Beispiel #1
static PyObject *ffi_fetch_int_constant(FFIObject *ffi, char *name,
                                        int recursion)
    int index;

    index = search_in_globals(&ffi->types_builder.ctx, name, strlen(name));
    if (index >= 0) {
        const struct _cffi_global_s *g;
        g = &ffi->types_builder.ctx.globals[index];

        switch (_CFFI_GETOP(g->type_op)) {
        case _CFFI_OP_CONSTANT_INT:
        case _CFFI_OP_ENUM:
            return realize_global_int(&ffi->types_builder, index);

                         "function, global variable or non-integer constant "
                         "'%.200s' must be fetched from its original 'lib' "
                         "object", name);
            return NULL;

    if (ffi->types_builder.included_ffis != NULL) {
        Py_ssize_t i;
        PyObject *included_ffis = ffi->types_builder.included_ffis;

        if (recursion > 100) {
                            "recursion overflow in ffi.include() delegations");
            return NULL;

        for (i = 0; i < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(included_ffis); i++) {
            FFIObject *ffi1;
            PyObject *x;

            ffi1 = (FFIObject *)PyTuple_GET_ITEM(included_ffis, i);
            x = ffi_fetch_int_constant(ffi1, name, recursion + 1);
            if (x != NULL || PyErr_Occurred())
                return x;
    return NULL;     /* no exception set, means "not found" */
Beispiel #2
static int ffiobj_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    FFIObject *ffi;
    static char *keywords[] = {"module_name", "_version", "_types",
                               "_globals", "_struct_unions", "_enums",
                               "_typenames", "_includes", NULL};
    char *ffiname = "?", *types = NULL, *building = NULL;
    Py_ssize_t version = -1;
    Py_ssize_t types_len = 0;
    PyObject *globals = NULL, *struct_unions = NULL, *enums = NULL;
    PyObject *typenames = NULL, *includes = NULL;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
                                     "|sns#O!O!O!O!O!:FFI", keywords,
                                     &ffiname, &version, &types, &types_len,
                                     &PyTuple_Type, &globals,
                                     &PyTuple_Type, &struct_unions,
                                     &PyTuple_Type, &enums,
                                     &PyTuple_Type, &typenames,
                                     &PyTuple_Type, &includes))
        return -1;

    ffi = (FFIObject *)self;
    if (ffi->ctx_is_nonempty) {
                        "cannot call FFI.__init__() more than once");
        return -1;
    ffi->ctx_is_nonempty = 1;

    if (version == -1 && types_len == 0)
        return 0;
    if (version < CFFI_VERSION_MIN || version > CFFI_VERSION_MAX) {
                     "cffi out-of-line Python module '%s' has unknown "
                     "version %p", ffiname, (void *)version);
        return -1;

    if (types_len > 0) {
        /* unpack a string of 4-byte entries into an array of _cffi_opcode_t */
        _cffi_opcode_t *ntypes;
        Py_ssize_t i, n = types_len / 4;

        building = PyMem_Malloc(n * sizeof(_cffi_opcode_t));
        if (building == NULL)
            goto error;
        ntypes = (_cffi_opcode_t *)building;

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            ntypes[i] = cdl_opcode(types);
            types += 4;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.types = ntypes;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_types = n;
        building = NULL;

    if (globals != NULL) {
        /* unpack a tuple alternating strings and ints, each two together
           describing one global_s entry with no specified address or size.
           The int is only used with integer constants. */
        struct _cffi_global_s *nglobs;
        cdl_intconst_t *nintconsts;
        Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(globals) / 2;

        i = n * (sizeof(struct _cffi_global_s) + sizeof(cdl_intconst_t));
        building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
        if (building == NULL)
            goto error;
        memset(building, 0, i);
        nglobs = (struct _cffi_global_s *)building;
        nintconsts = (cdl_intconst_t *)(nglobs + n);

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            char *g = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(globals, i * 2));
            nglobs[i].type_op = cdl_opcode(g); g += 4;
            nglobs[i].name = g;
            if (_CFFI_GETOP(nglobs[i].type_op) == _CFFI_OP_CONSTANT_INT ||
                _CFFI_GETOP(nglobs[i].type_op) == _CFFI_OP_ENUM) {
                PyObject *o = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(globals, i * 2 + 1);
                nglobs[i].address = &_cdl_realize_global_int;
                if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
                    nintconsts[i].neg = PyInt_AS_LONG(o) <= 0;
                    nintconsts[i].value = (long long)PyInt_AS_LONG(o);
                    nintconsts[i].neg = PyObject_RichCompareBool(o, Py_False,
                    nintconsts[i].value = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask(o);
                    if (PyErr_Occurred())
                        goto error;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.globals = nglobs;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_globals = n;
        building = NULL;

    if (struct_unions != NULL) {
        /* unpack a tuple of struct/unions, each described as a sub-tuple;
           the item 0 of each sub-tuple describes the struct/union, and
           the items 1..N-1 describe the fields, if any */
        struct _cffi_struct_union_s *nstructs;
        struct _cffi_field_s *nfields;
        Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(struct_unions);
        Py_ssize_t nf = 0;   /* total number of fields */

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            nf += PyTuple_GET_SIZE(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(struct_unions, i)) - 1;
        i = (n * sizeof(struct _cffi_struct_union_s) +
             nf * sizeof(struct _cffi_field_s));
        building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
        if (building == NULL)
            goto error;
        memset(building, 0, i);
        nstructs = (struct _cffi_struct_union_s *)building;
        nfields = (struct _cffi_field_s *)(nstructs + n);
        nf = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            /* 'desc' is the tuple of strings (desc_struct, desc_field_1, ..) */
            PyObject *desc = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(struct_unions, i);
            Py_ssize_t j, nf1 = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(desc) - 1;
            char *s = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(desc, 0));
            /* 's' is the first string, describing the struct/union */
            nstructs[i].type_index = cdl_4bytes(s); s += 4;
            nstructs[i].flags = cdl_4bytes(s); s += 4;
            nstructs[i].name = s;
            if (nstructs[i].flags & (_CFFI_F_OPAQUE | _CFFI_F_EXTERNAL)) {
                nstructs[i].size = (size_t)-1;
                nstructs[i].alignment = -1;
                nstructs[i].first_field_index = -1;
                nstructs[i].num_fields = 0;
                assert(nf1 == 0);
            else {
                nstructs[i].size = (size_t)-2;
                nstructs[i].alignment = -2;
                nstructs[i].first_field_index = nf;
                nstructs[i].num_fields = nf1;
            for (j = 0; j < nf1; j++) {
                char *f = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(desc, j + 1));
                /* 'f' is one of the other strings beyond the first one,
                   describing one field each */
                nfields[nf].field_type_op = cdl_opcode(f); f += 4;
                nfields[nf].field_offset = (size_t)-1;
                if (_CFFI_GETOP(nfields[nf].field_type_op) != _CFFI_OP_NOOP) {
                    nfields[nf].field_size = cdl_4bytes(f); f += 4;
                else {
                    nfields[nf].field_size = (size_t)-1;
                nfields[nf].name = f;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.struct_unions = nstructs;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.fields = nfields;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_struct_unions = n;
        building = NULL;

    if (enums != NULL) {
        /* unpack a tuple of strings, each of which describes one enum_s
           entry */
        struct _cffi_enum_s *nenums;
        Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(enums);

        i = n * sizeof(struct _cffi_enum_s);
        building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
        if (building == NULL)
            goto error;
        memset(building, 0, i);
        nenums = (struct _cffi_enum_s *)building;

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            char *e = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(enums, i));
            /* 'e' is a string describing the enum */
            nenums[i].type_index = cdl_4bytes(e); e += 4;
            nenums[i].type_prim = cdl_4bytes(e); e += 4;
            nenums[i].name = e; e += strlen(e) + 1;
            nenums[i].enumerators = e;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.enums = nenums;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_enums = n;
        building = NULL;

    if (typenames != NULL) {
        /* unpack a tuple of strings, each of which describes one typename_s
           entry */
        struct _cffi_typename_s *ntypenames;
        Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(typenames);

        i = n * sizeof(struct _cffi_typename_s);
        building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
        if (building == NULL)
            goto error;
        memset(building, 0, i);
        ntypenames = (struct _cffi_typename_s *)building;

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            char *t = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(typenames, i));
            /* 't' is a string describing the typename */
            ntypenames[i].type_index = cdl_4bytes(t); t += 4;
            ntypenames[i].name = t;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.typenames = ntypenames;
        ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_typenames = n;
        building = NULL;

    if (includes != NULL) {
        PyObject *included_libs;

        included_libs = PyTuple_New(PyTuple_GET_SIZE(includes));
        if (included_libs == NULL)
            return -1;

        ffi->types_builder.included_ffis = includes;
        ffi->types_builder.included_libs = included_libs;

    /* Above, we took directly some "char *" strings out of the strings,
       typically from somewhere inside tuples.  Keep them alive by
       incref'ing the whole input arguments. */
    ffi->types_builder._keepalive1 = args;
    ffi->types_builder._keepalive2 = kwds;
    return 0;

    if (building != NULL)
    if (!PyErr_Occurred())
    return -1;
Beispiel #3
static int parse_sequel(token_t *tok, int outer)
    /* Emit opcodes for the "sequel", which is the optional part of a
       type declaration that follows the type name, i.e. everything
       with '*', '[ ]', '( )'.  Returns the entry point index pointing
       the innermost opcode (the one that corresponds to the complete
       type).  The 'outer' argument is the index of the opcode outside
       this "sequel".
    int check_for_grouping, abi=0;
    _cffi_opcode_t result, *p_current;

    switch (tok->kind) {
    case TOK_STAR:
        outer = write_ds(tok, _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_POINTER, outer));
        goto header;
    case TOK_CONST:
        /* ignored for now */
        goto header;
    case TOK_VOLATILE:
        /* ignored for now */
        goto header;
    case TOK_CDECL:
    case TOK_STDCALL:
        /* must be in a function; checked below */
        abi = tok->kind;
        goto header;

    check_for_grouping = 1;
    if (tok->kind == TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
        next_token(tok);    /* skip a potential variable name */
        check_for_grouping = 0;

    result = 0;
    p_current = &result;

    while (tok->kind == TOK_OPEN_PAREN) {

        if (tok->kind == TOK_CDECL || tok->kind == TOK_STDCALL) {
            abi = tok->kind;

        if ((check_for_grouping--) == 1 && (tok->kind == TOK_STAR ||
                                            tok->kind == TOK_CONST ||
                                            tok->kind == TOK_VOLATILE ||
                                            tok->kind == TOK_OPEN_BRACKET)) {
            /* just parentheses for grouping.  Use a OP_NOOP to simplify */
            int x;
            assert(p_current == &result);
            x = tok->output_index;
            p_current = tok->output + x;

            write_ds(tok, _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_NOOP, 0));

            x = parse_sequel(tok, x);
            result = _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_GETOP(0), x);
        else {
            /* function type */
            int arg_total, base_index, arg_next, flags=0;

            if (abi == TOK_STDCALL) {
                flags = 2;
                /* note that an ellipsis below will overwrite this flags,
                   which is the goal: variadic functions are always cdecl */
            abi = 0;

            if (tok->kind == TOK_VOID && get_following_char(tok) == ')') {

            /* (over-)estimate 'arg_total'.  May return 1 when it is really 0 */
            arg_total = number_of_commas(tok) + 1;

            *p_current = _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_GETOP(*p_current), tok->output_index);
            p_current = tok->output + tok->output_index;

            base_index = write_ds(tok, _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_FUNCTION, 0));
            if (base_index < 0)
                return -1;
            /* reserve (arg_total + 1) slots for the arguments and the
               final FUNCTION_END */
            for (arg_next = 0; arg_next <= arg_total; arg_next++)
                if (write_ds(tok, _CFFI_OP(0, 0)) < 0)
                    return -1;

            arg_next = base_index + 1;

            if (tok->kind != TOK_CLOSE_PAREN) {
                while (1) {
                    int arg;
                    _cffi_opcode_t oarg;

                    if (tok->kind == TOK_DOTDOTDOT) {
                        flags = 1;   /* ellipsis */
                    arg = parse_complete(tok);
                    switch (_CFFI_GETOP(tok->output[arg])) {
                    case _CFFI_OP_ARRAY:
                    case _CFFI_OP_OPEN_ARRAY:
                        arg = _CFFI_GETARG(tok->output[arg]);
                        /* fall-through */
                    case _CFFI_OP_FUNCTION:
                        oarg = _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_POINTER, arg);
                        oarg = _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_NOOP, arg);
                    assert(arg_next - base_index <= arg_total);
                    tok->output[arg_next++] = oarg;
                    if (tok->kind != TOK_COMMA)
            tok->output[arg_next] = _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_FUNCTION_END, flags);

        if (tok->kind != TOK_CLOSE_PAREN)
            return parse_error(tok, "expected ')'");

    if (abi != 0)
        return parse_error(tok, "expected '('");

    while (tok->kind == TOK_OPEN_BRACKET) {
        *p_current = _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_GETOP(*p_current), tok->output_index);
        p_current = tok->output + tok->output_index;

        if (tok->kind != TOK_CLOSE_BRACKET) {
            size_t length;
            int gindex;
            char *endptr;

            switch (tok->kind) {

            case TOK_INTEGER:
                errno = 0;
                if (sizeof(length) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {
#ifdef MS_WIN32
# ifdef _WIN64
                    length = _strtoui64(tok->p, &endptr, 0);
# else
                    abort();  /* unreachable */
# endif
                    length = strtoull(tok->p, &endptr, 0);
                    length = strtoul(tok->p, &endptr, 0);
                if (endptr != tok->p + tok->size)
                    return parse_error(tok, "invalid number");
                if (errno == ERANGE || length > MAX_SSIZE_T)
                    return parse_error(tok, "number too large");

            case TOK_IDENTIFIER:
                gindex = search_in_globals(tok->info->ctx, tok->p, tok->size);
                if (gindex >= 0) {
                    const struct _cffi_global_s *g;
                    g = &tok->info->ctx->globals[gindex];
                    if (_CFFI_GETOP(g->type_op) == _CFFI_OP_CONSTANT_INT ||
                        _CFFI_GETOP(g->type_op) == _CFFI_OP_ENUM) {
                        int neg;
                        struct _cffi_getconst_s gc;
                        gc.ctx = tok->info->ctx;
                        gc.gindex = gindex;
                        neg = ((int(*)(struct _cffi_getconst_s*))g->address)
                        if (neg == 0 && gc.value > MAX_SSIZE_T)
                            return parse_error(tok,
                                               "integer constant too large");
                        if (neg == 0 || gc.value == 0) {
                            length = (size_t)gc.value;
                        if (neg != 1)
                            return parse_error(tok, "disagreement about"
                                               " this constant's value");
                /* fall-through to the default case */
                return parse_error(tok, "expected a positive integer constant");


            write_ds(tok, _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_ARRAY, 0));
            write_ds(tok, (_cffi_opcode_t)length);
            write_ds(tok, _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_OP_OPEN_ARRAY, 0));

        if (tok->kind != TOK_CLOSE_BRACKET)
            return parse_error(tok, "expected ']'");

    *p_current = _CFFI_OP(_CFFI_GETOP(*p_current), outer);
    return _CFFI_GETARG(result);