Beispiel #1
    void Animation::apply(Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale)

        // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search
        TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos);

			NodeTrackList::iterator i;
			for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i)
				(*i)->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale);
			OldNodeTrackList::iterator i;
			for (i = mOldNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mOldNodeTrackList.end(); ++i)
				i->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale);
        NumericTrackList::iterator j;
        for (j = mNumericTrackList.begin(); j != mNumericTrackList.end(); ++j)
            j->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale);
        VertexTrackList::iterator k;
        for (k = mVertexTrackList.begin(); k != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++k)
            k->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale);

	void Animation::applyToVertexData(VertexData* data, Real timePos, Real weight)
        // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search
        TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos);

		VertexTrackList::iterator k;
		for (k = mVertexTrackList.begin(); k != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++k)
			k->second->applyToVertexData(data, timeIndex, weight);
	void Animation::applyToAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& anim, Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale)

        // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search

		NumericTrackList::iterator j;
		for (j = mNumericTrackList.begin(); j != mNumericTrackList.end(); ++j)
			j->second->applyToAnimable(anim, weight, scale);
	void Animation::applyToNode(Node* node, Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale)

        // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search
        TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos);

        NodeTrackList::iterator i;
        for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i)
            i->second->applyToNode(node, timeIndex, weight, scale);
	void Animation::apply(Entity* entity, Real timePos, Real weight, 
		bool software, bool hardware)

        // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search
        TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos);

		VertexTrackList::iterator i;
		for (i = mVertexTrackList.begin(); i != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++i)
			unsigned short handle = i->first;
			VertexAnimationTrack* track = i->second;

			VertexData* swVertexData;
			VertexData* hwVertexData;
			if (handle == 0)
				// shared vertex data
				swVertexData = entity->_getSoftwareVertexAnimVertexData();
				hwVertexData = entity->_getHardwareVertexAnimVertexData();
				// sub entity vertex data (-1)
				SubEntity* s = entity->getSubEntity(handle - 1);
				// Skip this track if subentity is not visible
				if (!s->isVisible())
				swVertexData = s->_getSoftwareVertexAnimVertexData();
				hwVertexData = s->_getHardwareVertexAnimVertexData();
			// Apply to both hardware and software, if requested
			if (software)
				track->applyToVertexData(swVertexData, timeIndex, weight, 
			if (hardware)
				track->applyToVertexData(hwVertexData, timeIndex, weight, 

    void Animation::apply(Skeleton* skel, Real timePos, float weight,
      const AnimationState::BoneBlendMask* blendMask, Real scale)

		// Calculate time index for fast keyframe search
      TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos);

      NodeTrackList::iterator i;
      for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i)
        // get bone to apply to 
        Bone* b = skel->getBone(i->first);
		i->second->applyToNode(b, timeIndex, (*blendMask)[b->getHandle()] * weight, scale);
Beispiel #7
    void Animation::apply(Skeleton* skel, Real timePos, Real weight, 
        Real scale)

        // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search
        TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos);

		OldNodeTrackList::iterator i;
		for (i = mOldNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mOldNodeTrackList.end(); ++i)
            // get bone to apply to 
            OldBone* b = skel->getBone(i->first);
            i->second->applyToNode(b, timeIndex, weight, scale);