 * This replaces __pthread_initialize_minimal() from libnacl and
 * __pthread_initialize() from libpthread.
void __pthread_initialize(void) {
  struct nc_combined_tdb *tdb;

   * Allocate the area.  If malloc fails here, we'll crash before it returns.
  size_t combined_size = __nacl_tls_combined_size(sizeof(*tdb));
  void *combined_area = malloc(combined_size);

   * Initialize TLS proper (i.e., __thread variable initializers).
  void *tp = __nacl_tls_initialize_memory(combined_area, sizeof(*tdb));
  tdb = get_irt_tdb(tp);
  tdb->tdb.irt_thread_data = combined_area;

   * Now install it for later fetching.
   * This is what our private version of __nacl_read_tp will read.

   * Finally, do newlib per-thread initialization.

static int nacl_irt_thread_create(void (*start_func)(void), void *stack,
                                  void *thread_ptr) {
  struct nc_combined_tdb *tdb;

   * Before we start the thread, allocate the IRT-private TLS area for it.
  size_t combined_size = __nacl_tls_combined_size(sizeof(*tdb));
  void *combined_area = malloc(combined_size);
  if (combined_area == NULL)
    return EAGAIN;

   * Note that __nacl_tls_initialize_memory() is not reversible,
   * because it takes a pointer that need not be aligned and can
   * return a pointer that is aligned.  In order to
   * free(combined_area) later, we must save the value of
   * combined_area.
  void *irt_tp = __nacl_tls_initialize_memory(combined_area, sizeof(*tdb));
  tdb = get_irt_tdb(irt_tp);
  tdb->tdb.irt_thread_data = combined_area;
   * We overload the libpthread start_func field to store a function
   * of a different type.
  tdb->tdb.start_func = (void *(*)(void *)) start_func;

  int error = -NACL_SYSCALL(thread_create)(
      (void *) (uintptr_t) &irt_start_thread, stack, thread_ptr, irt_tp);
  if (error != 0)
  return error;
Beispiel #3
void *__nacl_tls_initialize_memory(void *combined_area, size_t tdb_size) {
  const struct tls_info *info = get_tls_info();
  size_t tls_size = info->tdata_size + info->tbss_size;
  char *combined_area_end =
      (char *) combined_area + __nacl_tls_combined_size(tdb_size);
  void *tp = tp_from_combined_area(info, combined_area, tdb_size);
  char *start = tp;

  if (__nacl_tp_tls_offset(0) > 0) {
     * From $tp, we skip the header size and then must round up from
     * there to the required alignment (which is what the linker will
     * will do when calculating TPOFF relocations at link time).  The
     * end result is that the offset from $tp matches the one chosen
     * by the linker exactly and that the final address is aligned to
     * info->tls_alignment (since $tp was already aligned to at least
     * that much).
    start += aligned_size(__nacl_tp_tls_offset(tls_size), info->tls_alignment);
  } else {
     * We'll subtract the aligned size of the TLS block from $tp, which
     * must itself already be adequately aligned.
    start += __nacl_tp_tls_offset(aligned_size(tls_size, info->tls_alignment));

  /* Sanity check.  (But avoid pulling in assert() here.) */
  if (start + info->tdata_size + info->tbss_size > combined_area_end)
  memcpy(start, info->tdata_start, info->tdata_size);
  memset(start + info->tdata_size, 0, info->tbss_size);

  if (__nacl_tp_tdb_offset(tdb_size) == 0) {
     * On x86 (but not on ARM), the TDB sits directly at $tp and the
     * first word there must hold the $tp pointer itself.
    void *tdb = (char *) tp + __nacl_tp_tdb_offset(tdb_size);
    *(void **) tdb = tdb;

  return tp;
Beispiel #4
/* See tls.h. */
int __pthread_initialize_minimal(size_t tdb_size) {
  /* Use sbrk not malloc here since the library is not initialized yet. */
  size_t combined_size = __nacl_tls_combined_size(tdb_size);
  /* Adapt size for sbrk. */
  /* TODO(robertm): this is somewhat arbitrary - re-examine). */
  combined_size = (combined_size + 15) & ~15;
  void *combined_area = sbrk(combined_size);  /* (uses nacl_sysbrk) */


  /* Patch the first word of the TDB to contain the "base" of the TLS area. */
  void *tdb = __nacl_tls_tdb_start(combined_area);
  *(void**) tdb = tdb;

  /* Set %gs, r9, or equivalent platform-specific mechanism.  Requires
   * a syscall since certain bitfields of these registers are trusted. */
  NACL_SYSCALL(tls_init)(tdb, tdb_size);

  /* initialize newlib's thread-specific pointer. */
  return 0;
Beispiel #5
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread_id,
                   const pthread_attr_t *attr,
                   void *(*start_routine)(void *),
                   void *arg) {
  int retval = EAGAIN;
  void *esp;
  /* Declare the variables outside of the while scope. */
  nc_thread_memory_block_t *stack_node = NULL;
  char *thread_stack = NULL;
  nc_thread_descriptor_t *new_tdb = NULL;
  nc_basic_thread_data_t *new_basic_data = NULL;
  nc_thread_memory_block_t *tls_node = NULL;
  size_t stacksize = PTHREAD_STACK_DEFAULT;
  void *new_tp;

  /* TODO(gregoryd) - right now a single lock is used, try to optimize? */

  do {
    /* Allocate the combined TLS + TDB block---see tls.h for explanation. */

    tls_node = nc_allocate_memory_block_mu(TLS_AND_TDB_MEMORY,
    if (NULL == tls_node)

    new_tp = __nacl_tls_initialize_memory(nc_memory_block_to_payload(tls_node),

    new_tdb = (nc_thread_descriptor_t *)
              ((char *) new_tp + __nacl_tp_tdb_offset(TDB_SIZE));

     * TODO(gregoryd): consider creating a pool of basic_data structs,
     * similar to stack and TLS+TDB (probably when adding the support for
     * variable stack size).
    new_basic_data = malloc(sizeof(*new_basic_data));
    if (NULL == new_basic_data) {
       * The tdb should be zero intialized.
       * This just re-emphasizes this requirement.
      new_tdb->basic_data = NULL;

    nc_tdb_init(new_tdb, new_basic_data);
    new_tdb->tls_node = tls_node;

     * All the required members of the tdb must be initialized before
     * the thread is started and actually before the global lock is released,
     * since another thread can call pthread_join() or pthread_detach().
    new_tdb->start_func = start_routine;
    new_tdb->state = arg;
    if (attr != NULL) {
      new_tdb->joinable = attr->joinable;
      stacksize = attr->stacksize;

    /* Allocate the stack for the thread. */
    stack_node = nc_allocate_memory_block_mu(THREAD_STACK_MEMORY, stacksize);
    if (NULL == stack_node) {
      retval = EAGAIN;
    thread_stack = align((uint32_t) nc_memory_block_to_payload(stack_node),
    new_tdb->stack_node = stack_node;

    retval = 0;
  } while (0);

  if (0 != retval) {
    goto ret; /* error */

   * Speculatively increase the thread count.  If thread creation
   * fails, we will decrease it back.  This way the thread count will
   * never be lower than the actual number of threads, but can briefly
   * be higher than that.

   * Save the new thread id.  This can not be done after the syscall,
   * because the child thread could have already finished by that
   * time.  If thread creation fails, it will be overriden with -1
   * later.
  *thread_id = new_basic_data;


   * Calculate the top-of-stack location.  The very first location is a
   * zero address of architecture-dependent width, needed to satisfy the
   * normal ABI alignment requirements for the stack.  (On some machines
   * this is the dummy return address of the thread-start function.)
   * Both thread_stack and stacksize are multiples of 16.
  esp = (void *) (thread_stack + stacksize - kStackPadBelowAlign);
  memset(esp, 0, kStackPadBelowAlign);

  /* Start the thread. */
  retval = irt_thread.thread_create(
      FUN_TO_VOID_PTR(nc_thread_starter), esp, new_tp);
  if (0 != retval) {
    /* TODO(gregoryd) : replace with atomic decrement? */
    goto ret;

  assert(0 == retval);

  if (0 != retval) {
    /* Failed to create a thread. */

    nc_release_tls_node(tls_node, new_tdb);
    if (new_basic_data) {
    if (stack_node) {
      stack_node->is_used = 0;
      nc_free_memory_block_mu(THREAD_STACK_MEMORY, stack_node);


  return retval;