Beispiel #1
void _Thread_queue_Extract_with_return_code(
  Thread_queue_Control *the_thread_queue,
  Thread_Control       *the_thread,
  uint32_t              return_code
  ISR_lock_Context lock_context;

  _Thread_queue_Acquire( &lock_context );

  if ( !_States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue( the_thread->current_state ) ) {
    _Thread_queue_Release( &lock_context );

  if ( the_thread_queue->discipline == THREAD_QUEUE_DISCIPLINE_FIFO ) {
    _Chain_Extract_unprotected( &the_thread->Object.Node );
    _Thread_Priority_restore_default_change_handler( the_thread );
    _Thread_Lock_restore_default( the_thread );

  the_thread->Wait.return_code = return_code;

   * We found a thread to unblock.
   * NOTE: This is invoked with interrupts still disabled.
  _Thread_blocking_operation_Finalize( the_thread, &lock_context );
bool _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy(
  Thread_Control       *the_thread
  States_Control                state;

  state = the_thread->current_state;

  if ( _States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue( state ) ) {
      if ( _States_Is_waiting_for_rpc_reply( state ) &&
           _States_Is_locally_blocked( state ) ) {
        Objects_Information                  *the_information;
        Objects_Thread_queue_Extract_callout  proxy_extract_callout;

        the_information = _Objects_Get_information_id( the_thread-> );
        proxy_extract_callout =
          (Objects_Thread_queue_Extract_callout) the_information->extract;

        if ( proxy_extract_callout )
          (*proxy_extract_callout)( the_thread );
    _Thread_queue_Extract( the_thread->Wait.queue, the_thread );

    return true;
  return false;
Beispiel #3
void _Thread_queue_Requeue(
  Thread_queue_Control *the_thread_queue,
  Thread_Control       *the_thread
   * Just in case the thread really wasn't blocked on a thread queue
   * when we get here.
  if ( !the_thread_queue )

   * If queueing by FIFO, there is nothing to do. This only applies to
   * priority blocking discipline.
  if ( the_thread_queue->discipline == THREAD_QUEUE_DISCIPLINE_PRIORITY ) {
    Thread_queue_Control *tq = the_thread_queue;
    ISR_Level             level;
    ISR_Level             level_ignored;

    _ISR_Disable( level );
    if ( _States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue( the_thread->current_state ) ) {
      _Thread_queue_Enter_critical_section( tq );
      _Thread_queue_Extract_priority_helper( tq, the_thread, true );
      (void) _Thread_queue_Enqueue_priority( tq, the_thread, &level_ignored );
    _ISR_Enable( level );
Beispiel #4
void _Thread_queue_Requeue(
  Thread_queue_Control *the_thread_queue,
  Thread_Control       *the_thread
   * Just in case the thread really wasn't blocked on a thread queue
   * when we get here.
  if ( !the_thread_queue )

   * If queueing by FIFO, there is nothing to do. This only applies to
   * priority blocking discipline.
  if ( the_thread_queue->discipline == THREAD_QUEUE_DISCIPLINE_PRIORITY ) {
    Thread_queue_Control *tq = the_thread_queue;
    ISR_Level             level;

    _ISR_Disable( level );
    if ( _States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue( the_thread->current_state ) ) {
      _Thread_queue_Enter_critical_section( tq );

      /* extract the thread */

      /* enqueue the thread at the new priority */
    _ISR_Enable( level );
void _Thread_Change_priority(
  Thread_Control   *the_thread,
  Priority_Control  new_priority,
  bool              prepend_it
  ISR_Level      level;
  States_Control state, original_state;

   * Save original state
  original_state = the_thread->current_state;

   * Set a transient state for the thread so it is pulled off the Ready chains.
   * This will prevent it from being scheduled no matter what happens in an
   * ISR.
  _Thread_Set_transient( the_thread );

   *  Do not bother recomputing all the priority related information if
   *  we are not REALLY changing priority.
 if ( the_thread->current_priority != new_priority )
    _Thread_Set_priority( the_thread, new_priority );

  _ISR_Disable( level );

   *  If the thread has more than STATES_TRANSIENT set, then it is blocked,
   *  If it is blocked on a thread queue, then we need to requeue it.
  state = the_thread->current_state;
  if ( state != STATES_TRANSIENT ) {
    /* Only clear the transient state if it wasn't set already */
    if ( ! _States_Is_transient( original_state ) )
      the_thread->current_state = _States_Clear( STATES_TRANSIENT, state );
    _ISR_Enable( level );
    if ( _States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue( state ) ) {
      _Thread_queue_Requeue( the_thread->Wait.queue, the_thread );

  /* Only clear the transient state if it wasn't set already */
  if ( ! _States_Is_transient( original_state ) ) {
     *  Interrupts are STILL disabled.
     *  We now know the thread will be in the READY state when we remove
     *  the TRANSIENT state.  So we have to place it on the appropriate
     *  Ready Queue with interrupts off.
    the_thread->current_state = _States_Clear( STATES_TRANSIENT, state );

    if ( prepend_it )
      _Scheduler_Enqueue_first( the_thread );
      _Scheduler_Enqueue( the_thread );

  _ISR_Flash( level );

   *  We altered the set of thread priorities.  So let's figure out
   *  who is the heir and if we need to switch to them.

  if ( !_Thread_Is_executing_also_the_heir() &&
       _Thread_Executing->is_preemptible )
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;
  _ISR_Enable( level );
Beispiel #6
/* XXX this routine could probably be cleaned up */
bool _POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread(
  Thread_Control  *the_thread,
  int              signo,
  siginfo_t       *info
  POSIX_API_Control  *api;
  sigset_t            mask;
  siginfo_t          *the_info = NULL;

  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];

  mask = signo_to_mask( signo );

   *  Is the thread is specifically waiting for a signal?

  if ( _States_Is_interruptible_signal( the_thread->current_state ) ) {

    if ( (the_thread->Wait.option & mask) || (~api->signals_blocked & mask) ) {
      the_thread->Wait.return_code = EINTR;

      the_info = (siginfo_t *) the_thread->Wait.return_argument;

      if ( !info ) {
        the_info->si_signo = signo;
        the_info->si_code = SI_USER;
        the_info->si_value.sival_int = 0;
      } else {
        *the_info = *info;

      _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );
      return true;

     *  This should only be reached via pthread_kill().

    return false;

   *  Thread is not waiting due to a sigwait.
  if ( ~api->signals_blocked & mask ) {

     *  The thread is interested in this signal.  We are going
     *  to post it.  We have a few broad cases:
     *    + If it is blocked on an interruptible signal, THEN
     *        we unblock the thread.
     *    + If it is in the ready state AND
     *      we are sending from an ISR AND
     *      it is the interrupted thread AND
     *      it is not blocked, THEN
     *        we need to dispatch at the end of this ISR.
     *    + Any other combination, do nothing.

    the_thread->do_post_task_switch_extension = true;

    if ( _States_Is_interruptible_by_signal( the_thread->current_state ) ) {
      the_thread->Wait.return_code = EINTR;
       *  In pthread_cond_wait, a thread will be blocking on a thread
       *  queue, but is also interruptible by a POSIX signal.
      if ( _States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue(the_thread->current_state) )
        _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );
      else if ( _States_Is_delaying(the_thread->current_state) ){
	(void) _Watchdog_Remove( &the_thread->Timer );
        _Thread_Unblock( the_thread );

    } else if ( the_thread->current_state == STATES_READY ) {
      if ( _ISR_Is_in_progress() && _Thread_Is_executing( the_thread ) )
	_ISR_Signals_to_thread_executing = true;
  return false;
Beispiel #7
void _Thread_Change_priority(
  Thread_Control   *the_thread,
  Priority_Control  new_priority,
  bool              prepend_it
  ISR_Level      level;
  States_Control state, original_state;

   *  If this is a case where prepending the task to its priority is
   *  potentially desired, then we need to consider whether to do it.
   *  This usually occurs when a task lowers its priority implcitly as
   *  the result of losing inherited priority.  Normal explicit priority
   *  change calls (e.g. rtems_task_set_priority) should always do an
   *  append not a prepend.
  if ( prepend_it &&
       _Thread_Is_executing( the_thread ) &&
       new_priority >= the_thread->current_priority )
    prepend_it = true;

   * Save original state
  original_state = the_thread->current_state;

   * Set a transient state for the thread so it is pulled off the Ready chains.
   * This will prevent it from being scheduled no matter what happens in an
   * ISR.
  _Thread_Set_transient( the_thread );

   *  Do not bother recomputing all the priority related information if
   *  we are not REALLY changing priority.
 if ( the_thread->current_priority != new_priority )
    _Thread_Set_priority( the_thread, new_priority );

  _ISR_Disable( level );

   *  If the thread has more than STATES_TRANSIENT set, then it is blocked,
   *  If it is blocked on a thread queue, then we need to requeue it.
  state = the_thread->current_state;
  if ( state != STATES_TRANSIENT ) {
    /* Only clear the transient state if it wasn't set already */
    if ( ! _States_Is_transient( original_state ) )
      the_thread->current_state = _States_Clear( STATES_TRANSIENT, state );
    _ISR_Enable( level );
    if ( _States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue( state ) ) {
      _Thread_queue_Requeue( the_thread->Wait.queue, the_thread );

  /* Only clear the transient state if it wasn't set already */
  if ( ! _States_Is_transient( original_state ) ) {
     *  Interrupts are STILL disabled.
     *  We now know the thread will be in the READY state when we remove
     *  the TRANSIENT state.  So we have to place it on the appropriate
     *  Ready Queue with interrupts off.
    the_thread->current_state = _States_Clear( STATES_TRANSIENT, state );

    _Priority_Add_to_bit_map( &the_thread->Priority_map );
    if ( prepend_it )
      _Chain_Prepend_unprotected( the_thread->ready, &the_thread->Object.Node );
      _Chain_Append_unprotected( the_thread->ready, &the_thread->Object.Node );

  _ISR_Flash( level );

   *  We altered the set of thread priorities.  So let's figure out
   *  who is the heir and if we need to switch to them.

  if ( !_Thread_Is_executing_also_the_heir() &&
       _Thread_Executing->is_preemptible )
    _Context_Switch_necessary = true;
  _ISR_Enable( level );
/* XXX this routine could probably be cleaned up */
boolean _POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread(
  Thread_Control  *the_thread,
  int              signo,
  siginfo_t       *info
  POSIX_API_Control  *api;
  sigset_t            mask;
  siginfo_t          *the_info = NULL;

  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];

  mask = signo_to_mask( signo );

   *  Is the thread is specifically waiting for a signal?

  if ( _States_Is_interruptible_signal( the_thread->current_state ) ) {

    if ( (the_thread->Wait.option & mask) || (~api->signals_blocked & mask) ) {
      the_thread->Wait.return_code = EINTR;

      the_info = (siginfo_t *) the_thread->Wait.return_argument;

      if ( !info ) {
        the_info->si_signo = signo;
        the_info->si_code = SI_USER;
        the_info->si_value.sival_int = 0;
      } else {
        *the_info = *info;

      _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );
      return TRUE;

     *  This should only be reached via pthread_kill().

    return FALSE;

  if ( ~api->signals_blocked & mask ) {
    the_thread->do_post_task_switch_extension = TRUE;

    if ( the_thread->current_state & STATES_INTERRUPTIBLE_BY_SIGNAL ) {
      the_thread->Wait.return_code = EINTR;
      if ( _States_Is_waiting_on_thread_queue(the_thread->current_state) )
        _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );
      else if ( _States_Is_delaying(the_thread->current_state)){
        if ( _Watchdog_Is_active( &the_thread->Timer ) )
          (void) _Watchdog_Remove( &the_thread->Timer );
        _Thread_Unblock( the_thread );
  return FALSE;
