Beispiel #1
static void AppendCoordinateList( OGRLineString *poLine,
                                  char **ppszText, size_t *pnLength,
                                  size_t *pnMaxLength )

    char szCoordinate[256]= { 0 };
    const bool b3D = CPL_TO_BOOL(wkbHasZ(poLine->getGeometryType()));

    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 20, ppszText, pnMaxLength );

    strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "<coordinates>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    for( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < poLine->getNumPoints(); iPoint++ )
        MakeKMLCoordinate( szCoordinate, sizeof(szCoordinate),
                           b3D );
        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate)+1,
            ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        if( iPoint != 0 )
            strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, " " );

        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, szCoordinate );
        *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 20, ppszText, pnMaxLength );
    strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "</coordinates>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
static void AppendCoordinateList( OGRLineString *poLine, 
                                  char **ppszText, int *pnLength, 
                                  int *pnMaxLength )

    char szCoordinate[256]= { 0 };
    int b3D = (poLine->getGeometryType() & wkb25DBit);

    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 20, ppszText, pnMaxLength );

    strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "<coordinates>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    for( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < poLine->getNumPoints(); iPoint++ )
        MakeKMLCoordinate( szCoordinate, 
                           b3D );
        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate)+1, 
            ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        if( iPoint != 0 )
            strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, " " );

        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, szCoordinate );
        *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 20, ppszText, pnMaxLength );
    strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "</coordinates>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
Beispiel #3
static void AppendGML3CoordinateList( OGRLineString *poLine, int bCoordSwap,
                                  char **ppszText, int *pnLength,
                                  int *pnMaxLength )

    char        szCoordinate[256];
    int         b3D = (poLine->getGeometryType() & wkb25DBit);

    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 40, ppszText, pnMaxLength );

    if (b3D)
        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "<gml:posList srsDimension=\"3\">" );
        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "<gml:posList>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    for( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < poLine->getNumPoints(); iPoint++ )
        if (bCoordSwap)
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           b3D ? 3 : 2 );
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           b3D ? 3 : 2 );
        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate)+1,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        if( iPoint != 0 )
            strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, " " );

        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, szCoordinate );
        *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 20, ppszText, pnMaxLength );
    strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "</gml:posList>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
Beispiel #4
static void AppendGML3CoordinateList( const OGRSimpleCurve *poLine, int bCoordSwap,
                                      char **ppszText, int *pnLength,
                                      int *pnMaxLength, int nSRSDimensionLocFlags )

    char        szCoordinate[256];
    int         b3D = wkbHasZ(poLine->getGeometryType());

    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 40, ppszText, pnMaxLength );

    if (b3D && (nSRSDimensionLocFlags & SRSDIM_LOC_POSLIST) != 0)
        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "<gml:posList srsDimension=\"3\">" );
        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "<gml:posList>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    for( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < poLine->getNumPoints(); iPoint++ )
        if (bCoordSwap)
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           b3D ? 3 : 2 );
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           b3D ? 3 : 2 );
        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate)+1,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        if( iPoint != 0 )
            strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, " " );

        strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, szCoordinate );
        *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);

    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 20, ppszText, pnMaxLength );
    strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "</gml:posList>" );
    *pnLength += strlen(*ppszText + *pnLength);
Beispiel #5
static void AppendString( char **ppszText, int *pnLength, int *pnMaxLength,
                          const char *pszTextToAppend )

    _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(pszTextToAppend) + 1, 
                 ppszText, pnMaxLength );

    strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, pszTextToAppend );
    *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );
Beispiel #6
static int OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( OGRGeometry *poGeometry,
                                   const OGRSpatialReference* poParentSRS,
                                  char **ppszText, int *pnLength,
                                  int *pnMaxLength,
                                  int bIsSubGeometry,
                                  int bLongSRS,
                                  int bLineStringAsCurve,
                                  const char* pszGMLId = NULL)


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for Spatial Reference System attached to given geometry   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // Buffer for srsName and gml:id attributes (srsName="..." gml:id="...")
    char szAttributes[256];
    int nAttrsLength = 0;

    szAttributes[0] = 0;

    const OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = NULL;
    if (poParentSRS)
        poSRS = poParentSRS;
        poParentSRS = poSRS = poGeometry->getSpatialReference();

    int bCoordSwap = FALSE;

    if( NULL != poSRS )
        const char* pszAuthName = NULL;
        const char* pszAuthCode = NULL;
        const char* pszTarget = NULL;

        if (poSRS->IsProjected())
            pszTarget = "PROJCS";
            pszTarget = "GEOGCS";

        pszAuthName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName( pszTarget );
        if( NULL != pszAuthName )
            if( EQUAL( pszAuthName, "EPSG" ) )
                pszAuthCode = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode( pszTarget );
                if( NULL != pszAuthCode && strlen(pszAuthCode) < 10 )
                    if (bLongSRS && !((OGRSpatialReference*)poSRS)->EPSGTreatsAsLatLong())
                        OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
                        if (oSRS.importFromEPSGA(atoi(pszAuthCode)) == OGRERR_NONE)
                            if (oSRS.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong())
                                bCoordSwap = TRUE;

                    if (!bIsSubGeometry)
                        if (bLongSRS)
                            snprintf( szAttributes, sizeof(szAttributes),
                                      " srsName=\"urn:ogc:def:crs:%s::%s\"",
                                      pszAuthName, pszAuthCode );
                            snprintf( szAttributes, sizeof(szAttributes),
                                      " srsName=\"%s:%s\"",
                                      pszAuthName, pszAuthCode );

                        nAttrsLength = strlen(szAttributes);

    if (pszGMLId != NULL && nAttrsLength + 9 + strlen(pszGMLId) + 1 < sizeof(szAttributes))
        strcat(szAttributes, " gml:id=\"");
        strcat(szAttributes, pszGMLId);
        strcat(szAttributes, "\"");
        nAttrsLength = strlen(szAttributes);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      2D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint )
        char    szCoordinate[256];
        OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry;

        if (bCoordSwap)
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getX(), 0.0, 2 );
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), 0.0, 2 );

        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 60 + nAttrsLength,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        sprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength,
                 szAttributes, szCoordinate );

        *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      3D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint25D )
        char    szCoordinate[256];
        OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry;

        if (bCoordSwap)
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getZ(), 3 );
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getZ(), 3 );

        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 70 + nAttrsLength,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        sprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength,
                 szAttributes, szCoordinate );

        *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      LineString and LinearRing                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbLineString
             || poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbLineString25D )
        int bRing = EQUAL(poGeometry->getGeometryName(),"LINEARRING");
        if (!bRing && bLineStringAsCurve)
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "<gml:Curve" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            szAttributes );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "><gml:segments><gml:LineStringSegment>" );
            AppendGML3CoordinateList( (OGRLineString *) poGeometry, bCoordSwap,
                                ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:LineStringSegment></gml:segments></gml:Curve>" );
            // Buffer for tag name + srsName attribute if set
            const size_t nLineTagLength = 16;
            char* pszLineTagName = NULL;
            pszLineTagName = (char *) CPLMalloc( nLineTagLength + nAttrsLength + 1 );

            if( bRing )
                /* LinearRing isn't supposed to have srsName attribute according to GML3 SF-0 */
                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "<gml:LinearRing>" );
                sprintf( pszLineTagName, "<gml:LineString%s>", szAttributes );

                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            pszLineTagName );

            // FREE TAG BUFFER
            CPLFree( pszLineTagName );

            AppendGML3CoordinateList( (OGRLineString *) poGeometry, bCoordSwap,
                                ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength );

            if( bRing )
                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:LinearRing>" );
                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:LineString>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Polygon                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPolygon
             || poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPolygon25D )
        OGRPolygon      *poPolygon = (OGRPolygon *) poGeometry;

        // Buffer for polygon tag name + srsName attribute if set
        const size_t nPolyTagLength = 13;
        char* pszPolyTagName = NULL;
        pszPolyTagName = (char *) CPLMalloc( nPolyTagLength + nAttrsLength + 1 );

        // Compose Polygon tag with or without srsName attribute
        sprintf( pszPolyTagName, "<gml:Polygon%s>", szAttributes );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      pszPolyTagName );

        // FREE TAG BUFFER
        CPLFree( pszPolyTagName );

        // Don't add srsName to polygon rings

        if( poPolygon->getExteriorRing() != NULL )
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<gml:exterior>" );

            if( !OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( poPolygon->getExteriorRing(), poSRS,
                                        ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                                        TRUE, bLongSRS, bLineStringAsCurve ) )
                return FALSE;

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:exterior>" );

        for( int iRing = 0; iRing < poPolygon->getNumInteriorRings(); iRing++ )
            OGRLinearRing *poRing = poPolygon->getInteriorRing(iRing);

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<gml:interior>" );

            if( !OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( poRing, poSRS, ppszText, pnLength,
                                        pnMaxLength, TRUE, bLongSRS, bLineStringAsCurve ) )
                return FALSE;

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:interior>" );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      "</gml:Polygon>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiGeometry        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiLineString
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbGeometryCollection )
        OGRGeometryCollection *poGC = (OGRGeometryCollection *) poGeometry;
        int             iMember;
        const char *pszElemClose = NULL;
        const char *pszMemberElem = NULL;

        // Buffer for opening tag + srsName attribute
        char* pszElemOpen = NULL;

        if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 13 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiSurface%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiSurface>";
            pszMemberElem = "surfaceMember>";
        else if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiLineString )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 16 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiCurve%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiCurve>";
            pszMemberElem = "curveMember>";
        else if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 11 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiPoint%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiPoint>";
            pszMemberElem = "pointMember>";
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 19 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiGeometry%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiGeometry>";
            pszMemberElem = "geometryMember>";

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<gml:" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszElemOpen );

        for( iMember = 0; iMember < poGC->getNumGeometries(); iMember++)
            OGRGeometry *poMember = poGC->getGeometryRef( iMember );

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<gml:" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszMemberElem );

            if( !OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( poMember, poSRS,
                                        ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                                        TRUE, bLongSRS, bLineStringAsCurve ) )
                return FALSE;

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "</gml:" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszMemberElem );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "</gml:" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszElemClose );

        // FREE TAG BUFFER
        CPLFree( pszElemOpen );
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #7
static int OGR2GMLGeometryAppend( OGRGeometry *poGeometry, 
                                  char **ppszText, int *pnLength, 
                                  int *pnMaxLength,
                                  int bIsSubGeometry )


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for Spatial Reference System attached to given geometry   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // Buffer for srsName attribute (srsName="...")
    char szAttributes[30] = { 0 };
    int nAttrsLength = 0;

    const OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = NULL;
    poSRS = poGeometry->getSpatialReference();

    if( NULL != poSRS && !bIsSubGeometry )
        const char* pszAuthName = NULL;
        const char* pszAuthCode = NULL;
        const char* pszTarget = NULL;

        if (poSRS->IsProjected())
            pszTarget = "PROJCS";
            pszTarget = "GEOGCS";

        pszAuthName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName( pszTarget );
        if( NULL != pszAuthName )
            if( EQUAL( pszAuthName, "EPSG" ) )
                pszAuthCode = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode( pszTarget );
                if( NULL != pszAuthCode && strlen(pszAuthCode) < 10 )
                    sprintf( szAttributes, " srsName=\"%s:%s\"",
                            pszAuthName, pszAuthCode );

                    nAttrsLength = strlen(szAttributes);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      2D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint )
        char    szCoordinate[256];
        OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry;

        MakeGMLCoordinate( szCoordinate, 
                           poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), 0.0, FALSE );

        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 60 + nAttrsLength,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        sprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength, 
                 szAttributes, szCoordinate );

        *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      3D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint25D )
        char    szCoordinate[256];
        OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry;

        MakeGMLCoordinate( szCoordinate, 
                           poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getZ(), 
                           TRUE );
        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 70 + nAttrsLength,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        sprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength, 
                 szAttributes, szCoordinate );

        *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      LineString and LinearRing                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbLineString 
             || poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbLineString25D )
        int bRing = EQUAL(poGeometry->getGeometryName(),"LINEARRING");

        // Buffer for tag name + srsName attribute if set
        const size_t nLineTagLength = 16;
        char* pszLineTagName = NULL;
        pszLineTagName = (char *) CPLMalloc( nLineTagLength + nAttrsLength + 1 );

        if( bRing )
            sprintf( pszLineTagName, "<gml:LinearRing%s>", szAttributes );

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          pszLineTagName );
            sprintf( pszLineTagName, "<gml:LineString%s>", szAttributes );

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          pszLineTagName );

        // FREE TAG BUFFER
        CPLFree( pszLineTagName );

        AppendCoordinateList( (OGRLineString *) poGeometry, 
                              ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength );
        if( bRing )
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:LinearRing>" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:LineString>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Polygon                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPolygon 
             || poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPolygon25D )
        OGRPolygon      *poPolygon = (OGRPolygon *) poGeometry;

        // Buffer for polygon tag name + srsName attribute if set
        const size_t nPolyTagLength = 13;
        char* pszPolyTagName = NULL;
        pszPolyTagName = (char *) CPLMalloc( nPolyTagLength + nAttrsLength + 1 );

        // Compose Polygon tag with or without srsName attribute
        sprintf( pszPolyTagName, "<gml:Polygon%s>", szAttributes );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      pszPolyTagName );

        // FREE TAG BUFFER
        CPLFree( pszPolyTagName );

        // Don't add srsName to polygon rings

        if( poPolygon->getExteriorRing() != NULL )
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<gml:outerBoundaryIs>" );

            if( !OGR2GMLGeometryAppend( poPolygon->getExteriorRing(), 
                                        ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                                        TRUE ) )
                return FALSE;
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:outerBoundaryIs>" );

        for( int iRing = 0; iRing < poPolygon->getNumInteriorRings(); iRing++ )
            OGRLinearRing *poRing = poPolygon->getInteriorRing(iRing);

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<gml:innerBoundaryIs>" );
            if( !OGR2GMLGeometryAppend( poRing, ppszText, pnLength, 
                                        pnMaxLength, TRUE ) )
                return FALSE;
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:innerBoundaryIs>" );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      "</gml:Polygon>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiGeometry        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon 
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiLineString
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbGeometryCollection )
        OGRGeometryCollection *poGC = (OGRGeometryCollection *) poGeometry;
        int             iMember;
        const char *pszElemClose = NULL;
        const char *pszMemberElem = NULL;

        // Buffer for opening tag + srsName attribute
        char* pszElemOpen = NULL;

        if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 13 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiPolygon%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiPolygon>";
            pszMemberElem = "polygonMember>";
        else if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiLineString )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 16 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiLineString%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiLineString>";
            pszMemberElem = "lineStringMember>";
        else if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 11 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiPoint%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiPoint>";
            pszMemberElem = "pointMember>";
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 19 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiGeometry%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiGeometry>";
            pszMemberElem = "geometryMember>";

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<gml:" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszElemOpen );

        for( iMember = 0; iMember < poGC->getNumGeometries(); iMember++)
            OGRGeometry *poMember = poGC->getGeometryRef( iMember );

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<gml:" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszMemberElem );
            if( !OGR2GMLGeometryAppend( poMember, 
                                        ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                                        TRUE ) )
                return FALSE;
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "</gml:" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszMemberElem );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "</gml:" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszElemClose );

        // FREE TAG BUFFER
        CPLFree( pszElemOpen );
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #8
static bool OGR2KMLGeometryAppend( OGRGeometry *poGeometry,
                                   char **ppszText, size_t *pnLength,
                                   size_t *pnMaxLength, char *szAltitudeMode )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      2D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint )
        OGRPoint* poPoint = static_cast<OGRPoint*>(poGeometry);

        if (poPoint->getCoordinateDimension() == 0)
            _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + 10,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );
            strcat( *ppszText + *pnLength, "<Point/>");
            *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );
            char szCoordinate[256] = { 0 };
            MakeKMLCoordinate( szCoordinate, sizeof(szCoordinate),
                            poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), 0.0, FALSE );

            _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 60,
                         ppszText, pnMaxLength );

            snprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength, *pnMaxLength - *pnLength,
                      szCoordinate );

            *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      3D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint25D )
        char szCoordinate[256] = { 0 };
        OGRPoint *poPoint = static_cast<OGRPoint*>(poGeometry);

        MakeKMLCoordinate( szCoordinate, sizeof(szCoordinate),
                           poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getZ(),
                           true );

        if (NULL == szAltitudeMode)
            _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 70,
                         ppszText, pnMaxLength );

            snprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength, *pnMaxLength - *pnLength,
                      szCoordinate );
            _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate)
                         + strlen(szAltitudeMode) + 70,
                         ppszText, pnMaxLength );

            snprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength, *pnMaxLength - *pnLength,
                      szAltitudeMode, szCoordinate );

        *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      LineString and LinearRing                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbLineString
             || poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbLineString25D )
        const bool bRing = EQUAL(poGeometry->getGeometryName(),"LINEARRING");

        if( bRing )
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<LinearRing>" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<LineString>" );

        if (NULL != szAltitudeMode)
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, szAltitudeMode);

        AppendCoordinateList( reinterpret_cast<OGRLineString *>(poGeometry),
                              ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength );

        if( bRing )
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</LinearRing>" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</LineString>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Polygon                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPolygon
             || poGeometry->getGeometryType() == wkbPolygon25D )
        OGRPolygon* poPolygon = static_cast<OGRPolygon*>(poGeometry);

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<Polygon>" );

        if (NULL != szAltitudeMode)
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, szAltitudeMode);

        if( poPolygon->getExteriorRing() != NULL )
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<outerBoundaryIs>" );

            if( !OGR2KMLGeometryAppend( poPolygon->getExteriorRing(),
                                        ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                                        szAltitudeMode ) )
                return false;
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</outerBoundaryIs>" );

        for( int iRing = 0; iRing < poPolygon->getNumInteriorRings(); iRing++ )
            OGRLinearRing *poRing = poPolygon->getInteriorRing(iRing);

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<innerBoundaryIs>" );

            if( !OGR2KMLGeometryAppend( poRing, ppszText, pnLength,
                                        pnMaxLength, szAltitudeMode ) )
                return false;
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</innerBoundaryIs>" );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      "</Polygon>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      MultiPolygon                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiLineString
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint
             || wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) ==
                wkbGeometryCollection )
        OGRGeometryCollection* poGC = NULL;
        poGC = static_cast<OGRGeometryCollection*>(poGeometry);

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<MultiGeometry>" );

        // XXX - mloskot
        //if (NULL != szAltitudeMode)
        //    AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, szAltitudeMode);

        for( int iMember = 0; iMember < poGC->getNumGeometries(); iMember++)
            OGRGeometry *poMember = poGC->getGeometryRef( iMember );

            if( !OGR2KMLGeometryAppend( poMember, ppszText, pnLength,
                                        pnMaxLength, szAltitudeMode ) )
                return false;

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "</MultiGeometry>" );
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #9
static int OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( const OGRGeometry *poGeometry,
                                   const OGRSpatialReference* poParentSRS,
                                   char **ppszText, int *pnLength,
                                   int *pnMaxLength,
                                   int bIsSubGeometry,
                                   int bLongSRS,
                                   int bLineStringAsCurve,
                                   const char* pszGMLId,
                                   int nSRSDimensionLocFlags,
                                   int bForceLineStringAsLinearRing )


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for Spatial Reference System attached to given geometry   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // Buffer for srsName, srsDimension and gml:id attributes (srsName="..." gml:id="...")
    char szAttributes[256];
    int nAttrsLength = 0;

    szAttributes[0] = 0;

    const OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = NULL;
    if (poParentSRS)
        poSRS = poParentSRS;
        poParentSRS = poSRS = poGeometry->getSpatialReference();

    int bCoordSwap = FALSE;

    if( NULL != poSRS )
        const char* pszAuthName = NULL;
        const char* pszAuthCode = NULL;
        const char* pszTarget = NULL;

        if (poSRS->IsProjected())
            pszTarget = "PROJCS";
            pszTarget = "GEOGCS";

        pszAuthName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName( pszTarget );
        if( NULL != pszAuthName )
            if( EQUAL( pszAuthName, "EPSG" ) )
                pszAuthCode = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode( pszTarget );
                if( NULL != pszAuthCode && strlen(pszAuthCode) < 10 )
                    if (bLongSRS && !(((OGRSpatialReference*)poSRS)->EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() ||
                        OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
                        if (oSRS.importFromEPSGA(atoi(pszAuthCode)) == OGRERR_NONE)
                            if (oSRS.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() || oSRS.EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting())
                                bCoordSwap = TRUE;

                    if (!bIsSubGeometry)
                        if (bLongSRS)
                            snprintf( szAttributes, sizeof(szAttributes),
                                      " srsName=\"urn:ogc:def:crs:%s::%s\"",
                                      pszAuthName, pszAuthCode );
                            snprintf( szAttributes, sizeof(szAttributes),
                                      " srsName=\"%s:%s\"",
                                      pszAuthName, pszAuthCode );

                        nAttrsLength = strlen(szAttributes);

    if( (nSRSDimensionLocFlags & SRSDIM_LOC_GEOMETRY) != 0 &&
        wkbHasZ(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) )
        strcat(szAttributes, " srsDimension=\"3\"");
        nAttrsLength = strlen(szAttributes);

        nSRSDimensionLocFlags &= ~SRSDIM_LOC_GEOMETRY;

    if (pszGMLId != NULL && nAttrsLength + 9 + strlen(pszGMLId) + 1 < sizeof(szAttributes))
        strcat(szAttributes, " gml:id=\"");
        strcat(szAttributes, pszGMLId);
        strcat(szAttributes, "\"");
        nAttrsLength = strlen(szAttributes);

    OGRwkbGeometryType eType = poGeometry->getGeometryType();
    OGRwkbGeometryType eFType = wkbFlatten(eType);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      2D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( eType == wkbPoint )
        char    szCoordinate[256];
        OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry;

        if (bCoordSwap)
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getX(), 0.0, 2 );
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), 0.0, 2 );

        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 60 + nAttrsLength,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        sprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength,
                 szAttributes, szCoordinate );

        *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      3D Point                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( eType == wkbPoint25D )
        char    szCoordinate[256];
        OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry;

        if (bCoordSwap)
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getZ(), 3 );
            OGRMakeWktCoordinate( szCoordinate,
                           poPoint->getX(), poPoint->getY(), poPoint->getZ(), 3 );

        _GrowBuffer( *pnLength + strlen(szCoordinate) + 70 + nAttrsLength,
                     ppszText, pnMaxLength );

        sprintf( *ppszText + *pnLength,
                 szAttributes, szCoordinate );

        *pnLength += strlen( *ppszText + *pnLength );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      LineString and LinearRing                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( eFType == wkbLineString )
        int bRing = EQUAL(poGeometry->getGeometryName(),"LINEARRING") ||
        if (!bRing && bLineStringAsCurve)
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "<gml:Curve" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            szAttributes );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "><gml:segments><gml:LineStringSegment>" );
            AppendGML3CoordinateList( (OGRLineString *) poGeometry, bCoordSwap,
                                ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, nSRSDimensionLocFlags );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:LineStringSegment></gml:segments></gml:Curve>" );
            // Buffer for tag name + srsName attribute if set
            const size_t nLineTagLength = 16;
            char* pszLineTagName = NULL;
            pszLineTagName = (char *) CPLMalloc( nLineTagLength + nAttrsLength + 1 );

            if( bRing )
                /* LinearRing isn't supposed to have srsName attribute according to GML3 SF-0 */
                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "<gml:LinearRing>" );
                sprintf( pszLineTagName, "<gml:LineString%s>", szAttributes );

                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            pszLineTagName );

            // FREE TAG BUFFER
            CPLFree( pszLineTagName );

            AppendGML3CoordinateList( (OGRLineString *) poGeometry, bCoordSwap,
                                ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, nSRSDimensionLocFlags );

            if( bRing )
                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:LinearRing>" );
                AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:LineString>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      ArcString or Circle                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( eFType == wkbCircularString )
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                        "<gml:Curve" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                        szAttributes );
        OGRSimpleCurve* poSC = (OGRSimpleCurve *) poGeometry;
        /* SQL MM has a unique type for arc and circle, GML not */
        if( poSC->getNumPoints() == 3 &&
            poSC->getX(0) == poSC->getX(2) &&
            poSC->getY(0) == poSC->getY(2) )
            double dfMidX = (poSC->getX(0) + poSC->getX(1)) / 2;
            double dfMidY = (poSC->getY(0) + poSC->getY(1)) / 2;
            double dfDirX = (poSC->getX(1) - poSC->getX(0)) / 2;
            double dfDirY = (poSC->getY(1) - poSC->getY(0)) / 2;
            double dfNormX = -dfDirY;
            double dfNormY = dfDirX;
            double dfNewX = dfMidX + dfNormX;
            double dfNewY = dfMidY + dfNormY;
            OGRLineString* poLS = new OGRLineString();
            OGRPoint p;
            poSC->getPoint(0, &p);
            poSC->getPoint(1, &p);
            if( poSC->getCoordinateDimension() == 3 )
                poLS->addPoint(dfNewX, dfNewY, p.getZ());
                poLS->addPoint(dfNewX, dfNewY);
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "><gml:segments><gml:Circle>" );
            AppendGML3CoordinateList( poLS, bCoordSwap,
                                ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, nSRSDimensionLocFlags );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:Circle></gml:segments></gml:Curve>" );
            delete poLS;
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "><gml:segments><gml:ArcString>" );
            AppendGML3CoordinateList( poSC, bCoordSwap,
                                ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, nSRSDimensionLocFlags );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                            "</gml:ArcString></gml:segments></gml:Curve>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      CompositeCurve                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( eFType == wkbCompoundCurve )
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                        "<gml:CompositeCurve" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                        szAttributes );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,">");

        OGRCompoundCurve* poCC = (OGRCompoundCurve*)poGeometry;
        for(int i=0;i<poCC->getNumCurves();i++)
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<gml:curveMember>" );
            if( !OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( poCC->getCurve(i), poSRS, ppszText, pnLength,
                                         pnMaxLength, TRUE, bLongSRS,
                                         NULL, nSRSDimensionLocFlags, FALSE) )
                return FALSE;
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:curveMember>" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      "</gml:CompositeCurve>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Polygon                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( eFType == wkbPolygon || eFType == wkbCurvePolygon )
        OGRCurvePolygon      *poCP = (OGRCurvePolygon *) poGeometry;

        // Buffer for polygon tag name + srsName attribute if set
        const size_t nPolyTagLength = 13;
        char* pszPolyTagName = NULL;
        pszPolyTagName = (char *) CPLMalloc( nPolyTagLength + nAttrsLength + 1 );

        // Compose Polygon tag with or without srsName attribute
        sprintf( pszPolyTagName, "<gml:Polygon%s>", szAttributes );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      pszPolyTagName );

        // FREE TAG BUFFER
        CPLFree( pszPolyTagName );

        // Don't add srsName to polygon rings

        if( poCP->getExteriorRingCurve() != NULL )
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<gml:exterior>" );

            if( !OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( poCP->getExteriorRingCurve(), poSRS,
                                         ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                                         TRUE, bLongSRS, bLineStringAsCurve,
                                         NULL, nSRSDimensionLocFlags, TRUE) )
                return FALSE;

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:exterior>" );

        for( int iRing = 0; iRing < poCP->getNumInteriorRings(); iRing++ )
            OGRCurve *poRing = poCP->getInteriorRingCurve(iRing);

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "<gml:interior>" );

            if( !OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( poRing, poSRS, ppszText, pnLength,
                                         pnMaxLength, TRUE, bLongSRS,
                                         NULL, nSRSDimensionLocFlags, TRUE) )
                return FALSE;

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                          "</gml:interior>" );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                      "</gml:Polygon>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      MultiSurface, MultiCurve, MultiPoint, MultiGeometry             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( eFType == wkbMultiPolygon
             || eFType == wkbMultiSurface
             || eFType == wkbMultiLineString
             || eFType == wkbMultiCurve
             || eFType == wkbMultiPoint
             || eFType == wkbGeometryCollection )
        OGRGeometryCollection *poGC = (OGRGeometryCollection *) poGeometry;
        int             iMember;
        const char *pszElemClose = NULL;
        const char *pszMemberElem = NULL;

        // Buffer for opening tag + srsName attribute
        char* pszElemOpen = NULL;

        if( eFType == wkbMultiPolygon || eFType == wkbMultiSurface )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 13 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiSurface%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiSurface>";
            pszMemberElem = "surfaceMember>";
        else if( eFType == wkbMultiLineString || eFType == wkbMultiCurve )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 16 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiCurve%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiCurve>";
            pszMemberElem = "curveMember>";
        else if( eFType == wkbMultiPoint )
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 11 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiPoint%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiPoint>";
            pszMemberElem = "pointMember>";
            pszElemOpen = (char *) CPLMalloc( 19 + nAttrsLength + 1 );
            sprintf( pszElemOpen, "MultiGeometry%s>", szAttributes );

            pszElemClose = "MultiGeometry>";
            pszMemberElem = "geometryMember>";

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<gml:" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszElemOpen );

        for( iMember = 0; iMember < poGC->getNumGeometries(); iMember++)
            OGRGeometry *poMember = poGC->getGeometryRef( iMember );

            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "<gml:" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszMemberElem );

            char* pszGMLIdSub = NULL;
            if (pszGMLId != NULL)
                pszGMLIdSub = CPLStrdup(CPLSPrintf("%s.%d", pszGMLId, iMember));

            if( !OGR2GML3GeometryAppend( poMember, poSRS,
                                         ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength,
                                         TRUE, bLongSRS, bLineStringAsCurve,
                                         pszGMLIdSub, nSRSDimensionLocFlags, FALSE ) )
                return FALSE;


            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "</gml:" );
            AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszMemberElem );

        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, "</gml:" );
        AppendString( ppszText, pnLength, pnMaxLength, pszElemClose );

        // FREE TAG BUFFER
        CPLFree( pszElemOpen );
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Unsupported geometry type %s",
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;