Beispiel #1
/** Creates a command name that replaces another command.
static void COM_Alias_f(void)
	cmdalias_t *a;
	char cmd[1024];
	size_t i, c;

	if (COM_Argc() < 3)
		CONS_Printf("alias <name> <command>\n");

	a = ZZ_Alloc(sizeof *a);
	a->next = com_alias;
	com_alias = a;

	a->name = Z_StrDup(COM_Argv(1));

	// copy the rest of the command line
	cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string
	c = COM_Argc();
	for (i = 2; i < c; i++)
		strcat(cmd, COM_Argv(i));
		if (i != c)
			strcat(cmd, " ");
	strcat(cmd, "\n");

	a->value = Z_StrDup(cmd);
Beispiel #2
/** Adds a console command.
  * \param name Name of the command.
  * \param func Function called when the command is run.
void COM_AddCommand(const char *name, com_func_t func)
	xcommand_t *cmd;

	// fail if the command is a variable name
	if (CV_StringValue(name)[0] != '\0')
		I_Error("%s is a variable name\n", name);

	// fail if the command already exists
	for (cmd = com_commands; cmd; cmd = cmd->next)
		if (!stricmp(name, cmd->name)) //case insensitive now that we have lower and uppercase!
			I_Error("Command %s already exists\n", name);

	cmd = ZZ_Alloc(sizeof *cmd);
	cmd->name = name;
	cmd->function = func;
	cmd->next = com_commands;
	com_commands = cmd;
Beispiel #3
/** Adds a console command for Lua.
  * No I_Errors allowed; return a negative code instead.
  * \param name Name of the command.
int COM_AddLuaCommand(const char *name)
	xcommand_t *cmd;

	// fail if the command is a variable name
	if (CV_StringValue(name)[0] != '\0')
		return -1;

	// command already exists
	for (cmd = com_commands; cmd; cmd = cmd->next)
		if (!stricmp(name, cmd->name)) //case insensitive now that we have lower and uppercase!
			// replace the built in command.
			cmd->function = COM_Lua_f;
			return 1;

	// Add a new command.
	cmd = ZZ_Alloc(sizeof *cmd);
	cmd->name = name;
	cmd->function = COM_Lua_f;
	cmd->next = com_commands;
	com_commands = cmd;
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
/** Adds a console command.
  * \param name Name of the command.
  * \param func Function called when the command is run.
void COM_AddCommand(const char *name, com_func_t func)
	xcommand_t *cmd;

	// fail if the command is a variable name
	if (CV_StringValue(name)[0] != '\0')
		I_Error("%s is a variable name\n", name);

	// fail if the command already exists
	for (cmd = com_commands; cmd; cmd = cmd->next)
		if (!stricmp(name, cmd->name)) //case insensitive now that we have lower and uppercase!
			// don't I_Error for Lua commands
			// Lua commands can replace game commands, and they have priority.
			// BUT, if for some reason we screwed up and made two console commands with the same name,
			// it's good to have this here so we find out.
			if (cmd->function != COM_Lua_f)
				I_Error("Command %s already exists\n", name);


	cmd = ZZ_Alloc(sizeof *cmd);
	cmd->name = name;
	cmd->function = func;
	cmd->next = com_commands;
	com_commands = cmd;
Beispiel #5
/** Adds command text and executes it immediately.
  * \param ptext The text to execute. A newline is automatically added.
  * \sa COM_BufAddText
void COM_BufInsertText(const char *ptext)
	char *temp = NULL;
	size_t templen;

	// copy off any commands still remaining in the exec buffer
	templen = com_text.cursize;
	if (templen)
		temp = M_Memcpy(ZZ_Alloc(templen),, templen);

	// add the entire text of the file (or alias)
	COM_BufExecute(); // do it right away

	// add the copied off data
	if (templen)
		VS_Write(&com_text, temp, templen);
Beispiel #6
// Takes hook, function, and additional arguments (mobj type to act on, etc.)
static int lib_addHook(lua_State *L)
	static struct hook_s hook = {NULL, 0, 0, {0}, false};
	hook_p hookp, *lastp;

	hook.type = luaL_checkoption(L, 1, NULL, hookNames);
	lua_remove(L, 1);

	luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);

	if (hud_running)
		return luaL_error(L, "HUD rendering code should not call this function!");

	// Take a mobjtype enum which this hook is specifically for.
	case hook_MobjSpawn:
	case hook_MobjCollide:
	case hook_MobjMoveCollide:
	case hook_TouchSpecial:
	case hook_MobjFuse:
	case hook_MobjThinker:
	case hook_BossThinker:
	case hook_ShouldDamage:
	case hook_MobjDamage:
	case hook_MobjDeath:
	case hook_BossDeath:
	case hook_MobjRemoved:
	case hook_HurtMsg: = MT_NULL;
		if (lua_isnumber(L, 2)) = lua_tonumber(L, 2);
	case hook_BotAI:
		hook.s.skinname = NULL;
		if (lua_isstring(L, 2))
		{ // lowercase copy
			const char *s = lua_tostring(L, 2);
			char *p = hook.s.skinname = ZZ_Alloc(strlen(s)+1);
			do {
				*p = tolower(*s);
			} while(*(++s));
			*p = 0;
	case hook_LinedefExecute: // Linedef executor functions
		{ // uppercase copy
			const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
			char *p = hook.s.funcname = ZZ_Alloc(strlen(s)+1);
			do {
				*p = toupper(*s);
			} while(*(++s));
			*p = 0;
	lua_settop(L, 1); // lua stack contains only the function now.

	hooksAvailable[hook.type/8] |= 1<<(hook.type%8);

	// iterate the hook metadata structs
	// set to the highest id + 1
	// set lastp to the last hook struct's "next" pointer.
	lastp = &roothook; = 0;
	for (hookp = roothook; hookp; hookp = hookp->next)
		if (hookp->id >= = hookp->id+1;
		lastp = &hookp->next;

	// allocate a permanent memory struct to stuff hook.
	hookp = ZZ_Alloc(sizeof(struct hook_s));
	memcpy(hookp, &hook, sizeof(struct hook_s));
	// tack it onto the end of the linked list.
	*lastp = hookp;

	// set the hook function in the registry.
	lua_pushfstring(L, FMT_HOOKID,;
	lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
	lua_settable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
	return 0;