Beispiel #1
char *getenv(const char *name)
	size_t l = __strchrnul(name, '=') - name;
	if (l && !name[l] && __environ)
		for (char **e = __environ; *e; e++)
			if (!strncmp(name, *e, l) && l[*e] == '=')
				return *e + l+1;
	return 0;
ether_line (const char *line, struct ether_addr *addr, char *hostname)
  size_t cnt;
  char *cp;

  for (cnt = 0; cnt < 6; ++cnt)
      unsigned int number;
      char ch;

      ch = _tolower (*line++);
      if ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && (ch < 'a' || ch > 'f'))
	return -1;
      number = isdigit (ch) ? (ch - '0') : (ch - 'a' + 10);

      ch = _tolower (*line);
      if ((cnt < 5 && ch != ':') || (cnt == 5 && ch != '\0' && !isspace (ch)))
	  if ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && (ch < 'a' || ch > 'f'))
	    return -1;
	  number <<= 4;
	  number += isdigit (ch) ? (ch - '0') : (ch - 'a' + 10);

	  ch = *line;
	  if (cnt < 5 && ch != ':')
	    return -1;

      /* Store result.  */
      addr->ether_addr_octet[cnt] = (unsigned char) number;

      /* Skip ':'.  */
      if (ch != '\0')

  /* Remove trailing white space.  */
  cp = __strchrnul (line, '#');
  while (cp > line && isspace (cp[-1]))

  if (cp == line)
    /* No hostname.  */
    return -1;

  /* XXX This can cause trouble because the hostname might be too long
     but we have no possibility to check it here.  */
  memcpy (hostname, line, cp - line);
  hostname [cp - line] = '\0';

  return 0;
Beispiel #3
size_t strcspn(const char *s, const char *c)
	const char *a = s;
	size_t byteset[32/sizeof(size_t)];

	if (!c[0] || !c[1]) return __strchrnul(s, *c)-a;

	memset(byteset, 0, sizeof byteset);
	for (; *c && BITOP(byteset, *(unsigned char *)c, |=); c++);
	for (; *s && !BITOP(byteset, *(unsigned char *)s, &); s++);
	return s-a;
Beispiel #4
char *__shm_mapname(const char *name, char *buf)
	char *p;
	while (*name == '/') name++;
	if (*(p = __strchrnul(name, '/')) || p==name ||
	    (p-name <= 2 && name[0]=='.' && p[-1]=='.')) {
		errno = EINVAL;
		return 0;
	if (p-name > NAME_MAX) {
		return 0;
	memcpy(buf, "/dev/shm/", 9);
	memcpy(buf+9, name, p-name+1);
	return buf;
Beispiel #5
/* Parse comma separated suboption from *OPTIONP and match against
   strings in TOKENS.  If found return index and set *VALUEP to
   optional value introduced by an equal sign.  If the suboption is
   not part of TOKENS return in *VALUEP beginning of unknown
   suboption.  On exit *OPTIONP is set to the beginning of the next
   token or at the terminating NUL character.  */
getsubopt (char **optionp, char *const *tokens, char **valuep)
  char *endp, *vstart;
  int cnt;

  if (**optionp == '\0')
    return -1;

  /* Find end of next token.  */
  endp = __strchrnul (*optionp, ',');

  /* Find start of value.  */
  vstart = memchr (*optionp, '=', endp - *optionp);
  if (vstart == NULL)
    vstart = endp;

  /* Try to match the characters between *OPTIONP and VSTART against
     one of the TOKENS.  */
  for (cnt = 0; tokens[cnt] != NULL; ++cnt)
    if (strncmp (*optionp, tokens[cnt], vstart - *optionp) == 0
	&& tokens[cnt][vstart - *optionp] == '\0')
	/* We found the current option in TOKENS.  */
	*valuep = vstart != endp ? vstart + 1 : NULL;

	if (*endp != '\0')
	  *endp++ = '\0';
	*optionp = endp;

	return cnt;

  /* The current suboption does not match any option.  */
  *valuep = *optionp;

  if (*endp != '\0')
    *endp++ = '\0';
  *optionp = endp;

  return -1;
Beispiel #6
/* Return the length of the maximum initial segment of S
   which contains no characters from REJECT.  */
STRCSPN (const char *str, const char *reject)
  if (__glibc_unlikely (reject[0] == '\0')
      || __glibc_unlikely (reject[1] == '\0'))
    return __strchrnul (str, reject [0]) - str;

  /* Use multiple small memsets to enable inlining on most targets.  */
  unsigned char table[256];
  unsigned char *p = memset (table, 0, 64);
  memset (p + 64, 0, 64);
  memset (p + 128, 0, 64);
  memset (p + 192, 0, 64);

  unsigned char *s = (unsigned char*) reject;
  unsigned char tmp;
    p[tmp = *s++] = 1;
  while (tmp);

  s = (unsigned char*) str;
  if (p[s[0]]) return 0;
  if (p[s[1]]) return 1;
  if (p[s[2]]) return 2;
  if (p[s[3]]) return 3;

  s = (unsigned char *) PTR_ALIGN_DOWN (s, 4);

  unsigned int c0, c1, c2, c3;
      s += 4;
      c0 = p[s[0]];
      c1 = p[s[1]];
      c2 = p[s[2]];
      c3 = p[s[3]];
  while ((c0 | c1 | c2 | c3) == 0);

  size_t count = s - (unsigned char *) str;
  return (c0 | c1) != 0 ? count - c0 + 1 : count - c2 + 3;
Beispiel #7
char *
__old_strchrnul_g (const char *s, int c)
  return __strchrnul (s, c);
Beispiel #8
_IO_new_file_fopen (_IO_FILE *fp, const char *filename, const char *mode,
		    int is32not64)
  int oflags = 0, omode;
  int read_write;
  int oprot = 0666;
  int i;
  _IO_FILE *result;
#ifdef _LIBC
  const char *cs;
  const char *last_recognized;

  if (_IO_file_is_open (fp))
    return 0;
  switch (*mode)
    case 'r':
      omode = O_RDONLY;
      read_write = _IO_NO_WRITES;
    case 'w':
      omode = O_WRONLY;
      oflags = O_CREAT|O_TRUNC;
      read_write = _IO_NO_READS;
    case 'a':
      omode = O_WRONLY;
      oflags = O_CREAT|O_APPEND;
      read_write = _IO_NO_READS|_IO_IS_APPENDING;
      __set_errno (EINVAL);
      return NULL;
#ifdef _LIBC
  last_recognized = mode;
  for (i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
      switch (*++mode)
	case '\0':
	case '+':
	  omode = O_RDWR;
	  read_write &= _IO_IS_APPENDING;
#ifdef _LIBC
	  last_recognized = mode;
	case 'x':
	  oflags |= O_EXCL;
#ifdef _LIBC
	  last_recognized = mode;
	case 'b':
#ifdef _LIBC
	  last_recognized = mode;
	case 'm':
	  fp->_flags2 |= _IO_FLAGS2_MMAP;
	case 'c':
	  fp->_flags2 |= _IO_FLAGS2_NOTCANCEL;
	case 'e':
#ifdef O_CLOEXEC
	  oflags |= O_CLOEXEC;
	  fp->_flags2 |= _IO_FLAGS2_CLOEXEC;
	  /* Ignore.  */

  result = _IO_file_open (fp, filename, omode|oflags, oprot, read_write,

  if (result != NULL)
      if ((fp->_flags2 & _IO_FLAGS2_CLOEXEC) != 0 && __have_o_cloexec <= 0)
	  int fd = _IO_fileno (fp);
	  if (__have_o_cloexec == 0)
	      int flags = __fcntl (fd, F_GETFD);
	      __have_o_cloexec = (flags & FD_CLOEXEC) == 0 ? -1 : 1;
	  if (__have_o_cloexec < 0)
	    __fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

      /* Test whether the mode string specifies the conversion.  */
      cs = strstr (last_recognized + 1, ",ccs=");
      if (cs != NULL)
	  /* Yep.  Load the appropriate conversions and set the orientation
	     to wide.  */
	  struct gconv_fcts fcts;
	  struct _IO_codecvt *cc;
	  char *endp = __strchrnul (cs + 5, ',');
	  char *ccs = malloc (endp - (cs + 5) + 3);

	  if (ccs == NULL)
	      int malloc_err = errno;  /* Whatever malloc failed with.  */
	      (void) _IO_file_close_it (fp);
	      __set_errno (malloc_err);
	      return NULL;

	  *((char *) __mempcpy (ccs, cs + 5, endp - (cs + 5))) = '\0';
	  strip (ccs, ccs);

	  if (__wcsmbs_named_conv (&fcts, ccs[2] == '\0'
				   ? upstr (ccs, cs + 5) : ccs) != 0)
	      /* Something went wrong, we cannot load the conversion modules.
		 This means we cannot proceed since the user explicitly asked
		 for these.  */
	      (void) _IO_file_close_it (fp);
	      free (ccs);
	      __set_errno (EINVAL);
	      return NULL;

	  free (ccs);

	  assert (fcts.towc_nsteps == 1);
	  assert (fcts.tomb_nsteps == 1);

	  fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_end;
	  fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base;

	  /* Clear the state.  We start all over again.  */
	  memset (&fp->_wide_data->_IO_state, '\0', sizeof (__mbstate_t));
	  memset (&fp->_wide_data->_IO_last_state, '\0', sizeof (__mbstate_t));

	  cc = fp->_codecvt = &fp->_wide_data->_codecvt;

	  /* The functions are always the same.  */
	  *cc = __libio_codecvt;

	  cc->__cd_in.__cd.__nsteps = fcts.towc_nsteps;
	  cc->__cd_in.__cd.__steps = fcts.towc;

	  cc->__cd_in.__cd.__data[0].__invocation_counter = 0;
	  cc->__cd_in.__cd.__data[0].__internal_use = 1;
	  cc->__cd_in.__cd.__data[0].__flags = __GCONV_IS_LAST;
	  cc->__cd_in.__cd.__data[0].__statep = &result->_wide_data->_IO_state;

	  cc->__cd_out.__cd.__nsteps = fcts.tomb_nsteps;
	  cc->__cd_out.__cd.__steps = fcts.tomb;

	  cc->__cd_out.__cd.__data[0].__invocation_counter = 0;
	  cc->__cd_out.__cd.__data[0].__internal_use = 1;
	  cc->__cd_out.__cd.__data[0].__statep =

	  /* From now on use the wide character callback functions.  */
	  _IO_JUMPS_FILE_plus (fp) = fp->_wide_data->_wide_vtable;

	  /* Set the mode now.  */
	  result->_mode = 1;

  return result;
Beispiel #9
int putenv(char *s)
	size_t l = __strchrnul(s, '=') - s;
	if (!l || !s[l]) return unsetenv(s);
	return __putenv(s, l, 0);
Beispiel #10
/* Spawn a new process executing PATH with the attributes describes in *ATTRP.
   Before running the process perform the actions described in FILE-ACTIONS. */
__spawni (pid_t *pid, const char *file,
	  const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions,
	  const posix_spawnattr_t *attrp, char *const argv[],
	  char *const envp[], int xflags)
  pid_t new_pid;
  char *path, *p, *name;
  size_t len;
  size_t pathlen;

  /* Do this once.  */
  short int flags = attrp == NULL ? 0 : attrp->__flags;

  /* Generate the new process.  */
  if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_USEVFORK) != 0
      /* If no major work is done, allow using vfork.  Note that we
	 might perform the path searching.  But this would be done by
	 a call to execvp(), too, and such a call must be OK according
	 to POSIX.  */
	  && file_actions == NULL))
    new_pid = __vfork ();
    new_pid = __fork ();

  if (new_pid != 0)
      if (new_pid < 0)
	return errno;

      /* The call was successful.  Store the PID if necessary.  */
      if (pid != NULL)
	*pid = new_pid;

      return 0;

  /* Set signal mask.  */
  if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK) != 0
      && __sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &attrp->__ss, NULL) != 0)
    _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

  /* Set signal default action.  */
  if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF) != 0)
      /* We have to iterate over all signals.  This could possibly be
	 done better but it requires system specific solutions since
	 the sigset_t data type can be very different on different
	 architectures.  */
      int sig;
      struct sigaction sa;

      memset (&sa, '\0', sizeof (sa));
      sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;

      for (sig = 1; sig <= _NSIG; ++sig)
	if (__sigismember (&attrp->__sd, sig) != 0
	    && __sigaction (sig, &sa, NULL) != 0)
	  _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);


  /* Set the scheduling algorithm and parameters.  */
      if (__sched_setparam (0, &attrp->__sp) == -1)
	_exit (SPAWN_ERROR);
  else if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDULER) != 0)
      if (__sched_setscheduler (0, attrp->__policy, &attrp->__sp) == -1)
	_exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

  /* Set the process group ID.  */
  if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP) != 0
      && __setpgid (0, attrp->__pgrp) != 0)
    _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

  /* Set the effective user and group IDs.  */
  if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS) != 0
      && (local_seteuid (__getuid ()) != 0
	  || local_setegid (__getgid ()) != 0))
    _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

  /* Execute the file actions.  */
  if (file_actions != NULL)
      int cnt;
      struct rlimit64 fdlimit;
      bool have_fdlimit = false;

      for (cnt = 0; cnt < file_actions->__used; ++cnt)
	  struct __spawn_action *action = &file_actions->__actions[cnt];

	  switch (action->tag)
	    case spawn_do_close:
	      if (close_not_cancel (action->action.close_action.fd) != 0)
		  if (! have_fdlimit)
		      getrlimit64 (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &fdlimit);
		      have_fdlimit = true;

		  /* Only signal errors for file descriptors out of range.  */
		  if (action->action.close_action.fd < 0
		      || action->action.close_action.fd >= fdlimit.rlim_cur)
		    /* Signal the error.  */
		    _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

	    case spawn_do_open:
		int new_fd = open_not_cancel (action->action.open_action.path,
					      | O_LARGEFILE,

		if (new_fd == -1)
		  /* The `open' call failed.  */
		  _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

		/* Make sure the desired file descriptor is used.  */
		if (new_fd != action->action.open_action.fd)
		    if (__dup2 (new_fd, action->action.open_action.fd)
			!= action->action.open_action.fd)
		      /* The `dup2' call failed.  */
		      _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

		    if (close_not_cancel (new_fd) != 0)
		      /* The `close' call failed.  */
		      _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

	    case spawn_do_dup2:
	      if (__dup2 (action->action.dup2_action.fd,
		  != action->action.dup2_action.newfd)
		/* The `dup2' call failed.  */
		_exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

  if ((xflags & SPAWN_XFLAGS_USE_PATH) == 0 || strchr (file, '/') != NULL)
      /* The FILE parameter is actually a path.  */
      __execve (file, argv, envp);

      maybe_script_execute (file, argv, envp, xflags);

      /* Oh, oh.  `execve' returns.  This is bad.  */
      _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);

  /* We have to search for FILE on the path.  */
  path = getenv ("PATH");
  if (path == NULL)
      /* There is no `PATH' in the environment.
	 The default search path is the current directory
	 followed by the path `confstr' returns for `_CS_PATH'.  */
      len = confstr (_CS_PATH, (char *) NULL, 0);
      path = (char *) __alloca (1 + len);
      path[0] = ':';
      (void) confstr (_CS_PATH, path + 1, len);

  len = strlen (file) + 1;
  pathlen = strlen (path);
  name = __alloca (pathlen + len + 1);
  /* Copy the file name at the top.  */
  name = (char *) memcpy (name + pathlen + 1, file, len);
  /* And add the slash.  */
  *--name = '/';

  p = path;
      char *startp;

      path = p;
      p = __strchrnul (path, ':');

      if (p == path)
	/* Two adjacent colons, or a colon at the beginning or the end
	   of `PATH' means to search the current directory.  */
	startp = name + 1;
	startp = (char *) memcpy (name - (p - path), path, p - path);

      /* Try to execute this name.  If it works, execv will not return.  */
      __execve (startp, argv, envp);

      maybe_script_execute (startp, argv, envp, xflags);

      switch (errno)
	case EACCES:
	case ENOENT:
	case ESTALE:
	case ENOTDIR:
	  /* Those errors indicate the file is missing or not executable
	     by us, in which case we want to just try the next path
	     directory.  */

	  /* Some other error means we found an executable file, but
	     something went wrong executing it; return the error to our
	     caller.  */
	  _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);
  while (*p++ != '\0');

  /* Return with an error.  */
  _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);
Beispiel #11
/* Execute FILE, searching in the `PATH' environment variable if it contains
   no slashes, with arguments ARGV and environment from ENVP.  */
__execvpe (const char *file, char *const argv[], char *const envp[])
  if (*file == '\0')
      /* We check the simple case first. */
      __set_errno (ENOENT);
      return -1;

  if (strchr (file, '/') != NULL)
      /* Don't search when it contains a slash.  */
      __execve (file, argv, envp);

      if (errno == ENOEXEC)
	  /* Count the arguments.  */
	  int argc = 0;
	  while (argv[argc++])
	  size_t len = (argc + 1) * sizeof (char *);
	  char **script_argv;
	  void *ptr = NULL;
	  if (__libc_use_alloca (len))
	    script_argv = alloca (len);
	    script_argv = ptr = malloc (len);

	  if (script_argv != NULL)
	      scripts_argv (file, argv, argc, script_argv);
	      __execve (script_argv[0], script_argv, envp);

	      free (ptr);
      size_t pathlen;
      size_t alloclen = 0;
      char *path = getenv ("PATH");
      if (path == NULL)
	  pathlen = confstr (_CS_PATH, (char *) NULL, 0);
	  alloclen = pathlen + 1;
	pathlen = strlen (path);

      size_t len = strlen (file) + 1;
      alloclen += pathlen + len + 1;

      char *name;
      char *path_malloc = NULL;
      if (__libc_use_alloca (alloclen))
	name = alloca (alloclen);
	  path_malloc = name = malloc (alloclen);
	  if (name == NULL)
	    return -1;

      if (path == NULL)
	  /* There is no `PATH' in the environment.
	     The default search path is the current directory
	     followed by the path `confstr' returns for `_CS_PATH'.  */
	  path = name + pathlen + len + 1;
	  path[0] = ':';
	  (void) confstr (_CS_PATH, path + 1, pathlen);

      /* Copy the file name at the top.  */
      name = (char *) memcpy (name + pathlen + 1, file, len);
      /* And add the slash.  */
      *--name = '/';

      char **script_argv = NULL;
      void *script_argv_malloc = NULL;
      bool got_eacces = false;
      char *p = path;
	  char *startp;

	  path = p;
	  p = __strchrnul (path, ':');

	  if (p == path)
	    /* Two adjacent colons, or a colon at the beginning or the end
	       of `PATH' means to search the current directory.  */
	    startp = name + 1;
	    startp = (char *) memcpy (name - (p - path), path, p - path);

	  /* Try to execute this name.  If it works, execve will not return. */
	  __execve (startp, argv, envp);

	  if (errno == ENOEXEC)
	      if (script_argv == NULL)
		  /* Count the arguments.  */
		  int argc = 0;
		  while (argv[argc++])
		  size_t arglen = (argc + 1) * sizeof (char *);
		  if (__libc_use_alloca (alloclen + arglen))
		    script_argv = alloca (arglen);
		    script_argv = script_argv_malloc = malloc (arglen);
		  if (script_argv == NULL)
		      /* A possible EACCES error is not as important as
			 the ENOMEM.  */
		      got_eacces = false;
		  scripts_argv (startp, argv, argc, script_argv);

	      __execve (script_argv[0], script_argv, envp);

	  switch (errno)
	    case EACCES:
	      /* Record the we got a `Permission denied' error.  If we end
		 up finding no executable we can use, we want to diagnose
		 that we did find one but were denied access.  */
	      got_eacces = true;
	    case ENOENT:
	    case ESTALE:
	    case ENOTDIR:
	      /* Those errors indicate the file is missing or not executable
		 by us, in which case we want to just try the next path
		 directory.  */
	    case ENODEV:
	    case ETIMEDOUT:
	      /* Some strange filesystems like AFS return even
		 stranger error numbers.  They cannot reasonably mean
		 anything else so ignore those, too.  */

	      /* Some other error means we found an executable file, but
		 something went wrong executing it; return the error to our
		 caller.  */
	      return -1;
      while (*p++ != '\0');

      /* We tried every element and none of them worked.  */
      if (got_eacces)
	/* At least one failure was due to permissions, so report that
	   error.  */
	__set_errno (EACCES);

      free (script_argv_malloc);
      free (path_malloc);

  /* Return the error from the last attempt (probably ENOENT).  */
  return -1;
Beispiel #12
nss_parse_file (const char *fname)
  FILE *fp;
  name_database *result;
  name_database_entry *last;
  char *line;
  size_t len;

  /* Open the configuration file.  */
  fp = fopen (fname, "r");
  if (fp == NULL)
    return NULL;

  /* No threads use this stream.  */
  __fsetlocking (fp, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);

  result = (name_database *) malloc (sizeof (name_database));
  if (result == NULL)
    return NULL;

  result->entry = NULL;
  result->library = NULL;
  last = NULL;
  line = NULL;
  len = 0;
      name_database_entry *this;
      ssize_t n;

      n = __getline (&line, &len, fp);
      if (n < 0)
      if (line[n - 1] == '\n')
	line[n - 1] = '\0';

      /* Because the file format does not know any form of quoting we
	 can search forward for the next '#' character and if found
	 make it terminating the line.  */
      *__strchrnul (line, '#') = '\0';

      /* If the line is blank it is ignored.  */
      if (line[0] == '\0')

      /* Each line completely specifies the actions for a database.  */
      this = nss_getline (line);
      if (this != NULL)
	  if (last != NULL)
	    last->next = this;
	    result->entry = this;

	  last = this;
  while (!feof_unlocked (fp));

  /* Free the buffer.  */
  free (line);
  /* Close configuration file.  */
  fclose (fp);

  return result;
Beispiel #13
static int
internal_fnmatch (const char *pattern, const char *string, int no_leading_period, int flags)

  register const char *p = pattern, *n = string;
  register unsigned char c;

/* Note that this evaluates C many times.  */
# ifdef _LIBC
#  define FOLD(c) ((flags & FNM_CASEFOLD) ? tolower (c) : (c))
# else
#  define FOLD(c) ((flags & FNM_CASEFOLD) && ISUPPER (c) ? tolower (c) : (c))
# endif

  while ((c = *p++) != '\0')
      c = FOLD (c);

      switch (c)
	case '?':
	  if (*n == '\0')
	    return FNM_NOMATCH;
	  else if (*n == '/' && (flags & FNM_FILE_NAME))
	    return FNM_NOMATCH;
	  else if (*n == '.' && no_leading_period
		   && (n == string
		       || (n[-1] == '/' && (flags & FNM_FILE_NAME))))
	    return FNM_NOMATCH;

	case '\\':
	  if (!(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE))
	      c = *p++;
	      if (c == '\0')
		/* Trailing \ loses.  */
		return FNM_NOMATCH;
	      c = FOLD (c);
	  if (FOLD ((unsigned char) *n) != c)
	    return FNM_NOMATCH;

	case '*':
	  if (*n == '.' && no_leading_period
	      && (n == string
		  || (n[-1] == '/' && (flags & FNM_FILE_NAME))))
	    return FNM_NOMATCH;

	  for (c = *p++; c == '?' || c == '*'; c = *p++)
	      if (*n == '/' && (flags & FNM_FILE_NAME))
		/* A slash does not match a wildcard under FNM_FILE_NAME.  */
		return FNM_NOMATCH;
	      else if (c == '?')
		  /* A ? needs to match one character.  */
		  if (*n == '\0')
		    /* There isn't another character; no match.  */
		    return FNM_NOMATCH;
		    /* One character of the string is consumed in matching
		       this ? wildcard, so *??? won't match if there are
		       less than three characters.  */

	  if (c == '\0')
	    /* The wildcard(s) is/are the last element of the pattern.
	       If the name is a file name and contains another slash
	       this does mean it cannot match.  */
	    return ((flags & FNM_FILE_NAME) && strchr (n, '/') != NULL
		    ? FNM_NOMATCH : 0);
	      const char *endp;

	      endp = __strchrnul (n, (flags & FNM_FILE_NAME) ? '/' : '\0');

	      if (c == '[')
		  int flags2 = ((flags & FNM_FILE_NAME)
				? flags : (flags & ~FNM_PERIOD));

		  for (--p; n < endp; ++n)
		    if (internal_fnmatch (p, n,
					   && (n == string
					       || (n[-1] == '/'
						   && (flags
						       & FNM_FILE_NAME)))),
			== 0)
		      return 0;
	      else if (c == '/' && (flags & FNM_FILE_NAME))
		  while (*n != '\0' && *n != '/')
		  if (*n == '/'
		      && (internal_fnmatch (p, n + 1, flags & FNM_PERIOD,
					    flags) == 0))
		    return 0;
		  int flags2 = ((flags & FNM_FILE_NAME)
				? flags : (flags & ~FNM_PERIOD));

		  if (c == '\\' && !(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE))
		    c = *p;
		  c = FOLD (c);
		  for (--p; n < endp; ++n)
		    if (FOLD ((unsigned char) *n) == c
			&& (internal_fnmatch (p, n,
					       && (n == string
						   || (n[-1] == '/'
						       && (flags
							   & FNM_FILE_NAME)))),
					      flags2) == 0))
		      return 0;

	  /* If we come here no match is possible with the wildcard.  */
	  return FNM_NOMATCH;

	case '[':
	    /* Nonzero if the sense of the character class is inverted.  */
	    static int posixly_correct;
	    register int not;
	    char cold;

	    if (posixly_correct == 0)
	      posixly_correct = getenv ("POSIXLY_CORRECT") != NULL ? 1 : -1;

	    if (*n == '\0')
	      return FNM_NOMATCH;

	    if (*n == '.' && no_leading_period && (n == string
						   || (n[-1] == '/'
						       && (flags
							   & FNM_FILE_NAME))))
	      return FNM_NOMATCH;

	    if (*n == '/' && (flags & FNM_FILE_NAME))
	      /* `/' cannot be matched.  */
	      return FNM_NOMATCH;

	    not = (*p == '!' || (posixly_correct < 0 && *p == '^'));
	    if (not)

	    c = *p++;
	    for (;;)
		unsigned char fn = FOLD ((unsigned char) *n);

		if (!(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) && c == '\\')
		    if (*p == '\0')
		      return FNM_NOMATCH;
		    c = FOLD ((unsigned char) *p);

		    if (c == fn)
		      goto matched;
		else if (c == '[' && *p == ':')
		    /* Leave room for the null.  */
		    char str[CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
		    size_t c1 = 0;
# if defined _LIBC || (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
		    wctype_t wt;
# endif
		    const char *startp = p;

		    for (;;)
			  /* The name is too long and therefore the pattern
			     is ill-formed.  */
			  return FNM_NOMATCH;

			c = *++p;
			if (c == ':' && p[1] == ']')
			    p += 2;
			if (c < 'a' || c >= 'z')
			    /* This cannot possibly be a character class name.
			       Match it as a normal range.  */
			    p = startp;
			    c = '[';
			    goto normal_bracket;
			str[c1++] = c;
		    str[c1] = '\0';

# if defined _LIBC || (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
		    wt = IS_CHAR_CLASS (str);
		    if (wt == 0)
		      /* Invalid character class name.  */
		      return FNM_NOMATCH;

		    if (__iswctype (__btowc ((unsigned char) *n), wt))
		      goto matched;
# else
		    if ((STREQ (str, "alnum") && ISALNUM ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "alpha") && ISALPHA ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "blank") && ISBLANK ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "cntrl") && ISCNTRL ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "digit") && ISDIGIT ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "graph") && ISGRAPH ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "lower") && ISLOWER ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "print") && ISPRINT ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "punct") && ISPUNCT ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "space") && ISSPACE ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "upper") && ISUPPER ((unsigned char) *n))
			|| (STREQ (str, "xdigit") && ISXDIGIT ((unsigned char) *n)))
		      goto matched;
# endif
		else if (c == '\0')
		  /* [ (unterminated) loses.  */
		  return FNM_NOMATCH;
		    if (FOLD (c) == fn)
		      goto matched;

		    cold = c;
		    c = *p++;

		    if (c == '-' && *p != ']')
			/* It is a range.  */
			unsigned char cend = *p++;
			if (!(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) && cend == '\\')
			  cend = *p++;
			if (cend == '\0')
			  return FNM_NOMATCH;

			if (cold <= fn && fn <= FOLD (cend))
			  goto matched;

			c = *p++;

		if (c == ']')

	    if (!not)
	      return FNM_NOMATCH;

	    /* Skip the rest of the [...] that already matched.  */
	    while (c != ']')
		if (c == '\0')
		  /* [... (unterminated) loses.  */
		  return FNM_NOMATCH;

		c = *p++;
		if (!(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) && c == '\\')
		    if (*p == '\0')
		      return FNM_NOMATCH;
		    /* XXX 1003.2d11 is unclear if this is right.  */
		else if (c == '[' && *p == ':')
		      if (*++p == '\0')
			return FNM_NOMATCH;
		    while (*p != ':' || p[1] == ']');
		    p += 2;
		    c = *p;
	    if (not)
	      return FNM_NOMATCH;

	  if (c != FOLD ((unsigned char) *n))
	    return FNM_NOMATCH;


  if (*n == '\0')
    return 0;

  if ((flags & FNM_LEADING_DIR) && *n == '/')
    /* The FNM_LEADING_DIR flag says that "foo*" matches "foobar/frobozz".  */
    return 0;

  return FNM_NOMATCH;

# undef FOLD
Beispiel #14
ruserpass (const char *host, const char **aname, const char **apass)
	char *hdir, *buf, *tmp;
	char myname[1024], *mydomain;
	int t, usedefault = 0;
	struct stat64 stb;

	hdir = __libc_secure_getenv("HOME");
	if (hdir == NULL) {
		/* If we can't get HOME, fail instead of trying ".",
		   which is no improvement. This really should call
		   getpwuid(getuid()).  */
		/*hdir = ".";*/
		return -1;

	buf = alloca (strlen (hdir) + 8);

	__stpcpy (__stpcpy (buf, hdir), "/.netrc");
	cfile = fopen(buf, "rce");
	if (cfile == NULL) {
		if (errno != ENOENT)
			warn("%s", buf);
		return (0);
	/* No threads use this stream.  */
	__fsetlocking (cfile, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);
	if (__gethostname(myname, sizeof(myname)) < 0)
		myname[0] = '\0';
	mydomain = __strchrnul(myname, '.');
	while ((t = token())) switch(t) {

	case DEFAULT:
		usedefault = 1;

	case MACHINE:
		if (!usedefault) {
			if (token() != ID)
			 * Allow match either for user's input host name
			 * or official hostname.  Also allow match of
			 * incompletely-specified host in local domain.
			if (__strcasecmp(host, tokval) == 0)
				goto match;
/*			if (__strcasecmp(hostname, tokval) == 0)
				goto match;
			if ((tmp = strchr(hostname, '.')) != NULL &&
			    __strcasecmp(tmp, mydomain) == 0 &&
			    __strncasecmp(hostname, tokval, tmp-hostname) == 0 &&
			    tokval[tmp - hostname] == '\0')
				goto match; */
			if ((tmp = strchr(host, '.')) != NULL &&
			    __strcasecmp(tmp, mydomain) == 0 &&
			    __strncasecmp(host, tokval, tmp - host) == 0 &&
			    tokval[tmp - host] == '\0')
				goto match;
		while ((t = token()) && t != MACHINE && t != DEFAULT) switch(t) {

		case LOGIN:
			if (token()) {
				if (*aname == 0) {
				  char *newp;
				  newp = malloc((unsigned) strlen(tokval) + 1);
				  if (newp == NULL)
				      warnx(_("out of memory"));
				      goto bad;
				  *aname = strcpy(newp, tokval);
				} else {
					if (strcmp(*aname, tokval))
						goto next;
		case PASSWD:
			if (strcmp(*aname, "anonymous") &&
			    fstat64(fileno(cfile), &stb) >= 0 &&
			    (stb.st_mode & 077) != 0) {
	warnx(_("Error: .netrc file is readable by others."));
	warnx(_("Remove password or make file unreadable by others."));
				goto bad;
			if (token() && *apass == 0) {
				char *newp;
				newp = malloc((unsigned) strlen(tokval) + 1);
				if (newp == NULL)
				    warnx(_("out of memory"));
				    goto bad;
				*apass = strcpy(newp, tokval);
		case ACCOUNT:
		case MACDEF:
			warnx(_("Unknown .netrc keyword %s"), tokval);
		goto done;
	(void) fclose(cfile);
	return (0);
	(void) fclose(cfile);
	return (-1);