/* NOTE: this implementation doesn't support a init function that throws a C++ exception
 *       or calls fork()
int pthread_once(pthread_once_t* once_control, void (*init_routine)(void)) {
  static_assert(sizeof(atomic_int) == sizeof(pthread_once_t),
                "pthread_once_t should actually be atomic_int in implementation.");

  // We prefer casting to atomic_int instead of declaring pthread_once_t to be atomic_int directly.
  // Because using the second method pollutes pthread.h, and causes an error when compiling libcxx.
  atomic_int* once_control_ptr = reinterpret_cast<atomic_int*>(once_control);

  // First check if the once is already initialized. This will be the common
  // case and we want to make this as fast as possible. Note that this still
  // requires a load_acquire operation here to ensure that all the
  // stores performed by the initialization function are observable on
  // this CPU after we exit.
  int old_value = atomic_load_explicit(once_control_ptr, memory_order_acquire);

  while (true) {
    if (__predict_true(old_value == ONCE_INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE)) {
      return 0;

    // Try to atomically set the initialization underway flag. This requires a compare exchange
    // in a loop, and we may need to exit prematurely if the initialization is complete.
    if (!atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(once_control_ptr, &old_value,
                                               memory_order_acquire, memory_order_acquire)) {

      // We got here first, we can handle the initialization.

      // Do a store_release indicating that initialization is complete.
      atomic_store_explicit(once_control_ptr, ONCE_INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE, memory_order_release);

      // Wake up any waiters, if any.
      __futex_wake_ex(once_control_ptr, 0, INT_MAX);
      return 0;

    // The initialization is underway, wait for its finish.
    __futex_wait_ex(once_control_ptr, 0, old_value, NULL);
    old_value = atomic_load_explicit(once_control_ptr, memory_order_acquire);
int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex_interface) {
    pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex = __get_internal_mutex(mutex_interface);

    uint16_t old_state = atomic_load_explicit(&mutex->state, memory_order_relaxed);
    uint16_t mtype  = (old_state & MUTEX_TYPE_MASK);
    uint16_t shared = (old_state & MUTEX_SHARED_MASK);

    // Handle common case first.
    if (__predict_true(mtype == MUTEX_TYPE_BITS_NORMAL)) {
        __pthread_normal_mutex_unlock(mutex, shared);
        return 0;

    // Do we already own this recursive or error-check mutex?
    pid_t tid = __get_thread()->tid;
    if ( tid != atomic_load_explicit(&mutex->owner_tid, memory_order_relaxed) ) {
        return EPERM;

    // If the counter is > 0, we can simply decrement it atomically.
    // Since other threads can mutate the lower state bits (and only the
    // lower state bits), use a compare_exchange loop to do it.
    if (!MUTEX_COUNTER_BITS_IS_ZERO(old_state)) {
        // We still own the mutex, so a release fence is not needed.
        atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&mutex->state, MUTEX_COUNTER_BITS_ONE, memory_order_relaxed);
        return 0;

    // The counter is 0, so we'are going to unlock the mutex by resetting its
    // state to unlocked, we need to perform a atomic_exchange inorder to read
    // the current state, which will be locked_contended if there may have waiters
    // to awake.
    // A release fence is required to make previous stores visible to next
    // lock owner threads.
    atomic_store_explicit(&mutex->owner_tid, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
    const uint16_t unlocked = mtype | shared | MUTEX_STATE_BITS_UNLOCKED;
    old_state = atomic_exchange_explicit(&mutex->state, unlocked, memory_order_release);
        __futex_wake_ex(&mutex->state, shared, 1);

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
/* NOTE: this implementation doesn't support a init function that throws a C++ exception
 *       or calls fork()
int pthread_once( pthread_once_t*  once_control,  void (*init_routine)(void) )
    volatile pthread_once_t* ocptr = once_control;

    /* PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT is 0, we use the following bit flags
     *   bit 0 set  -> initialization is under way
     *   bit 1 set  -> initialization is complete
#define ONCE_INITIALIZING           (1 << 0)
#define ONCE_COMPLETED              (1 << 1)

    /* First check if the once is already initialized. This will be the common
    * case and we want to make this as fast as possible. Note that this still
    * requires a load_acquire operation here to ensure that all the
    * stores performed by the initialization function are observable on
    * this CPU after we exit.
    if (__likely((*ocptr & ONCE_COMPLETED) != 0)) {
        return 0;

    for (;;) {
        /* Try to atomically set the INITIALIZING flag.
         * This requires a cmpxchg loop, and we may need
         * to exit prematurely if we detect that
         * COMPLETED is now set.
        int32_t  oldval, newval;

        do {
            oldval = *ocptr;
            if ((oldval & ONCE_COMPLETED) != 0)

            newval = oldval | ONCE_INITIALIZING;
        } while (__bionic_cmpxchg(oldval, newval, ocptr) != 0);

        if ((oldval & ONCE_COMPLETED) != 0) {
            /* We detected that COMPLETED was set while in our loop */
            return 0;

        if ((oldval & ONCE_INITIALIZING) == 0) {
            /* We got there first, we can jump out of the loop to
             * handle the initialization */

        /* Another thread is running the initialization and hasn't completed
         * yet, so wait for it, then try again. */
        __futex_wait_ex(ocptr, 0, oldval, NULL);

    /* call the initialization function. */

    /* Do a store_release indicating that initialization is complete */
    *ocptr = ONCE_COMPLETED;

    /* Wake up any waiters, if any */
    __futex_wake_ex(ocptr, 0, INT_MAX);

    return 0;