() == len) { g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf[GET_CURSOR() - gCmdLinePromptLength] = c; SET_CURSOR(GET_CURSOR() + 1); EchoCharacter(c); } /* inserting a character somewhere before the end of command line */ else { /* Null out tmp cmd line */ memset(gTmpCmdLine, 0x00, sizeof(gTmpCmdLine)); /* copy up to the point of insertion */ strncpy( (char *) gTmpCmdLine, (const char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, GET_CURSOR() - gCmdLinePromptLength); /* insert the new character */ gTmpCmdLine[GET_CURSOR() - gCmdLinePromptLength] = c; /* copy the chars after the new character */ strncpy( (char *) &gTmpCmdLine[GET_CURSOR() - gCmdLinePromptLength + 1], (const char *) &g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf[GET_CURSOR() - gCmdLinePromptLength], len - GET_CURSOR()); /* put the first part of new string in the cmd line buffer */ strcpy( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, (const char *) gTmpCmdLine); /* erase entire line, put the cursor at index 0 */ EraseEntireLine(); /* output the prompt */ ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char *) gCmdLinePrompt); /* Output the updated command line */ ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) &g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf[0]); /* move the cursor to the next insert location */ count = (len + 1) - orig_cursor_index - 1; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char *) cursorLeftEscapeSequence); } SET_CURSOR(orig_cursor_index + 1); } }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION: IwconfigDisplayStatus * * RETURNS: None * * PARAMS: None * * NOTES: Responds to the user invoking ifconfig with no parameters *****************************************************************************/ static tZGVoidReturn IwprivDisplayStatus(tZGVoidInput) { tZGU8 i, j; tZGU8Ptr ptrTemp; sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, #if defined( __18CXX) "\nEncryption: %HS\n\r", #else "\nEncryption: %s\n\r", #endif (ROM FAR char*) ZG_GET_CUR_ENC_STR() ); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); switch ( ZG_GET_ENC_TYPE() ) { case kKeyTypeWep: sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, #if defined( __18CXX) " Auth: %HS\n\r", #else " Auth: %s\n\r", #endif (ROM FAR char*) ZG_GET_CUR_AUTH_STR()); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); for( j=0; j < (tZGU8)kZGNumDefWepKeys; j++) { if ( j == ZG_GET_WEP_ACTIVE_INDEX() ) ZG_PUTRSUART("* "); else ZG_PUTRSUART(" "); sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "Wep key[%d]: 0x",j+1); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); ptrTemp = ZG_GET_WEPKEY(j); for ( i=0; i < ZG_GET_WEP_KEY_LEN(); i++ ) { sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "%.2x", ptrTemp[i]); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); } ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); } break; case kKeyTypePsk: ZG_PUTRSUART(" PSK: 0x"); ptrTemp = ZG_GET_WPAPSK(); for ( i=0; i < (tZGU8)kZGMaxPmkLen; i++ ) { sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, "%.2x", ptrTemp[i]); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); } ZG_PUTRSUART("\n\r"); break; case kKeyTypeCalcPsk: /* if no pass phrase show a user friendly string */ if ( ZG_GET_PASSPHRASE_LEN() == 0u ) { sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, #if defined( __18CXX) " Phrase: \"%HS\"\n\r", #else " Phrase: \"%s\"\n\r", #endif (ROM FAR char*) kZGNone); } else { sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " Phrase: \"%s\"\n\r", ZG_GET_WPA_PASSPHRASE() ); } ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); sprintf( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf, " SSID: %s\n\r", ZG_GET_SSID()); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.txBuf ); break; } }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION: DisplayHistoryEntry * * RETURNS: None * * PARAMS: action -- PREV_HISTORY or NEXT_HISTORY * * NOTES: In response to the user pressing up or down arrow key, display * corresponding entry in history buffer. * *****************************************************************************/ static tZGVoidReturn DisplayHistoryEntry(tZGU8 action) { tZGBool foundEntry = kZGBoolFalse; // if nothing in history buffer if (history.seeded == kZGBoolFalse) { return; } if (action == (tZGU8)kZGPrevHistory) { --history.recallIndex; if (history.recallIndex < 0) { history.recallIndex = kZGNumHistoryEntries - 1; } /* search until found a history entry or searched all entries */ while (foundEntry == kZGBoolFalse) { /* if found a history entry */ if (history.buf[history.recallIndex][0] != 0) { foundEntry = kZGBoolTrue; } else { --history.recallIndex; if (history.recallIndex < 0) { history.recallIndex = kZGNumHistoryEntries - 1; } } } } else /* action == kZGNextHistory */ { history.recallIndex = (history.recallIndex + 1) % kZGNumHistoryEntries; /* search until found a history entry or searched all entries */ while (foundEntry == kZGBoolFalse) { /* if found a history entry */ if (history.buf[history.recallIndex][0] != 0) { foundEntry = kZGBoolTrue; } else { history.recallIndex = (history.recallIndex + 1) % kZGNumHistoryEntries; } } } if (foundEntry) { // erase line on screen and output command from history EraseEntireLine(); /* leaves Cursor_Index at 0 */ ZG_PUTRSUART( (ROM FAR char *) gCmdLinePrompt ); ZG_PUTSUART( (char *) history.buf[history.recallIndex]); // copy history command to console buffer (so they match) and put cursor // at end of line memset(g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, 0x00, GET_LEN_RX_CMD_STRING() ); strcpy( (char *) g_ConsoleContext.rxBuf, (const char *) history.buf[history.recallIndex]); SET_CURSOR(gCmdLinePromptLength + strlen( (char *) history.buf[history.recallIndex])); } }